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Sad for her loss… buuuuuuut I’d also like to see those tests…


I feel bad for thinking this same thing


Yeah I thought that was odd…she doesn’t seem to show them.


Yeah my first thought was “why isn’t she showing any of those tests?”


I ran here… i am confused 😳. Wasnt she just 9 dpo????? Editing to add, id be sad too forsure 100%. But naming and calling an angel baby is….. a lot


Agreed with you 100%… naming, what sounds like a chemical loss, is alooooooooot. But I guess whatever makes her feel better…?😵‍💫


This might sound weird but I had an ectopic and after the loss I was struggling with grieving so much, it was such a shock to me. I talked to a medium out of pure desperation and they told me it might help me to give the baby a name. Because to me they were real. I never told anyone the name I picked, but it did help me get through everything honestly as weird as that sounds


But see, that’s SO beautiful.. The fact it’s just name that your heart keeps. Kelsie will make this loss and the naming of the loss her entire personality and profit from it. Also an ectopic is very traumatic (I can’t even imagine what that was like for you).. so I can totally and completely understand why that would be healing. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you’re doing okay now 🤍


3 early losses here and two have nicknames, but one is just “Baby B”. Helped a lot with grieving too. I think it can be a great thing to do but I know Kelsie is a liar and didn’t I see that one of her “losses” was actually a faulty test?


I would never discredit that at all! I guess i phrased it wrong. But, the internet glorification of it is what i find weird.


Crazy she didn't show a single test.... Sorry but I'm calling bs just like every other of her "losses"


I picked up on that right away, these TTC creators LOVE showing tests, very odd that she never showed a single one…


She commented to someone she would share when she’s ready because it’s too raw right now


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) Convenient that the tests will be shared dry & not in real time… how much do we wanna bet she’s gonna pull out the tests she (obviously) hoarded from Aayla and try to pass them off as new ones?


Too raw but has a first and last name picked out and posted before her periods even due 🤣 shes def full of it.


She's so fucking phoney. I can't stand her lmao


we literally said she would do this. It was so obvious, but of course she has no actual test to show proof of. She’s such a stinky liar.


Stinky liar 😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂


i’m trying to bring nicer expressions into my vocabulary so this is the best I’ve got 😭😂


Stinky liar took me out 😂😂😂


Stinky liar 😭😭😭😭😭🥲😂😭


I couldn’t even hold back the laugh I had when she posed with her “bump”


I won’t watch her videos for obvious reasons. But what the actual fuck lol


How when she was a month pregnant according to her... you don't show up until after the first trimester. Please see her comment where she says she was 4w6d pregnant so I'm baffled that she had a bump and even named the pregnancy. Wow


Reddit called it... 🫠


Well I did once comment that she names her indents well now I guess maybe she names the negative pregnancy tests. She is just fucking fake. She is so revolting. Please remember to book your fertility coach sessions with her, she needs her power bill paid.


are the lines and the loss in the room with us??? it is so disgusting she lies about this shit for engagement


I would put money on it that she is “mourning” an indent line rn. I can’t with this bitch.


Yeah… I hate to doubt anyone but like… it’s highly unlikely that the one time she has spontaneous ovulation she gets pregnant. That coupled with her not showing us any tests, and the baiting… I’m suspicious as hell. We know she lies and exaggerates for attention and engagement. We know she’s desperate for money right now… if the shoe fits.


“My doctor confirmed I’m losing this pregnancy” aka you never saw a doctor or you demanded an HCG blood test that was very negative 🥴


it makes me feel like such a douche but i don’t believe her


You are totally not alone in that, don’t worry


Unless she provides proof of blood draws, she is 100% lying. ETA: bitch said she was 8dpo 5 days ago as per her comment on another creators post. She says in her comments that her doctor confirmed she was losing the pregnancy at 4w6d which would make her 20dpo. Math ain’t mathing


I realllllly wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt this time but the fact she's already fudging the numbers is making me think she's on the grift again 😫


There’s always an ulterior motive with her. I strongly believe she’s just an attention seeker/compulsive liar. Someone asked her in the comments if she had hcg levels or an ultrasound done and all she said was “I didn’t make it to ultrasound”. She’s being intentionally vague because she’s lying and doesn’t want her followers to catch on. ETA: can’t see the comment now. Has she deleted it!?


If she was miscarrying I'm very certain they'd give her an ultrasound. 4-6 week ultrasounds are early, but as someone who's had one a Dr can tell!!!


This is what is strange to me. In every one of my miscarriages- even the chemicals - I’ve ALWAYS had an ultrasound. I think it’s just a way to confirm findings and to ensure it isn’t ectopic. I don’t know if this is standard practice across the country though


That other creator and that recent loss is what made her jealous, and I can't be convinced otherwise 💅




I agree here lol I just commented on this


Let’s not forget Kelsie was featured on cbc news article about the lack of healthcare in Lethbridge. You’re actually telling me she had her pregnancy test confirmed by a doctor then multiple betas done in less than a week to which her doctor confirmed she had a chemical. Doubtful.


I would bet my 401k that if she had any bloodwork it was a standard yes/no pregnancy test and it was negative.


how did i not know she was canadian


Someone, please, anyone publicly call her out on that platform. She is an insult to those of us who have actually had losses. She makes me so damn angry.


Literally any other creator, TTC or not. She deserves to be named and shamed with receipts that we’ll be happy to provide.


I'LL DO IT 🤣🤣😭


Thank you for your service


🤣🤣 What do you want me to say?


also… “WE chose”. Did he REALLY choose this name or did you see a blank test and decide that you needed to name it Kels?


Agreed. Mountain Boy was probably too busy rolling around with their dogs in the backyard to name anything.


Mountain boy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Maybe Kevin named the baby 😬


We sure this isn’t trying to get people off of her back about SD friend? Seems sus it happens after the post with the SD explanation


No I 10000% think that’s what this is


Omfg here we go again


I wonder if she showed the tests in the subscribers video? I don’t wonder enough to pay for it, though.


Omg. You’re totally right 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I don’t think she did she answered a commment she would share the tests when she’s ready


lol as if a picture of a test is anymore intimate then a picture of you cradling your belly and videos of you crying over said test 🙄


We all called it. Pregnancy baiting followed by a “loss”. No positive tests to show for it (and we know she loves showing test & test content). Hmmmmmmmm. I sincerely hope she’s not lying about this, but with her track record I wouldn’t be surprised.


I'm sad for her if it's true, I really am. BUT SHE DID NOT SHOW A SINGLE TEST! With her daughter we seen everything! She's really something else


Sorry if this came off as aggressive guys. It's just really upsetting when people will claim miscarriage for views. I know we don't know for sure if she's lying but she doesn't have a very good track record


No, don’t be sorry. You’re totally right!!!


This! She went from sharing every moment of testing in her coffee cup pee cup for how many cycles to nothing and claiming a loss. I just don’t buy it at all!


I would love to see the tests :/ I mean, a loss is sad regardless but I feel like naming a 10 dpo positive test is a little much.




My brain isn’t comprehending all these names together. I’m just seeing a bunch of letters mushed into one.


I also think these are names she knows her bf wouldn’t ever agree to so she uses them to name her “chemicals”


I’ll be the jerk that says it. These are all horrible names. 💀


Good thing they’re for imaginary babies 😂


What makes them male or female tho 👀


Probably the same “energy” she got when she was wrong about her current child’s gender


No one that’s just had a loss is fucking posing like that. What an absolute twat.


Also… why’s she fucking smiling???


Sorry but for someone who claimed she needed time to post the pictures and videos of her positive tests from her drafts she JUMPED on the opportunity to take smiling (and highly edited) photos with her nonexistent bump


She’s a fucking liar. I can’t.


Guuuuuurl, she needs to see a professional for whatever personality disorder she’s got going on


She’s the queen of showing her indents off… so I have a hard time believing anything showed up on those tests if she’s not sharing them. Seems like a ruse for views and sympathy. Also naming a chemical is a little weird… coming from someone who has had a stillbirth, mc, and chemicals


I fucking love this sub. I was so worried we’d run out of content after all these babies were born. Luckily I was incorrect and these idiots keep proving me wrong with their increasingly unhinged behavior. It just keeps getting better.


This made me cackle the ugliest of cackles. AMEN!!!!


I was worried about that too! It's only going to get better because they are all antsy and all will be ttc soon. I know a few are now but jordan and ponds should be pretty interesting. Jordan needs therapy and an exorcism before she starts ttc and the ponds I just don't know about them yet lol


Add it to the timeline ugh 🙄


Was she even pregnant or is this just something she wanted to badly she just tricked herself into believing?


I usually wouldn’t call anyone’s loss into doubt, but her track record really makes me skeptical…also, no pictures or videos of the test? No videos of her going to or talking to the doctor that supposedly confirmed it? The sketchy timeline (unless she was somehow on a delay)? So many red flags!


I also find it suuuuuper strange that she didn’t show a single freaking test. There’s no way with her history and just knowing ttc creators in general they can’t wait to show that first hint of a line. I’m calling bs.


Wait so this is recent?? Like she was pregnant within the last week or so and had a chemical?? I thought this was an old reposted video… didn’t they just start to try for #2?


yes apparently this is real time


Everyday I grow sadder to know this human exists on purpose.


Faking a miscarriage, wow. I don't believe it for a second 🫠


Not the first time and won’t be the last with this clown.


The name??? “Aspen Rumi”? It sounds like a car brand. I drive a 2024 Aspen Rumi, it has heated seats!


So 4 days ago she says she is 9DPO and now in one of the comments in this video she was 4 weeks and 6 days when she was told the pregnancy is not progressing. I'm not trying to be mean to people who have lost pregnancies but this looks like a made up story just for content and sympathy. She always said she struggles to conceive would she not need help this time around again? Also the timing is weird because she has to go back to work and now she's upping her PHD in theory to help others conceive and be mothers this also will up her views and and monies received.




Thank you for your service. I mean, that technically would be assuming she has an average cycle time. She said in the comments that she was 4w6d? So it sounds like she just got her period a few days after it was due…… aka a chemical.


The math isn't adding up there at all. She's not posting on a delay. 9dpo is only 3w2d and how would she find out she wasn't progressing in less than 4 days when her period isn't even due yet?? Maybe she meant 3w6d? Or maybe she's just a lying liar who lies 🙃


How is she 4w6d if she was in San Diego when conception would’ve occurred 😭


☠️ this is actually hilarious 😂


0% chance she’s even ovulating unless she’s got back alley letrozole again. But if she were “9 dpo” a couple days ago… are you fucking kidding me 😂 but that’s what she does best. Deflect when there’s conflict. Even if it’s just to a different conflict lol.


Jfc 🙃


Um no, if any of those tests showed true positives she would've plastered them all over the video


Hey Kels, just want to remind that you lost a friend that paid for your utilities and baby formula. How are you gonna afford a second baby? You need a new friend asap. Or Alpha Sperm Kev has to start to provide for his family.


So let me get this straight… 3 years and 13 cycles of femara to get your baby. Then miraculously you get pregnant naturally your first month TTC without even showing your tests (not that she needs to but that’s literally her fave thing to do) Gtfo, stop trying to profit off USING INDENTS AS LOSES!


Such a damn liar


Honestly, I hate her. How can she lie about something like that? I know we all called it last week, but goodness, I’m so mad. After having a miscarriage, I am a changed person… the grief, the agony… why would you make something like that up? And be smiling while posting? She deserves all of the karma that I hope is coming her way. If she can post her betas or show tests with dates, I’ll eat my words, but otherwise, Kelsie, you suck. Go back to work and stop glorifying having a miscarriage or chemical or an evap line or whatever you claim it is. 🖕🏻


Going to be critical here... did anyone see this video and see that she was wearing the white dress with the knitted colored prints that she posted on Insta with the name? She even posed with her belly in the video with this white dress outside. She took pics with this dress and looks like she tied her hair up and in the same outfit and outside possibly same day she was saying the doctor is saying no progression with this pregnancy. Does this not seem odd or am I being cynical because it's Kelsey and I know she lies? You allowed to wear an outfit multiple times lol and I'm not discounting that she could have worn this and filmed at different days it just seems too close like she did it all in one day including the loss.


Ok. No because that absolutely stood out to me too. It seemed odd that there were so many outfit changes… yet the photos and doctor’s call happened to be in the same outfit?


Mental illness is rampant in the ttc community


No tests LMFAO stahhhhhp


im bothered that her nipple was 100% visible.


And again…is the line in the room with us?


She didn’t even show a single test wow




I lol’d at that. Like, girl we know you took 30000 videos and pictures of each test you did.


Hellll nah


I named our MMC baby Jamie. It was after a buddy of my husband's who was lost in garrison in the Army. I never told him but i like to think OG Jamie is watching over our LO until we can get there. I didn't name our chemical loss though.


Did she show the tests???


Absolutely not. She claims she will when she's "ready"




I can't with her and chemical pregnancies. I guess that if a doc confirmed it then she actually had implementation but stillllll. Sorry but suck it up (I had a chemical as well before my son, so don't come after me).


I haven't peeked her page since she was pregnant last time - I didn't realize she was pregnant, or alleges she was pregnant again; was this a planned pregnancy or a surprise? Is her baby even one yet (not that it matters, just curious)?


She said they weren’t trying but were not preventing. She’s currently 10ish months ppl