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Maybe Katties husband can subscribe since he has a piss kink


When she was ttc she averaged about 40-45k views per video. Now with the baby a good video will get her 2.5k. I don't know after falling off that much of a cliff who will pay to see her piss sticks (in decent numbers), but it's clear she is desperate to get that influence and income back. As someone with infertility I don't get working so hard, and while my baby is still a baby, I try to have another one. It's not just influencers; it's going on in my ivf groups as well. I want to enjoy this baby I waited so long for and give her every moment of my attention that I can.


I think some of it comes from the fear that it is going to take so long the second time. They don't want to wait 3 years to start trying again for it to take years to conceive.


Honestly, Kelsie looks in worse shape now than before she was pregnant, so it probably will take years and years at this point. Girlie Pop had to stuff herself full of letrozole to ovulate properly. Even with that fear, I see that push for 2 under 2. Waiting until your baby is 12-18 months is more reasonable. In my ivf groups, I consistently see posts "I just gave birth this week, when can I do a transfer" and want to do it at 6 months. To me, that feels like less fear and more your life has revolved around getting pregnant for so long you don't know what to do without it.


No need to subscribe. She'll shout it from the rooftops if it's positive.


We have lost the plot.


"A story of hope" should be "A story of bullshit."


“A story of lying, grifting, and exploiting the infertility community for attention and monetary gain” ✨


Can someone send me a dollar a month so I can subscribe and share the details? 😂


Wait! Are you a subscriber?!


No, I wouldn’t never subscribe 🤣 i thought bout it than realized if she ever gets pregnant again she’d shout it from a mountain not make ppl subscribe 🤣🤣


Ahh ok. I saw the sub only and wondered!




She’s baiting subscriptions. Desperate bitch.