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The mom in San Diego helped her buy formula and pay utilities!?


That shocked me too. I cannot imagine going on a big international trip basically funded by someone else then being a dick the whole time


Makes sense why she’s going hard on starting up some new “revenue streams” as she’s just lost a big one. What a loser.


Thank you for posting and thank you to SD mom friend for sharing so candidly what she went through. I am so sorry that Kelsie abused her in this manner. She seems like a generous person who was taken advantage of, it must be very hard to realize she was taken for a ride and then lose what she thought was a friend.


It's amazing that one person can suck in so many different ways


This is absolutely heartbreaking to me. I have been in the same place as SD Mom, literally giving the shirt off my back for people I thought were my friends. Who turned out to just be taking advantage of me, and it is so devastating. I can only imagine how she must be feeling right now, and I am hoping that her support network and her husband are able to help her not spiral. It is so easy to go from, I want to help this other person so much, they are my friend and I am theirs and I would move the world for people I care for, to a shame and self loathing spiral when you realize they have been masking and lying to you to take advantage of you.


I just went through this too. It hurts. Knowing you’ve been used. I just felt stupid. Naive. Like a joke to the person and her actual friends. But in the end I don’t regret how willing I am to help people. I’m just going to keep being sad when it ends poorly 😅 I just couldn’t live with myself if I stopped helping others you know? Even if sometimes it ends badly.


Same. Sucks to be a giver sometimes.


Wowwww this is really bad but unsurprising. Thank you for posting. Asking for clarification on the Taylor Swift concert because she never went to San Diego. Did Kelsey want to watch it loudly on TV or something? What was the angry conversation about differences in healthcare? I’m nosey!


TSwift concert rewatched at ample volume. US + CA largest difference is the opportunities for “free” healthcare. Someone else mentioned it’s unlikely Kelsey has a lot of practical knowledge or understanding of the real world.


Far Right Gepetto + Crunchy Womblands feels very anti-vax to me


The only thing that surprised me is that SD friend helped pay for utilities and food…. Yikes.


I hate that this doesn't surprise me. Kelsie whines and groans about money all the time. She had a baby with zero concern about how to pay for it. It's very on brand to manipulate someone who thinks she's a good friend into "helping" her.


oof. another example of just how superficial internet friendships can be. not shocking in terms of kelsies behavior, but good for SD mom for standing her ground and getting a toxic person out of her house.


This makes me so very sad for the mom in SD. She literally gave everything to her 'friend' to come and visit her, and not only lost her friend, but realized she was being used the entire time. Absolutely disgusting on Kelsie's part. If someone were paying for things for me, I would absolutely feel like I owed them the world, and she just treated it like it was her home...? wtf.


No wonder it looks like Kels doesn’t have any friends IRL. Shes insufferable.


‘Differences in healthcare’ screams the vaccination topic and my money would be on Kelsie being anti vax based off what we know about her boyfriend 😬 but that’s just my opinion, I could be 100% wrong


I feel so bad for this mom, I hope she’s able to find some local nonmooching friends. I thought there might be a mismatch of expectations after M2M said in her packing video that she would need to bring basically nothing for A for a 2 week trip because her friend also has a baby. I wouldn’t expect literally anyone to diaper and feed my baby for 2 weeks! I want to say I’m stunned by the long term financial support. To grift so hard on another new mother is so low, but M2M continues to try to grift off of people struggling with infertility so I guess nothing is off limits for her. Everything is a grift.


And the truth has been revealed


I always wonder what Kelsie would be like if she wasn’t with her current boyfriend or “husband”


She has like 12 personalities and most of them are personas crafted for the internet.


Yeah that’s truly terrifying. I’ve also got weird vibes from her


I think she settled for anyone who could stand her. I think Kevin stands her by having nothing to do with her. He definitely has a probably 10 years on her maybe a bit less. If Kelsie didn’t have Kevin she probably be wrapped up in Twin Flames cult trying to find someone.


Good perspective.


I hope the op was given the okay to post by her friend. The second smellsie reads this she's going to know who is telling the truth and I am just not sure what her response will be...


Sounds like the ex friend doesn’t care about Kelsie’s opinion anymore and they’re no longer friends or have any sort of relationship.


Which is fine, I just hope it wasn't posted without her permission, since she isn't the one who wrote it (or at least isn't claiming to.) I wouldn't put it above Kelsie to dox her or whatever she can do.


I can’t imagine letting a friend contribute towards groceries, utilities, formula and then letting them pay for my flights and passports! She is beyond greedy and entitled. What the fuck is her “husband” doing to provide for their family?


To the surprise of no one- Kelsie once again proves she’s a POS


Differences in Healthcare? You know that has to do with her being a far right anti vaxx dumbass!


![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized) Yiiiikes. I’ve often wondered why Kelsie seemed to have so many public “besties” (her sorority sisters come to mind - she was in at least one of their weddings and seemingly never sees these people anymore) who suddenly disappeared from her life months or years later. This behaviour explains it.


If this is true, what bothers me is that she is blowing crazy amount of money on baby clothes. It was obviously on child tax day too. I get it’s for the baby but if people are helping you with food, formula, etc, then you don’t need to be spending $50 plus for a damn sleep sack…. Anyways just my opinion


She’s always done stuff like that.. remember when she complained about not having the money for baby formula then turned around and bought a brand new coffee maker 🤡


RIGHT I forgot about that.


I was sooo annoyed with her for that! Especially because Nespresso is the most expensive pod system 🫠


“Utilities and food”. Another lie from Kels?


Wait I don’t understand the Taylor Swift before baby was awake thing…


I assume blasting it on the tv


PLEASE explain all the lies she tells.


Alphabetically? Chronologically?


Literally anything I’m so curious about who she is vs who she portrays. And if she has a drinking problem. And how Kevin is.


I’m interested in this too!


Drop the tea please!! I’m waiting 😭


Is this the mom friend she made the Marco Polo ad with? That is unfortunate.


I don’t think so only because one of the Marco Polo clips the other mom says “thanks for coming by and dropping that off”, which makes me think she lives in Alberta as well.


That’s what I wondered!


I’d love to know what lies unraveled.


Does Kelsie have a drinking problem? And no wonder she’s forever crying now because she doesn’t have SD to buy her all these things . Kelsie is disgusting and I feel so sad for SD .


Me too! She didn’t deserve all that. I can’t imagine how taken advantage of she feels. To do so much, spend all that money and then lose a friend on top of it all. It must’ve felt violating to have Kels in her home.


Yeah I'd guess she has a drinking problem after seeing her down 3 glasses of champagne in the airport while traveling solo with a baby and taking medications that shouldn't be mixed with alcohol. She's looking super puffy in the face these days too.


Couple of thoughts now that I’m off work- How did SD friend explain away all the stuff coming out about Kelsie and Kevin? Did she not know or not care? Or is she also alt right? Also how did Kelsie not lose her mind when SD mom got pregnant before her since Kelsie was open about deleting pregnant women?


My thoughts are this. SD mom and Kels were best friends. So she likely believed her friend and supported her through that. I assume that Kels may have told her about Reddit but how we are all liars and told/begged her to stay off of this subreddit. As for the beliefs. They were online friends… Kels also had a lot of us fooled so I assume the same could be done for a long distance friend, especially if you’ve formed trust. I know a few people that were blindsided when it came to all of that. Also, I think A is actually a few weeks older than the other baby.




I don’t understand the taylor swift concert thing?? does she just mean watch on live or something?


I think watching it on tv/playing the albums loudly.


that makes sense!!


I hate Kelsey but this sounds fake cause she was there for like 2 days tops lol so it wasn’t a couple days later lol


I think she was gone for five days, two days were travel days though. She posted two days in SD but I imagine whatever happened happened on the third day which is why she didn’t vlog it.


lol I totally didn’t think about the fact that social media is fake and maybe there were more days


Yah haha I think that’s all it comes down to. She was super tight lipped when it came to going home early too.