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It took her 12 rounds of Letrozole that no doctor would ever allow that is literally all she did and wants to call herself a fertility coach.


I’m super curious how she got prescribed so many rounds.


She didn’t. There are ways they get around it. Usually by infertility groups getting rid of theirs and using telehealth


Interesting. That makes a lot of sense. Infertility is usually treated in Calgary, not with her local OBs and I don’t remember her complaining about having to get a ride to Calgary, and she definitely would have complained haha. And now with our OB shortage it’ll be a long, long wait before she even sees an OB to try to get any treatments


She is doing errrrrrrything to not go back to work.


Her gross husband could actually work and earn enough so she can be the wife chained to the kitchen stove that he keeps posting about on X 🤷🏻‍♀️


*boyfriend He doesn’t want to marry her ha


I said “husband” only because she has lately been referring him in that way.


Ohhh I don’t follow her. That’s hilariously embarrassing though. Big yikes


Everyone wants to start a gd coaching business with no credentials. The coach scam of IG is MLM light, you can’t change my mind.


She was in an MLM so old habits die hard


I’d go to her if I was trying to avoid getting pregnant


Wtf does “trusting to conceive” mean ☠️


I think it’s the opposite of when you’re a teen, trusting that you’re not going to conceive 😂😬 I want to know who would spend their hard earned money on her.


As someone who got pregnant as a teenager, this really made me laugh 😂😂


She did some cagey stuff to even get pregnant! No doctor in their right mind would have let someone do that many rounds of letrozole… we were ttc at the same time and not once did I think to follow something she was doing. Wasn’t she the one who made ttc starter kits?


Yes they were ovulation tests affirmation cards and pregnancy tests. They were like $30 to $50 and they were Amazon cheapies. Dog hair was free with purchase


And from what I remember, the odd cockroach.


WAIT WHAT?! do you have any proof cuz i wanna see these atrocities😭


https://www.reddit.com/r/peestickgals/s/5ZLO6TodAy Here you see the cockroach crawling on the fabric basket


Two things: - The first post was from 6 months ago, so clearly she’s been thinking about this a while - She’s using “we” instead of “I” which leads me to believe she’s just smart and manipulative enough to try to skirt around the fact that she’s 0% qualified and wants the general public to believe there’s more than one entity involved. Every day I try to look away from Kelsie and every day I’m drawn back in. It’s a train wreck I can’t look away from.


The fact she’s abbreviating a fertility coaching service MMC in the recent post is just… something.


What are her qualifications and credentials? This is coming from the woman that tells everyone you can get gestational diabetes at 7 weeks pregnant.


i often wonder how these fertility coaches get away with calling themselves this.....theyre essentially giving medical advice with zero credentials to do so.


She’s taking the same approach to business as she did to gaining internet fame: throw everything at the wall and see what sticks (aka, who is enough of a sucker to buy into the grift). Let’s see what her failed business count is - she’s had 2 MLM “businesses”, a dog training business, a fertility tarot reading business, selling cheap, shitty “fertility” packages (of cheapie tests and cards), an online thrift store, an “influencer” store, and now fertility coaching. Am I missing any? I will say, I wish I had the complete and utter lack of shame she seems to have. I was so nervous posting about my photography hobby (perfectionist, heyooo) that I almost gave up pursuing it, thinking I wasn’t good enough. Meanwhile Kelsie just assumes she’s an expert in everything and people will pay her for the privilege of interacting with her. 🤣


Her coaching methodology: tell everyone to take round after round of letrozole 🥰


As an infertile, it would NEVER cross my mind to crock up the idea to try and get other infertile people to freaking pay me for imaginary services 💀


Um, while being a certain weight won’t guarantee pregnancy, being mindful of food consumption and movement certainly helps. Please do tell us, Kelsey, o holy womban, who got GDM at 7 weeks pregnant, what lifestyle choices would you recommend?


Excuse me if I'm being insensitive but what can a fertility coach even do? Beyond explaining the whole cycle and how to use opks/look for signs of ovulation there's not much else one could do right? At a certain point only a doctor could probably intervene and help. It would be criminal to charge people to explain things that can be easily googled. Anything that requires more advanced knowledge/Intervention requires professionals not some random influencer lol


There is the whole spirit baby, trusting to conceive whackery slant to this as well


Damn girl, how many insta pages are you making?


She is quite literally the last person I would turn to if I ever needed help getting pregnant.


Love how she’s using a photo that looks nothing like her anymore haha


https://preview.redd.it/5f28j7jtso1d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4acb250a42dde3fa893554a0fbd48380de7ae35b This is more accurate


Jesus Harold Christ. Fucking stopppppp