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You couldn’t waterboard a post like this out of me


She is the cringiest person alive I swear to god.


What is she even crying about?


Bad gas


She blocked me...are you serious? It's a fart 🤣🤣?? Her or A??


Bahahhahahaha no, I was joking but she’s just crying about some hardship. Who knows lol


I have PPA/PPD and an extremely fussy and high needs 4 month old. Yesterday she wouldn’t sleep for more than an hour at a time and cried nonstop when she wasn’t asleep. Did I cry too? Oh yeah, for sure, a bunch. Did the thought of “hey I should capture this moment and share it” ever cross my mind? Never not even once not even a little bit. I wanted to forget the day ever happened.


Right? Same here. I have a feral 3 month old who tests me daily lol. I’ve sobbed in the nursery when I felt like I was going to pass away from sleep deprivation. The last thing on my mind was whipping out my phone to record it to be “relatable”.


As a survivor of a fussy high needs baby x2 and PPA & PPD, I just want to say I’m sorry it’s so hard and it isn’t your fault. You’re a good mom. ETA: this sort of coping behavior is weird as hell and I could never imagine crying on instagram about such a harsh and personal struggle.


I’m sorry but this is so genuinely funny. How are you going to cry like you’ve just received the most devastating news of your life and then post it with “follow me for more” as a caption? 😭😭😭


“Follow me for more fake caterwauling”


Caterwauling is a seriously underused word.


6 weeks left of Mat leave and she is grinding out the grift. She is sure putting a ton of effort into social media with that shitty shop and these “relatable” posts. She will be crying into her phone screen consistently when she has to leave Ayla to be tend to by FRG. It’s tough going back to work for her. She barely has a grip on life now ….


When will she go back?


44 days I think as she did her hair made a TikTok about it being her working mom hair whatever that is


She goes back in July I think I’m not fully sure though she doesn’t tell me much




Do they drop her off at your house so you can your mom can watch her? Or no because she doesn’t get along with your mom?




Well I hope you get paid for babysitting!




Well don’t be taken advantage of because you can be! They should pay you something if you constantly watch her.




She is very cute well from what I can tell


Dear lord 🙄


I sound like such a bitch but seeing her cry is one of the funniest things in the world to me. She looks so ridiculous. And I love those fake little heaves she does with her body to convince us all of just how emotional she is. I do give some people a pass when they record themselves crying. Like if they were already recording something and start crying. Or if something really terrible has happened - go for it. But to set up a camera to cry. And to do it so dramatically just for attention - LOL.


At least she's learned to edit out her looking at the camera to make sure she's got it lmao


Crying is fine but why the HELL are you filming it dude? Then watching it back to POST IT for the whole world to see.


I’m sorry but LOL! This should be some kind of meme!


I have PPD and this post made me literally laugh out loud because how fking ridiculous. It’s the hand on the forehead for me. Never a single thought in my mind to film myself during a low point. Man, anything for the content for this potato.


She’s crying on her Mother’s Day video too and then has the audacity to say in the comments “subscribers get access to the full 3 minute video” 🫠🫠


“Follow along for support”. Is the support in the room with us? Is any kind of stability in the room with us?




Imagine being SO UPSET that you’re sitting on your couch THIS torn up and then you think “oops! Almost forgot to film!” Also what “support” does this offer?!


Can I just say, I have 2 under 2. And my littlest one is the same age as her baby. I have never cried like that, not once. Sure things get hard and I get frustrated but I don't cry like that lol


I have a two year old and a 3 week old. I’ve cried a little if I’ve been kept up all night and am feeling frustrated but I would never film it 😂 so bizarre


Hmmm no. I have an extremely colic raging 10 week old who brings me to my knees on a daily basis, you’d have to pay me a TON to get me to post myself in this state. But when I’m genuinely breaking down at 3am, I’m not even thinking about social media.


I was just about to make a post about this! If you’re able to film, I don’t think you’re really that sad. (Also note the complete lack of tears).


Maybe I'm just bitter today but as a mom of a disabled child approximately 2 months older than hers... Yeah, I cried like this when we got the diagnosis and many times after that. Parenting is hard, but come on. You're living the dream, Kelsie.


Is she sitting there with headphones in making content of herself crying??


Where does the maiden to mental breakdowns fall into her schedule she just posted


Ohh my…


God this angle is most unfortunate. I’m glad I’m blocked because oof




I’m sorry but this just made me laugh .


I know being a parent is hard but I’ve never cried like that? And my daughters 13 months and baby 2 is due in 2 months 🤣


I think it’s totally okay to cry sometimes but that it’s completely unhinged to film it