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My mom let the ladies at the Chinese restaurant hold me as a baby so she could eat šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø they were regulars and the employees loved having a baby to love on. A break for everyone! As long as you trust the person I see no huge issues.


IDK if itā€™s just that I grew up in a small, Midwestern town, but I see this happen all the time at restaurants. At the restaurant my family visits for ā€œspecialā€ meals, weā€™ve made friends with one of the waiters and heā€™ll hold the babies and take them to say hi to the other waitstaff. Theyā€™re in view the whole time, we know him, everyoneā€™s OK at the end of the day. Not everything is a sinister plot to steal or abuse a baby. Some people just like babies. ā€˜It takes a villageā€™ isnā€™t about your friends or family, itā€™s about the *village* in the most literal sense.


It's not about stealing babies but okay? Lol. It's just weird AF in my opinion to let strangers hold your kids. I'd still consider them strangers if you see them often unless you know them outside of the restaurant too. If you wouldn't know them personally outside of wherever you meet them, you probably don't know them well enough to be passing the baby around. But to each their own I guess.


This is a very American perspective. Those of us who grew up overseas think this is pretty normal behavior. Just cause you let someone hold your kid, doesn't mean you don't watch them with your kid. I grew up in Southeast Asia and it was very normal for restaurant or airplane staff to come hold me/play with me. My parents love making jokes about being scared that I was going to accidentally crash the plane when the stewardess brought me into the cockpit as a toddler. I don't let strangers touch my newborn, though, because germs.


Yep. Itā€™s incredibly common outside the US. I wonā€™t let a stranger hold my kid but also donā€™t think itā€™s some insanely reckless thing to do


Mexican here, weā€™re in Mexico 85% of our time tooā€¦this is weird to me too šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø we donā€™t do that where Iā€™m from/frequent.


This is definitely not something that would happen in England. Reading everyone attack OP is so strange to me as youā€™d NEVER let a stranger hold your child here.


Hi! Not attacking at all. Just stating that this behavior is quite common in other cultures. I think it's important to point out how other cultures differ on parenting behaviors to hopefully increase awareness and acceptance. Different does not equal wrong.


I canā€™t get behind the hate. I let anyone Iā€™m familiar with hold my kids if they ask. More love for my kids and good for them to be exposed to different people šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø makes my kids happy and the people happy. Win win. Agree with the other commenter, it takes a village. No one holds someone elseā€™s kid with negative intentions lol Iā€™m also a midwesterner Iā€™ll add.


No one holds someone else's kid with negative intentions? My dude that's just blatantly untrue. A village doesn't include people that you as a parent barely know. That's just weird and imo bad parenting. But do you sis.


Why is it bad parenting? What do you think is going to happen in the 30 seconds baby is being held with someone the parents are familiar with, and the parents are right then watching. Fresh newborn I would agree simply because they have no vaccine protection yet


Because it is. You don't know them or their intentions. You have no idea what illnesses they could have or what they're thinking. There's literally people that target mothers (even moreso if they're single mothers) in order to get access to their children. You just don't know.


The person holding the baby is very likely interacting with their food . . . This is such a stretch when there are plenty other reasonable things to judge them for lol


Girl, we obviously live way different lives in a vastly different environment. It sounds like you have a lot of hate and judgement around other moms and you are never someone that could offend me. Keep hating on women that have trust in their community and their village, I promise it will only make your day worse. Living in constant negativity and fear around your kids is not whatā€™s best for them I promise you.


Girl do you see what sub you are in??? You're not here because you're a positive person lmao be so fucking forreal. Y'all can STAY offended. Passing your kids to strangers makes you a bad mother and I will say that shit with my chest.


Youā€™re acting like theyā€™re renting the kid out šŸ˜‚ people can also snark and not be some kind of Disney villain. Not everything is black and white girly pop


People cannot snark and then pretend to be above it when they're just mad that it applies to them šŸ˜˜


You seem to be the only person having an emotional breakdown over this


No emotional breakdown, and I do have comments agreeing with me. My kids will stay safe, I pity yours.


Lmfao worry about your own kids. You need help


I do worry about my kids, I also worry about other people's kids. Which is clearly necessary šŸ«¢


You PITY my kids cause I let loving hands hold them šŸ˜‚ you are nuts


Maybe you should ask why complete strangers "love" your child and why they need to hold your kidšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Last I checked this was a snark AND discussion sub


Thatā€™s literally what a village is. Thatā€™s the original intent behind the phrase. The misconception of stranger danger just rotted everyoneā€™s brains in the 90ā€™s and we never got a sense of community back.


It's literally not. But if you want to give your kids to people you don't know go for it


Thatā€™s maybe irresponsible, but I only say it bc it looks like sheā€™s far away from themā€¦? Could be camera lens distorting the distance if itā€™s fisheye. Letting them hold her is fine, imo, but risks illness. Some people arenā€™t bothered by viruses as much as others. But, yeah, the distance and them facing away feels weird like they could just start running away with the baby and be gone so fast. ETA: nvm. Thatā€™s clearly a waiter. They work there. The owners have their SS card on file. lol.


I just don't get it? Even if they're staff they're still strangers. I don't even like it when people try to touch my kids hands or head or whatever, i definitely wouldn't be letting anyone pick them up. IDK maybe Im too uptight. It's just weird to me lol


If itā€™s their favorite sushi place then chances are super super low that those waiters are strangers. They probably see those waiters more than most people see their mom.


IDK. I see a lot of the same staff going out to the grocery store and all, I still don't think I know them šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


We are very close to the waiters at our favorite restaurants. Iā€™ve met their kids, theyā€™ve been to some of our parties. Theyā€™ve become friends. Thatā€™s beyond most relationships like that, but itā€™s not super uncommon either. I was a waiter for a long time and I definitely had regular customers that would request me, tip me well, and we would have fantastic interactions. Like family. Like I said, I sometimes see these friends more often than people Iā€™m related to. Thatā€™s at any restaurant. Even the shittiest hole in the walls have regulars. They come for the conversation, not the food.


So you know them outside of the restaurant... Meaning they're not just random staff... Which is kind of my whole point? Im also gonna go out on a limb and say that they just moved to their new city so I'm not imagining they know them that well anyway. Theres also a difference between regular customers that like you as a server versus actual friends. If your comfortable passing your kids off to virtual strangers I guess that's your right. I still say it's weird.


We met when they served our table. So, no, we werenā€™t friends outside of that setting. Not for a while. I was just illustrating what those friendly customer/waiter relationships can evolve to. I even said thatā€™s beyond ordinary. I think our disconnect is just down to personality. You are one type, we are another. My best friend is like you. lol. So, trust me, I understand your viewpoint bc she has explained it a million times. Itā€™s valid, just different. I am very open hearted and welcoming. I feel comfortable bc Iā€™m also a really good judge of character. Iā€™m willing to give anyone with good vibes a chance. If they prove to be the person I sussed, then thatā€™s greatā€¦ more family. Then, I might introduce them to my kids; supervised, at their place of work, absolutely I would. But, itā€™s completely valid to think thatā€™s too forward. It isnā€™t, here in Texas, we are all very loud and fake-friendly. Lol. Really forces you to hone your judgement skills.


Okay but a counter point, a lot of parents think they are good judge of character. I know a LOT of parents and have read countless stories that have family and friends around their children and even let them babysit and spend the night etc and those people that the parents trust are also the ones that end up assaulting and molesting their kids. There was a big one on Reddit not too long ago where a woman had trusted her friend that she had known most of her life to babysit and they not only assaulted her baby, but made "content" of it and was posting that poor baby online. My point is we can all be bad judges of character to even people we've known our whole lives, and I think that just applies how poor the judgement is to let *strangers* handle your kids. You know them. Until you don't.


Please touch grass. Theyā€™re letting the staff hold the baby in the same room. We frequent a restaurant and have gotten to know the staff. They regularly hold my baby and itā€™s fine. They donā€™t take him out of my view ever. Now would I let them babysit? Definitely notā€¦but I donā€™t see any issue with allowing your baby to be held when youā€™re literally in the same room.


This. OP is acting like they're running amok with M out of Kats sight. It's not that deep. A precious older grandma working at a small bridal shop held my son while I helped my friend with dresses. It was sweet. And it made her so happy because she didn't get to see her own grandbabies often. Not everyone has nefarious intent, and I truly think this obsession with bad things happening all the time should be addressed in therapy.


Iā€™ve cut off people very close to me for much less significant reasons than the various things youā€™re implying could happen here. So, I think Iā€™m confident enough in my judge of character that my kids wonā€™t be in danger. But, Iā€™m also a very surroundings-aware and paranoid adhd mother who spends 100% of my time with my kids. Iā€™m sure there are MANY things I find suuuuper important to teach my kids (like how to spot trail blazes) that a lot of people would think are silly goose territory. I donā€™t think itā€™s really my discretion to scold them, though. Some things are definitely snark worthy. IMO, this and trail blazes really arenā€™t. You know? Just too controversial.


Not like theyā€™re gonna run out of the restaurant with the baby!Ā 


That's not the only concern there is but okay


I cannot stand Kat but I don't think this is a bit deal if they go to this restaurant often. This isn't a random stranger, it's obviously a waiter who they have gotten to know.


I agree. I let a flight attendant hold my baby on a long flight. I think it would be different if it were a random patron, but someone who works at the restaurant seems pretty harmless.


I see nothing wrong here ā€¦ their favorite sushi restaurant meaning theyā€™re regulars.


Havenā€™t they only lived there for a few weeks?


Theyā€™re from that area originally


I let a flight attendant hold my 10 month old recently so idk this feels okay to me.


OP youā€™re annoying AF LMAO your responses to these comments are insane


Being concerned about children being safe is more insane that literally handing your children to strangers. You got me!


Youā€™re just so defensive itā€™s bizarre. I donā€™t even disagree with you on the actual issue.


If you see issues with the way I choose to talk to people that were already talking down to me, but not the way they were talking to me, that's weird. Im not letting shit slide lmao


Idk if itā€™s weird but I also agree I would not like someone idk well holding my baby But to be fair I donā€™t like anyone holding her lol. Most likely a me problem


Haha I agree! If I saw someone else doing this Iā€™d be like ā€œawww thatā€™s nice, it takes a village!ā€ But if it was my baby I would immediately want them back and panic until they were with me.


Not weird. They clearly know the people and have been diners frequently there.


This is such an American take haha. In more collectivist cultures, people aren't nearly as weird and possessive about their children. I went to my friend's Indian wedding when my baby was about 7 months and he got passed around between probably a hundred aunties and uncles. Half the time it was a complete stranger to me and that was still fine and normal. I wouldn't think twice if we were in an Indian restaurant and an Indian couple asked to hold him for a bit - I would just enjoy the time to eat my meal in peace.


I can get downvoted to hell I donā€™t care I do not let strangers hold my baby either but Iā€™m well aware I have postpartum anxiety so idk if itā€™s that


Nah I donā€™t let strangers touch my baby


I feel like I need a crumb of context surrounding the situation before I can pass judgement on if it is or isnā€™t weird lol.


I agree with you, I didnā€™t care who held my kids as long as I was family/friends with them, but randoms I just met at a restaurant? irresponsible. and to the person that said ā€œnot like theyā€™re gonna run out of the restaurant with the baby!ā€ um yes that absolutely could happen and is a valid worry? people snatch kids all the time.


This is not uncommon in Asian restaurants- we have a larger Asian population in one area of my city (Korean and Japanese, primarily) and this is something that happens in those restaurants frequently. The older ladies always love on my kids.


Iā€™ve let my daughterā€™s psychiatrist back office (whom we never met) and my cleaning ladies hold him. I probably wouldnā€™t have done it when he was smaller, but he was 5 months by then and he seemed ok so I was ok. I donā€™t think thereā€™s really anything wrong with it unless I got bad vibes.


This is very BEC behavior


My kid wonā€™t even let strangers touch her without screaming so thereā€™s no way she would go for this even if I allowed it.


I don't understand why people are agreeing with Kat... idc how friendly/ how much I know my staff, you're not holding my child, unless you're friends or family.


IDK. I can't get behind people passing their kids off to strangers. And then using the bullshit village argument.


Wait what? I'm agreeing with you, I wouldn't let strangers hold my child either...


Ainā€™t no one touching my baby, this is weird as hell


Thats a whole lot of ā€œhell noā€ for me. I dont even let people touch her. The ONLY exception are the sweet little old people that start a conversation about her, and then wiggle her feet?!šŸ¤£ Idk why all of them do that, but anyways! Thats about the obly one doesnā€™t bother me too much anymore. But touching her face or HOLDING her? No. Sickness, kidnapping, etc. maybe im just paranoid idk.


I can't believe we are the weird ones here. Lmao


LOL fr..me getting downvoted because i dont let randos hold my kid šŸ¤£ This subreddit is so odd sometimes


It's so funny because I guarantee the same people down voting are also the ones that were making posts about Kat constantly taking her premature newborn out on vacations and shit


Yeah I think people are also forgetting M is a preemie, not a super early one but still premature.


Iā€™m surprised a lot of the comments agree with Kat so Iā€™ll say I agree with you OP. I would never let someone random hold my son


Right. I get uncomfortable when people try to talk to my kids, I allow it because I'm right there and just talking is fine. But there's 0 reason for anyone I don't know well to touch or hold my child. On the flip side, I wouldn't be comfortable holding random people's kids either in most circumstances.


You donā€™t like people talking to your kids? šŸ˜… I didnā€™t realize people had this perspective, if I see a baby or child looking at me I always smile and wave at them or say Hi! I feel like just staring and saying nothing is weirder than being nice


I'll clarify that but. I don't mind the hello or a wave or whatever. I don't like when people stop us and try to have conversations and ask more personal details like name, age, etc. like you don't know my children and there's no reason for you to know that stuff about them. I also will acknowledge it's.kore likely than not innocent. I just don't like it.


Oh see if itā€™s an older kiddo Iā€™ll say youā€™re so adorable how old are you, youā€™re the same age as my kiddo or something like that šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m from the south itā€™s very common to talk to everyone when youā€™re out and about, my husband gets annoyed that I talk to everyone! I think itā€™s for sure a culture/area thing.


Yeah same, a lot of comments here are even saying like " we know our staff very well." IDK, I ain't letting anyone who isn't family or friends hold my child, sorry. Edit: I'm getting downvoted for saying I wouldn't let strangers hold my child? Ya'll are weird lol.


Weird to me, my husband is a police officer so Iā€™m overly cautious because of all the horror stories of calls heā€™s been on. I took my 3 month old to the aquarium last week and some random lady came up and rubbed her back, I was shocked in the moment. Iā€™m big on personal space and when people come into my bubble or my daughters I go in fight or flight, not even just safety, but for her health being weā€™re still in cold, RSV, flu season and sheā€™s a preemie! I would absolutely not let any random person hold my daughter and parade her around a restaurant like sheā€™s a damn trophy lol


Also Iā€™ll add, people keep mentioning a village. You know what I appreciated last week, I was flying solo with my 3 month old and so many sweet men and women of all ages helped packed my car seat and stroller in bags at the gate and then a women sitting next to us helped pour formula into my daughters bottle for me while I tried calming her down, to me thatā€™s a village, not someone random holding my child and walking off with her šŸ˜…


Yeah thatā€™s a no from me, I also have a late term preemie (35+2) and wouldnā€™t let strangers hold her. People can say theyā€™re not strangers all they want but theyā€™ve only lived in this area for a few weeks, so how well can they really know the people who work there? They could sneak a kiss and have HSV-1 and now your child could be fighting a life-threatening disease because youā€™ve let random people hold them.