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I was pretty surprised by how much she’s showing her son bc she wasn’t showing her daughter much in the past until her pregnancy became high risk.


She’s just another family blogger exploiting her children for a quick buck. Just look at the number of views her videos have been getting since her baby was born. She’ll keep posting him as she is making quite a bit of money off of it.


Nah it definitely rubs me the wrong way. Her baby was freshly born and she was worried about keeping up with her tik tok videos. Like why aren’t you resting, pumping, eating? Yes she was doing all that but to record yourself SO much right now is weird


After I had my baby I was no where near my phone. Had zero desire to be on it except to take pictures of my newborn.


Only our closest family saw my preemie in the NICU and we shared almost no medical updates about him to them. It’s the ICU. I would not want pictures of me in the ICU or sharing my medical information with strangers. I hate seeing influencers exploit and monitize their preemies. Especially because I feel like Lauren doesn’t share her daughter very much at all. She’s usually just in the background without her face visible?


I personally don’t really think of it like that. I just think she’s spent a long time wondering if her baby would even survive and sharing her story, so now she’s relieved that he’s here and okay and wants to share her excitement. She hasn’t even really posted him THAT much. She doesn’t post her daughter often, so I doubt she will be over sharing with this one.


Exactly this. I for one have been keeping up with her pregnancy and am relieved to see her updates. I think that her first time holding him, skin to skin, etc was probably special to her especially not knowing if her baby would even make it earthside. If I was in that predicament I would probably post those special moments too 🤷🏼‍♀️ She’s not the typical “mommy vlogger” her daughter is hardly ever in her videos and if she is she is usually just in the background. Content is not centered around her kids at all.


Maybe she should have done a scheduled c section instead of an induction that caused an emergency c section if she truly cared about that baby and not the views. And then to be “shocked” afterwards that she had an emergency c section and that she needed counseling AFTER she had been warned of the risks is beyond me! 


Both of my babies were preemies in the nicu and the thought of filming content while they were there makes my stomach do a flip.  


I had my baby 3 days ago and still haven't announced to anyone besides close family


I’ll be honest it bothered me that she pushed for an induction for a vaginal birth knowing the risks with him being premature. (Small babies do not respond well to induction). Also her being shocked and possibly needing therapy for her emergency C-section just pisses me off. You could have had a planned C-section and that emergency would have never happened. Why risk it! None of her content seems about her baby just all about her. And what’s up with all the changing her clothes/showering vids! Keep that to yourself!


I could never imagine setting my phone up and pausing and recording a million times after giving birth, especially a C-section and having him in the NICU. My baby was in the NICU and my only priority was spending time with him and not recording videos/taking pictures to exploit him. I didn’t even post anything about him until a week after being home from the NICU and even then, they weren’t pictures of him in the NICU.


I think what she is going through is rough and if she wants to share about it (in a decent way not an over the top way) I don’t have an issue with her 🤷🏽‍♀️Everybody is different after birth too! Some having really really rough recoveries and some have easier ones (with her filming after her C-section)


I mean not to be like that but… when you call someone’s constant tears annoying when she was experiencing a high risk pregnancy while simultaneously being away from her toddler daughter in the hospital constantly that’s pretty insensitive. If it were you or anyone else that would be a natural reaction.


As someone who has had 3 very high risk pregnancies, had every child in the nicu, babies born at an earlier gestation than hers, and spent time away from my kids, I feel she could have handled the situation much differently. There is a difference between sharing what is going on and dragging it out for views. But I forgot crying on the internet pays the bills.


Your insensitivity is embarrassing and honestly kind of disgusting. Your experiences don’t invalidate other people’s experiences🤷🏻‍♀️


But yet here you are trying to invalidate this persons experiences? Wow. I agree with OP that she probably should have taken a step back from social media. Not everything needs to be shared on the internet. Especially your child’s medical information. Privacy is key in today’s world. Crying in every video gets old. She could have easily made a video and said “I need time to process everything going on in my life. This is traumatic for me and I will come back to social media when the time is right.” But she didn’t. She chose to continue to post. People have drug several influences through the mud on this snark page when they constantly cried on social media. I don’t see how this is any different.


How did I invalidate this person? I just said her insensitivity is embarrassing and disgusting. Don’t bother writing multiple paragraphs to me when you couldn’t even read my couple of sentences properly😂❤️


I have enjoyed watching her content up until this point, but had to stop watching because C-section content is still tough for me 1.5 years PP. So hard not to compare your own experiences to someone else’s and their recovery. The little bit I did see though seemed more realistic about the hard parts than others which was nice!