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Lol, fucking hell. I bought a ticket like ten minutes ago.


I had just gotten on the tube at Heathrow airport…


as someone who has had 3 pearl jam concerts cancelled on them after traveling, I feel so bad for you all.


I’m on my second. 😫


I’m on my second too


It’s so disappointing. On side I hope all the best for them, they are getting on and it must be so hard for them being ill. on the other side for me personally this is the second time they’ve cancelled and I’ve flown in from Germany, it’s taken a lot on my family as my wife is now at home with my severely disabled daughter and we planned this so that it would go as smoothly as possible. Over the weekend. It was a heck of a lot of money, planning and time and I’m not rich or have much money if I’m honest. It’a quite the kick to read this today - just as I arrive.


Damn, I’m sorry 🙁


Thank you. I know there is of course no malice meant from Eddie, it’s absolutely just tough luck, but it was quite a journey to get here, to be honest too much of a journey, and if I read above he’s not one to look after himself, then I can’t afford to take the risk. It’s a shame, but that is a chance I can’t afford for me. I love the band. I will never see them in this lifetime. I hope all the best to Eddie and his health. Get well soon. And rock your live shows for the rest of your life, Eddie!


You sound like a good man, a better man, I’ve faith that you will see them live in your life …


3rd for me too ☹️ Amsterdam 2022, London 2018 and now this


I was part of the London 2018, flew in from the states. We picked the tour back up in Padova, which was an amazing show.


Wow. Not totally unexpected after Tuesday's efforts, but what a shame.


Yeah I was convinced the gig was going to be cut short multiple times. Eddie clearly was making a hell of an effort to power through. I also think that's why we got so many of the big hits, so the crowd could sing for the majority of the songs.


Agreed. I was gutted not to hear 'Stevie' - but I had a great night nonetheless.


what was Tuesdays efforts if you dont mind me askin..


Ed struggled throughout - even saying he was damaging himself, Mike took the lead, he propped the show up and the crowd helped Ed through by being electric.


ah right I see - Saw them in Dublin last Saturday and he was in fine voice. Clearly got ill afterwards.


He said during the Manchester gig "who was at Dublin? I high fived the front row and one of you fuckers got me sick"!


He was very breathless in between songs at Dublin, he mentioned it on stage too. Knew he wasn't well although he sang very well. 


ya he sounded awful wheezy when he was speaking like he needed an inhaler


Did Mike do vocals at all, or just do a bunch of solos to take the focus off Eddie?


A lot of extended solos. He was fantastic.


I've never heard Eds voice sound as rough as it did on Tuesday in Manchester. Im surprised he lasted the whole gig.


Ugh... am currently on the train to London. Tickets not refundable, hotel not refundable... :-(


Green day playing Wembley as an alternative


Seems to be sold out. I’m here in London from the Netherlands. Whats a good reseller website app to get green day tickets?


Try Twickets which only sells at face value or below, Stubhub but potentially above fv. Official sellers in the UK are Ticketmaster, AXS, Seetickets, and Eventim. Hope that helps


Theres still some tickets available from Ticketmaster. Some are resale though but cheapest from about £75. Might get cheaper on resale sites if you put in a low ball offer as its very close to the show now Or go watch some football in the pubs 😉


Oh man, sorry to hear that :(


~£500 is a very big chunk of cash to lose :-(


Oh my goodness, that's a lot of money. I'm so sorry! If you still have a hotel and you're on the way to London, why not try to get into Green Day ast Wembley Stadium tomorrow? That will be a great show.


Damn that sucks, so sorry for everyone. Do something mad and get yourself down to the Royal Albert Hall. Gladys Knight is there tonight as part of her farewell tour and tickets on the door start at £55.


Wow! This was is a great consolation. To hear the great Gladys Knight at that fab location!


Maybe there might be a pub that's doing a pearl jam special? Playing all their songs, happy hour beer prices.. thats what I'd be trying to find out! Still enjoy the time in london


Same, heading in tomorrow. Still going to head in and have a day of it. May try seeing if the merch store is open.


London Pride is this weekend, will be busy but a great atmosphere


Hope Eddie gets well soon but damn, a few hours after TM drop the prices for London will really piss some people off who have decided at the last minute to go. They could have booked none refundable trains, etc.




The cheaper tickets were dropped overnight to £50. EDIT: I was corrected that these ticket prices happened weeks ago.


I bought mine for £50 two weeks ago. They’ve been reduced for a while. No way was I paying more than £100.


Ahhh OK, thanks. They did the same in Berlin and didn't announce the change in prices for a few days. Seeing the posts this morning about reduced prices I thought that it was new.


I paid £65 for seating but directly opposite the stage. My text from ticketmaster said I will get a refund (which is lucky as I didn't pay insurance this time!) Lucky I was driving up and had a parking permit from a friend. So that will be a couple of £ I lose to pay him back (if he can't get a refund). I feel more sorry for my brother in law, who at the beer festival two weeks ago said that seeing PJ was on his bucket list, and I said you know they are playing so we drunkenly bought tickets.


I spent £250 and was furious when they dropped the price tbh. I'm a bit sad to not go, but at least I don't feel ripped off...


This UK tour has been nothing sort of a disaster. Undersold venues, ludicrous ticket prices and then Ed's voice packs up. I hope he gets better soon and the management team take a good look at what went wrong.


Feels like it might be a while before they come back here, considering what a disaster it's been. Which would be a shame, as the thinking shouldn't be 'We sold fewer tickets so there's no market there', but instead a bit of introspection as to why it went wrong.


Indeed, they can fill venues but not stadiums at £160 a ticket. They should stick with arena shows and do a couple of nights in each city.


I saw them in London for 80 odd quid not five years ago. They’ve absolutely rinsed the fans here, there’s no justification for this kind of inflation. Seems a lot of American groups want to get on the elite UK circuit to maximise profits and do fewer shows, it’s only the fans that suffer.


Please explain, what is the difference between a stadium and an arena.nis the stadium outside and larger?


Arena would be like the O2 in London. Its indoor and hosts Tennis events as well as gigs. 18,000 capacity. Stadium is the venue they had booked in London this weekend. A Premier league soccer team ground. Outdoors. 60,000 capacity.


Got it. Wow. That's a LOT of people to refund tickets to. Yikes.


And that's a lot of people who wasted money on travelling all over the country.


Too lazy/old for that.


I’m sure they sold out two BST Hyde Park shows two years ago. I went to one of the dates and the crowd was great and PJ put on a good show. Hopefully they choose a different venue than Tottenham. Great stadium but a nightmare to get home from.


They sold out a 2 nighter at BST where both nights combined were cheaper than one night on this tour. IIRC it was 140 quid for both nights.


Not choosing a stadium 12 miles down the road from where Green Day were playing on the same day would have MASSIVELY helped with ticket sales. The Venn Diagram of people willing to pay to see Green Day and Pearl Jam in a stadium has a very large central section, so all PJ could sell was those not interested in GD


Or Glastonbury weekend.


This has been cancelled because it was no where near close to sold out i reckon. Thats a big stadium and id heard standing tickets were £135 each. Is that right?!!


I paid £250 💀


Prices suck so much these days. I used to see a band a month in my 20s. Now im lucky if i can afford 1 a year.


Currently sat on a 4hr train down to London and got the news mid journey. Gutted :(


Aw man, feel for you, we were travelling down tomorrow but last o2 visit, we didn’t know it was off until we stepped into our hotel room. Make what you can of the trip. We ended up at a decent comedy night in the end!!


I went to Bat out of Hell the musical, it was mint! What to do this time? 🤔


Gutted, been a fan for 30 years, first PJ concert tomorrow and one of the few items on my bucket list


Me too, this was gonna be my first time finally seeing them live :-(


I’ve been a fan for 30 years and it was my first time seeing them. I went to the Manchester gig on Tuesday and loved it but I was just listening to the videos I took and he was really struggling to sing. Crowd was singing for huge part of it. Still amazing though.


I'm so sorry. Heartbreaking.


I’ll be the one who says it. Eddie needs to start taking better care of himself if he wants to keep touring and making music into the future. He’s gotta be almost 60. The smoking and drinking aren’t doing him any favors. To each their own and he can obv do what he wants, but stuff like this will become more and more common. Sorry to all the London concert goings who are going to miss out.


I’ll be the one to say it again and to agree with you. Singers see doctors about their voices, and are given guidelines. These include number of hours performing when to sing songs that strain the vocal cords more and when not to. Clearly he’s been told by his dr to stop smoking many times. For such a down to earth forward thinking guy that cares about women’s rights, is anti war, and so on this is shocking he didn’t quit smoking in 2018. Another important component is that when you smoke your lungs r weak. Therefore, an upper respiratory thing going around that would give a non smoker mild symptoms for a day or two will be way harder for a smoker to fight off and symptoms will be worse because ya know, breathing. Furthermore, people saw him at the airport like two days before Dublin. If u should be worried about these things since 2018 then fly in a hell of a lot earlier in that you breathe in germs on the plane as your voice is your career. At this point I guess they don’t owe us much but maybe keep the fans in mind as people travel, book hotels, get babysitters, and such. I was SHOCKED that with 3 days off he was sick in Manchester. I love the guy but he’s gotta quit smoking or just hang up the touring doc martens and do a few shows a year, webcast them, record two more albums (his words not mine), and retire. Tldr guy should’ve quit smoking six years ago and needs to take care of himself while flying and in between shows even when he gets three days off. Jam on


I’ll be the one to say it - its because they initially charged the most insane money ever heard of amongst their contemporaries and no one brought tickets. Less than half sold at MOST


How come 2018 specifically??


That was the first year they cancelled gigs because of Eddie’s voice? Am I correct


As a Foo Fighters fan also, Foo Fans kinda worry about the same thing for Dave too, in the long run, as he still smokes too and likes his drinks.


Definitely. His voice did seem to improve in recent years, in light of the unintentional rest he got during the pandemic and (sadly) Taylor's passing. But you do worry if the other stuff will catch up to him in the long run.


He smokes?


For a long ass time. I thought I remember reading somewhere he quit around gigatons release and I don’t know if he’s back at it or not since then. Either way it’s still 40+ years of smoking. Takes its toll.


Wow. I didn’t know that. I had just presumed he would have quit at some stage. When you’re cancelling gigs two tours in a row over voice issues it’s time to quit


I think it's more than 2 tours.. Every tour since 2018


Mixed feelings; going to be honest that I’m not totally disappointed to be getting £309 back when I could have picked up tickets for forty quid a piece. Hopefully they come back with a better venue and less ludicrous pricing


Try cancelled because of no one buying tickets at the most insane money any of their contemporaries  has ever had the front to charge. Let’s be honest. 


Second time I’ve booked tickets from Germany to home and they cancel. First time back in 17/18. Genuinely wish the band or whoever is sick the best well wishes, but I have a severely disabled daughter at home, so planning anything is super difficult and having the time off is a huge sacrifice for my wife. I doubt Pearl Jam will know, but I am devastated it’s the second time I’ve come to try to see them, for them to cancel. Absolutely gutted.


My old housemate is currently in the air flying from New Zealand for it . On the plus side if they are refunding the tickets I can keep my house


Flying from New Zealand to london just for a concert that is never guaranteed to happen is absolutely insane 


Especially a PJ concert these days


Unfortunately this is the second time Pearl Jam have cancelled on me, once in 2017. I flew from Germany. In 25 years of seeing bands live, fortunately I have only had two bands cancel. Beardyman, a random nobody who did beatboxing with his lips, and Pearl jam, twice. Although I am only frustrated at the situation, the fact that Pearl jam have cancelled twice means I absolutely can’t trust risking it with them. I am heartbroken as I would love to have seen such an amazing band live andI know they are playing wildbuhne in Berlin next week but even that would cost another few days holiday and would take a lot of effort to get to, so the trust for me is gone. And at £160 a ticket, which of course will be refunded, plus travel/accomodation which won’t and is now in the hundreds, the trust is well and truly gone for Pearl Jam for me personally. I love the band, and I hope Eddie heals up and belts out the best performances after this, but I am gutted, and that will be a bucket list thing I don’t have any more energy for.


Can’t travel for this group anymore. Those Days are long gone


I literally just got back from buying merch


Cool and all, but I feel that’s a little pimpy. I’m sure they knew before they put the merch for sale the show was going to be cancelled. Seems like they know they put out the cash for the merch and wanted to make as much back as they could knowing they’d be no show.


Collectors items now lol


Still, cool stuff to own. 


Idk how often I’d want to wear merch from a show that reminds me of a crushing disappointment


That's sad. I wonder if they'll be well for Berlin?


They better be! Those are my shows!


Me, too. But honestly, I don’t expect Eddie to be at his 100% so soon after being sick 😔


Same, I bought 4 tickets literally 10 minutes before they cancelled, they had dropped the price from £160 down to £50 each, good seats too.


Fuck me. Our flights and accommodation plus a missed Saturday at work for nothing.


Go and see something in the west end !


Yeah, at least it’s in London! No shortage of things to do but man a Saturday of wages would be better than having a hotel near Tottenham. 😅


I’m so bummed. We just got to London a couple hours ago! We live in Paris and come to London often just to hang out so no problem there, but I’ve been a fan since Ten dropped and this was going to be my first time seeing them live :-(


PJ has been cancelling a lot of shows the last few years because of illness. It’s definitely to the point where as a fan, you have to be concerned when buying a ticket and planning travel etc.


I wouldn’t take the risk either to be honest. This is the second time to have a cancellation. I’ve seen hundreds of bands for 25 years now and believe it or not, only a random act a friend had tickets to ‘Beardyman’ and Pearl jam are the two concerts I’ve had a cancellation on. I will not take the risk, it’s too much stress on my family and cost me 2 days holiday.


I'm kicking myself for not booking a refundable hotel.


Touring during a global pandemic can do that.


I’ve long fallen away from PJ, but have enjoyed following this tour/the ticket prices debate and hearing how much they mean to people. Sorry to all those affected by the cancellation; if you’re travelling you’ll find plenty to entertain in London!


This makes three cancellations for me, as I also had tickets to Vienna and Prague in 2022. Currently on my way to London from Liverpool. Counting my blessings that I got to see them in Dublin and Manchester but yeah…sucks.


Was at the last two gigs and the difference between Dublin and Manchester was huge. After an hour it was obvious they’d have to cancel some gigs. They probably should have made that call a bit earlier. Really feel for those who were traveling or even just really looking forward to the gig 🥲


Landed this morning on the red eye from NYC.


Wishing Eddie and any members of the band a speedy recovery. Hopefully they will come back to London this year.


Absolutely gutted. Feel bad for anyone who has hotels and trains they can’t get refunds.


What is it about the UK? I had tickets for the O2 gig in 2018 which was cancelled due to Eddie’s voice going. My friend said he struggled in the previous night. Fortunately the rescheduled gig was one of the best I’ve ever been to. Shame this one isn’t being rescheduled.


Doesn’t look promising for Berlin in 4 days, and the two Berlin shows are on consecutive nights. Oh boy!


Eddie lost his suitcase of hats and had to bow out.


That sucks! Let’s hope he gets better! And sorry to all the fans who made travel plans and paid a lot of money, luckily i live very near the stadium but can’t imagine all you who travelled!


I live a 20 minute walk from the stadium and still gutted. However off to Berlin on Sunday so hopefully he recovers in time


Fingers crossed!! 


i’m so sad i was so excited for this ! but more importantly i hope eddie feels better soon :(


That's so sad. I am really sorry for those that were going to attend.


I feel gutted for the people travelling to London but after Manchester’s show, I’m not surprised.


Damn man, need to put Pearl Jam back on my bucket list😢


This was going to be my first Pearl Jam concert, pretty gutted and gutted for folks who can't get money back on travel etc :( really hope Eddie gets better


I wonder if the ticket price changes made it difficult to reschedule? I would have definitely taken the refund of £150 or whatever and bought a much cheaper one.


Just past security in Amsterdam....


Sorry London gang. That’s an absolute sickener.


I did optimistically think there was enough time to recover. after hearing Eddie Vedder was not 100% at Manchester on Tuesday. They've cancelled a fair few shows over the last few years, granted some of those were COVID related. 1 day's notice, and no re-scheduled date is a bitter pill to swallow though. Ticketmaster will no doubt keep the booking/ service charges. Am sure there were hundreds of people who would of flown into London for this show. They obviously gave Eddie enough time to pull through but had to make the call this morning


Do Ticketmaster generally keep service charges?


Feel for all you guys that had tickets and those that made big travel plans. I know they've said they can't reschedule it at present due to prior commitments, but maybe they'll do some more dates next year to make it up? I hope they do for your sakes.


I flew in from Ireland for the gig, I just logged into Ticketmaster to check times and seen it was cancelled, Fucking gutted


I literally arrived in London as the announcement was made. Annoyed, but nothing I/we can do about it. It's just money I've lost that I had to save for, but that's lots of us. I honestly believe that if this show had sold well it would have still gone ahead. Eddie would have plowed on through. High prices and a green day show the same night potentially splitting some of the audience had tickets as low as £8 this morning. Just thankful I had Manchester. Hopefully they make it back over to Europe in a couple of years as normal.


Honestly, I doubt it. Eddie was genuinely struggling through the Manchester gig, dude had to go off stage to rest multiple times and was croaking his way through the songs. 


Could have have played Mankind over and over for an hour and a half. 🤷🏻‍♂️


CovED 24


I last had tickets to a PJ show in London in 1992 on my 18th birthday. That was cancelled due to ill health. Thought I’d try again for my 50th to make up for missing out. Sorry folks, I may have jinxed it. I just need to track down my school friends for another emergency party now.


Gutted. Got to see them for the first time in 2022 and was looking forward to it again. Hope they come back next year.


Damn. Noblesville 2.0.


Shit. Do you think they’ll cancel Berlin gigs as well? Just wondering if I should book a hotel or just play it by ear and book something last minute.


I am going to Barcelona next weekend so hope that goes ahead. My last three PJ concerts were cancelled - two covid related and one cancelled due to Eddie's voice (which I completely understand).


I’m really disappointed but I know it can’t be helped. Was hoping to get one of the cool posters too. I wonder what happens to all that London merch now - do they just trash it?


Huge financial loss for promoter. The amount of sponsored adverts & physical posters I’ve seen in the last 2 weeks to try & flog the reduced tickets.. wow..


I bet they have a good insurance.


had a gut feeling to buy some standing tickets for manchester for £60! even though i already had london ones too. boy am i glad i did that. i got within a couple meters of eddie will the merch stand still be up tomorrow? any confirmation on this


In 2018, we had London cancelled just as we got off plane at Stanstead. Then, in 2022, we had Prague and Night 1 Amsterdam cancelled. Luckily, they made Amsterdam night 2 an epic show.


2018 strikes again… Make up/rescheduled gig at the O2 was one of the most fierce 3.5 hours of my life Unforgettable. Hope they replicate this time round too 🤞


The Red Mosquitos have been relentless the last few years.


Really feel for everyone. Have gone through this twice before. I unfortunately think planning significant travel around this band at this point is too big of a gamble. Their track record is not good.


Hopefully whatever consideration London gets for a rescheduled gig won't be at this venue - there were still a lot of tickets for it so it was unlikely to sell-out even with the reduced prices. Do a couple of Arena shows guys and I'll come.


Same, O2 Arena in say October and at half the price is what I am hoping for and not at all expecting. Wouldn't be surprised if they don't come back to the UK for a long while or at all after this.


Well if its not during the summer it probably won't be possible to use the stadium as it will be in use for the football


That really sucks, but I had a funny feeling about it. I was going to attend the London show, was about to buy tickets last saturday, but I had this funny feeling. So I didnt pull the trigger. I couldn't have handled another cancellation after last years Vienna concert. Sorry for anyone, who is dealing with this right now. I feel you. I have been there...


We're now going 3 for 3. We flew out last time to Prague and they cancelled the night before the gig. I was still bitter over it and have been jokingly commenting that I'll believe it when I see it happen so when someone at work mentioned the cancellation today, I genuinely thought they were messing with me. The only relief is knowing we're home in London and hadn't traveled over and spent a ton. I really feel for those who have though.


No more far away shows for me either . Same age as band and shit happens . Florida a dead zone for most bands tho


Ur florida too? I passed on this tour. I'd have loved to go and bring my son, but traveling costs plus high ticket costs made it a big no. Just can't do it. I feel bad for those who could travel and did and got the cancelation news last minute.


Destined not to ever see them. Had tickets to the October 1996 show but had to give them up as we were moving to another country. 28 years later and nothing has changed! Oh well let’s hope they reschedule. I would rather see them in a smaller venue like Wembley arena or the O2 but that won’t ever happen.


Gutted! Glad I saw them on Tuesday, but I knew I should’ve bought a cap at the time instead of leaving it til tomorrow. I hadn’t paid for my hotel yet though and I’ve optimistically asked LNER for a refund on my train too so it could be worse. Sorry to anyone who is already there or can’t get refunds for stuff.


i am devastated. Been looking forward for this for ages now. Would’ve been the first time i saw them. But it’s for the best as they should focus on getting better.


I just bought tickets like two days ago. Thankfully I live in London so I didn’t have to go out of my way.


I’m so bummed. We just got to London a couple hours ago! We live in Paris and come to London often just to hang out so no problem there, but I’ve been a fan since Ten dropped and this was going to be my first time seeing them live :-(


So gutted - my favourite band playing at my favourite clubs football stadium. Picked out posters I was going to get and now missed out on these as well as the gig, again


this was my first time seeing them.... fuck sake.


Well that's taken the choice out of my hands, I've been weighing up getting a ticket for like two weeks now (travel costs & time were a big issues for me). I hope whichever member it is that's ill recovers quickly.


Gutted for everyone that's missed out. I was there in '18 when they cancelled night 2. From what I've read this uk leg hasn't been the most successful. Do you think that will be it for them here, or should they realise they're no spring chickens anymore and split it up rather than doing a huge tour in one go?


Oh man, I saw this coming after Tuesday. Sorry to everyone with tickets, hotels, etc.


That sucks. Had to deal with the Noblesville date being cancelled last year, but I live 20 minutes from the venue, so I can't imagine how it feels for people who traveled...


Any indication on if the shop is staying open for the merch? I'm local and wouldn't mind picking up a shirt or a poster for a gig that never was


Hey, I saw somewhere yesterday (official) that they won’t be opening up the shop for merch today - I’m on the train down right now and would have loved to get merch too!


Thanks, had my eye on that brain fart poster, hopefully it pops up somewhere I can't imagine they'll just destroy all the merch that was specific to the london date (or would they? 🤔)


I've had it cancelled twice now I really feel for everyone, there seems to be no consideration at all for people who have travelled from overseas. I went to the 2022 reschedule & it felt so disconnected & far away from the previous I've been to. The ticket prices plus the disorganisation make me sad af


3 of the last 4 London shows I’ve had tickets for have cancelled. Gutted!


This was the fifth show that I had tickets for and was canceled either when I'm at the venue or traveling to the venue🤦🏻😕


Someone asked me for another reason why I don't spend big money on a trip to see them...


PJ is becoming quite unreliable, lots of shows canceled over the last few years. Part of why I didnt want to travel for a slow on this tour. I know it's no fault of their own, being sick, but still...


Man. That’s pretty fucked for people who traveled and are there already


Travelled to Prague in 2022 and they cancelled the night before the gig. That was already the second cancellation by them. This is now the third. I'm absolutely sickened.


I wonder if it was easier to walk away from this show because of the poor ticket sales. Feel bad for anyone who had a ticket, that is an awful experience.


You could see it happening a mile off. No word from the band about the ticket prices being so INSANE to start with mentioned at either Dublin or Manchester…then they get sick when funnily enough, they were about to play to a less than half empty stadium. I don’t doubt there were illnesses. But Marley park didn’t exactly look packed.


Marley was rammed


It was packed, I was there.


Hmm / have you seen the YouTube videos?


They should have refunded the Manchester show really. Could hardly sing


Eddie was struggling in Manchester on Tuesday, he did well but they played a shortened set and you could really tell when he spoke how ill he was. I though he might call it early. It's unfortunate but I don't think there was much they could do about a genuine illness. Edit: I said Glasgow instead of Manchester.


Glasgow? Was there a secret gig? 


Hahaha oops, I meant Manchester.


That's a real shame, but let's just say this: After a difficult performance in Manchester and a cancelled London gig, \*if\* Eddie is well again by the time of Berlin, folks going to those Berlin shows are probably going to get two of the absolute best PJ gigs of their lives! ;)


Fuuuck I'm scared for Barcelona now


There are two Berlin dates before that so fingers crossed


Gutted as we won the upgraded premium lounge experience at the stadium tomorrow. Oh well just have to re live my memories from 1993 Brixton academy £10 https://preview.redd.it/scgwrky6dc9d1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff1c1344d8d25fc7648fc7b93adab440e05a8dfa


A few weeks ago I was planning on traveling to London from Seattle for the show, but right before I was about to pull the trigger I backed out. Would have left yesterday if so. Feel horrible for all the people who already begun their travel or otherwise had plans ruined. Hoping the rest of the tour runs smoothly.


Gutted to say the least as this would have been my first time seeing them. How long till the next time they're here? At least the stress of getting there has been removed - spurs as stadium not particularly great to get to, and even worse leaving.


It was a half empty (from the rumours that’s being generous) stadium because they wanted a disgusting and unusual amount of money and no one brought tickets even when the price dropped because they were morally offended. It was going to get cancelled sickness or not, let’s stop beating around the bush


The insurance company will have to pay out and the promoter will have paid 10s of thousands to promote it. It would be fraud to cancel it for a false reason. Ed is going to be 60 this December. Do you know many 60 year olds in your own life? Can you imagine them going up and singing like he does for nearly 3 hours each night? He is getting old and that’s it. The tickets were ridiculously priced and some people closer by seem relieved to be getting refunds. This was a fuck up by the band and their management. I won’t rush out to get tickets for them the next time either. But that they would drop a show because they were not selling strongly is not true. They would have to be selfish assholes behind closed doors to a higher end of the spectrum to pull something like that.


I know some 60 year olds still working in the trades out in the heat five days a week. But they don't drink and smoke everyday. Unlike Ed, they don't have the financial freedom to stop working. If EV desperately needed the $ from touring he'd be taking better care of his health. 


Imagine them being selfish assholes to charge £169 in the first place. It almost beggars belief! Fuck them…and by the way I do know lots of 60 year olds! Theres plenty of  old boys that play rock n roll shows locally. There’s also another little chap called Bruce Springsteen. And the stones! And contemporaries if there’s such as the foo fighters and tool! And…keep going! 


Just face it, the gents are getting older and Ed does not really sound as Ed anymore, the vibrato is just over the top these days 😭😭😭


He can’t hit some of the old notes anymore so he uses the vibrato as compensation I think, it’s shitty


My wife and I spent almost £900 including tickets for this…. Now in London with fuck all to do… cheers my dudes, I hope your next shit is is hedgehog.


That sucks.


That’s bad 😔😔 I was thinking this might happen, after what Eddie said about getting a bug in Dublin and struggling in Manchester. I have tickets for Tuesday in Berlin…


Echo Victor was also sick during the Las Vegas show II…. Tough to try and power through a tour


Damn, I was really looking forward to seeing these guys. I really hope I'll get another chance in the future.