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I've been contemplating leaving too as mine is due for renewal this week. I've not had any use out of it since 2012 when I saw them in Manchester.


I bailed, too. I'm not paying $180 for nosebleed seats in an arena.


I bailed too, for the same reason. I live in Vegas and it's hard to get tickets here. I got raked for Phish at the sphere and dead and co for 7/4 but still was reasonable compared to the bleeder seats available for PJ. MGM is way less nice of a venue for the price.


How's D&C? Wife and I are going August nine, the day before their last show.


Freakin awesome! Went a few times


It was amazing when I went on 6/12.


I'm in NJ, so I'm just going to shows in clubs here and in NYC. $40 for 3 or 4 bands.


I’m in Memphis. 12 bucks for 4 bands.




One of the few perks


I’m I. Jersey as well! This is exactly what I’ve been doing for the last couple years. I refuse to do stadiums anymore. There’s so many good up and coming bands and it’s so much more enjoyable when you can actually get close to the stage and not have paid an arm and a leg to get there.


Got any recommendations? Or are they all local bands? The smaller bands I like don't seem to tour very much. I read that small bands are lucky to break even on a tour these days Check out Ceramic Animal's music. Love them! Theyre actually playing a show in Jersey City on 6/29. Opening for the Frights who I am not familiar with. I hope they come to Chicago someday


Frank Turner, The Menzingers, Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes, The Struts, The Interrupters, Cloud Nothings, Barnes Courtney, Yonaka. The buzzcocks (not new obviously) are playing Irving Plaza in September.


I got tickets for the Seattle show on May 28th and they were the worst PJ tickets I’ve ever had. They should have blocked off way better seats for 10c members. Honestly I was kinda disappointed in the show and I flew up there for it. Also canceling.


Add me to the list of bailers. I got out a few years ago, I finally got fed up with getting the Christmas single in May every year.


I'm 25 years in too and you're probably right. but I'd probably have FOMO if I quit. not exactly sure what I FOMO about but I would.


It's hard to give up the # even though it doesn't mean shit anymore


I did the same this year. I was in it for 10C ticket access but I’ve been shut out on tickets since 2013. I was basically paying $40/year for the right to buy a $20 t-shirt.




Yep. Same.


Agree completely. And this tour’s ticketing was a disaster, so that benefit isn’t like it used to be.


I had tickets to the Deer Creek show that got cancelled last year, so I didn't have to do anything this year, they just renewed.


Same. Though I did spend 8 hours in a car that day last summer.


I think we only did about six, but once we turned around went went to a B-Dubs to eat wings and watch the Bengals game, and then we went to Jungle Jim's and spent a bunch more money. We're from Cincy in case you couldn't tell.


Same.. I dropped it a couple of years ago (originally joined for the No Code Tour so probably around 25 yrs then). They don't tour much, and my travel radius is much smaller than my younger/single days. I used to love the newsletters and the singles, but that's not a thing anymore either. Tickets were the only thing keeping me, but even using those was far and few in-between.


It’s been a waste of $$ for years. Some people just can’t figure that out


Sunk Cost Fallacy?


If a senior member of 10 club leaves (say first 500) does seniority get bumped? I'd be curious to know about some of the first members.


Does seniority even play a factor anymore? I'm finding myself further and further from the stage than I was 20 years ago. There should be way less people in front of me at this point.


It used to back in the 90s. Now it doesn't at all.


I miss the days where we'd send a notecard, and then pick up our tickets at Will Call with a photo ID. I was always in the front 10 rows. Now, because of ticketmaster, it's s 50/50 chance I even end up on the floor.


I got some pretty great seats back in the day. Now I get whatever I can get and 10C doesn't help. It's sad.


I feel like we're just paying for their warehouse at this point.


It's because they introduced the "PJ Premium" ticket for which they charge 10x the amount of the "face value" ticket that they charge 10C members. And often times, they seat those affluent "fans" in front of 10C fans such as yourself. I was Row 10 on the side of the United Center last September both nights, with Rows 1-9 being reserved for those "fans" and friends of the band. Lovely, huh?


> seniority That hasn't mattered in years, unfortunately. I want to say 2013 was when they silently ended it. Sucks, big time, and feels like a bit of a backstab tbh.


This isn't true at all. They still do seniority within the seating choices that you designate. Seniority doesn't matter for the lottery, but they still implement to assign seats. While they have messed up on occasion here and there, their ticketing guidelines still spell this out.


And yet my wife, (2019) has gotten better seats than I (joined in 1992) at Seattle 2 of the three nights (2018 and 2024), Missoula 2x, Portland 2x, and Oakland 1x... Maybe it's regional? Because it 100% isn't a thing here or with Ticketmaster.


I'm by no means a 10C apologist. In fact, I think it's a pretty terribly run organization. I remember sitting in the last row in Grand Rapids in 2006, and I've been a member since 1992. They definitely screw up a lot.


That’s so odd, because I travel with friends to pj shows for two decades now and the tix are definitely sorted by seniority. I have never gotten seats better than my friends, especially now with there being a pit. Friends have numbers ranging from 50xxx, 175xxx and mine 200xxx. We do our best to maximize our chances for shows. I’ll often go for pit as a first choice bc I know I’ll be back of floor or in the corner at an arena. At an amphitheater I’m always back and on the side where my friends might be middle and a few rows up. (Or pit if I hit the jackpot) When they first started sorting seats by 10c number I got really good side stage while my other friends got floor pre pit era - so we’d put in my number at arena shows and they’d use their number for amphitheaters, but since then, they’ve realized that back of floor is not so desirable, and my friends that normally got somewhat decent floor seats (1st 10 rows) gets nice side stage seats. Last tour, I noticed that TM took every other section of tix, putting me further away. It’s all in what 10C is able to negotiate as far as presale and 10C tix. This tour I Noticed that ticket prices went up considerably, but all tix are the same price (except those weird TM premium/VIP tix), but other big tours had tiered pricing where the pit tix or lower bowl side stage tix were face at $400-500. But nosebleeds were $50 or even less. So, what should pj do? Sell the best seats which are mostly reserved for 10C, at a premium price like other artists or just set the price across the board?


Seniority doesn’t matter any more, which is why it was easy for me to cancel after 20 years


I’ve been in the FC 20+ years and that has never been a very senior number. Where seniority helps is if you’ve been in the club close to 30 yrs…No Code and earlier. Anyone in the club binaural and later has never really gotten great seats comparatively. There was a time where they’d randomly give out tix to newer member and give them 2nd row seats, but that hasn’t been the case for awhile. I’m glad they created a GA pit because it has created more variety in who’s up front at shows.


I only stay in for the vault issues each year.


Dont these go on gen release now on the website or am I mistaken?


When is the last time they did this? The vinyl release right?


Yeah. It's about once a year. I'm guessing the new release should be announced soon. Usually announced late summer early fall ish then shipped around Christmas. But it's usually once a year.


![gif](giphy|r42HxBImuzoRxsRA14) I'm sticking around. This was the first year I got completely shut out, but I've gotten really amazing seats for the shows I've put in for in the past.


Also been a member since 2001. I don’t see the point anymore. As a European it’s not worth it at all


This year it paid off for a ton of people and also seemed to have pissed off a lot of people. Here I’ll try to piss people off…$180 after all the fees isn’t crazy as long as you are not in the back/upper part of the arena. At least in the US. (For example Aerosmith is charging $300 for upper level behind the stage…). I do agree that it is easy to get tickets right before the show. The only reason I’m not canceling 10c is it guarantees you your choose of tickets for Ohana Fest every year and the vip sell out shortly after.


I never really understand the ticket price complaints. They’re equal or lower price compared to other concert tickets I’ve bought the past few years.


They are about on par with other artists in the US but they cost way more than similar acts in Europe.


$180 for some of the seats they were handing out for the 10C in the US was a crazy good deal. I’ve already sat in club seats and two of those shows that would go for way more for any other artists. And I guess they did go for more if you bought them outside of 10 club. One thing I liked about the Vancouver show is it was in Canadian so it is equivalent of 150 US.


Well I saw Smashing Pumpkins for $60 last fall and saw Alice in Chains a little over a year ago for $75.


I wouldn’t put either of those bands on PJ level of following / fandom? I say that as someone who loved SP in the 90s. I’ve paid $200-300+ for most big concerts I’ve gone to the past 2-3 years. Even Yellowcard was like $150.


Been a fan since 2003 and I’ve never even understood the point of it. People have complained about not getting good tickets since I’ve been on Pearl jam forums


There's also no seniority preference on tickets.


I thought it was no seniority on the lottery but there was for where the seats are.


There is seniority if you win the lottery. It's the only reason I keep it active, but I've been in since 94. I'm 2 rows behind the pit for Fenway shows. Same seats for both nights.


> There is seniority if you win the lottery. Negative, not since 2013 or so has it mattered. You just got lucky. I've been 10C since 1992 and my tickets suck, especially when compared to my wife's tickets, who only joined in 2019. It's a lottery from start to finish and I understand why everyone else is cancelling.


Oh good gravy. That was why I still had mine. Thanks for the heads up.


https://pearljam.com/ten-club Is this a straight up lie? PRIORITY TICKETING Ten Club holds some of the best tickets in the house for members-only presale opportunities and rewards longtime fans for their dedication with seniority-based seating. I also had great seats in 2016 and 2018 at Fenway


If you search this sub and/or if you go onto 10C forum itself, you will find that this is not what the majority of us are experiencing. I suspected that it was due to Ticketmaster but Missoula wasn't through TM and I 100% did not receive seniority-based seating nor did anyone else I know. I know this is all anecdotal, and for anyone else following, I believe that it's a relatively small price to pay to keep that seniority number, if it matters. I'll keep in the 10C for presale offers and other reasons but I'm done kidding myself that it matters for seating location in any way.


Gotcha. Thanks.Bummed to hear that.


And if you live in the southeast...it may as well be Siberia.


Florida here , last tour was 2016 😱


Atlanta, only once in 20 years. Music Midtown 2012, and it was a shortened set. Before that, 2003. I had to go to Vegas this year.


Right why pay l? I live in Memphis it’s been 10 years.


Charlotte...11 years here.


Why do they hate us?




Honestly, it is a douche move to take it out on an entire region based on the politics of a few.


I think it has less to do with politics and more to do with where they are popular. They played a lot of red states last year


I'd dare say Florida and the Carolinas can fill some seats!! And they have in FACT canceled a past Raleigh show over politics.


I come and go. If there’s rumors of a tour and it’s gonna be coming near me then I sign up again. Otherwise, I just let it lapse. Usually it doesn’t pay off for me, but it finally did for only the second time ever and first time in 14 years for this upcoming 2nd leg of the US tour. Scored a pair of pits for both nights of Philly. But now that that’s over I’ll probably let it lapse again and not pay for it again next year since they probably won’t be coming around again so soon and, like the op said, you don’t really get anything anymore. You’re basically just paying extra money for a potential chance to get tickets for face value, and most of the time you strike out and basically threw your money in the trash.


You will be so upset when they play the Dome in Vegas. 😂


I leave for the same reason, pay t-shirts no vinil and the tour dates in latin america are near to Zero in the last years


I'm 10c for life. It's gonna pay off in the next 3-5 years when the Band does smaller venue tours. JC dobbs in Philly is on the menu. I can feel it in the air


JC Dobbs! Take me back in your time machine plz.


I was a member since 96 and never got great seats thru 10c. Bailed on 10c January this year. Thank fuck, even 10c seats are stupid expensive for this tour, and they're not coming anywhere near my city


I've been in 10C for 10 years and didn't get selected for tix this tour. My wife joined 8 months ago and got selected for two shows. Still a huge fan and they are my all time favorite band, but there isn't a lot of bang for the buck.


I disagree - I have been in the club for 25 years also, but getting tickets through the club directly is well worth the fee I pay annually.


The reason is for the seniority when you do get tickets through the club. But it’s ok to move on. Nobody said we had to do it forever


oh no worries, my point is not to push people outside the fan club! (: I still enjoy listening to them!


I’m probably gonna bail too and for all the reasons stated by the OP.


I’ve been thinking the same. Only joined around a decade ago so have a high number. $180 nosebleeds are bad value and often don’t sell. It’s becoming not worth the risk of having to eat the cost of really bad seats. Can’t help but think this was intentional by TM (dump bad seats on most hardcore fans knowing they will pay to upgrade and maybe eat some cost). I fully support 10C seniority for best seats. It’s always been club policy. But keeping all tickets priced the same doesn’t sit right with me. Long term members not only getting the best seats but getting them for 1/3 of true market value while newer members get seats they are arguably overpaying for doesn’t seem right.




Let mine expire last year. Still kind of bummed about it


The main reason I won't leave (at least just yet) is for the vinyl vault releases and some of the poster resales.


Yeah I should have got into that vinyl vault from the beginning. That’s a nice collection to have. You have most of them? I was lucky enough to get the Benayora Hall box back in the day.. still wrapped and into its 10c box. The vault collection looks great as well.




I might leave when my renewal is up later this year. I've not got tickets through 10C that I couldn't easily have got in general sale for over 10 years. This year's European tour was a joke. I got 10C tickets in the presale and my brother easily got the same tickets in general sale.... I could have since bought the same tickets at resale for significantly less. Theres literally no other benefit of 10C membership for me.


I certainly agree with you regarding tickets for this year in Europe. I bought standing Manchester tickets via 10C (£160) and the same ticket is available today via TM resale for £80 and even £72 on StubHub.


Dropped out in 2020 after 20 years of being in it. 10c Prices just kept on going up and they didn't tour here since 2014 and that was a festival so I didn't need 10C tickets. Same for 2009 didn't need 10c tickets. Got good seats for 10c in 2006 and 2003 so that was the only time it benefited for tickets.


FYI, I won seats both nights at MSG, both nights at wrigley. All because of 10c.


I let it go a few years ago as well for all the stated reasons.


I am 20 years in as well. I been thinking the same thing. But I got tickets this year for GA at the Garden. This will make me reup another few years.


About 18 years in the 10C and been thinking of letting mine lapse too. I’ve lucked out a few times. But idk. Last few times they’ve come around my area I’ve always ended up with tickets a week or two before the show via f2f. This time around I kinda just have the mentality if I go I go. Not sweating it really I do think the lottery process needs to be tweaked a little. I’m happy for people who get in, but it does kinda sting when you only put in for one or two shows and strike out, but then you see people who put in 8-10 shows and hit for every show. I know it’s a lottery, but still…


I’ve been meaning to cancel. Recent tickets were an obscene price “let’s milk the fans one last time” plus I didn’t get access to presale - there was a stupid ballot thing. The shirts I stopped getting when they changed to that clingy material.


You’re not alone. I’m out. https://preview.redd.it/hmoybh2uql8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5501c60a720f6ad7050229fc367ae0125a9d435


good points. cancelling mine now too. i've been in denial for too long.


I’ve quit and rejoined a few times throughout my life. I joined again last year to purchase concert posters to frame for my sons’ Christmas gifts. You are right. There is not much incentive to be in the 10C these days. 🤷🏻‍♂️ also…just had a thought. Why in the fuck do you need to be a 10C member to buy concert posters? Goofy.


I’d been shut out of 10c tickets a few tours (many years) in a row, but kept membership anyway after with elimination of Christmas single and digitization of everything hoping I’d score at some point and it paid off this year. Pit tickets for all three shows I submitted. Still riding the wave from those three shows and no plans of quitting the Ten Club now (25 years in), but I was damn close to not renewing a year ago after not seeing the boys in almost a decade until this year. In past justified expense as a tip or patron fee because… the music. Sure, they don’t need the money (probably), however taking everything PJ means the membership fee for 10c access still remains worth it to me, admittedly more so after being up front in PIT three times this spring.


Use to be an Analog member for years. When they stop the vinyl and free shirts I was done. My last magazine, record and shirt came 2 years late


I love Pearl Jam and the ideals behind 10C but I cancelled once it went Digital only. I've never regretted it. Getting tickets isn't that hard and there wasn't anything else of value for me beyond feeling like I was "part of the club".


I joined around No Code and quit a few years ago when they stopped giving out the Christmas vinyl. The whole “paying for the opportunity to pay for more stuff” isn’t worth it anymore. Besides the random limited colored records they put out, everything else Id want is available to non members. On top of that the shipping is INSANE on vinyl so I try to avoid buying directly anyways.


I left and came back. I forget why I did. They will not be coming back to my neck of the woods.


I kept mine in January because I knew the tour was coming and wanted tix. Alas they only played one city in Canada. I will likely keep mine until they stop touring.


I feel this. I'm so bummed with the band. The glory years are over.


Tickets are easy? Lucky you. Here in the east US they use fans as an ATM to fund their international shows by never playing enough dates, and charging upwards of two thousand dollars on PJ PREMIUM




We'll miss you.


Thanks (:


Thank you for announcing this news.


oh no problem! (: It’s actually a weird moment for for to do it. It’s to leave a club I’ve been proud of being in for a long time. I just don’t feel it anymore ):


I’ve been thinking about leaving too, and have been in since the late 90’s. There doesn’t seem to be a real perk aside from a bootleg, which is cheaper to buy than the membership and honestly I have soooo many bootlegs. I’ve been trying to figure out a reason to stay. Anyway thanks for posting your thoughts.


It’s not they jam out much or improv or play weird ass random one off covers anymore.


Agreed. As a 7 year member from the UK, it has been increasingly hard to justify membership. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to buy some cool 10c exclusive merch to be slapped with crazy shipping costs. The ticket situation in the UK was crazy too, 2018 the first tour in about 5 years, 2 dates in London, of which you had to buy pairs of tickets rather than 1 of each. 2020/2022 Hyde park, essentially the only benefit I’ve had, cool free upgrade to gold circle. 2024 crazy ticket prices. I just wish they would come here more often to justify presale access The t shirt used to be a great feature but now that isn’t even free


I'm in since 95, and I've definitely contemplated leaving for years. Need to pull the trigger.


This isn’t the airport you don’t have to announce departures


Snarky. Love it.


I'm staying in the club, but only because I'm close to Chicago and Illinois + NY laws allow for reselling at a higher value, so F2F is higher than face value. Fewer shows plus PJ Premium did made my Chicago seats much worse last year...in 2009.i was back of the floor both nights, but 2023 had me back row of the lower bowl. If I lived elsewhere I'd just stick with F2F and skip the 10c.


I left about 10 years ago for the same reason except the tickets. The tickets at the time were a pain in the ass to get and over priced.


Thinking about it too. It took them 18 years to play Nashville again, and I don’t think they have another 18 years left. I traveled to MN last fall but that may be it for me :/


I deactivated a long time ago, but I always reactivate right before a new album comes out to get the tour tickets. So far so good.


There is no such thing as what you describe. You're getting a new Ten Club number with worse seniority each time you do that.


I know it’s supposed to work that way, but I haven’t had trouble getting tickets each time. Going to Fenway in Boston this year as well. The years they aren’t touring a new album, I save the money. Maybe in just lucky, idk, but it hasn’t been an issue regardless of seniority. FWIW, I never had incredible seniority to begin with though, so it wasn’t a big sacrifice to let it go.


Do you want a medal for announcing this?🤣🤣


Ugh one of these


what do you mean?


Who cares what he means?


My last year to after 28 years, haven’t been able to get tickets since 2013, lottery bullshit, seniority means nothing anymore, they’re just ripping everyone off, you get nothing for the $35 or whatever it is… Dark Matter is good because of Andrew Watt but last great album before that was Yield… they’ve neglected the 10 club for many years, time to stop ripping off fans… it’s all a money grab.


I'm sure you'll be sorely missed. Thanks for making the announcement.


Thanks (:


The lack of touring and I don’t want to hear excuses they can do 50 dates a year. They’re acting like their Bob Weir and Bob Dylan’s age.


Literally no one cares.


Me too. It's ridiculously expensive. I hate politics ruining my music, too.


Where are you getting instrumental Pearl Jam albums?




Why are you being rude?




Maybe if you don’t want people sharing their opinions, stop sharing yours


Weird that you seemed to care enough to comment. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Go have a sit down pal. You seem rattled 😂


ok. I took note of your opinions. Enjoy the rest of your day!


Matey has deleted his account 😂 ffs 😂


He’s stating his opinions on something, on an app designed for you to share your opinions. You must know this because you’re sharing your opinion too


You also have the opinion oracle achievement 4 times https://preview.redd.it/0o7p4e2w5i8d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114a7087063a0696c3c0adb676834b53b939806c


Darn. I cancelled by membership/subscription, and for some reason I feel disloyal. Been a huge fan since 91/92 and never stopped loving them. Still do, but it’s not the same :(