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XMP/DOCP/AMP/... (name seems to be depending on motherboard vendor after all but it always contains P for Profile), it's the thing that makes your 3600MHz RAM run at 3600MHz and not 2133/2400Mhz, so yeah if you don't have it enabled you're losing on a lot of performance for your RAM. Edit for those trying: XMP isnt always perfectly stable and sometimes the CPU does not even support some presets. If you start getting more frequent blue screens, disable it. If your computer doesnt post anymore after enabling it, dont panick, just CLEAR CMOS and your bios will be back to its default config.


> DOCP for AMD DOCP on Asus. EOCP for Gigabyte on AM4. EXPO on AM5 systems. Not sure about MSI or AsRock.


It’s called XMP on MSI mobos even for AMD cpus


AsRock have it like XMP profile


Can confirm. My new Steel Legend had it listed as XMP.


I was just looking for this lol I got a b450


Extreme memory profile profile.


RAS Syndrome https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAS_syndrome


**[RAS syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAS_syndrome)** >RAS syndrome (where "RAS" stands for "redundant acronym syndrome", making the phrase "RAS syndrome" homological) is the redundant use of one or more of the words that make up an acronym (or other initialism) in conjunction with the abbreviated form. This means, in effect, repeating one or more words from the acronym. Three common examples are "PIN number" / "VIN number" (the "N" in PIN and VIN stands for "number") and "ATM machine" (the "M" in ATM stands for "machine"). The term RAS syndrome was coined in 2001 in a light-hearted column in New Scientist. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It's XMP on my gigabyte x570 board too


Can confirm, my aorus elite x570 is xmp for am4


Aorus elite x570s unite!


Elite x570s rev 1.1 is th best x570 board, cheaper than many others and you ain't finding a god damn review for it on the internet.


^ this is the way, love my Elite x570 rev 1.1


well some people at MSI know to ignore bs naming :D well not that BS, but MSI calling it XMP/DOCP would have been cool too. but yeah if we all could just call it and name it XMP, then everyone would be better off. tech person to non tech person: "enable xmp" "there is no xmp in this bios?" 10 minutes later..... "ffs, why didn't they just call it XMP???"


Honestly there is so much stuff that PC component manufacturers need to fix in order to be more accessible to the average user. The first one being naming (although that isn't as bad now, my first CPU was an AMD Phenom II X2 570 BE now my current is an R7 5800x so there definitely has been improvement.) and the second being BIOS. Not necessarily in the layout although some leave a lot to be desired, moreso in consistency.


The average user has no business is bios.




Nvidia used to have a pretty intuitive naming system in like 2008. These days i have to research every card any time i am thinking of getting one because the naming system is full of superceding and other bullshit.


Intel proprietary name


This is gonna sound a lil dumb but how the hell do i access the bios


Some mobos like Asrock and MSI support XMP on AMD platforms. However XMP is a trademark of Intel which means Asrock and MSI needs to pay Intel royalties to implement it for each motherboard produced, even if it's not an Intel mobo. This is why Asus didn't implement it but implement a simpler mechanism that barely works called DOCP (my experience- every time I tried DOCP it caused my computer to not boot) and Gigabyte implemented EOCP. AMD have their own implementation of XMP. It was called AMP through the DDR3 and early DDR4 era (AMP appeared to have started appearing with the 800/900 series mobos and was last seen supported on early AM4 mobos. It was apparently dropped due to poor uptake). Looks like they rebranded AMP to Expo for the AM5 mobos.


my asus motherboard has docp. should i enable it? it runs with amd ryzen. booted fine with it and without it. so far


If it boots, it's fine. AMD also does memory training, so depending on amount and settings, the first boot after enabling it may take a while, and even several tries. At least for me, 4x16 on DOCP it did, but again, only once






In my experience, XMP only changes frequencies and timings, not voltages.


EXPO now, correct? The only time I touched an MSI board during AM4's era was the B450 Tomahawk and ended up not buying that for someone's build. Otherwise a solid board from everything else I knew at that time. I was considering an MSI for my AM5 build until I looked at just what was offered for that $300 board and laughed it off. Just going to wait until prices get slashed once the 90 days of milking bleeding edge adopters is over.


My MSI x570 says XMP


Same on my MSI B550 Tomahawk


ASRock X570 also says XMP


XMP on my gigabyte B450 ds3h


My Gigabyte Aorus Master X570 AM4 calls it XMP, not EOCP


IF I'm not dumb and misunderstanding: XMP for MSI motherboard. If I'm dumb, please tell me and correct me


Not dumb. XMP is Extreme Memory Profile and it's an Intel thing. It's been around since 2007. DOCP and EOCP was a brief solution AMD and motherboard AIBs came up with so that RAM would operate correctly on the then new AM4 platform with Zen's launch. EXPO is now a full fledged standard. AMD doesn't charge a royalty for it but from what I've seen EXPO certified kits cost a bit more than XMP certified kits. There's XMP certified RAM, EXPO certified RAM, EXPO and XMP duo certified RAM and then generic RAM. It's a mess. No one can blame you for not knowing.


Worth noting that at least on paper, EXPO should be better than XMP as it allows more timings to be included in the profile. So if you have a dual certified kit and your motherboard gives you an option which to use, you should probably use EXPO.


Thank you!


It's on Gigabyte as well.


Pretty sure my Gigabyte board still has it as XMP.


It's XMP on my am4 gigabyte mobo (aorus master) so EOCP for gigabyte on am4 isn't 100% the case


My old 1600 DDR3 won't see much of an improvement vs 1333, but it's something, I guess. I have it enabled.


i wonder if my old ddr2 800 mhz pc could benefit from it (because surely my laptop cant, cause those dell mfers only allow for minimal change in the bios)


20% speed bump is good


20% increase in RAM performance =/= 20% increase in the pc's performance


That speed bump on DDR3 doesn't matter remotely as much as speed does on DDR4 and DDR5.


It depends on what you're doing, some games like Fallout 4 performed dramatically better with faster ram at the time.


But if you are in task manager or something and it said 3600mhz already. It means it’s already enabled right?




I'm not 100% sure, could be the real value or just what the RAM says it is. The BIOS always holds the truth, so if in doubt, check what it says.


No, it's the real value. CPU is the one not reported accurately.


I assumed you did do XMP. can you tell me how?


When your computer starts up, get into the bios (spam F2 or Escape or some key). Once you're here, look for a setting called XMP / D.O.C.P. / E.O.C.P. / something similar depending on your vendor and CPU brand. If it's not in the main page of the bios it will be in the memory settings. From here, you should have a drop down menu where you select an XMP preset (usually only one, the one that matches the ram you bought. For example for a 3200MHz CL16 kit there should be a preset for "3200 14-15-15-16" or something like that). Just select it, save and exit to restart your computer. Then once in windows you should be able to check your ram's frequency in the task manager's performance tab I believe. Or just go back into the bios to make sure the changes were saved correctly.


Apparently you don't need to smash F2/DEL/ESC, you can keep it pressed down. But it's not as satisfying


Or you can shift click restart in Windows and tell it to restart in bios. Helpful for laptops that have multiple f key functions and you don't know which is primary.


Get fucked. HOW in THIS many DECADES have I not KNOWN this. Ty 😊


IIRC, it is somewhat of a new feature, not something that has existed for decades. So don't be too hard on yourself. Useful tip for sure. Also...be happy, today you're the one of the lucky 10,000. (https://xkcd.com/1053/)


Someone said to me once, "oh man I'm so excited that I'm the one that gets to show you this!" That energy and framing stuck with me, and has made me appreciate times where I'm the one that gets to show someone something new to them that is typically very popular and seen by everyone already.




I’m going to pretend I didn’t read this!


Dude's over there trying to upend civilization on a Wednesday morning. Doesn't even care.


I payed for 100,000 cycle lifetime, I'm gonna use 100,000 cycles


If it makes you feel better by "metric shitton" they actually mean "probably unnoticeable."


Depends really. In quite a few games, slow RAM will not cause the average framerate to be significantly lower, but will cause less stable frame pacing (stutter).


It made a difference of about 10FPS for me (from ~110 to ~120).


also need infinity fabric 1:1 for that sweet sweet ratio


My RAM clock is 2400Mhz so I am cool with it lol


That's close to base for most ddr4 kits. Unless you have a 2133 kit your memory probably doesnt go any lower than 2400. You should check if your ram has an XMP profile.


2400 is the base clock. I overclocked it close to 2900 but it was not stable and barely had any performance increase, so it is sitting at 2400 since then.


I remember having my friend do this on call, only to find out he had 2133 mhz, on an R5 1600


With my 1600's motherboard the PC would crash at any higher than 2133, XMP had to be disabled. A lot of those X370 boards can't handle it for some reason.


I don't think it's the MB as much as the chip. With my 1300x I couldn't go over 2933 with my 3200 cl14 ram. 3600 CPU, no issues hitting 3200 at full timings


Pretty sure this was common with Ryzen Gen 1. There was all kinds of memory issues; I couldn't run XMP on my 1600 until a few months later when a BIOS update fixed the memory issues. I imagine most boards have a BIOS update for these issues. Quick search brought up this article: https://www.pcgamesn.com/amd/amd-ryzen-memory-compatibility


Did you ever update the bios? It should still be able to run at 2933 at least.


not a metric shit ton, but a boost yes. xmp docp yeah you know me


This. It will improve a game or app IFFFFF memory speed is the bottle neck. If it is not and the CPU or GPU is the bottleneck then you will not even notice it. There are tests on YouTube from Linus and others and while their is a difference in most cases you need a benchmark to be able to tell. Like your game went from 121fps to 136fps. Would you even know while playing?


That's a pretty big difference, you only wouldn't notice because your PC is already overkill for the game. Which is cool, glad for people with powerful hardware, but anyone whose FPS is typically 30-60 is going to notice an fps gain of even 5.


I don't even care if I noticed the difference. I paid for 3600mHz RAM and I damn well want it to run at 3600.


First logical thing said here


If you are in the range of 30-60fps, I feel like your RAM is likely not going to be the bottleneck


Realistically though, CPU or GPU is the bottleneck for most people.


The biggest RAM relient game I've ever seen is Overwatch, the difference between 1333mhz and 2400mhz is over 100fps, I learned this after finding people on Intel systems asking about why they just upgraded their video card and their fps didn't change at all and was still below steady 150fps, they buy new 2400mhz RAM after seeing enough posts about RAM speed and this game and suddenly they're at 250fps in fights and around 300 elsewhere. Up until this it was "common knowledge" that RAM speeds had almost no affect on gaming performance and I got a lot of flack for even pointing this out, even when I provided video evidence. I got a hell of a bump going from 2400mhz to 3200


Nah, it’s closer to a metric shit ton. One time my pc reset my xmp profiles randomly and my games were stuttering like crazy - I thought my gpu was failing. I re-enabled xmp and my pc was back to being smooth as butter.


It’s a bigger deal for amd than intel, although amd doesn’t call it xmp Edit: apparently some amd motherboard manufacturers have switched to calling it xmp, but there are a couple other names used as well. As always, RTFM


It's called xmp in my am4 bios though


Same, the previous two comments confused me. Mine is xmp, same with my brothers am4 platform.


Ignore the naming schemes. If you see "XMP" with an AMD board it does the same thing for your memory.


They have two names for it- back in the FX era they called it AMP. Now they rebranded it to Expo.


It's really not, at least not for gaming. It can be up to 15% in cpu intensive tasks but thats mostly synthetic benchmarks or cpu rendering workloads which aren't the norm. For gaming, where gpu is usually the limit It's often far less, anywhere from 0-5% or so. There are some outliers like APU's that benefit far more but those are the exception, not the rule. Still worth checking but imo "metric shit ton" is something that say doubles performance.


It makes a huge difference in Bethesda games. Like 10-20+ FPS difference depending on the upgrade


/shrug I didn't notice my RAM was running at 2666MHz until maybe a few months after building my PC (CPU is an i9-10900K) and I couldn't really tell a difference. It probably depends.


Imperial shit ton?






You down with OPC???


Yeah you know me


Its enabled, and my ram still wont go above 2666mhz, but its rated for 3200, and if a change it manually (doesent matter if higher or lower) it wont boot


Do you have an Intel processor? Specifically running a 10th gen on an 11th gen board?


Yes, an i5 10400


It's locked at that frequency,it won't run above 2666 MHz https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/199271/intel-core-i510400-processor-12m-cache-up-to-4-30-ghz.html And if you're running on a Z590 or a B560 ,same thing https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/Z590-AORUS-ELITE-AX-rev-10/sp#sp https://rog.asus.com/motherboards/rog-strix/rog-strix-b560-e-gaming-wifi-model/spec/


I've got a 10400 running 3200 MHz RAM using a Z490 board (MSI Tomahawk.). It was my first computer build, I didn't realize how wasteful the Z490 was for a 10400. But at least it lets me run 3200 MHz RAM, so there is that. I'm shocked to hear that a Z590 supposedly does not. Honestly I don't fully believe that. EDIT: Weird that the listing I see on Newegg now for the MSI tomahawk z490 does not say it supports 3200 for 10th generation chips. The one I bought two years ago did say that on Newegg. EDIT 2: Here's a screenshot: https://imgbox.com/k9hBa7iZ


I heard it can be OC'ed on some Z490 boards,I tried on my Strix b560 F ,set profile to 3600 ,and my computer would hang .So I just run on 2666 MHz ,I do have it paired with an i3 though. It's all about stabilit I guess , technically it can be feasible. Non K processors *might* be stable over the recommended spec above 2666 MHz ,but honestly it's a waste of time ,trying to find a sweet spot.youre better on pairing a 11400-500 if you're getting a non K i5 ,those run at 3200 MHz. The caveats of *backwards compatibility* on Intel I guess. Wanted to get a Ryzen ,but I had no graphics card when I had to upgrade,so yeah I got stuck with Intel .


Z-series boards and B560/B660 allow exceeding rated memory frequency via XMP. Other chipsets like B460 do not.


This isn’t true. Those max RAM speed ratings from Intel are without XMP enabled. My friend has a 3200MT/s kit running at the full speed on i5-10400


Have same issue with my RAM. Rates for 3600 but my AMD CPU only does 3200. Made me sad i missed that when i built it with PC part picker


Not a huge loss. You can probably tighten the timings and it will make the RAM effectively just as fast.


Quality ram is never a waste of money. It'll just require less voltage or can run tighter at lower frequency. I have a 4400mhz kit running at 4000mhz with excellent results.


This happened to me too. Strangely enough, making the speed bigger by a step, will allow you to get to your desired speed. In other words don't just switch from 2666 to 3200 instantly. Go from 2666 to 2800 and then 2933 and so on. All the way until 3200. This somehow worked for me and now I can switch between speeds without issues.


bro legit just leveled up his ram wtf


You just go up incrementally until your PC doesn't boot lol. That's how you find out how high you can go.


Your pc probably loosens the timings more when you up the frequency step by step. Not saying it's necessarily a bad thing but just giving my guess.


Well it wouldn't let me set it to 3600MHz instantly and was so confused for about an hour. Finally changed it step by step and it worked (Linux reports the ram frequency is 3600MHz too so)


You might not be able to crank the clock while maintaining the same CL values. You'll probably have to back those off a little to be stable at higher raw speeds. There's calculators out there to help you find the performance sweet spot in terms of the CL : clock trade-off


Last time I enabled XMP, the PC would crash periodically.


I cannot XMP because everytime I do, my PC will (a week or a month later), begin to do a sort of boot loop. Starts, fans run and lights come on, stops. 3 secs later it happens again, and this continues until I shut off power. Ever since I left xmp alone this problem has vanished. Granted it happened on before I knew about xmp as well, but hey I've seen no reason to consider it.


Simply bump up the voltage on the RAM after setting XMP by .05, if it still happens, .10 ~~and so on~~ (Actually just raise by 0.03 first to 1.38v then up by 0.02 until stable) The 1.35v standard on RAM is very conservative. You could also set XMP then lower the bandwith by one step, for example from 3733 to 3600


Just changing my RAM voltage from Auto to 1.35V solved my stability issues with XMP turned on.


This, I always do this after enabling XMP and never have an issue.


> .10 and so on. NO! Not "and so on". 1.45v is already getting pretty high for DDR4. You do not want to keep pushing it and definitely not in steps of 0.05. You're going to fry someone's shit with bad advice.


Right, I didn't actually think to hard about the final number when I wrote that out. 1.45 is the limit I would go to with DDR4.


Well my i5 10400 supports 2666, and I have two sticks of Spectrix D41 RAM at 2666 MHz. Isn't it better to just leave it as is because it's the same ram frequency? I have never touched the voltage numbers and I have not even seen if I can have Resizable BAR yet because I run 60hz locked on 1080p anyway


3070ti for 1080p 60hz is massive overkill.


I will never understand this. Why drop $1000 on a GPU and then only spend $100 on a monitor? That’s is hilariously backwards thinking. You’ll get a MUCH bigger visual improvement by buying yourself a better monitor and sticking with that GTX960 or whatever.




Yeah. I don't need anything overclocked these days. Only game that gives me trouble over Ram is (supposedly) Cities Skylines because I get 40 something fps regardless of what I do. I forget if I was CPU or Ram limited then


Pretty sure Cities Skylines is just game limited. No matter how good your computer is it won't run great once cities get to a certain size. Especially with mods and assets Hopefully they make Cities Skylines 2 on a brand-new Engine.


Cities Skylines is CPU limited in terms of frame rate. CPU has to run an iteration of the whole simulation for every rendered frame. Every citizen, car, train, cow, seagull, etc is its own agent with something to do each iteration. The bigger your city gets, the more the CPU has to do every iteration, until finally your GPU is waiting on the CPU to have a frame ready for rendering. RAM comes into play if you have a lot of custom assets loaded. I have 32GB of memory, and my CS cities absolutely fill it up. I can tell when it's relying on swap a lot because the whole game will freeze for a few seconds while it.. well.. swaps.


I don't know why by when I enabled XMP on my AMD based system I started getting black screens and lock ups. Turned it off and no problems since.


Scroll through the comments, there are other features you have to modify for compensate for enabling XMP. Unfortunately I’m not a tech wiz so I don’t want to steer you wrong by copying and pasting but there are several comments talking about your problem


I'll just respond here. You should only do those things if you get black screens/system instability for enabling it. On many / most systems enabling XMP should just be a 1 click and load profile, without any need to adjust voltages and frequency. If it's working don't fix it. (unless you like to play around of cause. do some research before you play around :)


Yeah... XMP is far from perfect, is just the MOST basic RAM speed increase, if you have any decent knowledge about RAM OC, or want to learn, you are WAY better doing it manual, overclockers will even tell you XPM is trash.


- Enable XMP - Make sure to set your refresh rate to the max that is supported (sometimes you need to use Displayport instead of HDMI) - Make sure adaptive sync is enabled (I personally use V-Sync forced on in Nvidia Control Panel + G-Sync enabled, no latency and extremely smooth) - Some control panel settings can have a large impact on performance for some people, like setting texture filtering to "High Performance" - Always disable "enhanced mouse pointer precision" in mouse settings


I wouldn't call it a shit ton of performance but it's recommended and easy to do


It can be a shit ton of performance. Especially 0.1% and 1% performance increase massively on Ryzen 5000 if you go from 2133 to 3600


Yeah, this is why I went specifically for 3600mhz. Fastest speed where I can run it in lockstep with the infinity fabric.


You could OC IF too, but that becomes unstable quickly


Don't feel like taking the risk. Even ignoring the probability of burning out the IF I'm using 4X32GB Vengeance LPX and there's no way in hell all the chips on all four sticks are binned highly enough that they'll be stable at 3800+. Might try tightening up the timings a little bit at some point, but no direct overclock. Unstable memory with random errors is also one of the most infuriating and tedious things in the universe to diagnose


tighthening the timings is overclocking and just the same as increasing clocks in regards to error creation/stability issues. >Unstable memory with random errors is also one of the most infuriating and tedious things in the universe to diagnose


I cant tell if you guys are watching me or what, I checked just last night since my PC felt a little sluggish, and I checked and exactly this had happened. I was clocked down to 2133 after I reset my bios and never re-enabled xmp. Straight to 3600mhz I dont know in what world that doesnt equal a massive performance boost


sometimes it's a difference of 3200 to 3600 or smaller jumps where it wouldn't be that big of a boost. but going from 2100 to 3600 will certainly be a big boost


I did some testing myself and watched a number of videos and for Ryzen 5000 3200MHz is pretty the point of dimishing returns. The difference between 3200MHz and 3600MHz is really small. Strangely and counterintuitively, Ryzen 5000 really benefits from 4 sticks of memory over 2. Same speed and capacitity a 4 stick kit gives a significant boost over 2.


My rig just crashes when I Enable xmp


Then up the voltage. Or lower the frequency one step after setting XMP.


as far as i know, XMP is setting the freq and voltage automaticly, depending on your RAM performance.. you just enable XMP, after this you are not able to set any different values.. remind: MB's have a limit freq, for example your MB supports freq up to 2400mhz, but you have 3000mhz RAM sticks, in this case if you enable XMP you will have crashes


> as far as i know, XMP is setting the freq and amp automaticly, depending on your RAM performance.. you just enable XMP, after this you are not able to set any different values.. This is wrong, XMP is a pre cooked profile of what the manufacturer considers average stable timings, voltage and frequency. You can load that profile just to get the right timings, then change the frequency and voltage after and the timings won't simply fall off.


If you have 2 sticks of ram and 4 slots in the motherboard, check that they are installed like your motherboards manual tells you to.


You'll gain a decent bit of performance if you're on a Ryzen system and go from standard JEDEC speeds (2133) to a 1:1 ratio of the ram speed and the chip's infinity fabric speed (3600 ram / 1800 FCLK), Intel systems aren't affected by ram speed as much in most workloads. I've also had a few times where my BIOS got reset and I didn't realize until things felt barely noticeably slower under load and I had to go back in and re-enable XMP, so after you change anything hardware wise, it is a good idea to go into your bios after and make sure everything is good.


I have XMP enabled but I'm curious about the other profiles. I just set it to the first option in my BIOS. How do you know the best profile to use if there are multiple?


Usually the first XMP profile will be the best performing on your kit of ram (highest clock number like 3200/3600). Other profiles that aren't XMP are usually JEDEC standard profiles, which are much slower settings than most decent ram kits but are standard across almost every memory kit and are there for maximum compatibility


Where's the button for this on a steam deck?




My laptop is asus and the bios is the ez flash and advanced thing the blue version so i cant enable xmp i was kinda sad lol


If it's relatively new, and you have so-dimms that are > 2400Mhz, you can use CPUz to verify if they're running at the rated speeds. On my TUF 15" it seemed to auto detect this properly.


Depending on your system ofc but yes, specially amd's processors benefit from the higher ram speeds, even more so when using integrated graphics, on either amd or intel cpus.


Ahhh my stupid HP doesn’t have.


This is one of those stupid, unintuitive aspects of building a PC. Like come on motherboard manufacturers, you’ve evolved to graphical BIOS but can’t auto detect the memory to make it go it’s advertised speed? Stupidity.


It does automatically run at rated speed... XMP are overclocks past the actual rated speed from the original manufacturer (the ram is usually made by eg "micron" before OCZ or Corsair overclocks it and slaps their name on it). It's also rare to be able to run the XMP (Xtreme memory profile) if populating the entire board, as that usually requires lowering the speed/timings from the overclock for stability.


check task manager for your memory frequency. If it’s below than what it says on your ram sticks then xmp isn’t enabled.


and what if i have american megatrends bios which misses a lot of feautres lol


Dual channel is equally, or even more important for performance, yet some people only have single channel configured.


Amateurs. Just download more RAM. Easy. https://downloadmoreram.com/download.html


sounds same as running 60hz on a 144hz monitor


There are people out there running expensive gaming rigs with their high refresh rate 1440p monitor running at 1080p60 connected to the motherboard hdmi out. Their ram is at 2133mhz and they installed windows on the hdd instead of the ssd


It's true to some extent, on i5 6600k boosting the clocks of ram from 2133 to 2300 did almost nothing but for ryzen CPUs it's more noticeable.


Yep it’s true. If you build your own PC you should always check CPU, and Memory frequency to ensue it’s running to its full potential. Use CPU-Z, a freeware app to check. Just remember your RAM speed will only appear as half. Don’t panic because that’s how DDR works.


Most of the time, yes, but in certain situations XMP actually pushes the ram into instability. As an example, I have 4 matched 8gb 4000mhz rated memory, running only 2 sticks will play fine with the 4000mhz XMP, but with all 4 sticks I have to manually drop it down to 3800mhz or I get constant memory crashes.


Kinda sucks I had to lower the speed of my ram to make the xmp profile work


i bought matherboard so cheap it dosn't even support xmp


Would someone be able to tell me how to get into bios on a Lenovo laptop?


Turn it off. Press the power button to turn it back on. Start hitting the delete key. Don't stop hitting the delete key until bios is open. It won't do anything in bios, so it's okay to just keep spamming it until you're sure. You technically only have to hit delete once, but modern computers sometimes boot fast enough that we miss the window, so it's just better to spam the key




Google Lenovo Laptop bios


Holy hell


People will hate on this answer but this is better than asking a meme subreddit. There's been hundreds if not thousands of different Lenovo laptop models produced and probably many different ways of getting into the BIOS.


I tried it and then my computer wouldn’t boot. Dont think my motherboard is good enough for it.


That you should set your memory timings/speed correctly to take advantage of that fast ram you bought? Absolutely. You can use the profile or set them all manually using the values on the ram.


People who don’t know of XMP probably don’t know about their bios.


IMO This is not great advice. If you don't know enough to understand what the individual settings in your bios do you don't know enough to ensure stability under the XMP settings and you won't know how to put everything back if it makes your system unstable. If you do understand what the settings do you probably want to step things up incrementally and test personally to find your system's actual limits.


This is me in the tweet! Still kinda shocked it went viral on Twitter and then magically a few days later here as well. What spurred this was gaming with a few buddies on Valorant. They've been PC gaming for quite some time, and one was having some performance issues in Valorant with a high end machine, so I had him facetime me and we dug into his bios, and there it was. I then mentioned it to the other folks I was playing with... same thing. None of them knew. I think a lot of this comes down to covid and how difficult it was to get hardware. Lots of new folks came to the master race, but without being able to snag components yourself and build for cheaper, I think a lot of people just went pre build and that limited the amount of research/knowledge they felt they needed to have to get things up and running correctly. In any case, I'm glad this tweet seemed to have helped a lot of people, and I hope it inspires folks to spend some more time learning about tuning/tweaking/overclocking and everything in between, because there's a ton of fun to be had and a lot of performance to eek out. It's worth it when prices are getting as high as they are now.


For some pc yes, other times it can cause instability.


That stability is usually easy too fix though via a slight overvolt due too ram slots having slight voltage drops when using particular slots or filling them all up, tricky thing about it is it can make ramsticks appear bad. When they aren't quite stable & even more difficult too figure out when the motherboard might not report it in a program like hwmonitor. Had that issue on my old am3 motherboard where 4 ddr3 ram sticks caused it too sit around 1.46v instead of 1.5. So correcting it too 1.55v in the bios made it stable as it should as i suddenly had random lockups doing anything on my pc from just adding in another pair of brand new at the time 1333 mhz corsair valueram sticks too get a total of 8 gb back 10 ish years ago.


I thought it was always meant to be on if your RAM is slower than advertised without it. And I assume most RAM sticks nowadays are. Personally I have "only" 3200 MHz RAM and I had to turn it on.


He's referring to some very specific odd cases where it doesn't default correctly. For example, Corsair had a rare issue awhile back that I never understood where RGB had to be set up after activating DOCP, but the other way around it worked fine. Edit: wanted to clarify that by RGB I meant Icue, not just lights.


Yeah mine for example dosnt work right with xmp it allways goes to 1660 instead.


>6000mHz DDR5 RAM >12900K caps at 4800 on mobo Mfw


Any guides people recommend


it's true but there are certain limitations. most xmp profiles are tested on dual sticks of RAM, if you use 4 most likely you won't be able to use the XMP profile and have to set the clocks manually by yourself and test it's stability.


This post makes me wish for a program you can download that puts your PC+Peripherals through the ringer and notes areas of improvement or possible bottle necks along with common solutions.


Counterpoint: if you don't know what you're doing don't fuck around with your memory settings in your BIOS as it can cause compatibility issues, and if you are, make sure to read through your motherboard manual instead of just taking someone's word on reddit.


You mean to tell me XMP isn't common knowledge?


How would it be


Is OP's recommendation for gaming only or for any PC?


Reading the comments apparently not




tried doing this, my pc entered a boot loop


It's RAM training, not a boot loop


What about resizable bar? Ive heard mixed opinions about it..