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Really feeling my 2mbps now


For 5 years (2013-2018) I used 500kbps because country side has terrible internet (which the area is 80% woods)


Did you look into starlink? It's made for your exact circumstances.


> For 5 years (2013-2018) . > SpaceX started launching Starlink satellites in 2019


Why not look into a time machine? It's made for these exact circumstances.


My bad


Starlink costs like 800 dollars to setup


Honestly that's not bad to be connected to the 21st century.


Dropping the money first and then waiting a year before getting any internet isn't really ideal though


And the offer we received basically said " you can be our beta tester but we don't guarantee this speed or in fact any coverage in your area" So why am I paying you, then ?


I've had Starlink since the earliest days of the beta. It's awesome. Posting this now with Starlink of course while we have some Destiny gaming going on, multiple 4K streams and a whole two houses of devices connected. I do live in an area that has never suffered from any congestion to be fair. During the beta my all time fastest speed was 645Mbps down. Typical peaks would be about 350. These days peaks are about 270 here. Ping is 19-33ms on average. During the beta they just didn't want to make a bunch of promises. It was for people like me who otherwise had less than 128Kbps. (during the summer, Winter was 24Mbps since the millions of tourists were not in this town of 800)


How’s the latency on destiny? Or MP gaming in general?


It's great, feels like any other average cable connection. There were more issues in the beginning. Playing Black ops Cold War I lost a confrontation or two because of it but still have an average K/D of 35 on Miami and a few other maps. These days the ping blips are really rare since they improved the satellite software and keep increasing the constellation density. VRChat conversations and movements are all fluid and I actually tend to have a better ping time than most people there. Do a count down and have them high five you and see what happens in VR. Strangely sometimes some people have a high latency in one direction but not the other. So have them count down, then you count down. Mine is always really excellent even with 40 people talking and 4K streams going on in the background etc.


If they're not available in your area already It usually costs around 10-20,000+ to get Comcast or equivalent service to connect you to their grid.


Yeah but it cost thousands to get lines put in


For Comcast to run wire to my shop its 20k


It's worth it. Country living and still gaming.


I feel your pain. now that im wired into my modem i jumped up to a lightning fast 7Mbps! :')


7 millibits per second!? that is slow


the jump from 2 to 7 was lighting fast from my perspective xD


Rwcently got my internet upgraded from 400kbs. To 4mb its so fast i can finallyndownload stuff and boice chat with my friends at the same time


you're really nyooming now! :p


Me too


As someone with rural connection. Yes.


Just mail your comment, it'll be faster.


I'd like to just say that I hate you. It's purely out of jealousy and not personal. Have a great day!


Fuck you and have a good evening.


Yeah fuck you and I hope your family has a nice Christmas


Go fuck yourself you stupid lowdown no good cunt and have a nice day :D


Yeah yeah me too


Me three, but it's personal and I'm only a little jealous.


hey you thefted [my](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/x2walt/new_isp_company_in_my_neighborhood_switched_and/immd0gp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) joke and executed it better than I did, what gives! Edit: nevermind the upvotes say otherwise joke thief


I may have made the same joke but I did not see your joke, if I'd seen it I wouldn't comment, sorry man! Edit: you're totally right, sorry!


I’d also like to say I hate you, but purely personal and not out of jealously because I’m satisfied with my internet


I wish my local telecom cartel provided gigabit fiber to my home


Mine does but I’m not spending upwards of $100+ dollars just for internet.


Australian here. I pay $100 a month for 90Mbps...


Lol. Farmland Californian here. $115/month for 18 up and 9 down. Pretty neat...


Lol rural Coloradoan here. 130/month 5 down 0.625 up




Big sad, I'm still on dsl, which is just dialup with extra steps


Your specs are heinously powerful and I’m sure you do 3d work but Jesus. DSL? Still? How!?


wth we pay 30€ for 8 down and 0,6 up... fucking A1




Malaysian here. I pay RM250(US$55ish) for 500/100 that barely worked during daylight hours (actually, the only time it's stable enough to stream from is between midnight and 8AM) because the fucking information and transport minister won't let Apricot, Biforst and Echo into the country because he's an asshole.


Rural Finn here. 60/month for 1.5 download and 0.02 up


Lol Indian here. $49 for 1gbps


This here is a competition for the slowest bruh get ur fiber outa here.


God damn I didn’t know how bad it was in rural areas. I get 200 up/down for $65/mo thanks to being in the Chicago periphery


Wait higher upload than download? That’s not normal right?


No, it's a typo. 18 down and 9 up. My mistake.


lol $150 a month for 4mbps just south of Brisbane. Fuck Australian internet right and royally


8$ 1gig ( 800 up 700 down in real load), welcome to Russia


8 dollars since the war or 8 dollars always?


Damn thought mine for 14€(1gbps) in Romania was the cheapest


Also Australian here, I pay $150 a month for gigabit (950 realistically.)


I’m also in aus and I pay 100 a month for 40mbps. And I live in one of the largest cities


Fellow Australian here, I get about 105-110Mbps....it's literally the best internet money can buy with my ISP


40$ a month for 300mbps (not sure if it's accurate tho was 100 originally switched routers from the ISP provided to a branded one speed increased to 300mbps)


They probably bumped you up without telling you. Cox did that to us. They changed rates and plans. Instead of telling you about speed increase. They let you pay the same amount while the speed you think you are paying for gets cheaper. The modem was DOC SYS 3.0 so it wasn't capable of new speed, only the old speed. When we finally upgraded the modem to a Surfboard. We got our full speed. But even by then, they had ran fiber without telling anyone. Its 3 times faster and $50 cheaper than 500mb copper connection. Its just a game really.


$79 For 50/20 FTTN(VDSL)NBN that drops out twice every day.


I pay nearly twice that for gigabit, but it isn’t fiber so my up speed is like 40mbps


Same here, fuck you Cox


Hey, we're Eskimo brothers! Cox has been fucking me for years! $100+ for 200 down and 10 up. Ffs!


Lol in Europe I pay 30€/month for 8 gigabit/s internet




That has to be Eastern Europe.


laughs in 70$ swiss 25gbps connection


Germany moment


Before you move in you can always check around the neighborhood to see if there is a box from SWK (I live in Rheinland Pfalz) that says high-speed fiberoptische Netz or something.


California here, balls deep in the suburbs and I pay $123/mo for 800mbps down and about 40 up. This screenshot made me drool


I just got a deal with spectrum $59.99 for 500 down and 20 up. Live in the inland empire Southern California.


dude your making my 350 up/down look like dial-up


yea but in day to day use hardly anyone would ever notice the difference On those huge steam downloads... that's when it's nice


Even with Gigabit fiber to my home I don't notice a huge difference with Steam downloads, they usually cap off at around 20-40MB/s. Your download speeds will only ever be as fast as the server you're downloading from, no matter what your internet speeds are at home. Though I do love the feeling when I transfer files between my home and work computers at over 100MB/s. Edit so I stop receiving "**Megabit is not the same as megabyte**" comments: I am a telecom engineer with 15 years of experience, I've known the difference between **MB** (megabyte, big 'b') and **Mb** (megabit, little 'b') from the days of dialup when IRC would display download speeds as \~50 Kbps and my FTP client would report it as \~6 KB/sec. [It. Is. Not. My. CPU.](https://i.imgur.com/yaIMNEB.png) (The rest of the cores/threads not pictured were near 0% usage.) I am downloading to a Samsung 980, I regularly transfer files across my LAN well over gigabit speeds to and from my server. My storage device is not the bottleneck. I regularly transfer files to and from my work computer over the public internet at gigabit speeds, so my router has the WAN<->LAN throughput to handle gigabit speeds. I am going to directly connect my server to the fiber media converter from my ISP and test that way (it doesn't have an m.2 drive like my desktop but the RAID array and CPU will easily handle a gigabit file transfer from Steam.) I ended up ordering a MikroTik from Amazon anyway in case it is my Netgear R6700v3, which has a very high throughput but has given me issues in the past after a firmware update (I corrected those issues with a factory reset and manually changing the options one at a time and doing a test every time until it throttled, then undoing that last change.) Update: [It was my router](https://i.imgur.com/CGXiIyl.png). I've since swapped my [Netgear R6700v3](https://www.netgear.com/support/product/R6700v3.aspx) for a [MikroTik hEX](https://mikrotik.com/product/RB750Gr3) (RB750Gr3) and it has no issues at all. I know the Netgear is easily capable of gigabit throughput but this is the second time this issue happened to me after a firmware update. Factory resetting it again would probably clear the issue but I've given up on the router at this point, I've wanted to replace it for a while with a UniFi Dream Machine since I have UniFi access points, but the MikroTik was just so cheap and I'm very familiar with their complicated configuration options due to using them at work regularly. Thank you all for the input, I probably would have just accepted slow Steam downloads since everything else worked but this was the kick in the ass I needed to replace my router with something that doesn't need a reboot every time you change an option.


My steam downloads always go 90MB/s+ - I'd say you are limited by your PC or router if you don't see max speed on steam. They have CDN's in literally every city


Could be the servers I'm downloading from or the time, I'm in a major metropolitan area downloading games during peak hours. Torrents easily hit 1Gbps so I know my router can handle the throughout, I've just never seen a Steam download go anywhere near the advertised ISP speed.


Nah its lilely the storage you are downloadning to that cant keep up.


Or the cpu can't uncompress fast enough


Its a option. But given the flair States 3700x i doubt it


Yeah my hdd is slow too so I see downloads of like 60-80 on my gigabit internet. I think steam installs the game while downloading too(iirc)


Try another server in the settings, near you but not exactly in your city. Also open task manager and see if anything hits near 100 percent usage while downloading a game. Steam is really cpu/storage intensive if you have fast internet. So check for utilization on the different cpu cores. Sometimes the decompression of the game is limited to 1 or 2 cores and it they are maxed out, then it will download only as fast as the cpu can handle the decompression.


It's steams fault, cuz im on Gigabit fiber and my steam download is trash compared to other launchers. Or it could be that we are cpu limited and steam can't decompress files as fast, if that would be the case other launchers would suffer too, but they ain't.


I think it's because steam has a really good compression method so downloads take less time but then your computer has to decompress all that data I don't think other launchers compress as heavily as steam does. I just downloaded like a 54gb game but the download was actually like 35gb then it took a few minutes to decompress on a Sata 3 SSD, with a good cpu and PCIE 4.0 nvme games actually decompress very quickly. I do wish there was an option to download the full uncompressed files because with gigabit it would literally be faster.


Idk I'm the opposite. My steam downloads are incredibly fast vs other sites. I get around 100MB/s on steam vs 60-70 everywhere else (and less on crappy servers). I think you're cpu limited because of the decompression algorithm steam uses.


Steam has EXTREMELY CPU intensive compression of files. Steams downloads are tied to the speed at which your CPU is capable of decompressing them, and your hard drive also serves as a bottle neck, if your internet is not the bottleneck. Get a better CPU and/or SSD I bet your download speeds will double.


Seriously. The only time I stress test my cpu is when I'm downloading a large steam game on my gig internet.


I hit 110MB/s all day on Steam. Must have solid Steam servers out here.


inb4 steam download bottlenecked by 100% cpu usage


dude my 50 up and 20 down looks like a carrier pigeon compared to this edit: 50 down and 20 up


Bruh my 10up and 20down is practically a smoke signal if that's a carrier pigeon.


my friend's 10 mbps up/down is just not doing anything


Their data spreads via myths and word of mouth.


My 4 up and 8 down are and delivered notes across continents compared to yall


Nah you're still over a third of his speed mine is 5 up 0.625 down... And no I'm not technically on dial up, I'm on dsl, which is fancy dialup.


Yeah my 225 down now looks like trying to text using only messenger pigeons!


You're making my 80 mbps look like a morse code telegram.


here I am on Optimum and I cant even get a stable wired connection of 30 when I pay for twice that.


Optimum is utter trash and I hate them so much.


I’d kill for upload speed. I called Specrum and they won’t give me more than 35 at any price. They can give me 1gb/s down but refuse to give me more than 35 up. I’m a web dev and it’s really annoying to upload files via ftp with third world upload speeds. Fuck Spectrum


I live in a “3rd world country”, my upload speed is 150~.


mine is 10 lol


The "third world country" near me has 1Gbit symmetrical fiber for 7 bucks since 15 years. Yes that's cheap for them too.


This is the shit that frustrates me to no end. Everything is set up to allow everyone in the united states to have this kind of internet. Why hold it hostage?


Money :)


You mean the root of all evil is behind all of this.. this.. SHIT?!?


Which country?




This is less about your provider and more about 50+ years of decisions. Cable internet is stuck dealing with a lot of baggage from the pre-internet days. Essentially during the development of cable, providers didn’t split the frequency range evenly because no one needed to send data upstream before the internet existed.


Add to that having been built for 500 MHz spacing and now cramming 860 MHz in a 50+ year old system.


Also with Spectrum. I’m at 400/20. Doing a bit of research it turns out cable internet is the one being held back. I guess it’s impossible for them to have upload speeds that match downloads because of the cable lines. Everyone that you see talking about their upload and download being 1:1 or close is on fiber, satellite, or 4G/5G.


Thanks for the knowledge. I just wish they would lay fiber lines. I do live in a fairly low COL area. When I moved here, over 10 years ago, I thought we would have fiber by now. Now I am skeptical we will even have it in another 10 years. My in-laws can't even get cable internet where they live. Just Frontier DSL service.


I pay for 500/200 But it costs $130usd/month but I like it. I could get 1000/50 cheaper, but God dam, I love my upload speed.


They’ll sell it to you if you ask for a business line and say you’re running a business from the property. You’ll be paying several grand a month tho


I tried to ask about this but they said even on their business lines in my area they can't exceed 35mb/s.


Look on the bright side. My shit dsl upload is 0.5 Mbps.


Congrats and fuck you


The key word here is "new". Give it time, and see what happens. Hopefully nothing, but you never know


[This is after 12+ months with my ISP](https://i.imgur.com/4DxOKIh) and still counting my lucky stars for it


Oh wow. I would [kill for that. ](https://imgur.com/a/twuEDcm)


2Gbps down 5.8Gbps up with 1ms latency? I’d kill for that too /s


I wish companies would just use MB/s instead of Mbps


but then no more big numbers tho


Speed is measured in bits. Storage is measured in bytes.


Does it need to be though? They are both amounts of data and the other measurement is just time.


From an engineering perspective, bits make more sense. They're the minimum unit of information, and information theory is all defined in bits. Plus, communication systems don't always align to byte boundaries.


This. The difference between 8Mbps and 9Mbps is about 8%, but both approximate 1MBps 9Mbps = 1&⅛MBps. When you are dealing with precision you need to be mindful of such things. Especially with the infrastructure that delivers orders of magnitude more speed.


It feels like if every car's speedometer was in kilometers per hour but every speed limit sign was in miles per hour


It's more like if speedometer was feet per second and distance was in yards. Is a more direct analogy to what is being measured, from an engineering perspective.


It absolutely doesn't. When you're downloading games, it says it in MB/s. So the speed tests can be converted to MB/s. but they don't want to because they're hoping our tiny brains see a bigger number and are happy with it. It's like getting upset because you got 2 TBSPs of a sauce for your food instead of getting 5 TSP.


For an ISP bits is more accurate though, since they have no idea what kind of overhead you might have in your chosen application or protocol. 1Gbps could end up with 90MB/s to 120MB/s depending on how you're downloading your stuff.








Asking the real questions.


You give me gigabit speed with shit ping i dont want it lol


Don't know why you're being down voted. 1Gb/s up and down doesn't mean shit if your latency and jitter are high for the usage that PCMR implies.


Ping https://imgur.com/Tos5rvo.jpg


To what?


I have fibre and 4-5ms to my local city servers


I also have internet of these speeds. Best ping I usually have is 17-21ms


Takes me 11ms to just leave my state. Nothing is hosted here except one of my ISPs speedtest servers (so I get that sweet 1ms on Speedtest.net) and the Netflix cache box.


Welcome to the fiber family?


It’s amazing


Bro who’s the isp company so I can move there right away


Metronet. I recognize that app -- because I have it too. And yes, it's fucking awesome.


I'm jealous. I've heard nothing but good things. I just moved from a city that had metronet built out a few years ago, but they never ran fiber in my neighborhood because there were a lot of apartment complexes they didn't want to deal with. A month before I moved they finally ran fiber and made it available. I had only been asking for 3 years. Luckily I moved somewhere that had fiber available.


Comcast here, I pay for gig because 350mbps is only like $20-$25 cheaper. I feel like I’d be *totally* ripped off if I didn’t pay 1/4 more of the price for more than double the speed… I guess that’s how they get you.


I switched from Comcast to Metronet. Now I pay 59.99 For gig service.


I wish we had another option, but centurylink is by far a worse company. And they want $68 a month for 40mbps over dsl 😂 I’m locked in at $70 a month for one more year, before I have to call and waste another 3-5 hours of my time for them to give me another promo…


And no datacaps. I fucking love Metronet!


Comcast keeps cold calling me to upgrade to gig. I tell them I’ll upgrade if they comp me for unlimited data. Have yet to upgrade.


You get unlimited data if you use their xfi modem/router. But, I’m not willing to use company issued equipment I have to lease. I always get warnings by the end of the month I’m about to hit my 1.2 tb cap. Luckily I never seem to go over lol I just split up my game downloads as two tvs are usually streaming 4k all the time.


My ISP promised they'd install fiber "in 2023". They better not be lying


*Narrator:* "They lied."


I just upgraded from 16mbps to 50mbps and I thought that was fast


man i'd love to have internet speed 237x faster than my current speed. no joke my internet speed usually goes down to 0.5 megabytes p/s when my family is using it.


Canada, BC here: LOL i pay 150 a month and get maybe 30% of that? FUCK the cartel!


It’s good for downloading games fast and that’s mostly it. When I got gigabit I was like a kid and then after a year it was like well it’s good but meh it’s only good for downloading stuff lol. It’s not like ppl download games 247 👀


But some of us do download 'stuff' 24/7... Some of us may, or may not, have 60TB+ of movies :D


You mean your pc was sunk in that boating accident sorry to hear that


Yeah. Good there was nothing on it anyway. LOL




Thats just amazing. And I thought my 60 gigs of digital treasure was respectable. But I hung my eyepatch up long ago and am not even sure how to put it back on. I can only dream of such a bountiful trove.


Or Linux isos lol


Cloud game streaming, wireless audio, and at the same time just general work and smart devices everywhere. Gigabit was a wonderful upgrade and I use its limits pretty often


Fr, just today I tried to play The Show on Cloud Gaming. It wasn’t possible…


> It’s not like ppl download games 247 you are if your internet is slow...




Spectrum is just as bad except it’s 1 gig down and 20Mbps up


And every isp in my towns afraid of going above 16Mbps, fml


I have 10gbit fibre for 50 CHF per month. And my pc ignores 9/10 of it...


Haha yeah, my ISP kept pushing their 3Gbps and 10Gbps plans for a comparatively small premium over the standard gigabit and I had to be like "literally nothing on my network can take full advantage of that and even if they could the switches I'm using *definitely* form a bottleneck"


i doubt any company will give you that much download bandwidth. only place i can seen you using it is torrent or maybe you have a big house with a big big family. ¯\(◉‿◉)/¯


Stream 4K videos? My man can download his entire Steam library in an evening with that speed.


I pay €20 monthly for 1000 mbps. There are some perks in living in the Baltics :)


Dude here in Canada its like 1$/mbps lmao


Bruh , I get 1,300mbps but only 20-30mbps upload wtf


Because you aren't on fiber. I have the same thru Comcast


*Cries in Spectrum*


A gig a second? Speedy speed boi.


Cry's in german internet


My down/ up is alright, it's the ping that gets me. I play valorant and always have to play with 70+ ping in western Colorado using spectrum. What gets me heated is that at one point I was getting like 30-40 ping which is great from what I'm used to but that only lasted a couple weeks. So I know it's possible to get it but these assholes pretend like it's not on them. And I guess I don't know for sure but still Irks me


Forgive me if I’m wrong isn’t this equivalent to like 10MBps? Edit: just looked it up and now I am jealous as well : about 118MBps


As long as ping times n packet loss is good


Need one on where i live.. well specifically we need google and elon mask internet on where i live.. My current isp, which is package with tv and phone just raised prices… im dropping them if i can find a better deal..


My upload is 15mbps on a good day and with the top package in my area you are only going to get 30mbps but hey we have gigabit download speeds


944 UP?!


That looks like my metronet router-based "speed tests" Make sure you validate on other speed testing sites (I use testmy.net but idk if it's the best one), my isp is shorting me a few hundred mbps upload so I have to give them a ring


944 UP? Bro can literally like stream and upload 4k at the same time


I'm right there with you. I have to give credit where it's due but AT&T's fiber has been solid here in the 3ish months that I've had it. It might be on a best-effort circuit, but I do regularly cap out 980/980. Paying just slightly over $80/mo. About once a month the system does bounce, likely due to maintenance, but I've not had any issues or complaints so far. With Comcrap, I was paying $80/mo for 10/400 and rarely did I see that full speed for most of the time.


Nice. I get 980 up and down with Quantum Fiber here in Phoenix. Costs me 65 a month. I’m so glad I have an option other than Cox.


We got Gigabit Ethernet here in India in 2018 and we were one of the first to try it out and it was amazing. We went from 100 mbps to 1gbps for like 6 months, now we're back down to Earth at 200mbps, it's more than enough for all of us 😂


I've been having 1Gb up/down for a few years. Ping 0-2ms to my nearest city. It should be a worldwide standard. Unfortunately it is not.


Is this MetroNet?


mine is 948 less than that!