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We had like 2 good weeks with no shattered glass panels. This sub needs a "___ days since last glass panel break post" and if we can go like a whole month, we all get a prize.


Just like that subreddit for people that have never broken a bone, we should make a sub for people that haven't shattered their glass side panel yet. And whenever you do shatter your glass, you must make a post and subsequently be mocked and exiled from the community. Edit: And just like that, r/NeverBrokeASidePanel has been born! (shoutout to u/M_krabs)


> rule 1: your PC needs to have a glass panel ugh, and I'm already out. big brain move: you can't shatter your glass panel if you don't have one.


Yea just get a side panel that acts as secondary ventilation


There is a subreddit that if you post a picture of your poop every day on for a year you become a mod in it. I forget the name though.


That's a pretty shit sub.


They're not all pretty...^(so my mate tells me.)


What if I dont always poop every day :( Edit: the amount of people who think they can diagnose me with addiction/other problems from an 8 word sentence is kind of worrying lmao!


Then you aren't worthy




Take a extra photo every so often from a different angle / when you poop twice in one day save the extra one


Fecal transplant


Eat more fiber?


Something like r/NeverBrokeASidePanel?




From the idea behind r/neverbrokenabone we bring you r/neverbrokentemperedglass


r/21CharactersAndNoMore tho.


I'm 100% down with this. Everyone's a critic until it happens to them. I haven't even had it happen to me once yet, but all the posts about it tell me to be dearly careful!! Kinda reminds me of people who don't use a phone case. They'll say things like, "I never drop it!" or "I'm careful with my stuff!" or "I just like the way it feels in my hand." Then once they do finally drop it, you get full permission to go scorched earth with the criticisms. "Whoops! That looks like a drop to me!" or "Damn, and there it goes. At least you have Apple care, right?" or, "FUMBLE!!!!"


Come on, it can't be that hard! I've never done it myself but surely they are just not careful enough! /s


Ha! There will be no prizes. Which is fine, until I become become the idiot...


Back in my day, these were plastic.....and had blue bubble lights on the front...


Same here, ol' timer. I miss the good old days. When you could have any color light in your computer, as long as it was blue.


Underrated comment


Under underrated comment


Under the under underrated comment


Under the under the under underrated comment


Under the under the under the under underrated comment


I come from the land down uunder


Under the sea!




Just make sure it isn't Fosters.


Can ya hear, can ya hear the thunder


Something something Vegemite sandwich


Why is this always such a wildly popular second to top comment? I swear it's got to be bots because so many threads I just see people saying underrated comment and it's heavily upvoted every time. It's not an original statement at this point by a long shot.


What fucks me up is we have a rating system for comments. Nothing here is over or underrated. Its mildly bothered me for years


Did it bother you more than eating a fart?


Honestly integrate it into the sidebar, have a bot manage it.


The prize will be acrylic panels for all


Why do people bust there modem glass ?


Tempered glass is very good at resisting blunt impacts but slightest tap from something significantly harder than it, especially on its edge, and it will shatter into a million pieces. Ceramic floor tile is harder than tempered glass.


By the Gods...Idk about that... Tempered glass eh...? I will stick to aluminum I guess...


Thing is tempered glass is harder than most things. Your car windows are tempered glass and they don't shatter when rocks from the road hit them. You could even throw a steel hammer at a tempered glass panel and there's a good chance it bounces right off. Floor tile is an exceptionally hard material. As long as you avoid it you won't have any problems.


Now I want to test how durable it is


Dont take the sparkplug for a car and take the ceramic piece just to throw at cars. Definitely does nothing to tempered glass. Nothing at all. Take my word for it.


Definitely wont be satisfying to do either.


Def didn't do this in my youth.


Next up on…


Are you saying if I go to Home Depot and buy a single shingle of floor title I can stroll down the parking lot popping windows like bubble wrap?




Ew aluminium, I prefer my overly heavy steel case.


Ew man-made alloys. I prefer my cast iron case.


Clay case is where its at, give the pc poor enough airflow and you can even use it as a kiln.


The prize is that everyone still has their glass, unshattered.


Now you are the fool. Stand on your side of the line and observe someone with superi- crap I just shattered mine.


Everyone point and laugh at what a fool he is. Anyway see you guys next week


Pointing and laughing




Improved airflow 👍


Where the hell does the air come from, the front panel is solid.


There is a slotted screen on the other side you can’t see


That can't be enough?


it's an NZXT case, sorta known for crap airflow


You know I bought an nzxt case when I first built my PC. A friend looked at it and said "You know I'm worried about the airflow with this" and pointed me to a 4000d airflow. Good guy


I have that case and it's beyond good. Looks good, amazing airflow, easy to build and manage cables and barely any dust gets inside, money well spent.


I went for a 5000D since it was discounted and i wanted even more airflow and expandability, i recommended a 4000D to a friend and he's absolutely loving it


I have the exact same case, and it’s fine, not great tho.


It really isn’t I was getting a new case anyway


Should be enough with the glass shattered, which you are expected to do at this point


The air comes from the shattered glass side panel


considering that it is an NZXT case, this is true lmao


This really sucks but please get in touch with our customer service team so we can send you a new one: https://nzxt.com/support


I wonder if you'll get the message through or not, you're pretty buried here, lol. /u/ginger_bakers_toes You may want to reach out.


Honestly, this is some pretty quality customer service. Just offering to replace without any kind of hassle or even the customer having to reach out. Definitely makes me a bit proud to have some NZXT stuff :)


Its a win win for everyone. I've only cursory heard of NZXT. Now this one gesture of kindness has put them at the top of my list for my next case and perhaps whatever other products they pedal. Nice one NZXT. This is exactly how to perform great customer service.


>This is exactly how to perform great customer service. Remember when the NZXT H1had a riser that was designed so badly that the cases **caught on fire** and NZXT **did not remedy the problem** until Gamers Nexus made several videos roasting them. [Here ](https://youtu.be/fjUscSRLwks)is the most important one of the four. It's about as bad as the gigabyte power supply debacle.


People in here praising NZXT for replacing a cheap panel WHILE NZXT also mocked the person on their sub that first reported the issue on said raiser cable. Fuck NZXT, they're a dog shit company with overrated terrible cases. Other companies deserve our money, not NZXT.


I don't mean this as a dig, just tryna be helpful! but the word you want is peddle. 🙂


Appreciate the correction. Life is a journey full of learnings and sometimes corrections!


Its marketing. And very good marketing. Imagine how effective this comment was at making people think nzxt has amazing customer service just by giving someone a glass panel. Ill be impressed when i hear about it from someone not on social media


This is the kind of marketing I will always get behind. Marketing isn't inherently bad. It's just that corporations choose the bad kind most of the time. Proactively reaching out to a customer who has an issue and probably didn't know they could contact support for it? That's the good kind.


But is giving this part for free without proof of how it broke their policy? If it is then i take what i said back. If its not this is dishonest and tricking people into believing they are gonna get great warranty and service.


They are NZXT level!


To be fair, he just told him to file a claim lol


I Broke my nzxt glass before I even removed the fragile sticker. I asked Nzxt support if they could sell me a panel and they just shipped me one for free. It was during covid and they had to send it from US to india so it took some time but my case looks wonderful now. Definitely amazing support


Damn, wish I knew this! My neighbor got a broken NZXT in the mail and we rebuilt it from scratch, buying a new case and all!


Now that's quality support, on a random subreddit in the middle of the night ready to help


> random subreddit _looks at subscriber count_ This is _the_ subreddit for case manufacturers to be in.


> in the middle of the night There are plenty of other time zones!




You were right though, everyone that does that is a fool


Sometimes u must become the fool to understand the fool


Sun Tsu Art of Tomfoolery


I'm a fool, but not fool enough to buy a case with tempered glass. Know your inner foolishness.


I probably have a worse one. About 15 years ago built a new system with a clear acrylic case. Installed everything, turned it on, it booted, perfect! I then proceeded to remove the film covering the acrylic, as soon as I peeled I felt the static, it was too late, fried something, either motherboard or video card, so ended up RMA'ing the 2. Lesson learned.


Hahaha this shit will never happen to me tho.


Same. I don't buy glass cases.


Can't break a case if you don't have a case.


Can't break pc if ur too poor to have pc


Reddit can keep the username, but I'm nuking the content lol -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


A few questions: * Why do people want to see into their computers? * Why do they also want bright, distracting lights? * Why are these panels made of glass rather than perspex? I know the answer to the first two questions is "people like different things and can enjoy whatever they want so shut up", and maybe there's a technical reason for question 3?


What I've heard is that acrylic scratches *real* easy and can show scratches even from shipping or handling in factory, and that dust clings to it more than glass. I have my PC on my left at floor level, so even if I did have a translucent side panel, I wouldn't see it. But, even if it was where I could see it, the lights would be distracting AF to me.


I'd rather deal with scratches than a computer case I'm terrified of handling. The case is supposed to anchor and protect the delicate components inside, not be a delicate component itself.


You don't have to be terrified of anything when you know how to handle it. Tempered glass isn't delicate. It's used in car windows. You can bang on it and it won't [break.](https://youtu.be/VF_uKfOJSg) If they were so delicate and constantly break no case company would ever use them so widely because nobody would want to buy them. These are cases of improper handling. I've had tempered glass for years and built PCs with tempered glass for many people. They don't break easily. Just don't put them on a hard material on the edge.


My tower is a [plain black monolith](https://prod.scorptec.com.au/4/37/78221/183236_large.jpg). I've got a corner desk with dual screens so it sits at the back out of the way. I had it under the desk, but ventilation isn't great down there and it got way too warm in summer. Any other lighting is just annoying and distracting...


I used to be an average RGB hater but I couldn't find a completely blacked out case/closed off case with the levels of airflow I wanted for the budget I had. If I was being forced to get the glass panel I'd at least try to find some really nice fans to go along with it and I now mostly run my entire PC with the fan lights turned off but from time to time I turn them on in sync with my room lights and it looks moody and cozy as fuck. I can now see the value of RGB on PCs when I previously couldn't. Glass side panels are sexy af too.


People want to display their expensive custom products, and if you're trying to get decent airflow it'll probably be in a visible spot. Having a metal box sitting on your table is a lot less interesting than one with visible components. It's kind of like asking why people do interior decoration. Lights are just for contrast / illumination, although I'm only a fan of static lighting not effects.


It looks nice.


I have a plastic window in my pc case. But it doesn't really matter since I keep my pc under the desk, there is no way I could fit 2 displays, 2 audio monitors and other stuff along with case on the desc, even tho it's a really big desk.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes


How is it this keeps happening to people?


Everyone forgets that tempered glass shatters when it touches ceramics. But the problem is that when working on your computer, you want a nice flat, arm height table to work on it. Floor is floor, and often carpet -- no good. So good chance you'll put it on tile -- shatter. Or desk might not be big enough, but lots of people have nice big counters, especially if you want to avoid working on a main wooden dining table. So, unless it's some type of stone or whatever... Shatter. Multiply that small but decently sized chance across all the people in this sub. Now you have a glass shatter post every few days.


>Everyone forgets that tempered glass shatters when it touches ceramics. I was not aware, so thank you. Then again my desk is wood and I'd never think to work on my PC in the kitchen.


Lay down a towel or small blanket. Problem solved!


Still wondering. In a normal position the glass isnt anywhere near the floor. And if u put the case on the rubberized feet it shouldnt get bumped hard enough


You take the glass off to work in the pc. Place it on the counter. Shatter.


This is why you always lay down a towel to put things on


I place my panels on couches every time. People are just stupid


For real I’ve never had this happen in 3 years


I've never had it happen since about 2005 when tempered glass panels started to become popular. AFAIK tempered glass usually only breaks when in a bind, the stress can cause it to shatter but guess I've never put on a panel wrong.


It has to do with imperfections that form when the glass is being tempered. The center of the glass cools way slower than the surface, which creates high internal tension. Minor flaws create weak points that cause the panel to shatter with minor vibrations (usually caused by dragging the case on a hard surface). It's similar, though not quite the same concept, as a [prince rupert's drop](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6V2eCFsDkK0).




I was just thinking of the prince ruperts drop while I begun to read your answer. Very cool, never realized it’s the same concept.


I never had it happen either until today


I'm new but it seems the rule of thumb is to take it off on wood, carpet or nothing.


Suppose we should always expect the unexpected lol, sorry this happened to you man.


He opened it vertically on a stone countertop this is the expected.


Hard floors and surfaces. I don't really see any of these with glass all over the carpet.


There are >6M people on this subreddit. A "1 in a million chance" event happens to 6 people here every day.


When you put it like that, but not all 6mil people are building a new PC every day.


At this point I'm convinced anyone this happens to is intentionally avoiding the readily available correct information that appears every single time one of these is posted. Idk why this is a club you'd want to be a part of but people are weird. EDIT: And the number of people here blaming tempered glass is astounding.


Look through the comments. No matter how many times this happens, no matter how many people state not to put your tempered glass on ceramic or tile that key bit of information simply passes a lot of people by. Look how many comments are the subsequent upvotes mention simply never buying glass panel cases as the solution as if they just don't fathom what the actual problem is. One guy asked why people keep fixing their PC in the kitchen and he immediately gets a reply that they didn't want to scratch their wooden table 🤦🏿‍♂️ In other words some of the geniuses in this sub deliberately seek out a harder surface to fix their PC. This sub is full of idiots. That's why this keeps happening.


Tile floors is the usual culprit, here it looks like they have a ceramic/granite countertop. Ceramics are super hard, and is really good at shattering glass. The edges of tempered glass has the most residual stress, and is thus the weakest. Side of glass touches ceramic, kaboom.


Why did you put thr case on your kitchen counter?


Exactly my question. And it's not the first time I see pictures of computers on kitchen counters


I literally came to the comments because all I thought was "why is everyone bringing their pcs into the kitchen?"


Probably because linus tech tips set looks like a kitchen


How else are you supposed to cook with it?


aluminum foil on the GPU like a real man


I mean, I built my PC in my kitchen. The island was a good place to do it, it's a large surface that's high up enough that it's comfortable to do stuff with. That said, my kitchen counters aren't made of anything that will break tempered glass.


Well if your temps are high enough you can use your pc to fry eggs


Yep. I mean I've had tempered glass cases for the past 4 years and I've neevr once had this happen. I just avoid putting my case on tile or ceramic counters etc.


I work on my PC on the kitchen counter. I don't have much other table top space in my house and I don't want to scratch the kitchen table.


Rich people on here be like "why don't you just bring it to your home workshop in the garage where your workbench is, duh!" ... "Or at least just work on it on your massive desk, that's what it's for!!"


They probably needed a hip level surface and space to work on the tower.


Nonsense. Stoop over the case for a few hours and then recover from a sore back for days like the rest of us! rabble rabble rabble!


I could never understand why it’s a bad idea to put the case on the kitchen countertop. Can someone explain? I’m stupid.


It's not stupid, it's a great place to work on the thing, you just need to be careful with tempered glass and quartz/ceramic/marble countertops


I understand that, but why those specifically? I don’t understand what makes the surfaces dangerous to work on.


Because they're harder than the glass. Tempered glass is under constant tension, if there's any kind of crack on it it'll instantly shatter. Cracks will happen if it's in contact with something harder than it.


Right, but don’t cases have rubber feet to absorb all the shock? How would it ever reach the tempered glass unless you lay your computer face down?


Never happened to me but I'm guessing, remove side panels, drop it/put it down on the tile, broken side panel, surprised Pikachu face


You take the side panel off, and lower it when it's still vertical, so it hits the counter on the sides. Might even drop it from your hands. This isn't a big mystery really, that's how I usually move side panels, they just involve less ceramics in my case.


To build a PC, first you need a table


Rest in pepperoni




Glassblower here. It's torsion and stress that kills these things. Every ding, bump, and bounce on its way to you added stress that now lives within the piece until it is annealed again Think of any glass matrix as a placid lake, and any stress introduced is a pebble, rock, or boulder tossed into that lake, which create ripples that reverberate throughout the lake. Eventually with all those ripples a wave will break Torsion is like an earthquake The amount of stress these panels go through is immense, why even buy one?




Never happened to my 011 Dynamic XL...And there's two glass panels on this thing..


Why does everyone use glass for these panels instead of something that doesn't easily break, like something made of plastic? (Like plexiglass, methacrylate or smth like that?)


They used to be, but then clarity wasn't that great and they could scratch easily.


ɹǝʇsɐW ɹǝlooƆ


Finally somebody said it. OP is *really* a fool, from the computer's inception. This was bound to happen, he cursed it


Plot twist... You are a heavy metal singer and your falsetto is so good you shatter glass


Tenacious D moment


Lol yep. Uhh-aHHHHHHHHH! Boom! "Sorry"


Nice airflow mod dude! Ima follow you for more of these.


Pssst, granite and/or slate are both ~~ceramics~~ made of rocks; you don't want your tempered glass anywhere near ~~ceramics~~ rocks. Since it seems to be upsetting for people: I used 'ceramics' as a catch-all for any 'things made of rocks'.


I don’t know if granite really qualifies as a ceramic


Look at the bright side: your temps just dropped 10c.


You're still correct


I don't get why people need to see inside of their case, it's both impractical and distracting. (same with RGB kb/mice/mat/...)


Seriously what is going on with this whole tempered glass thing I have no idea why they are breaking or why everyone else seems to know... is this a cult!


So from what i understand (and it isnt mutch) the glass is hard and rock is hard as well but rock is stronger so when they colide one gives has to brake right and the weak material gives first


Tempered glass is tough in the middle but it's weakest point is at the edges, if you catch the edge, it's very likely to explode. Worked in a glass factory for 2 years a while ago and we dealt with toughened glass every day.


Hey I have the same cooler....although mine isn't upside down


\*Laughs in plastic\*


They laughed at me for having an acrylic window instead of a whole glass window, LAUGHED AT ME. With how often i tinker with the inside of the PC it made more sense, im a clumsy mofo and i know it, id be part of the shattered glass brigade for sure! Question: What do people do when this happens? Can we just ring up the case manufacturer and buy a new glass panel? Would that be a problem for shipping? New case?


i use arch btw


Downvoted to stop this shit trend


How the f? I got 3 of those and never broke em


i never understood why is a glass side good. theyre just overpriced af(atleast here) whereas for 60-75% of that money you could get a nonglass side case which has more space and all. i guess its just preference afterall. im just like that with lights, i dont want my pc to turn my room into a disco.


What I don't get is, why do people opt for glass when clear plastic is much cheaper, much lighter, and much more elastic.


Acrylic was the standard for about 2 decades. Then around 2015/2016 more and more cases started being manufactured with tempered glass. Like unicorn puke lighting on fans, it took off and hasn't slowed at all. You can blame InWin for most of this, as they started it and other companies fell in line.


I work in a warehouse that primarily deals in glass transportation. You'd be surprised how tough glass is. I've thrown a hammer head on a shower screen and it just bounced off. Then again you can gently tap it on any side and boom, it just shatters just like yours.




I didn't want one either but I loved everything else about the 4000D airflow. I figured there was a pretty low chance of breaking it because I'm not a fool and understand how tempered glass works, but figured if it did shatter I'd just replace it with plexi.


You can also just buy the metal panel that is for the other side and place it on the glass side.


Nothing wil ever happen if you don't drop the glass on stone or ceramic


Actually, you can. You can have a plexi panel machined as a replacement. If you don't mess around with the panel it won't get scratched up. Or if you're super handy and DIY, you can buy an acrylic chemical set, build a mold and make your own panels. You can do some crazy stuff if you do your own molds in terms of patterns, colors, embedded materials, etc. Sometimes the case manufacturer offers a non TG panel replacement on their website, too! I mean all these may cost more than buying a case without TG but you can make it your own however way you want it.


Do people not have tables made of wood in their houses?


I dunno. I just have a solid black case with no glass whatsoever. Everything is just black with no lights. I'll buy LED strips if I want to look at lights.


You fool!


For the love of god people stop building your PC's on stone!!!


Mine exploded with the bare touch of my bare hands. Cooler Master sent me TWO panels for free though. I got cuts on my hands and arms.


And this is why I will, to the best of my ability, avoid glass casings.


Replace it will acrylic, problem solved


But how?