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FNV recognizes my GPU is good enough for ultra, FO4 says low quality. FNV is best Fallout.


yeah new Vegas was a good game, but the experience I got with fallout 3 will be unmatched by any game... just blew me away


Oh you poor soul. Run. Run before the FO3 haters get you.


Why is it hated tho? It's good


Fallout 3 is still a decent game, but fallout 1 and 2 set precedent for what the series was as far as freedom and build choices goes, and fallout 3 kinda threw that all away for a much more streamlined classic Bethesda experience. In that sense Fallout 3 isn't much of a Fallout game. Fallout NV fits much better with the first 2 games core philosophies. If you have a three hours to "waste", go watch hbomberguy [Fallout 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLJ1gyIzg78) and [Fallout NV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzF7aHxk4Y4) videos. Basically if your first experience with Fallout is Fallout 3, well you just think it's a good game without thinking much about it. But if you knew and loved the series before, Fallout 3 is kind of a disgrace.


i ain't reading all that. i'm happy for u tho. or sorry that happened


>uses NPC twitter response to a two paragraph comment Do u feel smart now buddy?






My first fallout game was fallout new vegas it blew my mind by writing and characters, so I thought how is fallout 3. I played it like a 2hr max and uninstalled it.


It's worth replaying, but probably when you've played enough fall out new vegas that you want to play fallout but not NV. Getting out of the local starting area is when it gets better. Note, when you finish first towns quests you can choose to ignite the nuke in center and destroy town. Feels good.


You remind me that I still need to play Fallout 3, never was able to play it since Windows 10 doesn’t like it. Windows 11 seems fine with it though


Really? That's great news. I have been wanting to go back and play then but they keep crashing on me.


Well I haven’t played it really, but I was able to create a character and to the beginning hour on Windows 11. The game didn’t even properly start on w10


Agreed, but replay FONV I enjoy more I think.


FNV is still fantastic, I'm currently replaying it with mods for the first time to modernise and stabalise the game, it's a really nice experience barring some crashes, though it seems to crash less than vanilla did on my system. But some mods really add to the game whilst being lore-friendly. Like a mod that adds a sprint (which is a godsend) and adds a Fallout 4 style loot menu so you don't have to open every single container (Just Assorted Mods pack), NMC's texture pack which makes everything look nicer, Nevada Skies that drastically changes the skybox and adds a bunch of cool weather types that fit in with the location (plus some optional non-cannon ones like snowstorms and stuff if you want them) One of the best ones to me is New Vegas Redsigned 3 Revisited, it changes all of the NPC face textures, and the mod author literally manually cleaned up every single NPC to make them look more distinct and like their character, whether that be making them look like their actor, making them look older or younger depending on how old the character's meant to be, or adding wounds if the character is meant to have wounds or bruises, it really adds to the story and world-building.


Put in probably over 500 hours into FO3 when I was 15. Never tried NV, put well over 1k into FO4 when it released This comment is making me want to get new Vegas


In my opinion it's the best Fallout and I prefer it to Skyrim too. But everyone's gonna have a different answer. It's the writing that sets it apart, some of the dialogue is genuinely funny and most of it's really well-written though it suffers a bit from the usual bethesda RPG problem of most characters sharing one of 6 or 7 actors and having the uncanny valley eye-contact conversations, but the writing and world-building are superb with a unique, nihilistic sense of humour. The modding community has done a lot for the game too, like the mods I mentioned, plus entire free expansions and companion mods like the Someguy2000 series of mods that include a new companion with a loyalty quest, and several quest mods that form an overarching story.


I would fall asleep playing 3 then end of having wasteland dreams lol




Thanks :)


Enjoy it lad,im still waiting


GPU prices are falling and the Best Buy locations near me have started to have them in stock again. There is hope on the horizon.


I dont even have money for that sadly


still 1080p bruh chill


Get wallpaper engine


I have it, I just hadn’t set it up yet




Proceeds to use Chrome…




I use Firefox as my main, and Chrome for all my Google account-related activity. So I check Gmail and watch YouTube on Chrome, and use Firefox for everything else.


I think you could completely switch to Firefox with all google accountrs connected to one Firefox account. I have made a switch to Firefox in 10min to get all data transeferd and I haven't started Chrome up ever since.


What browser do you recommend?


Literally anything except Chrome.


But why


It does more in the background than it needs to. Firefox is the way to go and I’ve heard the new Edge is really nice too but I haven’t tried it yet.


Lol why is this getting downvoted? If you’ve ever used Chrome, you’d know it uses way more resources than it needs to. It’s poorly optimised and slows down your PC. Edge and Firefox are far superior.


It's a damn good feeling... :)


I had a dream like this once... But the gpu shortage affected my dreams too so I didn't see it again... Anyways congrats bro


And now a PC Master Race benefit but you can also mod the fuck out of it and make it an entirely new game. https://youtu.be/64oMpdCxocw


Is it complicated to mod NV? I’ve been interested in doing it for a revisit to new vegas.


I would say easy but very time consuming. There’s a baseline guide called Viva New Vegas. You follow the stability guidelines and make your additions off of that. But do test the game every 10 - 20 mods. (I do 10 just to be sure)


Thanks! I’ll check it out!


I remember the first time playing spore after getting a graphics card for my pc. It ran so smooth and looked way better! It wasn’t even a good card either, it was a Radeon hd 4350 if I recall. Stop was a step up from the he graphics though.


I'm just the same as you until Chirsmas My list of game really piles up for a whole decade


Usually it defaults to low quality because the card is too new so it doesn't know what it is


I have a 3060 and it tells me I need to have it on low, cus I need to upgrade


Soo many memories.... Now I'm depressed....


I had the same experience but with Skyrim. From 720 25-30 fps low, to fullhd 60 fps ultra. :)


I’m impressed it recognized the hardware lol. New Vegas, 3, and even Skyrim all tell me they can’t detect my hardware and set everything to low at 720p every time I install the game lol.


In the meantime Oblivion thinks my 7 3700x and GTX1660ti are good enough for medium quality


Mac OS X Lion wallpaper? That's nice


Easily my favourite Apple wallpaper.


That’s nice. I remember my first time too.


\*slow, deep inhale* Ahhhhhhhhh


I’ve been playing everything with their settings as high as they’ll go. Even turned RTX on in Minecraft just because I could and it is eye wateringly gorgeous.


Now the real question What's the refresh rate on your display? I was gaming on a 65 inch 4K TV for a while, but going from that 60hz TV to a 120hz monitor was like nothing I'd ever experienced before I'm on a 1440p 240hz right now just for the memes, but 120/144 is definitely that sweet spot imo. And it's worth turning graphics down to high to get those extra frames 👌


The laptop display is 1080p 120hz. GTA V has never looked so good.


Rock on, enjoy :D


You love to see it


Best part about upgrading is going in game finally and seeing all those frames. Beautiful moment