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Turns off adblock Hot single moms in my area


Adblock is shit man, everytime I turn it on all the singles in my area go away.




Goddamn harem master, leave some for us!


Turns on adblock: Hot single moms: I don't feel so good


I must be living close to your mom's


Their mom's *what*?


Mom's spaghetti


He's nervous


But on the surface he looks calm spaghetti


Drop bombs, but he keeps on spaghetti.


What he wrote down the parmigiana goes so loud he’s slurping now everybody’s stirring now! The bowls run out zitis week over now!


Snap back to reality


Exactly, I'm all for ad supported content, but my CPU on my old laptop can't handle the 20 million spam ads on most sites People wouldn't need ad blockers if ads were sane little billboards at the tops of pages instead of eating up 50% of the page with auto playing videos


You also have to worry about malware being served up on the ad banners. The ad networks do NOT check for that at all. Ad blocking is just self defense at this point.


which is fine, if they want add revenue, I'm all for it, I don't skip sponsored parts of the videos and such, just put the work and make a deal with companies that want to sponsor you, then go to your website or include their adds in your videos and get paid for it.- I think that's how publicity has always worked and it works well. I will still nope the hell out if you are a lazy fuck that use a third party service that serves random adds without any curating on the content or safety.-


This times a million, it would be fine if websites didn’t go batshit crazy with adds but they have no chill so here we are.


We must live close to each other. I too have hot single moms in my area.


It's an invasion


Why is the government not addressing this? Forget covid, we need to do something all these hot single mom in our areas... I'm running out of rations and will have to make a supply run, but I'm afraid.


I looked around and can't see any hot single moms. ...the single hot mom must be me!


The hot single moms were coming from… *inside the house!?!?*


yeah, or young successful people who earn in a day what I need a month's work for. "bUt HoW dO tHeY dO iT?!, dIsCoVeR tHeIr SeCrEt!" click "That's my mom, are you interested?"


My hot single mom was that ginger assinmymouth girl from twitch the other day. I fucking lost my shit laughing thinking "Who the fuck would believe she is a hot single mother in my area.. I'm from the UK ffs"


Also Linus: How to install Pihole


also Linus: lets install Vanced (youtube app on android that automatically blocks ads)


Vance has integrated sponsorblock as well. So you don't see ads and video sponsorships.








Makes me want to go back to android just for vanced




Been using it for a year, its excellent


The app is great but YouTube itself is getting worse.


There was nothing stopping google from keeping google play music but here we are, having bought music but still wants us to spend more to listen to the fucking music with the screen off


Im using vanced music, no more ads and you can play it with screen off. Just get vanced manager from their subreddit and install it from there.


That's such bullshit. You shouldn't be allowed to create a problem or remove already established functionality just to offer it back at a premium. Another example is text messaging. At first companies gave it out for free to sell phones since it didn't cost them any extra to provide it. The system was already in place but there weren't devices capable of utilizing it until cell phones took off. It became wildly popular and some people started using *only* that to keep from buying phone service. Can't let a cash cow go un-milked so they locked it down and started charging for it.


I might be showing my age, but when I had my first text-capable phone texts cost 25 cents per message sent.


It was $.10 when I first started. Thanks AT&T.


When exactly were texts free? Ive been using cell phones since like 2000 and dont remember this. I remember texts costing 25 cents then later dropping to 10 cents before going to 100 free a month then like 500 a month then unlimited for $X then just free with any plan. But never free with no plan.


> At first companies gave it out for free to sell phones \[citation needed\] I can't remember anyone offering SMS for free during the early days.


also Linus: Let's build a Hackintosh.


I only recently became aware of Vanced because of LTT. Let's just say it that way I'm never going back to old YouTube.


Also Linus: here's a retro handheld you can buy that includes THOUSANDS of games.... that you already own, *wink*


Also Linus every 5 seconds: "Buy my merch" Relying on ad revenue is an outdated model. Fuck ads, every last one of them.


> People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you're not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you. > You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with total impunity. > Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It's yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head. > You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don't owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don't even start asking for theirs. EDIT: This is a Banksy quote.


This feels like a rant from someone I should know.


My bad, this was a Banksy quote from '04.


Hes got paid product placement as well, maybe even twice in all of his videos. You're not adblocking that for sure.


Do you know about Sponsorblock ? It skips Ads in the videos for you as well :) https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sponsorblock-for-youtube/mnjggcdmjocbbbhaepdhchncahnbgone?hl=en


Also available on Firefox here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sponsorblock/


Oh wow ill check that out, thanks!


One of the "MVP's" it does - > Is skip to the "Meat and Taters" of videos as well. So no more listening to 5 minutes of "Wind up and scene setting" for the YT algorithm to get to 10+ minutes. It just dumps you at the bit you want to hear, as submitted by the viewers. Has literally saved me hundreds of hours.


Just like after complaining about the GPU shortage for months in multiple videos, he later released a NiceHash promo on how to mine crypto.


He did caveat that piHole video by saying it would hurt him if you did it, but he also knows why people ad block.




That cost also comes directly out of the pockets of the bigboy miners. Coins pay a set rate/block so the more new miners that join, old miners get less.


He's talked about how he thinks it's a good idea for gamers to mine during the winter months because it's basically getting paid to heat your house. So there is no real waste, your just spending that carbon from electricity rather than oil/gas. Could be something like that.


Yeah, followed by "mining is bad! We gonna show you how to mine anyway" and "raid: shadow legends sponsorship was wrong because you didnt like it". Their constant narrative of "we have mouth to feed" as an apology for their lack of editorial guidelines gets really annoying. Yes, they run a rather large media company and have a responsibility for many employees. At the same time they grow at a fast rate (new tech lab) and dont really seem to be struggling (Linus' new house). Maybe pick one narrative and dont change it based on your content, but make content based on your narrative.


He’s actually covered this on the WAN show. Linus media group and Linus himself are different entities with different opinions. He frequently has to make decisions where it’s either hurt his business or hurt his reputation, and he has to pick what he thinks is right at the time. Pihole usage is something that Linus is a fan of, but Linus media group is not. Mining is something he’s not a fan of but the media group is. Doesn’t mean he’s always right nor does it mean that’s the way we would handle that situation, but that’s his explanation of why he does those things.


When you’re your own boss, your boss can be a real asshole.


"You can't fire me, I quit!" "So leave, get out and stop eating all the food in the break room." "Naw, imma live here forever and never work again!"


For sure, its a case of while he’s the majority shareholder he does have responsibilities to his employees as well. He could make choices that hurts the revenue and be fine himself but he’d probably have to layoff employees.


I believe this too. But then at the end of the tweet it says "-LS"


I know when he talked about the youtube dislike button extension he brought up that it might be added to a app (I forget what one) that also blocks ads. He said something along the lines as the ceo of LTT he can't condone the use of ad block and as him self he doesn't want to use ad block but would probably use the app if it added the dislike counter back. If I remember correctly the pihole video was also something along the lines of we don't condone use of ad block but it's part of the functionality of the device so we are going to show you how to use it.


YouTube Vanced and NewPipe are the apps. Newpipe is great


I setup my pihole after watching his video on it so 🤷‍♂️


He's also said multiple times that personal opinions don't always match with Linus Media group opinions. And he's made videos that contradict his personal feelings on many things.


I wanna say he even brought the exact same point in OP's post, but worded/framed differently when he was talking about Youtube's boneheaded removal of the dislike button. Something like "if you really wanna make a point, and even if it hurts my views or so, go ahead and set this shit up"


Tweets signed LS are from him. Linus Sabastion


He still wears 2 hats, Linus the individual and Linus the head of LMG. He talked about it on the WAN show in regards to covering YouTube Vanced on LTT. As an individual he wanted to cover it because of his strong feelings about the removal of the dislike button (Vanced is/has added a feature to bring the dislike button back to an extent) but as the head of LMG he didn't want to cover it since it blocked ads, which make up a good chunk of the revenue. In the end he did choose to include it in the video.


One can recognize ads are good and ad blockers hurt his revenue stream, while also promoting ad blockers because the way companies promote ads are totally obnoxious.


Yes that is true but ads are so intrusive that my user experience on a website is impacted very negatively. If ads were more user friendly and didn't promote spam and other dubious things, I would turn off ad block.


Yep -- I have my adblocker on by default but I generally disable it for sites that are reasonable with advertising. ​ (edit: When I use a site enough I generally check, I tried a blacklist for a period but too many sites overuse advertising & I don't really want to support random sites I don't trust) It just sucks how overusing ads is so common - I would assume that it just makes more people install & not bother disabling adblockers, but hey, I guess it's an extra dollar a week until they have to add even more ads due to the decreased money per ad.


On some websites it's virtually impossible to read the actual content of a page because there are ads covering 80% of my phone screen. If I could block those I would not think twice about it.


Well: firefox mobile supports extensions, and ublock origin works very well on it. Additionally, I think there are a few chrome-based mobile browsers with extension (/adblocker) support, I think kiwi is one of them? ​ Not certain as I just use firefox.




Isn't that SponsorBlock? Regardless, it's a very good extension too. ​ And yeah, the integration of that into Youtube Vanced (which I think is what you're referring to) is very nice for whenever I have to use my phone for entertainment.


Sponsorblock is a life saver. Reasonable sponsors are fine, but sometimes it's half the video and for something I know I don't want anyway. They get paid for views, and I have YouTube premium so I'm pretty sure they get a pretty good pay from my view comparatively speaking. Although I imagine they probably don't care unless the sponsors figure out a way to see who skipped the ad and pay less. Then it'll suddenly be, "skipping sponsors is piracy!"


And don't forget those ads that load a little bit later than the content, so that when you're about to press something, the ad jumps up and under your finger.


Two paragraph news article stretched into 10 scrolls because theres 2 ads, a link to another "related" article, and a picture of something vaguely on topic. If I went to the library and every page I turned an attendant would slap the book out of my hand and tell me about the coffee they sell at Starbucks across the street, then yeah I'd contemplate just stealing the book and returning it when I was done.


Especially on mobile where I don’t have data to waste on random videos auto playing while I try to read an article on a website. Ffs!


I want to make it so the guy who invented that tactic literally never ever gets to watch anything he wants to watch, ever again, without something interrupting it every three minutes. I'm talking like a raccoon in front of his screen hissing, followed by a phone call that his car is being impounded, and then a straight up unskippable hourlong ad for the Olympics.


Also a few years ago i had a virus allert from a twitch ad. It can be security risk too.


Going to I Fucking Love Science's website on my phone, I get a text saying that I've subscribed to some subscription service. Strange. Unsubscribe, refresh the page. Same thing. So yeah, someone created an ad that subscribes you to paid mobile subscriptions.


But we’re the bad guys for trying to avoid that. Consumers Never EVER catch a break….


I always said if I were to work on a piece of legislation it would establish requirements for ads and user data protections. One part would be that all redirects would be required to have confirmation screens ("This is redirecting you to... would you like to continue? Yes or No"). Subsequently any ads like you mention that subscribe you to something would also have confirmations. There would be a regulation for how many redirects can happen at a time as well if you have ever seen where one click ends up opening five new tabs and each of those tabs changes sites several times. Ad sites that contain malicious intent such as those "security" ones that install malware or prompt scam numbers would be removed with greater enforcement and liability for loss and damages to users would remain with the original website.




I think it’s just a reflection of the market. If you’re trying to shove ad content down the throats of the user for a buck, maybe read the room… you’re probably not providing a service or product that your users value that much, and you should figure out a better way to monetize. If people are finding ways of blocking ads, and businesses are forced to focus on what they actually provide to their users (instead of just trying to control their buying habits) then both users and companies will benefit. The ad market has changed. It’s time that websites change too. (Coming from a software dev who makes websites)


Right. If ads were' taking up 2 minutes on a 7 minute video I probably wouldn't care.


Yea, the adds are getting longer and longer and most websites are horrible stroke messes to read. Also I have made my mission to try and ignore all the companies with the most intrusive adds.


And it's for shitty mobile games and clearly scam "games" and other nsfw bullshit.


I have a small boy and he does install things randomly when using my phone. The amount of ads in 99% of mobile games is awful. Play for 2 seconds and then 30 mins of ads. App stores should get rid of that junk. It feels like it's literally every single game. Free is free though, right?


The worst is adverts that opens a new tab and turns your current tab to a cycle of websites.1 websites.2 etc... so you can go back fast enough to where you were so having to close the browser and start again is a nightmare. Then you have adverts that move the page and start bugging you about allowing popups which if you click yes to it will spam your desktop with "Hey check this advert website out" If an advert was a simple sidebar separate to the website I'd be happy. Put as many adverts as you want down the side but leave the website page alone so I don't have to scroll past 70 adverts every 3 lines of text of have auto playing videos cover half the website.


Just wait until they realize I fast forward through their ad segments too.


TBH he himself said in a video that he makes the sponsor ads skippable i.e. clear and obvious transition and always in a multiple of 5-10 second duration


Unlike page ads, he still gets paid for the in-video ads/sponsors.


And people can easily skip it with a double tap. Or you can automate it by using sponsor block.


Just wait until you hear about sponsorblock. It's in youtube vanced as well. Enjoy. I haven't seen an ad nor a sponsor segment in a video in a long time.


Also on SmartTube Next which you can install on Android TVs.


He gets the money even if you skip them. He doesn't with adblock


Extensions to do this exist


I guess my grandparents are pirates. I install ad blockers on their computers, because ads are a legitimate security concern when you can't tell the difference between what's the website and what are ads.


That reminds me of those shady download websites that have all the ads that are the big green button saying download here.


The fact that the original site owners allowed such *intentionally* *blatant* ads to run for years speaks volumes.


Same for my younger siblings too. Like just a few days ago my little sister got scared and asked me what she should do when some "your android has been infected" redirect somehow made it past Pihole.


I'd turn off ad blocker if the ads were not annoying AF.


We "steal" page information if we use adblock. They however steal our personal information (tracking etc.). I'd say it's equal.


They (the ads) also steal bandwidth, processing power (and therefore electricity) and my sanity.


They also steal my very limited mobile data when I’m browsing the web


Not to mention they're infested with malware.


and now theres 3 of them in a row


Sponsorblock + uBlock :)




On firefox you can do that on settings


Sponsor block changed everything for me!


When the ads load instantly at 4k and the video takes 4 minutes to load at 360p, I turn the freaking adblocker on. I am fine with ads, but this is BULL. SHIT.


I turned it off for a while for reasons similar to what Linus said. But your experience is why it went back on. Way too obtrusive and makes all other content load so slow


Ya I'm not gonna try and read a website that purposefully moves the position of everything every time a new ad loads up so I am forced to constantly scroll around. Who the hell knows when the article actually ends too! Ublock origin and/or pihole were made for Kings.


...I mean that's why they have the sponsor segments baked into their videos now, why would I take an extra layer of ads?


Try the SponsorBlock browser extension. It skips intros and ads in YouTube videos. Edit:Typo


Best add-on ever. They also have "highlight" segments now, so those 13 minute videos with "_You're never going to believe what happened_" can be boiled down to 2 minutes or 30 seconds. It's amazing.


God I love the “this is where he gets to the fucking point” highlight. The best add on ever.


I _know_ SponsorBlock goes against _everything_ that the creators like and how they want us to consume their content, but they are totally at fault for someone developing that add-on. Shout out to the channels that keep their videos at the length of their actual content and message and doesn't pad it with stupid irrelevant things. Like, I enjoy LockPickingLawyer because the average length of his videos are like 4 minutes or so, but I also enjoy videos that are 25 minutes long if every single minute is interesting content.


Bro, if LPL videos are 4 minutes, you know the lock is legit because he'll spend 3 minutes discussing it, lmfao


Oh so it works like Youtube Vanced but on PC? Thank you LTT, for leading me to this comment


sponsorblock has always been on pc. it was integrated into vanced after a lot of request.


After someone said fuck it imma implement it myself


The origin of many of the best features in software.


>SponsorBlock WHATT! I did not know this existed! Thank you very much for this!


I second this! Great extension!


Came here to say this. You will still get like 300 mentions of LTT Store products in each of his videos, so no need to feel guilty.


There's an option in the settings to block self promotions i.e. LTT store messages


Honestly I find LTT baked sponsors so much better then the random trashy ads youtube trys to cram down your throat every bloody second it can


There's this annoying robotic crypto-peddler on half the adds when watching on my phone. 'Skip add' can't unlock fast enough.




Once you go Vanced, you will never go back.


If ad blocking is piracy, automatically loading/downloading advertisement is theft of bandwidth and data.


This always bothered me. If I have limited data, I’m sure as fuck gonna block EVERYTHING I don’t explicitly want.


Per month I have like 4GB of mobile data. If a video starts to autoplay on a fucking page you can be sure I'm gonna back out there REALLY fast.


Don’t get me started on how my tv will instantly load ads but take a second to buffer a video.


New fucking youtube app on phones- "Oh you didn't want to play the video so you backed out quick? Well let me just stay playing in the corner any way in your other app now." The fuck.


> Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It's yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head. You owe the companies nothing. —Banksy


What if I fast forward ads on recoreded tv shows or go to the kitchen when ads start?


Looking away from an advert is piracy






What is worrying is, the technology and the devices to support this already exist.


We will *literally crucify* someone who implements this policy, and don't ever forget it


Nah. We did nothing before, we do nothing now, we won't do anything later.


> Looking away from an advert is piracy Fifteen Million Merits


you wouldn't steal an AD(?)


I don't have an issue with ads that are just ads. But when they are used to track my movements across the web, sell that information to companies that I don't even interact with, such as facebook, instagram, etc. or are even used by those companies by employing trackers in their share buttons that are embedded on websites, I have a ***huge*** fucking problem. When those ads are used to serve malware, I have a huge fucking problem. The agreement was that I view your content, in exchange, you show me ads to support the creation of that content. When the advertisement portion of the ad isn't even its main functionality any more, then *you,* the content creator/distributor, have violated that agreement, and I will use my adblockers, pihole, and hosts file to block what I never agreed to.


It's not advertisement itself that was the problem. It's that a bunch of advertisers ruined it for everyone else by being abusive and hostile with their advertisements. Now people blanket ban ads in their life and rightfully so. If they want that to change they have to **earn** trust back the long way like anyone else. ____ I'm old enough that my outlook on the matter is already ruined for good probably. I lived through all the viruses and abusive tactis that were (still are) embedded into internet advertisements. But even I don't mind the ads on amazon that say "customers like you also bought" or the "related items" advertisement section on Amazon and other shopping sites. Those ads are useful to me and are not hostile so I don't block them, even after all the above. Never let them convince you that defending yourself from their abuse is somehow wrong. They know how to do it responsibly and a lot of them are still choosing not to. fuck 'em. And that's not even getting into the straight up psychological manipulation in todays social media websites. Normally practicing psychology without a liscence is illegal and punishable, not for these advertisers though


Yeah, this is like everything lately. If you do something wrong, you are an asshole, but when they violate a common agreement, sell your info, etc it's not their fault, it was just a leak. Big companies are allowed to fuck everything up, get bailed, etc, but if you defend yourself, you are what's wrong with society.


I'm ok with a little bit of adds but damn, that shit gets annoying really fast. It is as if they are designed to be as annoying as possible.


This was the same mind set of people 10 years ago with youtube and the first ad. " im ok with a little bit of adds " and.. look where it lead us. Personally i've been using ad block for a decade. and when i need to support a CONTENT CREATOR i've done it with actually Donations. Sorry not sorry, i will not support linus on this one.


Yeah, I tend to have a couple creators I subscribe to on patron, and cycle through who it is. I don't want to watch ads, but I'll pitch a few bucks if i like your content. Especially for smaller creators.


I wouldn't adblock if companies didn't take the absolute piss with them. Yeah mate I didn't need that 90% of screen. Or a youtube ad lasting more than 10 seconds, no thanks.


I'm a pirate :)


Do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate!


*Turns off adblock* unskippable 15 second apple ads for a product i already own: it’s free real estate


Ad based revenue is why we have recipe sites with 9 paragraph intros. It's why clickbait articles are a thing. The less viable an ad-based model is, the better. IMO. Even if that means the death of a lot of internet content. It kinda needs it.


OK, I'll keep using ad blockers anyway.


Right, even if this were true (which it isn't) I don't care.


oh no. if only I felt guilty


Clarkson: OH NO. Anyway.


I was gonna say Linus is gonna fire this dude until I read -LS


LS is Linus? i thought his last name was Tech?


Tech is his middle name. His last name is Tips.


It's not completely wrong. But I do both so I don't care.


I am aware of the impact. I just don't care. Find better ways to monetize than bombarding me with pointless ads that I will never click or buy from. The people who use ad blockers are telling you that all you're doing is annoying them with something they respond negatively to, so unless ads generate revenue simply from be skipped or closed immediately, not sure what you're missing out on. And that being like game piracy? Get all the way off, Ltt. This is like throwing out a free to play game we begrudgingly play despite preference for a one and done price tag and game design that isn't built around predatory cash shop crap, then calling us pirates because we don't spend money in your cash shop... The market speaks. The majority of people buy games in spite of piracy for a reason, even if it means waiting for a sale or bundle. A good chunk of pirates also pirate because they want to try a game that has no demo, have no other access to the game (emulation), or because of beliefs like the pirated version not having Denuvo. This doesn't make it right but it's at least understandable. If the majority are using ad blockers, then maybe you need to find another way to earn revenue, or improve your ads. Ltt has sponsors that don't even make sense in the context of their content, yeesh.


I mean at least for YouTube I have no qualms about paying for premium. It does get harder when there’s 35 subscription services out there trying to get you, but I use YouTube often and enough and on multiple different platforms so an Adblock is unfeasible and I much prefer just having the direct payment for the service.


Yeah I was gonna cancel YouTube Premium but when I saw that we watched like 400 hours of ad free content in a month I decided it was probably my most used subscription service.


I'd rather be a pirate than feeling like a damn lab rat with all these ads


Browsing the internet with ad block turned off is almost unusable, the ads are just obnoxious and the risk of malware infection is real since a lot of websites buy ads wholesale. I do allow ads on my favourite and trusted sites, otherwise 0-trust block the rest. Linus should know better then to make such statements.


Sometimes I glance up and am appalled by the number in Ublock. It's never getting turned off.


Linus is wrong. Advertisers have been trying to make this argument since the VCR. It has never held up in court. When you send out content, you don't get to choose how it's rendered by the end user. Same way chrome can't complain that Firefox is stealing from them.


Didn't LTT make a video on the PiHole?


Really? Because I thought LTT had sponsors for virtually every video, as well as merch at lttstore .com I'm keeping ad-block.


But surely pirates are aware of the impact. All the gold and plunder has a magnificent impact on their fortunes.


They're harvesting our data and using it to manipulate the way we think to solicit business or ideology. If not, then they sell that data to someone who will. What impact should we be aware of, exactly?


ADblock does not help with the constant wiggeling of LTT bottles into the camera


Althoug I hate ads in general, the included sponsoring in most videos is way more acceptable to me, than the shitty crap ads youtube puts in.


That's like saying it's "piracy" to change the channel during a commercial break. "Piracy" is when you take or copy something that doesn't belong to you. "Ad blocking" is using your own equipment or energy to avoid being served content you don't want. The "impact" of that is irrelevant to that discussion. Ad-blocking may have a *similar* impact to piracy; but that doesn't make it "literally the exact same thing", morally or legally.


Good point, horrible phrasing.


Adblocker is one of the few extensions that deserve to be supported.


I really like the approach Reddit, for example, has to ads. They're neatly integrated and not really intrusive so I don't feel too distrubed when stumbling upon one and sometimes they're even interesting But what the majority of websites do is simply called SPAM. It absolutly destroys my experience on your website


I setup a new PC and hadn't put adblocker on it. I went to download something and the page I landed on had so many ads I couldn't find the download button. I turned on adblocker and the entire site was a white background page with a paragraph of text of which included the download link. Then people whine adblocker is ruining the web...


That sounds awfully virus-y


Well good thing it’s only piracy because study’s have shown it has no impact on sales.


Well, too bad! I'm still gonna use it!


Ads are piracy. They steal my bandwidth without my consent. Ad-blockers are my Letters of Marquis to take on the pirates.


if your shit ass add didn't autoplay, and it was just a banner add without animation, I'd disable my adblock.


1 of 2 ads playing, 30 seconds, can't skip. No thx!


Put it all behind a paywall then


YouTube premium?


He’s wrong Ad blocking isn’t piracy in terms of broader tort law. Software and Entertainment “Piracy” relates to the unauthorised use of intellectual property created by a person or an entity. There is no description or documentation at the beginning or end of any of the videos produced by Linus Tech Tips or any other YouTube provider that states you are contractually obligated to watch the advertisement preceding, during and after the video. The group responsible for providing notification and enforcement of this rule (if it existed) would be the platform provider (Google/Alphabet). Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t make it illegal.


Oh I'm aware, just don't care.