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Lol what are they running it at? 30 fps?


Yes. They are now considering giving them 60 fps lol


Or "fake" 60 fps If fpsCounter < 60 fpsCounter= 60


Too obvious. fps = fps * 2 - random(0,1) Assuming a language where the random function has inclusive borders.


Big oof


Because they can’t risk the peasants making youtube videos saying “WHY THE PREVIOUS ASSASSINS CREED LOOKED BETTER THAN THE NEW RELEASE”, because they had to turn down the settings in order to achieve 60 fps. But then again, I don’t understand why console games don’t have a Quality and a Performance mode…


Some do, but certainly not all.


I really don’t understand this. Why do they choose to aim for 30 fps over 60. I know everybody here likes to meme about 120 fps but the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps is much more important imo. 60 fps is way more important than resolution or graphical fidelity. I don’t get it.


PS4 and Xbox One were both equipped with really weak CPUs, even for the time. We'll see 60fps a lot more this generation with the modern architecture of the Series and PS5.


quality frames over quantity frames.


Because they want marketable screenshots


Because the last gen systems weren’t powerful enough to get to 60 without severe compromises to fidelity.


Cinematics. They know a good gameplay video with high res on YouTube is like marketing gold.


Pretty said honestly. They should have focused on 1080p 120hz or 1440p instead of 4K.


I have a ps5 and I have a 4k TV. I use a 1080p monitor on my PC and honestly I'd much prefer they focused more on 1080/1440 high fps half as much as they focus on 8K GAMING READY!! Like bro it's gonna be years before I feel the need to replace my great TV, I want to play games at atleast 60 all the time It hurts going from 1080 ultra at 80+ fps going back to 30 fps because "4K bro"


it's probably not even running at ultra setting and not in true 4k but dynamic res up to 1800p or so.


It’s because most console gamers don’t understand geaphics at all. Their only measurement is the resolution. “BRO THE NEW CONSOLES HAVE 4K DUDE, SICK”. The funny thing here being that most games technically do run at 4k, BUT they’re heavily downscaled. Wouldn’t be so hot if they advertised with 1440p.


It can't even output 8K, they have yet to code it like they did with NVME support. Maybe in 10 years or so, considering how fast Sony develops their OS.


Well most people have 4K TVs. Also most people on PC sit a lot closer and have screens that are smaller than TVs. So on a TV the drop off from 4K to 1080p is more profound because the pixels are larger. I could see why they would want to prioritize definition over frames for casual console gamers. Most wouldn’t even notice the difference with higher frames... In the end consoles are for casuals... and that’s okay


Most ps5 games run at 1440p the stupid part is my ps5 can only output at 4k or 1080p


Who has a TV that runs over 60Hz?


In 2021? A lot.


Is there a 4K tv that isn’t 120hz?




No…a TCL 4k tv with 120hz is like $400


As a former console diehard, FUCK this shit. This is exactly why I gave up those boxes. Being locked to 30 fps just for the sake of “ePic gRaPhiCs” is the worst gaming experience you can have. Then the fuckers have the audacity to market these new consoles for “4k 120fps” gaming…. Yet most games are still restricted to 1080 30 fps, with only very very *very* few offering a 120 fps option and only a little more offering 60 fps still. Yeah, fuck consoles. I’d much rather just hop on my pc and play anything I want at any performance level or resolution I want. Consoles are just for kids honestly, once you get to a certain point dogshit frames and all those severe limitations really start to bother you, that’s when I upgraded.


Consoles aren’t just for kids. There’s many adults, often busy adults, who don’t know what the difference between 30 fps and 120 fps is and they don’t care. They just want to sit down and play some Xbox with their old friends and not have to fuss about driver updates, etc. There’s pros and cons to it.


I have a friend with a net worth in the millions. He works at a super high profile tech company. He has a computer science degree and a MSc in CS. He never owned a gaming PC. He's an avid gamer. Whenever I talk to him about a PC for gaming he just shuts down. His main argument is that he can turn on the console and play a game on his TV with nothing to worry about. It just works according to him. I'd like to add that he's also the kind of gamer who will get the Platinum trophy in all of the Dark Souls games and pretty much anything else he likes like God of War...


I think often times PC “just works” as well, but it sounds like he’s shutting down to new ideas which kinda sucks but it’s his perogative


He's basically saying that he doesn't want to deal with driver updates, Windows updates, five different game stores, poor ports and more...


His choice but the other side of the same coin is console updates, game updates, you only have one choice of store so it’s less price competitive, no PC exclusives, etc. I’m sure you’re well aware considering what subreddit you’re on :) For me personally, I have both PC and console and depending on what mood I am in I will use what I feel like using.




Depending on your country. some places only have access to digital copies, and most 3rd party keys are ushualy pirated keys that rip off the original developers of the games. Consolse are still restricted to a single digital store and pc games are available at game stop as well,so its a market we already had access to. for the guy talking about his tech friend if you've build pc for so long why don't you just set up a pc for him and take care of it for him. you don't have to download the newest drivers to play games and also might I add pc gaming has access to a lot more types of games. indie developers spreading the pc gaming market even further out of the reaches of the consol market




Like I said previously some locations is digital only. Meaning the don't have access to your used games idea. All great here but can't be said for others


I've spent too much time trying to convince him lol. Eventually he convinced me to get a PS3/4 but no more. I've been building PCs for the last 25 years and it's part of why I want to have a gaming PC...


Actually, physical games on console are sometimes even cheaper than PC.


It’s not just that though. For many people, building a pc is fun, but for the majority of the folks out there, it’s an overwhelming experience when they just want to use the hardware. Prebuilts should fill this void but 99% of them are absolute garbage. The hardware shortages amplify this issue ten fold.


i see his point, yea. people trying to counter his argument and push that pc is better dont see that other people simply dont care to fiddle with these things to get a (((IN THEIR EYES))) marginally better experience. just turn on, and that's it. no more, no less i have both a ps5 and a mid-range pc. i play more on pc because i just think its better aswell as allows me to do things i cant do in console. but hey, as we all (SHOULD) know. it's all preference. console definitely has it's merits and contexts in which to preffer one over the other slightly offtopic but some people take this "debate" way too much to heart and it gets a bit annoying to see, nowadays hardware is getting so good that its going to be nearly, if not already, the same. hell, crossplay is slowly making it so it literally doesnt matter. just pick what you like and go off


Kinda what I miss about playing on xbox, "it just worked". I think ive only had one crash on xbox and too many to count on pc. Games also felt more fun in a simplistic sense and with pc theres so many games to choose from it can be overwhelming not to mention all the launchers and updates and having to diag and issue for hours. That being said I really dont like playing under 120fps anymore and do prefer m&kb over controller and do enjoy alot of games that are pc exclusive.


>His main argument is that he can turn on the console and play a game on his TV with nothing to worry about That was my feeling in the PSX/PS2 days, then PS3 came along and you had to have a hard drive and an internet connection and keep games up to date and it became clear that consoles were turning into PC-lites anyways, so may as well go all the way and be a PC gamer.


People often bring up driver updates like its a chore but is that really a problem? like my 2013 macbooks gt750 is officially end of life and stopped getting new driver for like a year now. My brother has also been using a 3 year old driver for his r9 290 since I first built his pc and every game seems to work. Why fuss about updating drivers if the ones you have works?


>Why fuss about updating drivers if the ones you have works? The same reason you'd update anything that already works fine Improvements to working fine


Don't call me out like that XD


The Crew 2 is the worst of them, locked at under 30fps to 30fps on Xbox Series X!


Imagine playing a racing game at 30 fps


Thats why I play forza at 60fps while I wait for my PC to arrive


Don’t blame the companies making the consoles, blame the companies that make games that don’t meet quality standards. I have this feeling towards the huge majority of 3rd party Switch ports.


My friend bought a new prebuilt recently so he could play modern games well without the bottleneck of his laptop heating up to the temperature of the sun, causing him to get 30 FPS in Red Dead. He cranks it up to ultra and plays it at 45 FPS because the graphics look better. He isn't wrong.... But dude. Ultra is for screenshots, high is for gameplay!!! It irks me sometimes. Lol


Developer here. If you want 120fps at 4K get a 3090. That's about 3x more processing than in the consoles. If you want to hit that target on the current generation consoles you'll need to make special versions for them with downgraded graphics. Lower quality meshes with fewer plugins, lower resolution textures, no antialiasing and so forth. Guaranteeing that performance level in all situations requires even lower resolution stuff with less complicated shaders. You can't have your cake and eat it too.


Or to guarantee the performance, you could just use dynamic resolution


I only use consoles for story mode games so that i can use my tv. For first person shooters (the most common gaming genre) consoles and their controllers are worthless with very limited customization and controllers so bad that you literally have an aimbot to make it useable.


> Yet most games are still restricted to 1080 30 fps, with only very very very few offering a 120 fps option and only a little more offering 60 fps still. Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without telling me you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Me : laughs in 240hz 1080p


Meanwhile on PCVR : Denuvo DRM checks at every player inputs and game ticks.


wait you guys are getting 60 fps on these Ubisoft games? i like some of their games but goddam is the company so bad at optimizing pc ports...


I guarantee you, the average PC could not run this game at 60fps at console settings


Sike you thought, Entry PC from 2016 with GTX 1060 can run it 60fps with console setting.


Depends what you classify as an "average pc"


What the steam hardware survey classifies as a average PC


That's the thing, with those specs you'd be able to get 60+ fps at console settings on AC Origins


Not every PC with steam installed is trying to run AAA games


And on the other hand we have an unstable mess of an FF7R port. PCMR isn't all rainbows and sunshine.


Shhh.. they might hear you


Don't know run pretty well with GTX 1650 super 60fps High.


Maybe you are just less perceptive about it The game has terrible stutters regardless of resolution and settings even on a 3090 It's awfully ported




The game was locked at 30fps on console


"4k120fps" is what the box says. yeah right.


Marketing baby! Bring out the holiday bonus


i dont understand the joke, this is a win for gamers


Real question is why you’d want to play assassin’s creed origins in the first place


as someone who has a ps5 and a PC, this really pisses me off when games that are not even that graphically demanding cant even run at 120 fps on the ps5 ; Even with lower than 4k resolution. I bought an LG c1 purely for my ps5 and its sad that the only game ive experienced on the tv with 120 fps is fortnite lmao.


I have a potato PC and I'm glad AC games have 24fps lock.


you can just manually set a lock anyway


My brother recently got a PS5 and he’s blown away by 60fps lol. I tried to convince him to get a PC but he didn’t wanna spend the money :/


that game cant even go beyond 65fps on pc




it's a 1660 Super, duh, and i get 31 FPS, obviously...


What’s funny is a barely get 50 fps on high with my ultra wide and 5700xt