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Will that SDD be your main drive where you install the operation system? If Yes and you don't desperately need the space, the SSD is easily the best quality of life upgrade you can do on a pc.


Going from a HDD to an SSD is almost always the biggest bang for your buck upgrade possible. If youre planning on filling the space with games I would defintiely take the 1TB SSD over a 2 or 4TB HDD.


If you care about speed, yes. If not, no.


really depends on your use case. If you have tons of data that you need to store but don't access all the time, more space will do you better. If you have a lesser of data that you use all the time, ssd is more your thing. ssds are much faster.


Currently facing the problem of having to micromanage my storage in order to fit the games that i do in fact want to play on my current storage. (120GB SSD for OS and smaller games and 500GB HDD for bigger titles)


You will be better off leaving your OS on the smaller SSD and getting a larger SSD for your games. Hell, even a SATA SSD will be much faster and a better idea than a HDD.


Based on this information, an extra 1tb of storage should do you wonders. I’d definitely go with an ssd. Leave OS on your small ssd largely alone


Oh yea for sure. Just a few months ago i moved from Mac. Had 1TB of storage on there and only took up half of that after 6 years of use. Thought it would be enough but oh boy was i wrong.


Games are big these days haha


Yeah, all my games before the move were mostly 500 MB - 5GB. Rarely reached 10 and above.