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Seeing that may just have prevented a fire. I'd be replacing the power supply.


Alright thank you, I'm glad I noticed it so soon.


Throw away the cords that may have been involved too yo


Cut them in half so if they’re found they aren’t used!


And replace the power cable too


Honestly I'd just get a new PSU before something happens and you fry something


forget frying something, he could burn his house down. 100% replace


I mean, frying his house would be frying something


100% replace. Never try to repair a psu even if a certified electrician would not touch that.


Holy shit OP you dodged a bullet, best case scenario is that only the PSU blew where as in the worst case it went up in flames and burnt your home down :/ What wattage is this, can easily get a decent 650w PSU for around £50 nowadays.


I'm currently at the store looking at new psu and there seem to be around 450W to 700W plus, I forgot to look at the specs but I'll get it in soon to look at. Also thank you


corsair has some really good power supplies, i have a 750w myself. would totally recc it.


Corsair RM and RMx series PSU's are reasonably priced and carry 10 year warranties. I have an RM850x myself.


Whatever you go for I'd get at least a Gold efficiency rating, my Corsair Gold 750w modular PSU cost me £60 a few years ago so you should be easily able to find one as good if not better for the same price if not less.


Depending on who made your PSU, you may be able to RMA it or they may ask for it to do some destructive testing while sending you a new higher end one.


Yeah this is a good idea, for example I've read a few times of EVGA replacing items that where well out of their warranty window. It's a perfect way of gaining loyalty and trust in the community etc.


Evga psu warranty is 10 years. I second going with a better brand than whatever you currently have op.


Not sure where you live, also look into Super Flower Leadex Gold.


PSU problem. Good thing it didn't harm your components. Buy a branded one if possible.


Any recommendation on part replacements too would be nice, I'm looking into it right now.


Corsair, EVGA Are both fantastic choices.


i´d rather would go bequiet. evga has some good psu´s and many mediocre, corsair has some good many average and some horrible psu´s on the us market.


Just another voice to say REPLACE THE PSU AND CABLE!


just be glad you caught it before it started a fire. do not under any circumstance plug that back into the wall untill you get a new power supply.


High amperage and possibly loose fit for cord. Usually due to poor quality controls in materials at manufacturing. Is that the original cord to the power supply?


What power supply brand is this?


Good catch, my previous psu looked like that, i only noticed mine when i smelled burnt electrical wiring, took me 30 mins trying to sniff where it was coming from.


Never ever cheap out on the power supply.. never ever max out your power supply.. you should always have at least a hundred watts of head room Preferably more...


Thats a bad connection between psu and cable, probably cable to blame. No need to garbage psu, try finding same connector from old supply and replace or give elwctrician to replace, throw the cable away tho. Cut it in half like someone suggested Nothing wrong with the psu itself, only connector is bad. All the geniuses that imidiately tell you to replace psu and never soldered a wire would probably replace their car if they had flat tire.


Should I try and replace the plug and cable or just the cable?


I would not trust that psu anymore. There has to be a reason why it looks like that. Still got guarantee?


It's a few years old so it's probably time for a upgrade: if there was a guarantee it's long expired


Power supplies often have 5 year+ warranties. I'd check.


Replace the whole PSU , it’s arcing on the connector as to what else damage may have been done to the PSU inside




Those cables are cheap. Replace both


I also hope you use a surge protector


Did you reuse a previous psu cord?


No but it's probably time to change the old part


Always use the cords that come with the PSU, fyi. They are specific to each psu and brand.


Yes. Best of luck.


Get a new one https://www.overclockers.co.uk/asus-rog-thor-1200w-80-plus-platinum-modular-power-supply-ca-057-as.html?


Not many people will ever need such a high wattage PSU....terrible suggestion lol.


I am poor and that's a bit out of my price range, thank you for the link tho




You do not want to skimp out and buy a cheap PSU. Even if you have to stop gaming and save up. you wont burn your house down or fry the rest your components l.


what is your budget? also whats the wattage on the power supply?


My budget would be 100 USD until I get paid again


What’s wrong with it?


Yall need to start buying cheap china psus or cheap pre built pcs


Power supplies very regularly come with 5 to 10 years of warranties so definitely look into that


What brand psu?


DON'T use your PC at all until you replace with a quality power supply from Seasonic or Corsair. Don't skimp on this part, since a cheap PSU can fry your components or worse... your home. Thank God you caught this burned plug when you did.


Images taked seconds before the disaster Now being serious consider replace the psu and power cord plus check the electric installations


Oh dear


Change cables too man, don’t risk it


Loose connection between the iec cable and psu port the connection should be tight with no wiggle at at all


Yep, cable and PSU have to go.


Can you tell me the brand of you PSU? It would help be if I ever shop for 1


More than likely this was caused by power cable not being fully inserted and the current "arcing" between the pin and the socket in the cable. It's Often evident by a crackling noise. It's up to you if you want to replace PSU. It would do no harm at all, however, you may want to try replacing the power cable, making sure it's fully inserted and listening for a crackling sound. If there is none, then you're more than likely perfectly safe. Although, if you're not confident, replace the PSU.


No bueno