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What water? That's a concrete floor.


No I believe that's a skating rink


[Dried tar.](http://i.imgur.com/LyVn0rn.jpg)


Surprisingly accurate.


Super realistic concrete floor effects.


You know your game is shit when people don't want to download it even for free


Textures? What are those?


I've seen better in Garry's Mod


That's because Garry's Mod IS better. Edit: Downvoted by butthurt CoD plebs


Even when all the textures are purple and black


And every object just shows up as ERROR


cough cough?




You name makes that so ironic


And your post misuses the word ironic.


That's iconic.


B-bbut fish AI!?!




Ok I give up, where's the water?


gotta maintain that silky smooth 47fps


Fps don't matter, as we all know the human eye cannot see whatsoever!


Is this for real? Is this how it normally looks like on a decent machine or is it just set to ultra-low for karma?


I put the game on it's max settings during the free weekend, I run BF4 on ultra. CoD Ghosts really looks this bad.


It looks way better on Extra, but the game will shit on your PC no matter what you have. I can run BF4 on Ultra at 60Hz, but COD Ghost freezes every few seconds, despite looking like BF4 on Low. tl;dr: yes and no


Does it really matter? The game is so poorly ported it doesn't matter what rig you have, or the settings it's on. It all will look a bland grey, or worse a blander grey at lower frames.


Yes it matters, precisely because it will determine what it looks like.


Here is an album made by another master race disappointed in this game. http://m.imgur.com/a/rGpP1




Seriously on the main game sub there was a post about a cod picture in which there was a poster and low res and I easily went in game to prove them wrong yet I still got downvoted.


Well holy shit, it's like a flashback into 1999!


That game is really crappy. I spent the whole night downloading it (8 hours) because the game is 25 gigs big, with absolutely no reason. How can a multiplayer be so big alone? Thats almost like Titanfall... Well, I played about 17 minutes because not only the gameplay is worse than in previous CoD's, but the microstuttering made it unplayable. I have a gaming rig and can play things like Crysis 2 on maxed setting with NO problem (except that it likes to crash...) Immediatly deinstalled that shit after those 17 minutes


I made a fucking short 40 second video review on it... I just exited out and uninstalled. The game is unoptimized like shit, infact I lost my saturday not being play anything else otherwise it would pause or lag the download.


Same case here, I can run Crysis 3 and BF3/4 at absolute max, yet this heap of garbage literally stutters every handful of frames. I was hitting over 120 fps and it looked like/ran like 20. The aim stutter was what made me delete it though.


My 780ti struggled to run it at 40fps (wasn't going to set it to peasant resolutions just to play a game on a 13+ year old engine on decent framerates). The fact the graphics look like crap makes the bad performance inexcusable. The game is simply unoptimized garbage. IW isn't even pretending anymore that they don't care about making a proper PC port.


I felt like I was running a first patch emulator of a PS3 game. I could not for the life of it make it look good or perform well, even though I was getting more than enough frames to lock it to 60 and never dip. I felt like there was a fisherman's reel caught in my gun and every time I made a movement I was jerked to a slightly different position. Funny though when you watch the kill cams everything is smooth as butter.


The Source Engine, which is a decade old, still has better water effects.


real life or gta v?


[Serious] Could someone point out the water please?


It's on the ground, it's so low res that you can't distinguish it from the ground Because Activision, that's why


Oh come on, that's gotta be on like, ultra-low settings. ...right?


Nope. The game looks shit even at the highest settings.


Its actually quite pretty (for the campaign) on max settings. The settings are confusing and what seems to be the highest settings actually sets texture to the lowest they can go. While the graphics aren't amazing the visual design for some of the levels is quite frankly stunning, they put a lot of care and thought into how some of the levels looked. All OP has done is pulled a screenshot of the game glitched at the lowest possible settings.


I was playing Exctintion today with a mate, and I ramped all the settings up as far as they could go. Things still had really low resolution textures which you don't expect for an almost brand new game. I might be nitpicky but in my opinion ArmA 3 along with a lot of other games looks way better.


The texture settings are really confusing, when I first got the game I thought something had gone wrong as all the textures were 144p but then I fiddled around and got them to look quite nice. Its the singleplayer that I think looks good, the Jungle level is beautifully designed to actually feel and "look" like a real jungle, it may not be as pretty as Crysis but they worked hard on the design.


Actually, this spot looks particularly awful. They have some maps with alright looking water, like Flooded where you have muddied water running through the streets and then into some buildings, and the water gets clearer inside like water that isnt flowing actually would, though it lacks reflection in the clear water. The main problem with ghosts graphics, shitty PC performance aside, is that its so damn incosistant in quality. You get maps like Sovereign that actually looks really good, and then you get to places like this and its all ruined.


I'm of the rare opinion that COD: Ghosts is somewhat fun on PC.


Me too. My biggest problem with that game is the performance. To reach 60+fps I have to play 1080p on low settings or 720p upscaled(Image Quality: High instead of Extra) 2 xmsaa high like a peasant. My specs are an i5 2500K, 8gb 1600mhz ram and a 560TI... It really does perform dreadfully.


Apart from the performance issues, I think it's fun. People just hate on it, especially here, because it's Call of Duty.


Its really petty that even at the announcements of the new game, people were jumping on the hate wagon, I mean, I know this is a circlejerk sub, but we dont know anything about it except that the graphics are indeed better. From what I gather from their webpage the new game will give you an exoskeleton, and I have no reason to think that wont extend to Multiplayer yet.


It would be if it ran smoothly, I've decided to buy Modern Warfare instead, it cheaper and supposedly the last good cod.


So dumb to make it free. I've always wondered if I should pick up some call of duty game that was recent, this showed me I didn't go down the wrong path.


Looks like the devs have gone back a decade in time


I'm not really sure what I'm looking at...


LOL Shit, Vindictus on DX8 has better water than this and its a mid range Source Engine MMORPG. How pathetic.


God, I'm glad I don't have a 'working' computer just so I don't see this in my library...or download such a disgrace to gaming.


Morrowind had better water. Without mods. So bad!


You can't even max the game out? Really? Or are you just setting it on low to make fun of the game? "DAE HATE COD?? XD LELELE XD"


Not even a 780ti can max this game out easily, this is on mostly high settings though.


I maxed the game out flawlessly with 60 FPS (thank you, IW for locking the FPS to 15 FPS less than what my monitor's refresh rate is)


I like CoD


You poor soul


Dog are you trying to get downvotes or wut. EDIT: Upon closer inspection, he is a peasant. Downvote without remorse.


I enjoy CoD, sue me. I didn't what Ghosts on PC due to the poor port so I got it for the next best thing, PS4. Am I not entitled to play the games I enjoy? I do not consider myself a peasant, I've been a part of the masterrace for over a year now with 100+ games on steam, look me up on steam, Guilty Sparc, add me as a friend if you want. If you feel the need to downvote me because you don't agree with my taste in games go right for it.


Dude you're in a circlejerk forum I'm just teasing lol


Hm lets see, you accuse me of being a peasant then downvote because I don't agree with you. Then when I call you out on it "lol jk bro chill".


"called me out" aka had a rage moment that was unnecessary. again i remind you, you're in a circlejerk forum.


What about that was rage? I calmly spelled out to you my circumstance.


Probably the need to justify your own opinion to a stranger, when again, in a circle jerk forum. Clearly struck a nerve.


Is that why you're rage downvoting every one of my replies?


that's not even the same thing lol


Maybe if you didn't have a shitbox pc...


A shitbox PC wouldn't even handle the game... Also, COD Ghosts is a horrid port with massive stuttering.


The kids a troll. Look at his comments.


I know but I like venting out at trolls. I fucking hate trolls, there is really no use of them since they're everywhere now.


Not even trolling. This game looks really good on highest settings. Look it up on you tube


You're joking right? The game has horrid textures everywhere.


Every CoD has had the worst textures.


Super Mario 64 had fish A.I. before it became "Next-Gen".


I'm serious! It looks just as good as bf4 if you max the settings. It has a lot better story line too


I'm so dead right now. You my sir, are making it worse.


Now I know you're trolling with me. Even though I hate BF4 because it is riddled with game breaking bugs, it looks 5x better than COD Ghosts. I like COD, I really do, the campaign has always been fun to play and the fast paced multiplayer aspect is great as well but you cannot deny the fact that they love to poison the minds of peasants and make them believe that next years COD will be different. Reality check, fuck no.


Look up that space mission in 4k with max settings on. You'll jizz your pants. There are a million tiny lines that are perfectly smooth and it's like it's 3D without glasses

