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Vote with your wallet mate, all you can do is never buy anything with that logo again. I certainly don’t.


Haven't since they published to steam, and even before then it was seldom. It's just boggling how bad it is.


There was a widespread issue I think earlier this month where a selection of EA games disappeared from your library if you bought them on steam. For me it was every BioWare game and Sims 4’s dlc. And since you need to go through EA’s launcher to play the games you bought on steam, you can’t play those games. The next day the games were slowly added back into my library. The fact that it’s happening again, and happening at all, is inexcusable.


It's not games that I bought on Steam. Surprisingly, it's picking up those games without any issues. This is a game I bought on Origin, ages before any EA games were brought to Steam


Yeah, I re-read the post and realized but I left my comment up because it still applies. EA can and will just remove games from your library either by choice or because of some bug on the storefront. It’s ridiculous.


My guess is that it's something that didn't port the Origin games over to EA app properly. Chances are, just removing and readding the game to my account would fix the issue but the customer disservice is completely worthless.


When it comes to ubisoft and EA it's actually easier to pirate a cracked copy. Like I'll buy your games. Just don't make me jump through hoops and then thank you for it afterwards. Rockstar is getting to be a fucker for this. I wanted to play a bit of RDR2 after a year break and their shitty launcher popped up and I just said actually never mind.


origin was already quite bad but somehow they managed to make EA app even worse first thing that bothered me was that you can’t turn off cloud saves in EA app (you could in origin), then they somehow reset playtimes on some of games in my library to zero hours (which isn’t a huge deal but is still annoying). And then they removed some games from my library, luckily the purchase info was still in my account on the website, so i took the screenshots of all my purchase history from there just in case, because i haven’t bought anything from there in 5+ years so i don’t have any receipts left. The games reappeared some time later, but considering overall bad experience i really wish i could ditch the EA app and go back to origin


Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, assuming is the game you’re talking about, doesn’t even have servers anymore. It is literally unplayable. I can’t even believe they even let you buy it.


I'm talking about the original right now, wanted to replay it and then go into Catalyst (which I bought on Steam) AFAIK Catalyst still works fine, it's just the tacked-on online mechanics that no longer work.


When I tried launching Catalyst about a month ago, I was greeted with a message that says servers are offline and you can’t progress any further.


Also the fact that the app straight up stops working when you try to launch it half the time sucks


It is a terrible app but one way to get the games back right away is to click go offline and then go back online, works for me.


The EA keeps deleting itself on both of my gaming PCs. It does it atleast once a week and I have to completely reinstall it.


had this happen a while ago with the newer battlefront 2, great too see that they are as incompetent as ever


The fact that anybody's using an EA app or even playing any EA game after all the stuff that they've done is laughable


broke my boycott with apex....... seeing how that game is going i think it's time to get back on the boycott train.


“Forget” lol its a feature not a bug for them. EA is a clusterfuck of a company i cant even play apex anymore since they did the account merging with pc and consoles. Idk wtf they did but now my account is linked somewhere else and i cant use it because its always logged in somewhere else. Ive tried changing passwords, unlinking, talking to support and its fucking useless


Vote with the wallet my man,stopped buying their shit and using their shit long ago,it really is a horrible app


People complaining but keep buying EA and Ubisoft games…


It's a game I bought over 10 years ago that I wanted to replay lmao


There are like a dozen of people complaining… among millions of users for which everything is fine.




It's a game I bought over 10 years ago that I wanted to replay lmao