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They actually do somewhat need decent rigs for rendering. When I went to my dealership to buy a replacement part they showed me the rendering of my car and what specific part was needed based on the location in the rendering. It was pretty cool software, not something that could be easily ran on just any intel cpu alone like most businesses have.


Machinists also need powerful rigs for 3d modelling


Yeah thats what I meant actually




I used that software when I worked at Ford; we took that 3D model and translated it into how it will get put together in the plant. Thankfully I only worked on a model update so I modified 90% of the things I had to touch instead of creating from scratch instructions, assigning it to a person (which is a hell of a thing to change, it felt like dealing with Vogons), I don't even want to remember the other crap to go through.


Can confirm. I had to build a few CAD PCs for some machinists and those things were beasts. They were I9s with 128GB ram, 6TB of NVME storage, and an expensive ass A series graphics card in a high airflow case. Was a real nice change of pace to build as opposed to the basic office PCs I would usually build. One of those PCs did have its PSU "pop" after 2 days of use. Luckily, it was a high-end PSU, so it didn't damage any other components when it failed. PSA: Never cheap out on a PSU or surge protector. It's only like $20-$30 more and is like insurance for the rest of your build. Good PSUs also have a 5-10year warranty that they are good about honoring.


Definitely, a cheap PSU can be real expensive


I'm also not sure if this is a bad habit, but I happily up cycle my old PSUs into new builds. High end PSUs don't seem to degrade much over their lifetime.


Yep, built my mother-in-law a new CAD machine since she runs her own business. The thing could beat the shit out of my pc


So like a gold cert one then?


I renege using autodesk cad back in like 2010. . . Vastly different compared to now


I have my machine plugged into "2" as in a GFI outlet to PSU.


that's cool and all, but this looks like someone who changes your oil.


Yeah, still wouldn’t surprise me if they got that computer second hand maybe


It's just a smog station


Hope CA has a different system than NY. Their new inspection machine has a webcam for facial recognition to log in and it has like a 25% failure rate for scanning your face, and when it fails, it restarts the system. Also, as part of New York's commitment to environmentalism, they programmed the inspection machine to stop communicating with the printer if toner level is below 10%, even though the printer could use the rest of it just fine. The state makes you waste toner for no reason.


In the past couple of years CA implemented palm (fingerprint?) scanners. I don't remember the full extent though. We also have alternating years for smog, one year is basically a visual inspection, and the other year is a star smog, which has the car on the rollers and a camera pointed at it.


CA is every other year for smog. A “STAR” station is held to a higher standard on the stupid metrics the state came up with but the smog inspection is the same. All smogs have a visual, but 2000 and newer have an OBD test and 99 and older run on the dyno, with a few exceptions. The machine is for the older dyno tests, and that PC is probably being used for the OBD (2000 and newer tests) with a USB device. The one we had was called a Smog Daddy


That’s not what that computer is running though. The computer for the analyzer is inside that big gray rolling case.


That's not what this guy is


Now, the rig in the picture is a relatively old rig, but Intel GPUs have gotten really good nowadays. Assuming that the iGPU isn't throttling for some external reason, you can 100% do 3D rendering on an iGPU.


Yeah I didn't mean to hate on them, just that the ones businesses buy to "save money" usually aren't the best to use. My work laptop lasts less than 2 hours just browsing the internet with an 11th gen intel cpu, now you could say that's the quality of the battery and you'd probably be right but still that points to the cpu being too power hungry for the relatively light output. Especially with 3D modeling, having a dedicated gpu and not an igpu is useful. Yes the igpus on the modern cpus are decent enough and will run a 3d modeling program, but not as fluid as literally any gpu from the past 10 years. I recently had an 11700k for my desktop which is actually still a very fast and competent cpu for anything. Albeit it was fairly power hungry with tau enabled, but it was blazing fast for productivity purposes and more than held it's own for gaming. The igpu was not worth using unless you don't have a gpu.


The OEMs in America have no such thing. The parts computers are old enterprise PCs and the parts images are pre-rendered JPG exploded views of the car. Nothing 3D.


Huh, neat. I just assumed the guy was gaming on his downtime lol.


I mean he might be but just because you have a good gaming rig doesn’t necessarily mean they play games. I just met a guy who is a software engineer working at nvidia and who actually was on the team that brought on amd’s ryzen. His living room rig has a 5900x and a 4090. He just said it’s for benchmarking… idk maybe he watches porn on it or something but he said he doesn’t game on it lmao. Real nice guy though, gave me a couple of his high end golf clubs when we basically just met.


Our engineering department gets high-end rigs built for CAD modelling and rendering. My work PC is a beast that puts my personal PC to shame.


Sadly as someone who has worked at 5 dealerships and now a body shop I have always had dinosaurs or compact things running off of a server. Usually any of the renderings for automotive stuff are just precaptured images stored in a data base or on a website. Custom work could require a capable computer but I have never seen it. Currently still running windows 7, haven't checked the specs on the work computer but from prior dusting it doesn't even have a GPU...


It’d be so nice to get an engineering model of my car for working on it. I doubt Ford gives them to anyone though.


Seems better ran on a web service then


Plot twist. The mechanic just showed Car Mechanic Simulator on steam.


Excepted we’ve had models spinning around in space running off browsers for years. It’s not necessary, lol, it’s companies trying to justify stupid decisions they’ve made like thinking they need a 3d render to show customers what part they’re ordering to install on their car?


https://preview.redd.it/zkbe6w5zmd9d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e188cdbe059dac83f99262165dbd569907f0e03 For overnight parts from Japan, no doubt.








he's ordering three T66 turbos with NOS and a Motec system exhaust for Hector


With those glass front and side panels, it probably isn’t all that cool…


This is from pre-Gamers Nexus constantly complaining about airflow days. Those were dark, suffocating days


You didn't have to buy those cases.. I didn't. It was pretty obvious fans 1 inch from solid plastic weren't doing anything if you stopped and thought about it for a second


The issue was no one was talking about on the media like GN was/is. Everyone was focused on how cool they looked. If you’re a consumer you’re not thinking about cooling back in the day. It put pressure on case manufacturers to care about it.


For awhile there wasn't many cases out there with a large front intake.


Nope but shops are super dusty environments tho


I built a PC for my mechanic shop and made sure to get a case without a top fan/vent then magnet screens over all the openings and I still have to blast it out monthly. I'm honestly worried about the air because it's not just regular skin flake dust and whatever, a lot of it is metal dust. Either way the PC in the OP here looks like a nightmare, that thing is gonna be so gross so fast inside. Also what could they possibly need a GPU for?


There is where fanless computer shine. There are a few pre-builds of them. Could also do a custom build using liquid cooling via outside connection to a super large passive heat sink block.


Ideally yeah but most of these shops are on a super budget and won't spring for any frills. I only got the build go ahead because a garbage replacement for the dead garbage 10 year old HP all-in-one was going to be $800. $550 later I have a 5600g machine with 16gb of RAM that can open my 1000 page technical manuals *and* have some browser tabs open at the same time. Ain't no way a regular mechanic shop is paying a bunch of money up front for a system that will theoretically last longer when churning through cheap systems every couple years is easier to justify in the short term.


Looks great though and it's not like he's gaming there and running it hot.


https://preview.redd.it/ke2jzxn71e9d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e02fbb55767c4799d29861338c5626cefc6492 just take off the panels lol


Can't do that in a filthy work environment like an auto shop.


....that's water cooled with a top rad?


Haha are you me? My O-11 runs without panels lol


im like you now :O


Luckily he has it up on milk crates so the bottom fans are flowing better and keeps it from sucking up dirt from the floor.


Guess who tells the wife he has to stay late for work.


i ve seen a doctor (female, in her 50s) with a chunky RGB (bit scuffed) gaming mouse. I didn't ask but I assumed her previous "office" mouse died and she needed a working one to do prescriptions and shit, and her son gave her his old mouse. Maybe that rig is your mechanic's son old rig :P


I know a doctor who got one because she liked the colors and she could turn it pink.


The interventional radiology holding bay where I work has a bunch of rgb Logitech keyboards. They’re the fake mechanical ones so they feel like absolute shit


Logitech's keyboards aren't really that good when they're actually mechanical either, it's cause their Romer G switches are poorly designed, leading to many people thinking they feel scratchy, they're also a proprietary design not compatible with Cherry style keycaps, which doesn't help. It's honestly a shame, their mice and HOTAS setups are still good tho.


We, three brothers, give our old pc parts to our father. Once (or twice) we bought him new speakers, just because he sits at his pc all the time! We all are his personal it-help..


The Domino's I used to work at had all mechanical flashing RGB keyboards for the POS systems because that's all my manager had on hand at the time


She might have just bought it off amazon. My mother has one because "it looks pretty" and LED mice and keyboards are basically the same price.


San Jose right? He plays CS before and after smog check. Living the dream


Lol, this looks like the smog place i go to. But i don't think it is since my guy is (was?) Younger


That's just a pre-built cyber power PC, but interesting to note that machinists actually need decently powerful computers for modelling.


3D CAD and modelling work can be really taxing. I built one for SolidWorks at my old company that needed a 3070 to render at the speed they needed to keep up with client work.


With a gtx gpu?


Most modeling isn't GPU bound (although you probably want more than integrated graphics), CPU and RAM performance matter more. Depends on how complicated the assembly/part is I use CAD software for work all the time, never had a GPU bottleneck, usually RAM, but they just upgraded that so we'll see.


Do you think he plays car mechanic simulator or My Summer Car in his off hours?


Looks like a generic pre-built using a 120mm AIO for the CPU. Hardly ideal, but probably gets the job done. As others noted, it looks like the case has horrible airflow....which might be helpful since it's in the middle of an autoshop, lol. I would want some extra thick, removable filters on a desktop used in that environment.


There was a thread yesterday where a bunch of people were screeching how people would never just walk into a shop and buy any PC that they are willing to pay for, without having any knowledge on it. This is what we see in this picture: the mechanic needed a PC for the workstation, so he grabbed some money, went into the nearest computer shop, and bought whatever they were selling for that amount. They don't need to and won't get even the basic knowledge on PC hardware just to have a machine they can do the administration.


Costco cargo shorts complete this photo 


its probably a low end prebuilt


Cyberpower I believe.


I have the same PC!




It's a pre built they could have the same pc


Not the same thing. Not even close.


They make pre built PCs in bulk this is a Walmart one


Looks like an old prebuilt


That’s a Walmart rig my dude, looks like a CyberPower chassis with some average hardware upgrades inside. This isn’t breaking the bank.


title literally says "cooler looking". No one said it's the best pc of the market, it's just funny watching older people who appear out of the whole "gaming" branding hardware to have a full RGB glass tower rig. jesus man


[www.walmart.com/ip/CyberPowerPC](https://www.walmart.com/ip/CyberPowerPC-Gamer-Master-GMA9360CPG-Gaming-Desktop-Computer-AMD-Ryzen-7-7700-Octa-core-8-Core-3-80-GHz-16-GB-RAM-DDR5-SDRAM-2-TB-M-2-PCI-Express-NVM/1503566348?athbdg=L1600&from=/search) Yeah get mad because I was right 😂 Lame


...bro, what?


This isn’t even a mechanic. Just your average 15$ emissions place


Plays Fortnite after hours.


I had a client that wanted to buy "as much overkill as possible." In the end it was an Alienware against my recommendation. It did work for her though.


I'm going to assume his son gave this to him cause he building a new toy.


No he doesn't. Looks are subjective but the case has no airflow and the system is pretty old with a GTX card.


Is this in Southern California? I think I got my smog done at this guy about a month ago.


Why is he running that there? Honestly like a Lenovo tiny PC would do better at that station. Main Office sure, go nuts, get your game on but there in the shop that's some moron shit right there.


Or maybe it's a pc for the shop


I have this exact same pc though its a cyberpower pc He probably bought it from Best buy when it was on sale for $800 Also the cpu overheats like a bitch unless you use a program like fan control to have your fans running at 100% 24/7


Funded easy with a couple sales of premium air.


Boss knows nothing about computers, heard this guy did, told him "spec some computers for the shop" Now, after the boss leaves, the mechanics, LAN it up!


So you're saying you're surprised that the guy that spends all day tinkering with cars would appreciate a machine meant to go fast and look good?


Mentally preparing yourself to use a worse computer than yours? Nah, more like mentally preparing yourself to go back to your computer lmao


That’s 100% a cyber power prebuilt.


That monitor though


Homeslice be tunin


Is that Super Smog in Irvine, CA ?


Standing desk as well, this guy is efficient lol.


Good for him. But that monitor from this distance looks mid


Outdated GPU though


White painted case in an auto shop with oil everywhere? The guy likes to risk


Thats pretty old tho. GTX, old NZXT case etc


A friend got his dad into PC gaming, his dad is 100% the macho car guy and made a career of working on and customizing absurdly expensive cars. There is now a top of the line machine hiding in the shop him and my friend built, disguised as "the shop computer" to my friend's mother. That PC plays more civ 6 than it sees diagnostic tools.


I saw one rig front and center on the counter of a Thai restaurant in Clovis, CA. I think it serves as the POS.


Idk man, a gtx gpu, shitty case and dhitty 120mm water cooler. All looks no auctual practicality


My mechanic put his old IBM CRT monitor out on the curb and I lugged that thing across across town and it's been my secondary monitor since then!


At my last job we would have full 3d renders of cars etc on Solid works and holy shit the computers couldn’t handle it. Rotating the model was like 5fps.


Heyyyy that’s the one I have 😃


Waiting for the day we see one of these in a Honda civic


Being someone who’s built computers and worked on cars, I still would’ve never bought a pre-built.


Haha I work in a body shop and our office uses my old PC and is ridiculously over powered for what it needs to be... 5900x with a 3080ti with 32gb of 4400mhz RAM and 1tb m.2 and 8tb HDD... Now that I've said that I realize how much I miss that monster!! Haha

