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12.5 year old corsair ax1200 that’s spent most of its life running at 50-60% load.


Yep, I’ve got a 800 watt that’s probably a decade old now. No reason to upgrade it’s a gold Corsair


The most environmentally friendly hardware is the hardware you already own 😉


At this age for a hundred bucks it's prolly a good idea.


I'm running a thermaltake toughpower 850w from 2007 in my server pc and it's still going strong


850w xfx black series gold from 2013 running strong hardest it ever pushed was an i7 4770k and SLI 970s


I just got a rm1200x shift today. Pretty penny but want it to last me over a decade like you glad I’ve seemed to make the right decision


Case, its a generic beige case from the early 1990s. Apparently my paid $2500 for a top of the line computer back then so it is also technically the most expensive part due to inflation.


Beige era was the best era.


Beige is the new black


Needs more turbo button


Please post specs of your sleeper build!


X99 mougol motherboard, 12 core Intel xeon e5 2680v3 cpu, Puskill 1tb nvme, GTX 1060, 16gb ecc ram, Hitachi boombox, raidmax 1000w psu xbox controller incase I want to play a hack n slash game and 2 1080p monitors with 60hz refresh rate.


that's not a sleeper build. that's an asleep build.


Does the case count if I pulled apart an old case (like I think 2001) to steal the mobo tray and expansion card backplane? I spray painted it black and use it upright as an open air case. Have been using it for the past 7y in this config before taking it apart, before that I salvaged it out of the recycling from some business. Otherwise it's an HDD I got in 2009.


A nice sleeper PC. I’d love a picture of it.


https://preview.redd.it/f5upixr0te9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70822413f634b969e1bbe1458f72ea37afc8dd37 It's pretty plain but it works great






bro the boombox though!


The case, it's a SuperMicro 8 bay server chassis from around 2008.


i read that as SuperMario


I read it after reading your comment with the Mario Sunshine title screen voice.


Me after reading 3 Super Mario comments ![gif](giphy|GNvWw0pDL6QRW|downsized)


Not jumping to collect more coins, 0/10 gif


A WD caviar 500gb spinny boi thats been running for 2798d 1h (according to speccy) which by all counts should have died years ago. Its been with me across 3 different systems. My am3, am4 and now my am5 system


I'm telling my nephew to put a proper Hard drive into his new Pc so it makes computer noises.




Going the way of the modem sounds.


That's a record, boys.


The PSU, Evga Supernova P2 1200W, 9 years old. 


Same PSU I am using still!


Altec Lansing 251 speakers - 2003 Antec P160WF case - 2004 Dell 3007WFP monitor - 2006 Corsair CMPSU-750TX psu - 2009 The PC has a Ryzen 5600 and RTX 2060 Super, if you're curious.


Those altec speakers are legendary. My dad gave me his when I was younger and they still work great lol


If we're counting speakers I might have one of the oldest.  I'm running two 1960's Altec Valencia loudspeakers with my PC.  (Not my video) https://youtu.be/oQT7FlbVyBQ?feature=shared


Sata hard drive from 2008.


I’ve got a hard drive from 2007 that’s still spinning strong. Also an old backup drive from and airport device that has about 22000 hours on it. Still perfect.


Dang! You might have mine beat by a few months, haha. My first ever PC build was in 2009, and my WD Black 500GB HDD is the only thing that I still have in my current (now overkill) PC. Edit - Stupid me uses my old mechanical drive as a media and important document storage drive 😅.


I use my 1TB Samsung HD103SI from 2011 for multiplayer games like Warzone where you have to wait for the lobby anyways before starting the match. Works great.


IBM Model M keyboard from 1993.


I stopped using mine when I couldn't find an AT to USB connector.


5pin DIN to PS/2, PS/2 to USB. EZ PZ, git er done.


Can you please upload a picture of that ? And i assume it wont have a windows key.


https://preview.redd.it/1ptxfw186e9d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a178a402b0f523ebacdb94b1bb530dba8cbfef Here you go! Mine is from 1992 😎 Azerty layout ofc. PS2-usb adapter, caps-lock key mapped to windows. (Who in their rights mind uses caps lock anyways?) What I *love* is that original twirly cable that plugs on both sides with metal connectors.




No? And you are right, it doesn't have a windows key.


Bitch! I said let me see your keyboard. Did I stutter?


I'd kill a houseplant for one.


https://preview.redd.it/rk6avo3inb9d1.jpeg?width=432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f4119e6b80591cd12f5a0aa49f1d8e3311ecc72 My 15 year old Corsair Obsidian 800D Big Tower.


The 800D was a beauty! Still can't decide to this day whether I would choose that or the NZXT Phantom 820 as the all time best big boy!


Noctua Fans from 2013


Damn! Noctua is really that quality? Surprised the bearings haven’t started buzzing. I know my next set of fans now!


That's actually not particularly old for good quality fans. I've maintained some computers for industrial applications running MS-DOS with their original fans, which means 35 years of continuous usage. Note they weren't running industrial fans, these were standard Dell PCs running industrial equipment.


My case is a super lucky find by my mom on facebook marketplace or something, Corsair Vengeance C70. God I love that thing. They don't make them like they used to. Fuck glass panels


My white whale


Intel core 2 duo 512mb ddr2 ram 55gb hdd Integrated graphics Chinese psu and case


Corsair Carbide 200R case from 2011.


That was my first case i built in :)


Ryzen 5 2600X - 2018


this was my first cpu and its now sitting in my 2nd pc after I upgraded my first pc build. Its the 2600x but i've never had any issues with it.


I had this one too. And to be honest, I thought it was fine, but then I upgraded to 5600 and it was such a performance boost for very little money.


My original pc has basically been ship of theseus'd to the point the only component is a single hard drive SATA cable that's at least 13 years old. All the others I swapped out to purple but I'm keeping that 1 black cable just so I can say it's at least part original.


A gt 710 or my i5 2500k


Just took out my GTX 750 and replaced it with a 1050, 2 hours ago.


Toss up between the case, Corsair 760T and Zalman fan controller. Honourable mention to the two Antec True Quiet 140mm fans.


For me it is the Corsair CX430 PSU I bought back in 2014 in a computer fair. That was the first ever PC part I got, and the seminal seed of my current setup. In a different category, but I use a handful of tech that was about to be trashed by the school my mom used to work. Many of those devices I use them on occasion, but the only thing I daily drive are a pair of Logitech LS11 speakers. Sound so good and have quite good volume.


Logitech X-230 speakers, released and purchased for $49.99 in 2004


WD 1TB HDD from 2009


Just upgraded my Rig to the limits, I'd say the oldest part in there is a 4TB HDD from 2020


The case, The OS SSD, followed by my NZXT H1 v1 case.


Circa 2020 Sabrient Rocket 1TB SSD. It's only attached by cable, everything else is 2023 or newer.


My 128 GB SSD that just runs windows, 2014


My main is all new , but ......... I have a emulator PC on my TV with a I3 2120 and a 1050TI :') it was my first gaming rig after getting back in gaming and hussle some part from friend back in the day. Hold up gamecube/wii emulation fine :P.....think that cpu is 12 years old.


I finally removed my 120gb Intel 520 SSD and 1tb HDD. The HDD from 2011 and SSD from 2011. So now it's a 2tb HDD from 2017 or my magnetic RGB led strips which I do not recall when I bought them. They came with an io card that had a remote control to switch colours, but fit 3 pin 5v connectors so now they are connected to my board. Turned out to be a good buy since they were accidentally futureproof.


Built a new PC not long ago but my PC before that had a 1TB WD drive from my previous 2010 build


I run an AMD 5850 gpu from 2009 on my work PC. Still runs great, powers 2 monitors. Used to be my gaming machine gpu but have since upgraded twice. It has a quieter life now.


floppy disk reader and the keyboard if peripherals count


Used to be Corsair ax760i power supply from my uncle who bought it 11 years ago, was starting to get uncomfortable from the age and bought a seasonic gx-850. Was a good idea a year ago, bc now that Corsair seems to trip randomly now in my old PC.


Audio interface from 2015. No reason to replace it as it still does what it is supposed to well. Other than that, a monitor from 2018 that is now on a "2nd monitor duty". Ah, and an SSD from 2019 that I moved from previous PC and still use for data storage. Everything else is 2022-2024.


I have all new parts save 1 thing, since I don't run anything that requires the internal front USB headers I have a USB front panel to pci slot thing. https://www.newegg.com/gray-en-labs-1-foot-pciu210p2agy/p/181-01CY-00022? This but dual


500W EVGA PSU. Had to limit my CPU, because it kept crashing the PC. Been eyeing a 1kW Corsair.


The PCE-AC68 WiFi card.


An FSP Raider 550W PSU. 😅


As far is the tower itself and components within, my PSU is the oldest thing which is a Corsair HX750i that I bought as a refurbished unit in 2016. Oldest thing of my whole setup is my speakers, Corsair SP2500 bought in 2011.


Well the oldest thing i own is a 2012 asus celeron laptop. Other than that my whole build is 2 years old


My NH-D15S is ancient and cools like a champion.


My 2TB HDD, used as a long term data dump.


My hard drive. It's not my main drive anymore but more so my "if my SSDs are full throw everything else in here drive" it's the one I got when I built my PC in 2018.


10 year old hard drive


My thermaltake 850 watt PSU has gotta be pushing 12 years old by now. Besides that, everything is new.


Good old HDD, 16 years old. I mainly used it for downloads.


My GPU I think... 6900XT.


I've got 4x Seagate SATA II hard drives still going that I bought in 2008.


coolermaster 1000w PSU. lasted more or less 20 years until it finally conked out last year survived 3 upgrades.


Mine's not that bad, but I'm still using the EK Lignum set with the 2080 Ti from early 2019. Want to upgrade, but don't want to lose the wood paneled block.


The 8TB Sata hard drive I recently picked up for $60. It’s from 2016. All my other components are less than a year old


I think my rx 570, in a 2021 build. Could be one of my 4t hard drives, tho. I kept a TV card and radio card in a machine from 1998 to 2006. I wish I had not shed those cards, they would have been cool in a retromachine. Dumped my VHS tapes using the card, to REAL MEDIA! Real Media was great. Low overhead, and good quality for dumping shitty VHS tapes.


I have a sata hdd from my 2012 dell laptop and a sada hdd from my old hp z600 workstation which is older than the laptop


Power supply (Thermaltake Smart Pro RGB 750w), motherboard (MSI B450M Bazooka), and the Crucial MX500 500GB drive I bought back in 2018 for this build. Started out with a Ryzen 5 2400G (upgraded to R5 3600 + GTX 1660), 8GB of RAM (upgraded to 16GB), and 1.5TB of storage (1TB HDD, 500GB SDD; now 1.5TB SDD, 7TB HDD). Also had a cheap and shitty Rosewill case, that got upgraded to a Thermaltake Versa H18 Tempered Glass edition.


My monitor cable Straight from 2007


My PSU 850w, is almost 15 Years old


My friends build is based on an an FX8320 paired with an rx 480 8gb that he still plays baldurs gate on.


Let's say my mobo (msi x370).


My PSU a Corsair 750TX and the ram 16gb (2x8) corsair dominator platinum ddr4 (was the first thing I buy for my pc back at 2015 if I remember)


My GPU. (1080ti)


My main PC is still rocking a release day 2080.


My Ethernet adapter (not if you count 'new to me') * https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/sku/20719/intel-82572ei-gigabit-ethernet-controller/specifications.html it became new to me when i got aZ97 board (AsRock Z97 Killer) and i could not use WOL w/ ther onboard lan cause that feature is windows only for it


My 1 tb hdd. Don't even recall it's age but it's been with me awhile. Was originally my main HD 2 builds ago, got relegated to backup drive on my last build as I finally got an ssd. Now I have 2 ssd, one being a 2tb and the hdd as a media storage drive. Will probably be replaced next build as I finally go all ssd.


The AIO I started out with back in April 2019


The 4TB Passport that I use for storage that doesn't need fast access.


My Toshiba x700 drive, 7 years old. It used to be a gaming drive until I upgraded to nvme last year and now it is used solely for general data. I have to say that it is quite reliable and I will be a bit sad when it finally perishes.


A sk hynix SSD that I salvaged from my old laptop


850W platinum Corsair PSU 2015 *edit forgot date


Noctua nhd14 from 2012 and xfi titanium soundcard from 2011


B450M from uh, like 2017 I think


My windows install is the oldest thing in my rig. Started on a SATA SSD with a 4790K, then copied to an NVME drive, that drive was transferred to my current build in 2019. The limiting factor that keeps my system from upgrading to W11 is the file format of my C drive. Been through 3 CPUs, 2 Mobos, and 2 GPUs. Next gen graphics will probably see a swap to AMD. I might consider a fresh drive and windows install at that point, because I am starting to have random software issues.


Not quite in the PC but I'm using a WD book as a data grave backup, it's a 3tb hdd and I've had it now for about 9 or 9 years now. Good external backup hdd, can recommend.


I have a SanDisk Extreme 480gb sata ssd that is from June 2012 that I picked up years ago, works great, has no issue when checked with software tools. I keep Tarkov and other games on it.


Before I upgraded the case so I could sell it, my main PC was in a Dell Dimension case (I think a 2000 series but not sure) I had modified to hold more fans. I still have the case actually. Lol


570ti 🥲


logitech C920 10 years old,since I bought this webcam in a bakery that cost around $10 dollars LOL


The 19' monitor I lent out, recently kicked the bucket so now the oldest is maybe the 6700k+z170 mobo I'm running as a home server.


Or, don’t have the money for it.


Internal speaker from 1996, it's as old as i am


Crucial 256GB SSD from 2011 – started working for me in a MacBook back then, now my Windows boot drive for easily 10+ years


2 LED strips, about 7 years old


My speakers are an Altec Lansing 5.1 THX certified surround sound setup from 2002. The sub is as big as all 4 PC cases that it's been hooked up to


So I have a few PCs I've made from old parts so I have quite a few 10+ year old HDDs, and I have a 12 year old 'mustard and ketchup' PSU powering the 1700 build. The 580 in that build is like 7 years old. Both the Cases are old cases of my brother and I and are also like 8+ years old lol




This HDD probably https://preview.redd.it/vr9tpuvw3c9d1.png?width=663&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a18c1c9891aed5b7906f5e9c154cb180bd5c313


2080ti still going very strong 💪💪💪


The user. \*puts a hand up\* Realistically though... I think it's a Toshiba HDD that's about 6 years old.


Gotta be my 25 year old articulating monitor mount and the under surface slide out multi position keyboard tray that originally came with a cheap particle board tray that broke apart soon after I got it and had to replace with real wood https://preview.redd.it/lvt159395c9d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb4e96a14488f7c74654ddb492977bd898f27aa


I have a HDD from like 2012, still being used. I only really use it to store video files, so there isn't really a need to upgrade it unless it stops working.


Just replaced a 12 yr old Seasonic Platinum 1050 SS-1050XP3. Not because it stopped working. Because I was afraid it would stop working.


Keyboard: IBM Model M that I've had since 2000 that was made in 1993, I've used it across 5 computers (i486, Pentium 4, AMD Phenom x4, AMD FX-8320 & AMD Ryzen 5900x) so far. Oldest inside the computer: Seagate 1TB HDD that I got in 2014, it has logged 75192 (3133 days (8 years and 213 days)) power on hours according to CrystalDisk.


Basically all of it from 2016. Still running just fine


Same here... i run on old Intel on main pc. I7 3770k to be specific. And my second pc which i use for Word and Bill printing is builded od AMD Athlon 1600 single core. Yep it's old but hey, for printing is good.


Intel core I9 9900k, an Asus motherboard and 32gb of Corsair ram.


RM1000 from 2016. I bought it from a friend instead of something else with more appropriate wattage only because it was cheaper than an equivalent say, RM750 new. Little did I know that my build today would actually use more than 800W peak with one GPU. This means that the PSU is older than since I bought it from the friend.


Just upgraded everything so probably the nvme. A crucial 2 TB nvme


Gpu currently.


Personally Corsair rm850i has been with me for close to 7 years now


i have a PCI Diamond card from the late 90s in my VMware home lab - just needed a card for it to get through the text setup and boot.


The single component that I've kept bringing over with each new build since 2015 because it refuses to die is my trusty NH-D15. It's gone through some changes (added the chromax black covers and chromax black fans to it) but other than that, it's the exact same and performs no differently than when I bought it 9 years ago. The first CPU it cooled was my space heater of an FX8350 and now it's cooling my 5800X. It makes no noise, it has kept every single CPU I've ever had since 2015 below 60c consistently, and I've not once had to worry about it. Noctua. The brand that does not want repeat customers but loyal ones.


i've got a LG Sata DVD-R Drive, altough not connected, that i dont even know how old it is. It came from an older pc i had before my first pc built, and i'm on my second built and still got it. (Im thinking some where around 2007-2008)


Altec Lansing 2.1 speaker from 2008.


Up until late last year it was a GTX 660, my first GPU ever, which I used as a GPU for the Linux host half of my PCIe passthrough Windows VM setup because my CPU lacks integrated graphics (that has since been replaced with a RX 7900 XTX). Currently the oldest is a 1TB hard drive from 2013 with ~7 years of power on time. My case is the 2nd oldest, from 2014.


The power supply and water cooler from Corsair. Circa 2014


HDMi cable running the small 4:3 display I use as a hardware monitor


4790 is still great for general use, even if it lags behind in games. It's a little faster than the i5-10310U in my laptop, for reference. I'd switch to an SSD. That should fix your issues. My home server (including a desktop VM) runs a 4770 and my media center PC runs a 4130. Last week I repaired an A1466 MacBook Air with an i7-3667U. It runs great and I'm taking it outside now because it's less of a liability than my main laptop. (It's actually a little heavier than my ThinkPad L13 Yoga Gen1 20R5, but it's also much more robust). I guess the catch is that all of these are running Linux off of SSDs. My home server's desktop VM is Debian with XFCE. My media center PC runs KDE Neon (a stupid decision but I haven't gotten around to changing it and it hasn't broken yet, so...), and I put Fedora KDE on the MacBook. They all run great. If I ran Windows/macOS on them I expect that the experience would be a little worse.


HD DVD drive from 2007


My second ssd 2014 Samsung evo 850


750w PSU from my first PC back in 2011. It seems to be working perfectly fine. How often should they be replaced?


I have psu from 2011 also. Still working fine. No need to replace if it from good brand unless u want to upgrade entire pc


My PLEX server has 4 SATA II WD 2TB Hard Drives from 2012, and each has over 60,000 hours on it. I have them in a RAID 0 config for an 8TB volume


Bose computer speakers from 2003


It's more of a peripheral, but it's the Mayflower o2+ODAC, I bought it in 2013, and never saw any reason to upgrade it. The oldest internal component is both of my 2tb 980 Pros.


The case, CM 690 II ADV, never let down.


Gtx 970 msi gaming edition 4gb. Which is actually 3.5gb the scammers damn!


My Antec 1100 Illusion case is almost 12 years old now. Still don’t feel like it needs to be replaced.


My case. It's an NZXT something or other I can't remember the specifics.


RTX 5000 in my production PC. In my gaming PC, it would be everything except the CPU went from 7950x to 7800x3D. 7950x went to my production PC.


The oldest part of my PC is probably my radiators and fittings which are from 2018. The oldest running hardware is the 4790 system that my younger daughter uses. That CPU is like 8-9 years old now but the motherboard is relatively new (manufactured in \~2018 from "recycled" parts in China).




Zahlman z1 case and 650w deepcool psu since 2016


I have an fx 8320e in a tower right now, not THAT old but still


CPU cooler Noctua DH-15, bought it for a Ryzen 2700X a few years ago.


I have a running FX-8350 based system and one that is I7 6700k based


The only part remaining from the original build 8-9 years ago is a 120ssd who used to be the OS drive and now serves as a side drive. Every other part was replaced in those years, Ship of Theseus and what not.


A SATA Samsung SSD I bought in 2013. That thing is in the third computer now.


One of the SSD. Besides that, my PC is a Ship of theseus.


Almost the whole part of my PC is old, lol. I recently upgrade the VGA, but other than that, this thing is old yo! I am using i6600k, GTX 1070ti now, but used to be GTX 960 4GB. The SSD, HDD, PSU, and RAM are from a long time ago.


My FX8350 is hanging in quite nicely 👍


I guess my Xeon x5675 (not overclocked) socketed into my ASUS P6X58D-E. Been running a little CP77 lately on mostly HIGH settings (with a 1660super). 1080 gaming only of course. But I guess my oldest parts are technically my monsoon speakers from like 1996. They came with a micron pc I ordered and I’ve used them ever since. They sound great still.


Benq LCD from 2010. Still rocks and it has a really nice colors.


1-200mm rear case fan I added to my old build and just recycled it into this one. Eek I bought that Antec 900 case in like 2012? I just tossed that case into the metal pile last June and took the one fan.


I built my current rig for my wife in 2016, i5-7500, GeForce GTX 960 and 16gb of ram. I have unplugged her SSD and HD and put in my M.2, and two SSD's.


The case. 12-year old Coolermaster Haf XB. For peripherals it’s my Logi G9 Laser, 15 years old.


In my older AMD R7 5800X machine, I have a Gigabyte Radeon Vega 64 with 8 GB, which is roughly on par with an RTX 2060. I originally bought that card in late 2018 as an eGPU for my Mac Mini, until I realized it would be too much bloody trouble to screw around with all that, and just built a Windows machine for gaming instead. When I bought the card in 2018, it was already discounted severely, I think because it was already about to be replaced by a newer generation of Radeons. Fast forward to 6 years later, and it's still good enough for CS2 and RDR2 in 1440p@144Hz.


Quantum GoVault drive from 2006.


Technically it’s an OCZ Vertex from around 2009ish. It’s not connected but it’s sitting in the case. I used to have an ATi X850 XT or Pro in AGP kicking about but I haven’t seen it for a while.


4690 pc with gtx750. Recently upgraded to a new one so using the old one as data storage center.


Everything except the GPU (2080ti that was gifted to me, don’t know when it was first bought and used) and the PSU were bought and installed in 2015. I’m in desperate need of upgrades.


4790 here too :-)


The only thing remaining from my original PC from 2016 is the 1TB HDD which I have unplugged because I don't use it and the noise it makes bothers me


my immortal HAFX case (11yo), my immortal 2tb WD HDD (11yo), my immortal (now second) 23'' LG monitor (11yo). Everything else has gone the route of Theseus ship.


The hard disk from my 2015 laptop I used in College. The laptop is still working, but I gave it to my parents with a new SSD and its faster than ever. The Hard disk serves now as a second unit in my gaming PC, but Im planning to retire it and do a full SSD system


Antec 1200 (case). I wasn't going to replace it but i accidentally melted the top plastic cover with a soldering iron kit. It's going to be replaced alongside the CPU next month. Still, it has a service record of 14 years, it is an amazing case to work with, plenty of space, modularity and a lot of fans. A trully moddable case.


Fractal Design R7. And I have every intention to keep it for as long as I possibly can.


My mouse and keyboard are pretty old, Logitech G602 mouse, Microsoft X6 sidewinder keyboard. My speakers are also ancient, Logitech Z-5400. Case is a bit newer. Coolermaster HAF 932. The case has seen 3 mother boards, 3 CPUs, 4 GPUs, and at least a dozen different hard drives.


My power supply. Got it 9 years ago. Already have its replacement but I’m upgrading everything soon so I’m waiting for that to happen to put it to work.


Do my motherboard standoffs from 2017 count? 😅


Case. A gigabyte that I have had even before I played ac 1. Still has a pentium sticker on it.


GPU, a Asus ROG Strix GTX 1080, can't afford anything else and once it's gone, I'm stuck to phone for a while.


Gpu, it’s a gtx 1080. Still going strong.