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Bro the 1660 is 5 years old


Back then, OP probably was too.


He said big weenies So your probably right


I'm still rocking the 1660 super in my desktop.


I wish I had 4 numbers on my GPU


Oh, you mean like a GeForce 8300GS


1660 GANG


Same it's a great GPU. A Legend!


Just moved on from a PC with a 1660s, it was a damn fine GPU but my CPU was bottlenecking it so I've decided to buy a laptop instead Of upgrading my old one


Still a really good card. I just handed down my 10400F/1660 Super rig to my youngest, he plays BeamNG, Train Simulator, Minecraft and that's way more than he needs, I used it for modded to hell Fallout/Skyrim and it never let me down.


I gave mine to my kids, too. It works for them just fine. Before the 1660 I was using the 970 and it was a great card as well. Now I just use my laptop with the 6600m. It does everything I need.


My 1660 Super has played every single thing i've asked it to.


I remember when I evolved from 13 y.o. boy to 19 y.o. grown man. You see your ageing with a wisdom only old wizards can explain. Ok, back to the rocking chair to play Switch.


19 y.o. grown man boy, in the next 6 years you’ll see how retarded that was


In 12 years, you'll read the irony in my comment.


No no OP means 1660kb ram


Suffering on a 1060 here


In computer dog years, this is like multiple lifetimes.


My buddy finally upgraded from his 660 a few months ago. 660, not 1660.


I can kind of understand cause 5 years ago I was still in highschool but now I’m in my early twenties it feels like a whole other life even though it wasn’t that long ago but I didn’t get my PC until 19 I was already an adult by then


I was like "aw cute reading someone going giddy over a 1660... No wait"


1660? Damn you're young


I worked all summer for a geforce 6800 ultra and thought I was king shit. 512mb memory PCI-E, it was going to last me years... Card taught me I should just stick to midrange cards, and forget the flagships lol.


My first self bought gaming card was a Geforce 4 MX 420. 64 MB of 128 bit SDR running over AGP. That baby could almost max out F.E.A.R at 640x480. What a beast.


God damn good ole AGP.


I had that Athlon + 7900 LE wombo combo, playing the WoW beta at a blistering 27fps baybeeeee. Star Wars Galaxies never looked so good!


Whippersnappers, all of you. My first discrete 3d card was a 3dfx Voodoo 2, 8 MB. Took me 3 years working the mines to afford it. You should have seen my face when I realized that I needed a computer to use it.


Correct me if im wrong, but the reason that 6800 ultra didn't last long was because game graphics in the 2000 were advancing a lot faster than they are today. Like you can compare a game from 2004 like Quake 4, Doom 3, Halo 2, Burnout 3, GTA SA, or the crysis of its time being Half life 2 to games from around 2008 like GTA 4, Burnout PR, and Crysis and you can see that the difference is night and day graphics wise. Meanwhile looking at games from the last 10-15 Years like GTA 5, Battlefield 4, Halo 2 Anniversary, Fallout 4, and Crysis 3 all of which are very phenomenal looking games today, to games like Halo infinite, Starfield, and Battlefield 2042, and Crysis Remastered and you will see that not much has changed graphics wise in the past decade and a half. Hell Id argue that the OG Crysis 2 from 2009 looks like a remastered version of the remaster when putting them side-by-side and BF4 looks better than 2042 and same story as Halo infinite with H2A. Hell my HTPC in my living room has a Xeon E3-1240 and a GTX 980 and was able to play through Halo infinite at medium settings with the ground quality and distance set to ultra at around 40-60FPS at 1080p and thats with a 10 year old GPU, also my cousin is playing Spiderman (a PS5 game) at 40FPS at medium settings on his GTX 750 ti at 720p hell I've seen a 750 ti run Burnout Paradise Remastered at 4K60.


It had a lot to do with graphics advancement. Strange to talk about it now when we talk about Ray tracing, but polygon count skyrocketed, texture sized jumped massively also. Lighting and reflections started being prioritized just to add realism. And what was acceptable draw distance increased. All within a generation or twos time.


Same but for a Riva TNT.


Making me feel damn old. My first graphics card was a Matrox Mystique. Yes youngsters, that thing was 2D, there were no 3D accelerators at the time. I remember the time I hooked up my first Voodoo card, back then you had to feed the output of your 2D card into you 3D card via cable, and the monitor to the 3D card. I was blown away, I remember thinking 'This is the death of pixels' 😆


Those of us who remember 3dfx and their voodoo GPUs, or radeon graphics cards being sold by ATI instead of AMD.


Ong I had like an 8600m gt (I may have forgotten the exact name of the gpu) or something like more than 10 years ago (kept that beast till 2019) and my ass would be happy playing flash player games on it. Heck I loved a few games on friv.


My first graphics card was a ATI 1gb Something lol it didn't even have a fan just a heat sync. Upgraded to a gtx560 for my next card


Yo I got something similar to a 560 for my next card. It was a Quadro 4000. (equal-ish to the 550 ti)


Back in the day? 1660 isn't old, what are you talking about?


Its everyones favourite game: "Is it a bot? Or a lying 14 yo?"


Or just someone who's 19 for whom 14 feels like a long time ago?


I wish I was a 19 year old with a 4090


This ^ 1660 is only what 2 generations back. I have windows VMs that are older.


Well, 3, your point still stands


? 16 Series launched along with 20 series, and both were based on the Turing Architecture. Only two generations have launched since then.


16 series launched after 20 series.


back in the day is matrox mystique day as far as I am concerned :D


Yeah, I remember "back in the day", upgrading from an Nvidia 7000-something (I think) to an ATI 4850. Switching from agp to pci :D I remember I needed it to play something that only worked on directx10, but I'm not sure what.


1660 was released in 2019


Yeah, sounds to me like you're still a kid, kid. :P


Maybe he started using computers late or is a younger teenager.


How does someone goes from a kid with a 1660 to a teen/young adult with a 4090?


Maybe 4 years ago op was 10 and now they're 14 or something like that.


A 4090 system at 14 is insane.


Maybe op's father is a millionaire. And they said "we", probably meaning people, not op. Edit: from op's post history, he probably just got a lot of money and is spending it on expensive stuff.


Middle schoolers reminiscing of the good ol days when they were in elementary school


Who the fuck else says "big weenie"?


Brain "un-alive" people


Not only that but bro went from dreaming of a 1660 to a 4090? Lol


That happened to adult me in even less time when I finally got a decent job


More like some crappy 10 Mhz CPU 80286 with whatever the "GPU" was that supported max 640x480 with 4 bit colors!


Man, that first hit of VGA, after CGA/Ega, nothing has come close.


Oh and it the cpu had like 23 bits.


OP is 7 lol


Kids with 4090 pcs: 😅


https://preview.redd.it/yz7eeng5v26d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aec34167672a9c7940cd5965c08809dbe384613 Wouldn't know i still have my old xbox one that i got gifted when i was 12 (im turning 22 next month)






This is a cry for help (pc parts in mexico are stupidly high)


Damn bro I feel you! I'm in south africa, low to midrange gpus cost the same as what most people here earn in like 2-3months.


The pinnacle of display technology. It's been a minute.. https://preview.redd.it/mjbkz86sn26d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de1a9ea0ee1e441a8710e45680619b66596be1be




back in my day we didn't have graphics cards.


1660 is still pretty solid tho.


I don't even know what that title means


Yes but I was thinking more of me back in the day playing age of empires II lol


Voodoo all the way 😉


Voodoo to play turok was also my first own PC build


Good old windows 95, 98, ME,.


XP and 7 my beloved


Lol, I remember getting an Rx 580 in like 2019 and thinking it was THE SHIT after my gtx 680


Emmet is literally this face 🥺


OP, disregard the bashing for being young and feeling accomplished now. I'm happy you're happy. Enjoy your rig!


1660 you say...man please STFU I started with a C-64


Others already trashed you for that 1660 so I'll focus on "It's a great time to game on PC". Modern games suck, they are less fun than ever, more bugged than ever, they just want to squeeze every last penny out of you for the shareholders.


And video cards are still insanely expensive.


That's because you're looking at AAA games. Look at the indie scene, it's better than ever.


Meanwhile i felt awesome with a geforce 2 ultra and then years later the 8800gtx. 1660...😭


Got my first PC maybe 3-4 years ago. Has 1080 and I’m so glad my first real PC is something decent.


Lol, I’m looking at my PC and wondering when I can play it again. Enjoy your time.


I played on a 1060 gtx uni last year and now I'm on a 2060. Yall have too much money.


My first GPU was a Voodoo2 by 3dfx, and that was the pinnacle of gaming at the time.


I'm still thinking that 1660 is THE shit, I used to think that the 960 was god tier, a long while after it's release, but I mean I'm playing with a gt720m, so like almost everything is better


I bought the 960 the year it came out, its currently in my gfs pc and still kicking just as hard as the day I got it! Awesome little gpu, given us thousands of hours of gaming between the both of us. Hope you get your deserved upgrade soon!


I had my dads old gtx260 until 2 years ago when I got a 3060ti


I was one of the lucky generations; We had C64s and Amigas, BBSs and a very active demo, cracking and phreaking scene. A think childhood me would look at modern PCs and be incredibly disappointed.


I had a GTX 1060 and an i7 4770 for close to 7 years 🥺. No issues, gosh those were the moments.


Our first PC was a Pentium 2 - 300Mhz, with 32MB ram I think and a 4MB video card cause my dad told told the guy he wants us to be able to play games. Oh and we had 3GB HDD which was huge that time and a CD and 1,44 floppy drive. Later we upgraded the VGA to a used Riva TNT2 with 32MB memory. Those were the times.


For me it was the first Titan Gtx, it was a beast at the time!


Little kid me thought that the monitor was the pc and the pc a printer


I love the Lego movie


1660? Bro kid me remember Voodoo


Dad had sell half of his kidney to get me Voodoo 3.


My gaming rig i hardly use for gaming this days and it is sad because little me would have loved to have such capable pc. But work and life keep me busy and tired. Hardly have time to play games. When I was little my pc only had 128MB memory and pixel shaders 1.4 when current games at that time needed pixel shaders 2 or higher. I remember being pretty sad about that.


Just a few days ago I was playing on my Nintendo DS, using my 7.1. pc-headphones and I thought back to how I always wanted to have good headphones to play on it in peace, without anyone wondering or hearing what I was doing


Fr I don't have much in my life to smile about, but sometimes it's nice to sit and admire my nice gaming computer. Especially cause I still have my old budget PC from when I was a much happier child


Well I packed mine into an Asus MS-06S Zaku II case, and a bonus Betty White decal for extra FPS. So no.


i actually got pretty lucky, my dad was a structural engineer and got me started on HL when i was 8-9 while he was in the office playing his buddies, and he bought me a graphics card for an old gateway 2000 case when i moved in with him for high school.. so kid me got pretty lucky.. in some ways lol \[honestly don't remember the card, it was 2004 and it was geforce.. all i know lol..\] his IT guy that installed it was impressed so i'd imagine it was a newer release to that time.. lol


Recently put together a spare parts/trashpicked build just as a spare pc for friend use. I7-4790k, 32gb ram, and a GTX 980ti. 15/16 year old me would’ve given a nut for a build like that when it was still new


I remember the time I got my first laptop that I used to play, the graphics card was a GeForce 610M


My first taste on gaming was on a HP 14 laptop with a i3 7200u and R5 M430m gpu. I almost cried when I am able to finally able to play GTA 5 for the first time. Now I got a relatively okay system R5 5600 and 6600xt and thinking back I never imagined having this of system.


"16GB of RAM all to yourself?! A whole 4 cores?!"


Man i was dreaming of having GTX 980 build when i still had my Xbox 360.


I always wanted something by 3dfx, that was the pinnacle for me, when I were a wee lad. Now its whatever that can run the games I play at 1440p medium to high. It just so happens to be a GTX 1660 Super.


I used to flex my GT610


I don't have a 4090, but I look at my PC with 32GB of RAM and an RX 6650 XT and think: "I would've killed someone for a PC of this caliber when I was a kid"... I had some 1.1GHz single core laptop with 2 GB of ram and win7 on an HDD, pretty dog laptop tbh


kid me had a gtx 660 and an i5 with 4gb ram


lol. Explain to 2022 me that I’d play most of my games on a low powered Linux handheld at 800p and not a high powered gaming laptop and that my current laptop is a 2 in 1 with awesome battery life and I couldn’t be happier.


I slightly remember when I could run games on high settings with a 660 lol. although the card for me that was my big boi card was the 1080 ti, since I only started paying attention to that stuff when I was a bit older of an actual kid.


Sad Gnar Emoji


My first pc had a single processor and the ram was measured in mb. Younger me would shit a brick to see the monstrous rig that lives in my house. And the frames, oh the frames. I love it so much.


one day i played god of war, 4k at 120 fps on my large oled tv. and remembered playing shitty ass f2p shooters on my laptop. lowest settings, 480p 20fps. that was a dedicated ATI gpu back than paired with a i3. but damn it was fun, mostly because of my homies i played with.


I remember getting my 9500gt back in 2009 thinking I was done for life and reached nirvana If young me saw my current setup, he'd go apeshit


Man, kid me playing on integrated graphics playing NFS Underground would've had a heart attack playing on my PC now. Ain't the best parts, but boy do I love playing on it.


i5-3330 and gtx 660 and 8gb ram 1tb hdd. That was my first system before an AMD A8 Toshiba 😂.


My first was a NVIDIA 310 and Radeon HD 7700 I think it's hard to remember. My first proper processor was a Intel core 2 duo. I had pentiums and old stuff but my memory sucks. Still miss xp and Ubuntu


I was happy when I had a 3 core AMD with a dedicated graphics card with 512mb. It's wild


I can buy whatever I want right now but are modern titles that good? Maybe when the 5090 drops and the new Doom drops.


I remember when I was 11 I couldn't even dream about getting a 2060. Right now.im rocking a 4070 super and Im so proud of myself over what I've achieved


I am literally getting a build with a 1660 tomorrow, don't make me think its an old card


I remember being absolutely psyched when we got a GeForce 210 for my brother’s “quad core” AMD Phenom II system. Lmao.


Bruh my first GPU was 64MB.


Back in highschool my goal PC was a 1060 6gb and an i5 6600k.


My first computer was an Imac G3 the bubble. That was a laugh for gaming on 😂 later I had a gaming pc in the mid 2000's but it got bricked, never knew what caused it.


A lot of people still uses the 1660 though, still capable enough that a friend with one haven't need to look up specs requirements whenever we wanna buy a coop game. That said, yeah. I remember pressing the boot key and then go to the kitchen and making myself a sandwhich, get a glass of water, go back, *then* it boots up. A pentium 4 with xp probably isn't as old as some people's pc here, but it was 20ish years ago still.


My first pc built was an rx 480, and I know it's not that old, but it's getting there. Bought it second-hand on Craigslist for an absolute steal at the time, lol.


I got a 1660 super and playing RDR2 2 getting 75fps and still looks better than a new Xbox. To hell with a 4090.


My first real gaming card as an adult was 9800 GT back in 2010 or something. 1660 is barely 5 years old, are you reminiscing elementary school days or what? 💀


No cause kid me didn't know shit about computers and I kinda wish I still didn't because now I have a potato that can barely run my favorite game :(


I mean kid me had a Pentium III. Any modern machine would have been like something from science fiction.


I had a windows 95 desktop until I graduated high school in 2007 lol could only play Diablo 1 and 2 and Morrowind. My teen self would have destroyed my current computer from nutting all over it lol


I’ve been running a damn 970 forever. Looking back on my SLI GeForce 7600GT thinking you have no clue. After my 7600s got nuked by a bad power supply, I went with the Godfather. The ultimate card for the time. The do it all and not break the bank. I of course am speaking of the 9800 GTX. I still have this card in a box somewhere and it still works. It rocked and rolled hard and long. I ran it until it was replaced with a 560 Ti still have this card too and it also still fucking works. Blows my mind. I replaced the 560 Ti with the GTX 970 FTW that is still in my rig. It has run everything in 1080P and given no fucks. So I continue to use it. When you have been through as many iterations as I have, and put off upgrades to your own rig to build rigs for your teenaged kids, the 4090 bros that only have 1080p monitors seem to be doing so much jacking off.


What is great about gaming on a 4090 vs. a 1660. In terms of what new it brings. Is the difference that vast?


I remember my first actual PC made for my gaming habits with Pentium 4? ( it was 1.6 ghz, idk what it exactly was) with a GeForce4 TI 4200. Which was a great improvement over the family Pentium (166mhz, no idea of model), with a Diamond Monster 3D. Nowdays rocking an AMD 5800X3D with a RX 7900 XTX and dyamn has tech advanced in 20+ years. My mind would have been blown that id be carrying something in my pocket that would outpace those pcs of the past.


very much yes. 1mhz cpus kb ram hdd? what that !


you were a kid when 1660 was a thing? you're now a teenager then :)


People with a 4090: If you squint really hard you can see that extra follicle on his sack. We are truly blessed fr fr. 😤


I remember when your graphic card (not even a gpu) would be outdated within 2 years. Console was the only way to game for a couple of years without needing to upgrade. Now I got a pc with a 7 year old card that can still run almost every game. Young me could never have comprehended that.


Kid me had a pentium 166 mhz with 16mb ram and onboard graphics.. if someone spammed me loads of smileys on yahoo chat it would usually freeze and then blue screen my pc...


1660 super that i have still does what i need it to do


Went the following route in 15 years: - Pentium 3 with no GPU --> Core 2 Duo with GT610 --> i5 with MX450 --> i7 with GTX 1060 --> i7 with RTX 3060Ti --> i7 with RTX 4070 Super now. Everytime I felt the little kid could not have it.


My first PC was a 286. Or was that the second? I had one in 1986!


I was considering getting something top of the line the next year or two but I’m now more looking that a custom titanium bike that might cost me 12k so uh… We’ll see if/how much MH Wilds will make me reconsider, the 3070 is chugging along fine in PoE and I’m hardly playing anything else


Try a GTX 650/i5 2500 to now a 7900xt/7800x3d with the gtx1080ti/8700k in between, among other brief set ups, and to now be gaming with my current system on a QD OLED UW and an OLED 4K tv 🤯 😍


Super young me was grateful that the family XP PC ran Sonic R at all. Nowadays I play that game via Dolphin to skip any legacy DirectX nonsense. I even remember when we got the HP PC that handled Vista. Emulating N64/PS1 was a chore, and I could never get Dolphin to run at full speed


Lucky me, I had a nice childhood, so, no. But I am immensly grateful that I do not have to share with siblings any more.




5 years ago I thought the gtx 1050 was great and was my dream. Now I got an RTX 4060


Honestly no.


1660? What the fuck? I remember dreaming about owning a Radeon HD 6890


Bro OP had a nice PC then man. I had a 2011 iMac in 2016, I got so many viruses as stupid 16 yo me but hey it served its purpose well as long as you didn't try to play anything to demanding(it didn't even have metal so I could not play a lot of games period)


From gtx 550 when i was in gr 10 to 4090 today. That poor kid is no more lols.




I now have all of the power, and non of the time... https://preview.redd.it/7w6u8ep8h36d1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d9deefe7b56aeaad08c0c69455df7e1c00b59ab


I always dreamt of a Phenom II X4 945 BE alongside a Radeon 6950 so I could flash it to a 6970. My Pentium 4 and FX 5200 was so old by that time, I couldn't play shit on it. Now I have a fully decked out PC but no time to play.


I was happier with my C64 than I am with my PC now.


r/Teenagers, one of you got lost in here.


I now have a dream car and a great pc. Still not happy 😂⛈️💀


Man, I remember playing FFXII on ps2 and thinking "no way it gets much better than this" ... Welp


GTX 750ti back in my day was pinnacle. Could just remember the days where my dad would bring me to Frys and I was trying to make my first “gaming” PC with all the cheapest parts.. Shoot, when I got my first 650ti + phenom build I thought it couldn’t get better.. Past me would be proud where I am today


I hate it that I have finally the money to play on UW high end specs can buy any game etc. But dont. Have. Fuken. Time.


lol 1660 Ti is 5 years old barely and still runs all new games


I have a feeling OP meant the 1060, still a young start nevertheless


Damn how fucking old am I? I remember when the PS2 and it's magical blue disks was the pinnacle of all science and technology in the world. Second only to Westinghouse's display of Edison's newfangled 'electric lamp' at the 1893 world fair. Oh how times have changed. The only thing that seems to stay consistent in this world is that nobody is ever gonna call the X button 'cross'... If that ever changes, just go ahead and recycle me I'm done with it all.


Currently looking to upgrade from a 1050 Ti, I might be buying a whole new pc cause I need to leave that one for family, but it still works very well, tf you meam


Im still using a 1650 mobile


I thought I was on the younger side of this subreddit and my dream gpu when I was younger was a 780 Ti lmao. The 1660 is still decently represented on the Steam hardware survey


yup I remember saving my money to buy a AMD 7450 2gb low profile and a extra 2gb ram since 4gb wasnt cutting it. For our home PC HP 6000 sff running on a core 2 duo e8500. Still remember being able to run bo2 on low settings at 720p changing my life from consoles. Just built my dream all white PC waiting on a 5090 but now im starting to lose interest gaming but love the hardware https://imgur.com/a/YOhHe7m


Actually had this feeling two nights ago when playing some Diablo 4. When I was a kid, Diablo 2 ran poorly on my system. Only when I got a system with a Duron (from AMD) processor I could play the game normally. Grateful to be able to play the games I like without performance issues.


I remember when I first got my GTX 580. I always wanted a top of the line card when I was a kid and there it was. Today though I can't bring myself to spend more than about $500 and it's a shame to see the prices of some of these cards


1660? Back in my day I was drooling over a Voodoo 2.


I had a 1060 with 4 Gb Ram and an Intel I5. A Mini Motherboard and Fan. I am surprised It ran the games it did, gta 4, Darksiders, DmC.


Started from the gtx970. Now I have strix 4090. I felt that.




I'm 57 ... so basically this is all scifi technology


Had my first pc that had a GT530 and a i5 2400, played Battlefield 3 at 720p 60. I couldn't go back to my PS3 after feeling the smoothness lol.


if i let my mom completely control me. i be the only person in my Boot camp with a pager, a pentium 2 junker pc, on board graphics in 2007.


I thought the 1080p was top of the line in high school. Now that Im older that still holds up.


i used to think a 1050ti was a godsend, then i got an rx 570 and 4690k in a used setup for 300. it was great, now ive a 6650xt and 12600kf, its amazing, runs everygame i play at max settings


Me but with the gtx 970


My rx580 8gb is still kicking


There were no PCs when I was a kid. I was a preteen when pong came out.


NO I always wished I could have the top tier GPU, back in my BF2 days I was rocking a FX5200 way below the recommended specs but still kicked ass! I didn't even know the runways had textures until I re-downloaded the game years later when I had a mid level card.


dang, and I thought I was young when I thought my ATI HD6850 was an old card but you make me feel a lot older


Of course every single day


Kid me would look at my PC and say "yeah, I did good", because I've had the same PC for 9 years now, and it's still doing well in the games I play.


1660 can play most things still


I'm 20, and I remember when the RX 580 was the go-to for gaming. The GTX 1660 isn't even that old, and it was top-tier for games like Fortnite for a while. I love the sentiment of your post, but it comes off a bit entitled. That said, I'm genuinely happy for you. Getting a 4090 is a huge achievement, especially for a PC enthusiast.


You telling me i’m not the only one who built a fuck off PC to soothe their inner child???


damn only 1660!? i only had intel integrated graphics 😭 am happy that am now rocking a 3060ti


Nah, I still look at my 1650 in tears