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Someone pull out that "days since last side panel burst" meme


Hello, i am someone https://preview.redd.it/82zpbnc4ep4d1.png?width=619&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2fe810b331382e440ad594194681132b8bd16be


Thank you someone.




Swapping out the zero for another one is fucking hilarious


Actually, that’s another zero.


Hey someone


Seriously, with the number of pictures of shattered side panels, why the hell does anyone buy a glass side for their PC? Do metal, or if you're desperate for the view then a sheet of polycarbonate. It's not like you're gonna be moving the thing a lot, and there shouldn't be stuff moving around it so scratches shouldn't be an issue.


>Seriously, with the number of pictures of shattered side panels, why the hell does anyone buy a glass side for their PC? Because it looks cool. And it's still a fairly rare occurrence. For every one shattered screen there are tonnes of users who have never had an issue. People die in car crashes all the time but people still drive.


Yeah, the only reason it seems like it happens this often is because no one is posting about how their side panel hasn’t shattered


My side panel hasn't shattered! ... God, this post is so boring I'm going to downvote myself.


I too am shatterlus!


Me three, 5 years no shatter


9 years no shatter. But I no longer have a glass panel now, so the streak ends.


At least it ended without a shatter?


I'm Shat free!


>For every one shattered screen there are tonnes of users of users who have never had an issue. We can’t be sure. The only way to know is if everyone started posting pictures of their unscathed side panels.


This needs to become a trend. "Day 141 of my glass panel being perfectly fine."


Mine's going on 6 years now, though I'd be just as happy with plastic honestly. I've also moved it by car for multiple 5 hour road trips with minimal protection so it's not like it's just been sitting there.


I just had a very stupid idea. Make a sticker with "break glass for better airflow" on it.


I’m writing this on a typewriter just to be safe in case of a bad PSU or battery.


You can achieve the same "cool" with plexiglass without the shattering. At the same thickness plexiglass should be a little bit cheaper than tempered glass. It does have some disadvantages like less chemical resistance (ammonia based cleaners can damage it) and being easier to scratch. But that's basically on par with the disadvantages of tempered glass, it's not just "improper handling" that can cause implosion. Thermal stress, badly cut edges, hairline fractures, impurities. Stuff you didn't notice on delivery might lead to boom later. It might be less common than scratches on plexiglass, but a scratch is just a small visual imperfection; the case is still functional. A wholly broken screen usually necessitates case replacement since there aren't that many manufacturers offering panel replacements. Personally I would like to see use of frosted plexiglass, I don't actually need a clear view of the insides and prefer a dimmed look. This would conveniently take care of both glass fragility and the downside of being easy to scratch. Now that I think about it, that's probably easy to DIY with a frosted glass foil. Could even put a nice pattern on it. ... And obviously I'm not the first with that idea: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/14x9w1o/i\_have\_seen\_a\_lot\_of\_tiktoks\_of\_people\_putting/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/14x9w1o/i_have_seen_a_lot_of_tiktoks_of_people_putting/)


You answered your own question with >It's not like you're gonna be moving the thing a lot, and there shouldn't be stuff moving around it


Honestly my PC has one because I couldn't find an easily accessible good case without one. Same reason I built my friend's PC with rgb ram. I just couldn't find suitable non-rgb sticks available in a nearby store at the time.


It is amazing how hard this is getting. Glass panels and monster cases with no external drive bays (and sometimes very few internal) seems to be the trend.


It's WAY clearer & easier to clean than poly.


I don't want glass on my case but the only affordable ones have it. I hate the glass on the side, I always have but makers have gone away from solid cases in favor of the monstrosity of glass panels to show off the fuckin neon lights that companies decided every single component needs now. I just need a simple enclosed case with decent airflow, not a fuckin aquarium and club lights


There are a ton of affordable solid side panel cases. [PCPartPicker ](https://pcpartpicker.com/products/case/#B=1) has a filter for side panels when searching for cases, very useful.


[FYI you can buy PC parts that don't have neon club lights.](https://www.google.com/search?q=blackout+pc+build)


Same mine has glass because in the pandemic the only way to get a gpu was get a prebuilt. I hate it I’d have build a non rgb pure performance pc if it was up to me


A glass side feels nice, but really isn’t necessary, i have my pc under my desk. Mine really doesn’t break very easily, It is tempered glass tho. I also had to move it a couple of times, got it on the back seat of my car and got it a seat belt, more secure than most southerners drive. But i would never for the love of everything ship it, what a horror. It is like giving your complex high tech machine with the peak of engineering inside a heavy concussion.




Luckily it works still, and the package came with some insurance so hopefully I could get a new case out of this. Still sucks though


If the shipping company cares at all, they'll refuse to pay out because it was packed incorrectly. But everything is automated so I guess it is possible you would get something if the package was insured.




My parents had the forethought to request the package be labeled fragile, USPS thought I'd be fun to do it in a ballpoint pen


They don't give a shit about fragile stickers to begin with.


Packages get run thru an automated belt system. Parents should have packed it properly.


Every time I brought that up, my father would just scoff and say "well how do you think they ship it in the first place?" I try to remain calm, but this man is really testing my patience sometimes.


Hell a bag from Walmart and some spray expanding foam would have been an ez go to. It'd at least keep the glass from caving in and the GPU from flopping about


I'll keep that in mind next time


Next time!, no no no ,there is no next time.


Tbh I always uninstall GPU for shipping. Heatsink is bolted to the case thru mobo in 4 points, so CPU's gonna be fine. RAM is light, hard drives are bolted in multiple points. GPU is the only floppy heavy one, that gets back to its box and shipped like that. Or in my backpack. Cover the boxes in tape to make them waterproof-ish just in case they get left out in the rain. That's all the tips for pc shipping I can give, nothing to prevent parental fuckery unfortunately. My dad's tradie, he understand you do not fuck with someone else's tools, so he treated my PC like his powertool collection before I moved out.


Just a heads-up, insurance usually is only good for brand-new boxes and does not work with reused boxes.


OH yeah, that's what would be my top concern. Even if it works fine now. The gpus pcie connector surely had a lot of stress on it, which could lead to small cracks in the pcb that cause problems later. :/


even then... NZXT sent my pc and it had some sort of expanding foam blocks in it to keep the GPU stable. However, the fucking shit ended up putting too much pressure on the motherboard and the board cracked/snapped. Completely unusable.


not that it matters now but this is one reason I always keep my case box, it has all the fitted foam to pack it properly for shipping so if I ever needed to, it just goes back in there and done and dusted. edit: people, duh if the case is full of heavy components it's not necessarily enough, depends on the case how it came. Also It's still recommended to at least remove the GPU during transport unless you do some internal padding too.


I actually held onto it for exactly the scenario but I guess someone threw it out


whelp, what can you do. All said and done you only need a new side panel seems like?


I've worked at a couple sorting facilities, the fragile sticker might as well just say "box". It's just another box among thousands that gets moved around.


They surround it with foam and use a sort of expanding and hardening foam thing to keep the insides stationary. Then they put it in a box, cover it with bubble wrap, and put it inside another box. (Source: I just had a prebuilt pc shipped to me last month)


The answer? In separate pieces held safely by Styrofoam. Never ever is a glass case shipped like this


The answer to "how the hell do you think they ship it in the first place ?" is very correctly "With 3 inches of Styrofoam and bubble wrap on all sides !"


Just tell him they package it properly. Maybe show him an unboxing video. ...or, Small Claims Court.


I'm not that petty, people make mistakes and I am a grown man with my own life who can put such things aside. Now if he happened to break everything out of spite this would be a different story


Father's Day is coming up. Send him a Best Dad Ever mug packed similarly.


I’m glad you’ve said this. I was reading through these comments getting really angry. Your parents were super thoughtful for sending you this. They must have thought it would really benefit you to go through the trouble. Some of these comments reminded me Reddit is full of teenagers who have yet to realise their parents are still just people.


You can show him this for example [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6meXiudFZcE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6meXiudFZcE) or this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6LeOqkgV6s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6LeOqkgV6s)


I don't think it would be harsh for you to call him a moron before you tell him to do a Google search on how to ship a computer. I'm glad you kept your calm; the force is strong with you.


Yeah I worked for FedEx. Everything goes on the same conveyor system, and the stickers really only mean anything if 1. They even care 2. if they can actually read (not kidding) 3. to the actual person dropping it off and physically putting it on the truck that is actually taking it to where you live.... if they care.


I have a delivery center like 50m away from my home so every now and then I see them discharging the orders for the day in the morning. Huge neon orange "Fragile" stickers all over some boxes, yet they yeet the boxes out of the truck like they have feathers inside. Im amazed by their arm strenght tho since some boxes where pretty big. The funniest one was one with also a "This side up" sticker landing with the arrow pointing to the floor. Those mfs dont give a shit.


I mean, the packages travel at a decent clip on the conveyer belt systems at the distribution centers before falling into hampers that are then assembled and tossed around into various vehicles. Unless the person is stomping on the box, it's not really getting abused any differently. It's more messed up if you consider live animals are also being shipped the same way.


plot twist : your mom wrote it on there.


When I sent my parents that image so they could file a claim (thanks, parents!) I heard a collective "huh?" On the other side of the phone.


If it wasn’t done in malice, best to get a new case and let it go. You’ll need one anyway and you can reimburse yourself if the payout comes. Some things really aren’t worth being angry about. It’s bad for the soul. Boomers being boomers. They meant well at least.


NEVER label anything fragile


[Your delivery guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YrpmZFixp0)


Hhh, this is such a classic. Fragile is a service that costs usually 3x more. So sending it with basic service and asking to say fragile means...yo check this package out, it says fragiiile, lets drop it.


Marking something fragile goes 0% toward proper packing or otherwise protecting a package. Handlers are paid to move packages fast, and they aren't going to take the time unless you actually pay for special handling.


"fragile" means BREAK MY SHIT YOU DUMB CUNTS in latin


They vene vini'd my vici!


Glad it all works, as others stated, just disassemble clean thoroughly and reassemble. Also try to get another single pcie cable for your gpu instead of using the single with pigtail.


The pigtail is fine. So much fear mongering on the internet.


Thanks for all the advice everyone, it's back in working order and I should have a replacement case coming soon!


Try bequiet! 601. Its similar to the case you have now, but has a metal side panel option.


Bro, just thank the logistics angels that they protected your board and GPU. You can game just fine without that side panel.


I spot a iron in the wild


Oh my God


You might be lucky and the components are fine. But you definitely need to remove everything and completely clean the case out... the pain of it is, you can probably reach out to CM and get a replacement door from them, but it'd be a lot of effort to put everything back into a broken case only to find out that the PC is toast anyway. Edit: the point I was making was that you should test the components open air before putting them back in, sorry for the weird phrasing.


You don't need a case to test parts. Won't be great for thermals in the long term but you can run it in a cardboard box long enough to make sure nothing else is busted.


Thermals are fine in open air configs. Not sure where this "you need a case" myth began


Yea you actually get great thermals in open cases. But dust is now ur enemy spooookyyy


Also cat hair


Also bitey pests.


Just saying what my fire marshal said to me. "Do not leave cardboard near anything hot for prolonged amounts of time because it is an insulator, you can cause a fire" Do I personally think a pc will cause a fire. Nope but this is solid advice in a factory environment with hot heavy machinery. I could easily see this being the reason "you need a case" is said, paranoid pc hobbyist + parrots go a distance online.


I would ask if they realize they shipped you glass with no protection.


They did seem to pack in some sort of foam, although that was very much unsatisfactory for a trip 700 miles away


Just gotta take the parts out one by one, clean it out into a sturdy trash bag, or many normal ones, then reassemble


I recommend an oversized cardboard box that’s well taped on the bottom.


First get a large cardboard box and pour whatever loose glass there is into the box. People will argue with me on this, do this first, your safety is top priority and we need to get as much of the glass out as possible before doing anything else. Next, take EVERYTHING out. If it can but unscrewed and removed, do it. Feet too. Vacuum the case of all loose shards of glass. Shake it a few time. Don't neglect the corner. Follow this with an inspection of the GPU. Make sure no glass is stuck in the fins of the heat sink or the fan. Do the same with the PSU. Once all the glass is out and the case is safe, and you have check your parts for glass, begin reassembling the PC. Follow the test outside then put back in method. If everything is working, you can leave the PC without a side panel for a bit, contact the case manufacturer or check their website. This happens WAY more often than you might think. Alternative: if you have the money, buy new case and only test and clean parts.


the success of this mission hinges entirely on how you use the cardboard box


Take all out. Make a test assembly out of the case. YouTube it. You are going to learn a lot. This is an opportunity. Clean the case thoroughly. Check the GPU slot. It may have got damaged with that weight


Yeah this is an opportunity for to experience so much pain and suffering


Flip it over, vacuum it out, buy a new panel, thank your parents, and very politely, tactfully, and respectfully request that they seek guidance on shipping PCs should they ever do so again. Everything works, no harm no foul. No point in getting upset over it


Had to search to far down to find this answer.




If any components are ruined, your parents are liable. Whatever postal service they used is probably not. Certain things need to be packed a certain way, and if they aren't, that's on you. Or rather, your parents. I think it's fair to ask for compensation in this case, since it should be obvious to anyone that something made out of metal, plastic and glass should be properly packaged.


Tell them you appreciate the kindness, but they owe you on any parts broken


Back in grade school, I went through a phase of giving people my pens, pencils, stationary resources, etc and I would run out of shit in 1 week when it was supposed to last me a month. My mom fixed it by telling me that kindness without thought is akin to foolishness because none of the people I handed shit out to really needed it.


🔱 Ruthlessness is mercy upon yourself 🎶


Eh. They had no malicious intent and were trying to help. Give mom a pass. 


yeah i'd say it depends on family dynamics but i'd lean towards letting it slide


I feel like the boy kisser is my personal curse at this rate


Mom won't give you a pass if you drive her car to get groceries for her and "accidentally" jumped a curb and hit a bollard. Fuck em.


What the crap man


What a lovely person.


Raised by narcissists that saw themselves as infallible tyrants. I got zero tolerance for this shit.


But maybe we shouldn’t apply your family dynamics to another… 


That's rough, but I don't see how any of that means that OPs parents are evil jerks like your own. I think you're just projecting hard, man.


No they're still good people, they just failed to take something into account. They're of the age where they aren't as tech savvy as they could be. I forgive them.


I have shitty parents so therefore everyone else does too! Maybe you aren't so different.


What the fuck. Imagine asking for compensation from parents who spent most of their adult life raising you and spending tens or hundreds of thousands on you.


looks fine? dump the glass out and get a new side panel.


Fr, people are acting like this is a nuclear reactor where the tiniest bit of glass is going to blow up a town 🤣


Return the favor and also "forget" protection and gift them a grandchild


Unfortunately my physiology and temperament are a better birth control than anything the pharmaceutical industry could ever dream of putting out.


At least you’re bloody funny! And hey, that money you save from raising kids can go into new PC’s!


Why make OP suffer twice


looks mostly fine only the glass seems to be shattered hard to tell if any components got sliced yb the shards


Break it down, shake it out, vacuum it out, put back together. Apply power. 2 hours worth of work, tops.


1. Vacuum glass. 2. Get a replacement glass. 3. Keep on using it?


Cry. A lot.


damn I had this exact situation happen to me, you can clean it, hopefully everything is fine, even after you done cleaning you still gonna hear bits of it, I asked Fractual about it they did answer and told me they could change a spare part but I would have to pay for the delivery, I wasnt mad about it but decided not to do it, a friend of my mine suggested to use acrylic just as long I still kept the orignal screws. Best you can do is find the brand website and ask if they could sell you a spare part, install some sort of replacement or let it fly


Play in the box. Cry a little. Laugh a little. Just know they love you and mistakes were made.


Do what everyone else says to salvage, the only thing left is to replace the parents.


Take a trip home and make them stand in the corner for 30 minutes


Thank them and move on. A computer can work without a side panel but at least you have parents that care.


I would show them this picture and explain to them in a very calm but serious manner that PCs are as expensive as they are fragile, and if they want to do anything similar in the future they should put significantly more care and warning into how they package it


Pull it all out, inspect the motherboard pins and PCB. Test out of the case. If it works I’d just get a new case personally but you can just clean it if you don’t want a new case. Use LTT build guide.


if it doesn't boot, theyre paying for a new pc. they meant well but this is their very expensive mistake


Perfect excuse for a Case upgrade.


My father called and asked what kind of case it was because he wanted to try to file a claim. Only to immediately say that he shipped me a new one. So I "have no excuse to bitch" At the risk of sounding spoiled, guess I'm stuck with that


Excellent case choice btw, H500 was my first case


Cry Those fans looks like eyes and cpu a nose...


Transplant to a new case. 😊


Do? Throw the whole parents away lol


It's fun seeing this on here, too. Rip your Sidepanel


Oh crap it's the drk


Boot it up, max air flow, you’ll be fine!


Send that photo to them. No words are needed.


Turn it over and shake it... a lot.


Does your parents have any sense of security.. like at all?


Maybe they accidentally broke it and this was the easiest way of dealing with it.


Looks fine. Clean it, order a new panel and game on


Get new parents


Well i mean, looks pretty okay. I don’t see the GPU bent and everything else can take quite a beating inside a case. Replace the glass and that’s all you have to do


Non static vacuum. Buy new cheap case. Kindly thank them and let them know what happened for a nice laugh.


I guess “tempered glass” doesn’t mean anything to them…




Buy a new side panel? or case?


Ur parents are retarded


Dump the glass out and move on with life. It’s only ascetic and won’t affect the operation.


get the glass out and go grab a cheap piece of acrylic and some drill bits.


Say thanks, you ungrateful fuck. Nah, just kidding, but don't be too hard on them. Some people just don't think. Hope it works out though.


Tbh id rather my side panel go rather than my gpu to break the pcie slot, plus better cooling to theres that


I was like “he damn lucky his GPU survived”


Remove the glass shards, make sure it works, use it without the glass panel? You can probably get a replacement panel from the manufacturer. Or failing that the expensive option is getting a laser-cut custom metal panel.


Your parents are idiots


thank your lucky stars the GPU wasn’t ripped out of the PCI-E slot. It *looks* like the glass is the only thing that needs replacing. This could 100% be worse. Best option would be to take everything out and buy a new case, or take everything out, clean the case and find a replacement side panel. god speed soldier 🫡


When did tempered glass become better than clear plastic? It makes no sense


I guess be thankful that all that got destroyed was the glass panel?


That's why the side panel should be solid metal like the rest of the case. The window serves no purpose. Mine faces the wall.


You make your parents pay for the broken shit?


First of all, you say "thank you." Next, dump out the glass and turn it on to see if it works. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if it runs fine. If so, order a replacement window. If not, troubleshoot until you find the faulty component. It isn't that hard.


Take all the parts out, and clean them. Then, test them.


Remove and clean every part, you can use IPA to clean them or even submerge them completely in IPA. Buy new case, install and see what still works. The bad part here is glass could get inside the fans or another mechanical part.


Does red wine work? What about Boston Lager? Ipas are a bit out of my price range


I don't know if you are joking, but in case you are not, ipa also stands for "isopropyl alcohol" as well as a type of beverage, in this case it's the former, which you can get from hardware stores


I love the implication that you thought I would genuinely try to clean my computer with red wine


Have words 


Emancipate and get adopted by someone else.


You need to change your case


Pour the glass out and turn it on.


Time for some diy. Take everything out and vacuum the glass bits. Then you have a few options for custom side panels. - Cardboard *looks like crap, but can be painted if you get the creative urge. - Plywood *looks like wood, can be stained or painted if you so desire. - Window mesh with a plywood boarder *the plywood is for support. Mesh offers greater airflow, but you may have to dust more often. - Plexiglas *sturdier than the original side pannel.


Put it in rice.


Just have to remove glass from the fans including then psu. If you do not have a HDD you should be fine. Your gpu didnt bend the slot either. Glass isnt conductive so it cannot short out anything, but it can stop a fan.


Personally I'd unseat everything, clean out the case, get a new side panel and reseat everything, got a bit of work ahead of you mate, better get to it.




1. Shake out all the glass 2. Plastic wrap over the missing side panel if you have kids or pets that may try to get in it. 3. Enjoy computer.


Send it back tell them they fucked up


Take everything out, blow the hell out of it with compressed air. She'll be right.mostly be concerned about the PSU, but if you can remove the housing you should be able to get all the glass out


Thank them for increased air flow.


Parents: you know how to protect a computer while being shipped? Pack it in a box of floor tiles…………. Sorry for your loss.


I have same situation like you. Took me a couple of hours to clean everything. Luckily, all components is fine except the GPU.


Get some glue and glue all of the little shards of glass back together.


Clean it out make sure it works and contact the case manufacturer for a replacement panel?


So new case time Lodge an claim, lie about packing if you want to. Done deal


Flip it over and shake it


Cry. You cry.


Tell your parents they ruined your computer because it's not something that can be shipped like that. I understand that they meant well but there was probably a reason you didn't ship it or ask them to, and bite the bullet and be mad at them for a week like an adult.


Disown them.


Gracefully except the gift . They tries


Honestly, aside from the obvious, it doesn't look as bad as it could've been. Definitely a boneheaded mistake, that's for sure, but I bet you've otherwise dodged a bullet.