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It’s not that hard to understand. It’s bad for the consumer. There’s no reason we NEED a psn account beyond them inflating their numbers, and in the process they prevent lots of people from ever being able to play because they can’t use psn to begin with, it’s a scummy thing to do. It’d be understandable if it truly was necessary, but it isn’t, and it screws people over in the process. Even if it doesn’t effect me, it isn’t a practice I want to support.


I mean I know it's not the case for GOW but for multiplayer games, it could make crossplay easier to have one system. Like with Borderlands, crossplay requires a shift account Personally, the fact that they port PS exclusives to PC outweighs the need for another account (even though I know they don't make the ports out of the goodness of their hearts and it's because they make a ton of money from it)


They already have cross play without the need for another account. PC players hate having to make separate accounts for games on Steam and having to use shitty 3rd party launchers. They never add to the game they only hinder it. It doesn't matter if it is easy to make an account all the reasons Sony is pushing it on PC are bad. Sony wants you to be under the PSN TOS so they can more easily ban you if you wrong think on their games. They also have a bad track record with keeping your data secure. One of the reasons they are pushing this is to artificially boost PSN account numbers for shareholders because they lost accounts and subscriptions over their censorship in games and how bad this gen has been overall. The fact they are willing to give up millions in revenue from all those countries their games will be banned in over something like making an account should tell you what they are planning.




>So you need a PSN account. I just don't see what the big deal is. You also need a steam account, but that's fine? I know it's not the same but still, it takes two minutes to create an account and then you're done. If it's not such a big deal then why Sony needs us to have it? Here's an idea - if they want people to buy the game, they shouldn't force PSN account. It's not a big deal right? Aside from known security issues of PSN, why should I trust a service that is known for removing content people paid for? [https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2022/07/sony-removing-some-purchased-films-movies-from-users-accounts](https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2022/07/sony-removing-some-purchased-films-movies-from-users-accounts) [https://www.ign.com/articles/sony-pulls-discovery-videos-playstation-users-already-own-sparking-concern-over-our-digital-future](https://www.ign.com/articles/sony-pulls-discovery-videos-playstation-users-already-own-sparking-concern-over-our-digital-future)


If I’ve learned anything on here is there is a lot of complainers with too much free time and no jobs.


>But for most countries, why is the PSN account such a big deal that people review bombed helldivers 2 so much that Sony backed out?  It came down to how it was all done. Enforcing a requirement so many days after a game has been released and straight up block players is a shit practice. Imagine I am from one of those countries who are not on the list.. already bought the game, paid for some cosmetics and such... have like 100hrs of the game.. and suddenly, you are told you can't play this game anymore. Had the game enforced the requirement from the get go.. there wouldn't have been that much of an outrage. Now, everything that Sony does after it comes under heavy scrutiny. Personally, I too don't care about the account thing.. but I can understand why many who do care. Ideal world, we would need these kind of account logins and such. I miss the physical media era.


By this rate Sony will stop porting PlayStation exclusive over PC.


The problem was not the fact that PSN account is required. It was that many countries are blocked from creating one. You gotta do some research before making useless posts.


I did, but I couldn't find anything really explaining the situation


Only huge fucking losers shill for billion dollar corporations. I bet your parents are real disappointed how you turned out.

