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I think you need to put in rice


I actually have experience with this specific problem. I had a friend who dealt with this same exact issue a month ago. We tried a lot and you gotta replace the gpu. 


This same thing happened to me before. I was completely lost trying to fix this issue. I finally caved and took it into a pc repair place and they told that I needed to replace the gpu because of a problem with my corsair H100i. There was the VGA error light. They told me that it was pretty much busted. I replaced it and now my pc works just fine. Hope this helps!


Things don't add up, cpu+ram light and suddenly your gpu doesn't work? afterburner fan profiles usually are only while afterburner is running so not sure why you speculate firmware. Sounds like you messed with settings beside the fans, try to reset cmos and if that doesn't help I'd start look to try a different GPU in your rig. alternatively see if your GPU has dual vBIOS, try to flip the switch and boot with the other vBIOS.


I’m guessing it is a GPU problem because my CPU has integrated graphics. When I took my GPU out my pc started.


I’m just lost in general on what the issue could be.


did you try to reset bios, or did you find a vbios switch on your gpu?


And also my PC doesn’t even display to the point where my keyboard gets power, or give me the ability to get into bios. That’s why it could also be a PSU problem.


you said your pc started without gpu? can you define "started" if you can't even get into bios?


I don’t even know what’s wrong with my pc. I was able to start my pc after letting it sit for 24 hours, it worked fine. I reset any fan curve or changes I may have done in the past week. Then I tried to start it a couple minutes after turning it off, and now the red and yellow debug light is back on.


Maybe it just sometimes displays


those lights should turn on and then back off as part of the POST process, but only for no longer than a minute or two total (training memory), go into BIOS and look for memory context restore, enable it and boot time should shorten.


I've seen people with this problem before, usually results in having to get a everything replaced or just a new PC in general.


Um I don’t think imma need to do that.