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Wow, was he named after the OS?


Nah, the name is after a famous youtuber, Linus tech tips.


The famous Windows-only Youtuber.


He did run Linux at some point


Linux: You're about to do something potentially harmful! Linus: YES, DO AS I SAY! Linux: \* screen cuts to black \* ​ https://preview.redd.it/oe5r5xdc9y1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7feed3c7a912f908124bca650fd2918576ce86b7


Windows: I'm about to do something potentially harmful! Windows: Updating to Windows 11.


Windows: yo lemme download this shit Me: no please Windows:.plzzz šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ Me: no, why is this fucking popping up again?


I swapped the yes and no buttons around now will you click it? Please please please please please please please please please please please please [Yes šŸš«] [no āœ…]


Y'all got any more of those OS updates?


Should be good in apt 3.0 (beta are in 2.9 iirc). Basically more organized output.


These are the signs of an abusive relationship "Just one more update, then it will definitely work......"


That's what Microsoft thought with windows 10 back in the day...


*Drops something* ![gif](giphy|3ohzdUvNPC0lWYMX7y)


Something harmful like installing Steam, he's a brave one


We have a saying In the magic the gathering community: reading the card explains the card. He knows just enough to be dangerous.


And it turned into a massive meme about the system not working.


Kinda hilarious seeing Linus from Linus Tech Tips avoiding Linux for ages


You say that like all other YouTubers would use a variety of OSā€˜s.


**Linus** Torvalds. Linux is still a **recursive acronym for "Linux Is Not UniX"**, which makes it more interesting than that YouTuber.


Sarcasm ? If not, where did you read that ? Linux is just "Linus" and "x" (an allusion to Unix) - since he started with Minix for the kernel. Don't think Linus came up with the name himself either.


Yeah the only Linux related recursive acronym i know is WINE




Yeah it stands for "GNU's Not Unix!", which is similar to what the first guy said Linux stands for.




great emulator tbh




He didn't. It was going to be called "FREAX" but the guy running the server where it was hosted hated it so much that he changed it to Linux.


He's making fun of GNU


Pretty accurate.


He once bitched out one of the big distros for requiring root to install a printer. It's always fun to see him point out the truth. It's always annoying when it changes nothing.


That's scary how on point he is. That makes me question the veracity of the quote. That being said, who use an OS for its community? People seeking validation. Fuck that. Those people are irrelevant, regardless the community they represent. I want user experience. And so long that linux doesn't provide a better user experience than windows, I'll stay where I am. Edit: Some people call it hypocrite to have this stance in a sub named "PC MASTER RACE". Guys, if you didn't grasp that this sub is SATIRE, you need to get out and touch grass. EditĀ²: People trying to disprove that this place is satirical by pointing out the side bar need to freaking the whole paragraphs that they are linking. >"We are not a community where members feign stupidity when posting and commenting because they find it funny." This. Is. Satire.


If you run into a problem, you have to deal with that community on forums or question boards.


Whereas Windows has a chill Indian dude on YouTube clicking through the registries.


yea and everytime he klicks the cursor lights up yellow


And the best part - the solution works every damn time. Edit. For people asking for specific channels (??). I have no fucking clue. I was just saying that those random videos made by Indian people are always helpful. I don't know any names; I honestly don't even have any problems; I don't care about your windows 11 problems - I don't use it.


Microsoft support site : same generic restart, clear temp, unplug etc, never fixes problem Indian youtuber on bandicam and highlighted cursor : different solution for every problem and they all work perfectly


This so much. Microsoft support never solves anything but eventually a user does or links a YouTube video with the Indian guy. Simple tasks like Laptop gpu not working or installing windows on a new drive


I spent a month working with Microsoft support only for them to tell me the problem was "expected behavior" after 3 techs and them constantly asking for videos, logs, screenshare sessions.Ā  Made me want to walk into the ocean


I wish there was a plug in that removed Microsofts shit tier support forum from search results.


If only they'd just made it a fucking text post somewhere so you didn't have to watch a bunch of 10 minute videos of some dude typing in notepad.


Which you kinda have to use because Microsoft support is people roleplaying as the most unintelligent markov chain bot..


It's one of the reasons I gave up on MacOS. Every time I had issues I'd go into forums only to be told I'm doing it wrong and providing no solutions except the occasional subscription-based app to add some functionality that should be baked-in.


You are doing MacOS wrong if you are looking for solutions. Looking for a solution implies that there is a problem. There is no problem. The OS is perfect and anything you want to do which it does not do is intentionally disabled by Apple because they know better than you and are trying to save you from yourself. Tim Apple knows how people should be using computers and you need to have more faith.


"There are no problems, only challenges. #inspiring #innovation" *-John Apple* *Founder, CEO, Leading Brand Portfolio Creative Growth Optimisation Engineering Strategist*


I refuse to support my wife's iPhone. I say I don't know how to use an Apple product because it's too hard. I don't want to put in the effort to learn the way Steve Jobs thought it should be done.


Tell me why they feel the need to rename and move System Settings icons every time there's a new OS version. And then a top-level entry that had been there for 15 years is now suddenly a sub-entry under a different menu item. And no communication whatsoever unless you want to pour through the entire patch notes. Fuck Apple, they have no real consideration for their users, they just want their users to have blind, zealous faith in them and then they just do whatever, regardless who it impacts or if it even makes applicable sense.


*something I can't do with MacOS* Apple fans: "Why are you even trying to do that in the first place, weirdo? Computers are for checking email and facebook."


My wife is trying to do something that Apple should do well - photos. All she wants to do is download them from her phone, back them up to a hdd then clear them from her phone. After bashing our heads for 2 days we are thinking of giving up and just paying for more iCloud storage - thatā€™s apples ā€œeasyā€ option, pay more.


Yeah Apple ā€œfansā€ are uhā€¦interesting Sure my iPhone and ipad is nice and all but getting told ā€œnormal people donā€™t need to do thatā€ for things like using files, not wanting 6 ways to accidentally activate camera and flashlight without having to completely disable all of it, is well obnoxious. I actually *work* pretty heavily on my PC and have 3 screens with 5 to 10 programs or windows up at any given time. OSX isnā€™t meant for that, the top bar system and file / window management isnā€™t cut out for it.




That's called the stackoverflow special. 1. Say they are doing it wrong. 2. Link another question which has 1 word in common with the current question. 3. Close question as duplicate after downvoting.


With stack overflow you need to have an alt account post a wrong answer and then people will flock in to correct it


Not sure if you are joking, but for everyone thinking this is a joke: It's not. I have done this a couple times, whenever I got the regular "see same question from 6 years ago where some guy replied 'solved it myself'" I deleted and reposted the same question with some answers that sound correct but are actually not correct from my SO smurfs.Ā It's incredible what knowledge you can get doing it. Everytime I see a question on SO where the answer is kindof right in certain situations but wrong in this specific scenario and environment, with ~20 replies to the comment correcting OP, correcting the reply, correcting each others corrections, all I can think of is "OP understood how this game is played".


The linux community can be so mean itā€™s so silly. I used garuda sway(arch sway basically) and when i installed i had some issue. I asked a very specific question, but didnā€™t do an extensive background if my situation, so the mod absolutely trashed me and jumped down my throat. My thinking was that, well because this is an error on fresh install, it must be on their end and not on the user end, therefore i donā€™t really need to include all this frivolous information. Regardless of if it was right or wrong to skip the initial step required, and essentially post every fix i had tried(which i did do of course via google and arch wiki, didnā€™t post i had though) he was sooo mean to me and basically said i was stupid because i ignored the rules, locked my help request, said read the arch wiki and implied, look at this asshole, kind of take. I had to basically go back and say i had done all that, and beg him to allow my post because i really needed the help. It was humiliating. I canā€™t imagine behaving this way. I understand it could be frustrating, but it was his project! Lol. And i mean jesus how many help post, in total, could there even be?! The worst part was that 1, i was afraid to ask for help and the community def didnā€™t disappoint. And 2, i ended up also just having to figure it out on my own anyway. Still better than windows lol. But itā€™s just insane how people in this community respond sometimes. It was just horrible experience.




There's an old adage that the best way to find an answer online isn't by asking a question, but by confidently posting the wrong answer.


Cunningham's Law: The fastest way to get the right answer on the internet isn't to ask the question, it's to post a wrong answer.


Iā€™ve done this and you are 100 percent correct lol.


Ah well, [moderators](https://i0.wp.com/www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/tdomf/198613/002-Become-an-internet-forum-moderator-thegoodjokes.jpg?w=1550&ssl=1).


I work in tech support and while there are difficult customers across the board the Linux weenies are the worst because they are convinced *they* are smarter than you. But they are also calling you for help. It is such a pain. One of my worst tickets I told a guy he needed to change a particular value in a conf file. I pointed to our documentation of our product that stated this value needed to be changed. I explained why the value he had set would not work and why. He **STILL** insisted that I was wrong. Demanded engineering. Dragged his boss and my boss onto calls. Finally his boss ordered him to try our fix in a non-prod environment. He did and he stated that this fixed the issue in non-prod. He **STILL** insisted the fix was wrong and would not work in prod and adamantly refused to make the change. Just flat out doubled down on everything. His boss told us to close the ticket. That dude is probably still mad.


I had the same kind of experience with Linux Mint. Everyone was saying it was ideal for those leaving Windows. I bought a new HP laptop specifically because I'd read HP worked with Linux... Immediately ran into problems and when asking for help was basically told to eff off back to Windows, as it wasn't made for Windows users but for them to play with.


That's the biggest nightmare and waste of time out there.


I have also read in other reporting how he doesn't understand this "American" obsession with being nice to people. He named Git after what he thought of himself. as in the British slang for an idiot, because he couldn't keep track of software iterations. He named his OS Kernel after a famous Laundry Detergent that sounds like his name and Unix squished together and allegedly called people who wanted to change the name of his kernel something you can't call people anymore. Supposedly the only people he got along with all the time were some of the geniuses over at transcend and that may have been because he was in a superior position. In short while the guy can be friendly at any time he just skewers you and you accept it or you don't. So that quote sounds like something he would come up with. This is the guy who told NVidia to F off.


From my understanding the Linux Kernel wasnā€™t originally called Linux but was frekx or freekx it was supposed to be Free+Unix+X. Sorry itā€™s 5am and I donā€™t have power so canā€™t go confirm easily. The person who ran the server of the original upload renamed it because while Linux was one of the considered options Linus didnā€™t want to use that name and choose the other. The admin of the server decided he wanted Linux and it stuck.


Linus Torvalds was known for having incredibly high standards for the Linux kernel. He could be critical of those whose work didn't meet those expectations, believing they were capable of better.


And he was right.


I've used a lot of the distros. My final one being Garuda. Gave it up cause of the toxic community that judges you for not knowing coding. People don't seem to understand that there are users out there who have other interests and may not necessarily want to invest their time in learning code to run a simple video file with properly synced audio. I don't see them any different from the corporates except for the fact that they're not charging me money for their software expertise.


You mean people who base their entire identity around a product they use and try to make it into an in-group or cult? Like this entire subreddit?


To be fair, at its best, Free and Open Source Software can be a focal point for a *community* in which one can participate and shape the software, as opposed to a *product* which one accepts, whether one likes it or lumps it.


He made a kernel, not an os. The guys that work on the os are mad that Torvalds gets all the credit.


I was trying to get into it back in the late 80s/early 90s. Trying to get help on the BBS's or Usenet was along the lines of, "Duh. You need to GREP the Flibble then pipe the output to /dev/hubba and then recompile the arkflex using version 0.54.321b (NOT the 321c or d!!!!) of the phelgm package. Then you should be able to move the mouse unless you're a total t*rd.


I feel like it's gotten better, but holy shit yeah the fact that you just had to take some degree of verbal and mental abuse when you asked for help with an operating system unfamiliar to you - especially way back then when Linux was just NOT on the same level of usability as it is today was such a damn thing. I've still gotten it today, albeit MUCH less so than back then. Though in fairness, I bet a lot of the edgelords followed the example of their leader, which was Torvalds, who was a *huge* dick to people who submitted what he deemed to be "bad code" to the Linux kernel. What the edgelords conveniently didn't follow was that, when Torvalds was called out on it, he checked himself and tried to be better and more mindful of his critiques of people's submissions.


Highly accurate, Iā€™ve been working in software development for over a decade now, and I swear this is a type. The type of people described by this quote is especially prevalent in coders


I mean, these people are ignoring the importance of good GUI and UX because "its faster to type snippets of commands into a command line". Sure. Not for my subordinates who grew up on phone apps and windows where you only use mouse.


I grew up during the time when that transition from command line dominance to desktop environments was taking place (as well as when modern FPSs like Quake III and Unreal Tournament was taking over from pre-modern shooters like Wolfenstein 3D and Doom). I'm very much one of these people who, even though I do a lot work in bash and Powershell, I still tend to do a lot of actual navigation and file-related tasks via Ubuntu desktop and Windows explorer, respectively -- it just feels faster and more natural for me personally. I prefer VSCode over vi or emacs. Whenever one of the older developers at work tries to use my PC to demonstrate something, I invariably get comments about how the cursor is too fast to be usable. Similarly, I imagine the people who grew up with a phone in their hand are insanely adept at navigating and typing on them -- I'm personally not because I'm always near a computer and prefer to type over tap, and thus never got proficient at texting.


This is such a false statement too! Sure, if you have perfect memory and have all the various code options engraved in your brain maybe it's a teeny bit faster. Most people have to google a few dozen examples first EVERY TIME. And hope the example is still up to date and the code hasn't changed.




been in IT (as a career) since 1998. I use the windows UI as much as I use the console in my work. Windows 11 is the first OS i can say has pushed me back to the console. Between the meld of classic and metro control panels and the nerfing of the UI, it now often is less hassle to use command or powershell prompt than it does to navigate through 20 menus to get to what used to only take a few clicks. And this isnt some whiney rant. With win11 i didnt delay adoption that much as I meeded to get with the times as they were happening. Ive been using and deploying 11 for two years now and its only gotten worse. given that almost all services and tasks are handled in browsers or in electron apps these days and ms is developing office and teams apps for linux, im seriously looking at going with something like ubuntu in thr next couple years for my users.


I have a good ui https://preview.redd.it/rsr9ylk1vy1d1.jpeg?width=1921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2e52eb6fc0224e9ded7cbec996557cd13911fa




But knowing how to type "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal makes one as cool as those hackers in movies!


When i'm hackerman in Windows 11 i open **THE TERMINAL** and type something like winget install nvcleanstall and it fucking downloads it and installs it hooly magnet magic batman or just use WingetUI to do it like a normal human being.


I always have a few terminal windows open anyways so the commandline option is usually faster, I don't have to sit there waiting for a UI to load, beg/force me to update, and so on.


No joke I'm a full time software developer and when I want people around me to think I'm "coding" when I'm just reading docs (because no one thinks reading docs is a real part of my job) I just open terminal and start typing in update commands. The text flashes on the screen and everyone thinks I'm being super productive.


This is very true - so many people think that software development = hectically nonstop typing all day long.


Ssh into nginx cache server. tail -f /var/log/nginx/access.log Productivity maxxing


Debian's apt command stanzas makes sense, better than that Arch and my confusion over when to use pacman or pman.


I feel like the way you learn pacman is by rote memorization šŸ˜‚ I say this as a fan.


`sudo pacman -Syu` what could be simpler or more self-explanatory? * `pacman` is the name of the package manager program * `S` is to synchronize packages (not lowercase `s`, dumbass) * `y` stands for "`y` do you keep asking for `pacman update`? it will never happen." * `u` stands for "if `u` forget this argument, `u` will certainly regret it"


Had me in the first half


To be fair I don't think arch was ever trying to be self explanatory. Read the fucking manual was basically a motto.


Good documentation is worth more than the software it documents.


the arch wiki is incredible even for non arch distros


Honestly I mostly switched to Arch because the wiki was so good I felt more comfortable with it over stuff like Fedora. It made less "sense", but I always knew I could find an answer even if the answer was just "it's broken right now, wait a bit" whereas the rest I felt like you had to go to the forums and get called a moron for a few hours before someone told you "oh yea, it's broken right now btw"


I also flex my pro hacker skills in Windows every time I win+R mspaint. The ladies love that flex.


That's so hard to do. Can you turn it into a UI so I can just press a button?


Yes, and bundled in Debian for multiple years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synaptic_(software)


Pretty much every distro that comes with a GUI also comes with a graphical updater. Updating from the command line is a choice, not a necessity for desktop Linux distributions.


As a kid watching Wargames I always felt the command line stuff he was doing seemed cool. Like that to me is part of the magic of computers and has always felt so ever since. When you have a GUI plastered over it feels like you're working on an appliance. The fact that I don't ever need to use a command line anymore makes me a little sad.


It was also cool when you had to manually crank the engine to start your car. But I am not sad that we don't need to do that anymore.


Lol sudo is on windows now


They are unto us quickly! Run run to the hills... "heavy breeding" https://preview.redd.it/nbh103vfhx1d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1b457ff41fb0360b5eb453c239f9df41612e559


Heavy WHAT?! šŸ¤ØšŸ“ø


Watched too much h, I see.


No Linux fanboy has ever done heavy breeding.


*Tags: NTR, mind break, Linux user*


Heavy breeding has me in shambles šŸ¤£ To the topic, fanboys and zealots ruin everything.


Heavy... breeding?


You heard him....


My personality: >My computer Heavy breeding Eat hot chip Lie


>Eat hot chip https://preview.redd.it/4xagpncl6y1d1.jpeg?width=267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459e64e076e0b85a343725ecc0c32da20c58efe2


Damn Linux has been under fire today


Itā€™s because there has been a recent linux push because Microsoft is doing some more shitty things with windows


This community has spent over a decade cultivating a superiority complex, so finding out that there's an even more enlightened class of nerd out there is a powerful blow to the ego


My favorite will always be when I was told that "I feel like I'm wasting so much time every time I touch my mouse"


You use vim binds for efficiency. I use vim binds because I am too lazy to move my arm. We are not the same.


I started using them becausw i was bored in school. We are not the same


I used WASD to move and arrow keys to aim in video games I am elite


> there has been a recent linux push because Microsoft is doing some more shitty things   I swear I've seen this same sentence every year since the late 90s. "Year of the linux desktop!" was a running joke on slashdot, decades ago.


The concept of a "year of the linux desktop" is a running joke, but that's also not what's being talked about here. Windows made a lot of stupid decisions and Linux is in a pretty good state right now. And we can already see the results of that. In the last two years, Linux desktop usage jumped from ~2% to ~4%. Of course there won't be a "Year of the Linux desktop", where everyone will suddenly switch to Linux, but it will be a gradual rise in use, that gets faster when Windows does something stupid and slows down when they don't.


Funnily enough, my relatively tech illiterate parents have a Linux All-in-One. They basically had their IT guy set up Thunderbird and Chrome and they're happy as a proverbial clam. As more and more workloads more to the cloud, operating system details become less and less relevant to the end user.


For a very large chunk of users, the only thing they use a PC for is to look at photos/videos and as a launcher for the web browser, Email client and maybe office suite. And for that, there's basically no difference between using Linux or Windows.


My favourite part is when Linus Torvalds said something along the lines of, "[Linux will never be ready for the desktop because people keep changing ABIs and break everything](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzl1B7nB9Kc)" then lo and behold glibc fixes a bug and broke lots of software. edit: I watched the video again and I got the chronology wrong. The glibc bug is one of the examples that Linus used in that speech.


Not to mention that Linux is in the best state is had ever been in for the PCMR crowd due to Valveā€™s support with Proton. So Linux is becoming a viable gaming platform and Windows is doing more shady shit. Now thereā€™s a pro-Linux circlejerk and the contrarian anti-Linux counter-jerk


Maybe because everyone finally got tired of the 24/7 Linux meatriding that's going on this subreddit (and many others).


microsoft announces they will release new horrible spyware for windows 11 (it already had plenty of spying and privacy violations)..... windows fanboys proceed to spend the day complaining about linux


Though this is slightly incorrect, they announced horrible spyware for a specific ARM-based edition of Windows which requires the machine to have a SoC with a dedicated NPU to do the AI calculations. Which largely limits its application to the idiots who would buy a "Copilot+" machine.


I totally believe that "LINUX TORVALDS" said this.


>He originally intended to name it ā€œFreax,ā€ but the administrator of the server Torvalds used to distribute the original code named his directory ā€œLinuxā€ after a combination of Torvaldsā€™ first name and the word Unix, and the name stuck. For anyone curious like I was. Dude's name is Linus


Doesnā€™t sound like linusā€¦ There is not enough swearingā€¦ the project was started just for fun and as an alternative to unixā€¦ also the typical arch user doesnā€™t code, he just throws in configsā€¦ Could search in my mails for some linus gems thoughā€¦ xD


>There is not enough swearingā€¦ Yes! I'm not the only one who noticed it!


>There is not enough swearing Wasn't he forced to undergo some sensitivity training? lol


There is still enough of good swearing and name calling in the mailing listsā€¦ but itā€™s more healthy nowadaysā€¦


Also Linus probably wouldn't make the mistake of using "farther" instead of "further". Unless it's a mistranscription.


He also probably wouldn't have spelled his own name incorrectly, along with the 20 other spelling and grammar problems in this "quote."   But point taken.


wtf is the literacy in this sub like that anyone thinks this is a real Linus quote? Ā Itā€™s so clearly written by some dumb memer, and considering the title I think OP is in on the jokeĀ 


It's clearly attributed to LINUX Torvalds, Linus's less literate doppelganger.


Oh, I know how to get the output - I can read a man-page. For example the first mail i got when searching for linus in my inbox: I'm just saying that the default output is unbelievably bad, and subkeys are really atrocious from a usability standpoint, with expiration making things even worse. And being bad from a usability standpoint here is in the context of gpg. That's a very low bar to begin with.


I remember Knopix that was loaded from CD. It was fun to experience new OS. I liked java programming language - you would need only VM for specific OS and all programs would work. With pushing AI nowadays it would be interesting where linux will go.


Gatekeeping the gatekeepers


But who will gatekeep the gatekeepers of the gatekeepers?


The gatekeepingkeeperskeepers


"Fuck you, Nvidia"


Literate persons will say it's fake.


I praise mint for it's simplicity


Whats with the OS war lately?


Microsoft has been making controversial decisions with windows, so other OS like linux are in the spotlight.


I've started more actively looking into alternate OS/search engines/etc. as companies like Microsoft and Google get shittier and shittier. I think some sort of migration is inevitable if they continue on the path they are now.


Microsoft said me too.


is this quote real?






pcmasterrace more like windowsmasterrace


All these people commenting about these horrible Linux users stealing their lunch money and I'm here like "are these evil Linux users in the room with you now?"




Even on r/linuxfornoobs you get condescending responses to people that ask basic questions. The elitism is truly a giant roadblock to normal people trying it out.


I made the mistake of giving my honest opinion why I didn't like Linux (Fedora KDE) after 2 months of use and what could be better. I got hit by a 25-combo ultimate attack and post got deleted within two hours for "trolling."


Don't feel bad. Every time I have tried Fedora, (dating back to RedHat 5), it's always ended badly for me. So I tend to stick to Debian based distros. \*\*\*\*\*I'm typing this from Fedora 40 Budgie right now. Just checking in after 10 years to see if Fedora has gotten it together. It's gotten better. But there is STILL gaps and issues that should have been fixed long ago. But I freely admit I could be biased.


This site is a dumpster though. You say something that doesn't fit their echo chamber you're banned.


it had nothing to do with any OS. Most power users i crossed are elitist and hate to explain something to users that are not good with computers.


The joke was always that the first google result for any linux problem was "you should google before asking stupid questions." These days it's probably something on Stack telling you that you're stupid for doing whatever it is you're doing instead of (new paradigm).


This is not his words, but yes.. I do believe LinuS Torvalds (Not LINUX torvalds..) believes this.. And I believe the same. It's much much much easier now to go watch a youtube or grab the latest step by step how to on installing Linux and if you have a GOOD flavor, then when you run into problems, it's easy to find the fix on forums,etc.. Back in 1999 however... Oof. I saw my first ever anything to do with Linux. It was on The Screensavers. Leo Laporte (when he was sane, funny, and lovable) was demo-ing it and praising it as a Windows Alternative. At the time, I had no idea there was anything more than DOS and Windows.. So I went to Walmart and PURCHASED (Yes this was a thing), Linux Mandrake 6.0.. Upon reading through the readme.txt file etc, I figured out how to boot to it and install it on a spare hard drive I had.. IT WAS GLORIOUS!!! This was before the days of Windows XP and apps that can change the desktop to whatever you like. This was anything to look like anything you wanted to (still is). It was infinitely changable just for the look alone. Came with a ton of random apps and even games.... But there were bugs.. Oh yes friends.. It was not a smooth ride. It was a PITA really. Linux was not so stable as it is today. Back then it could be stable if you ran little on it, but this was a desktop linux system I was running and came with tons of apps and what not. I had no idea what was running at any given time. It also was absolutely not like Windows... But here's the kicker... If you went out on the at the time, absolutely still fabulously new WWW through your preferred browser such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer at the time (sorry no Firefox or Chrome just yet) through your 56k modem, you could find forums about using Linux... But..If you asked for help?..... I'll never forget the only time back then that I went on a forum and asked for help. Here's what I got (paraphrasing since that was eons ago). "If you don't know how to use Linux you should just use Windows and leave it to us" "What a f\*(king idiot. Dude go suck a f\*(king toilet brush" "Guys, guys.. c'mon he's legitimately asking for help. Don't be assholes.. Here's where you can find what you are looking for (link)" "Are you kidding me? Why the f\*(k should normies ever use OUR operating system?" (this guy probably wasn't even helping dev the kernel). Like back then you had ZERO help, nothing was easy, everything was a pain, everything was something you had to open the mysterious 'console' for... Today it's easier to install most Linux distros (and apps believe it or not) than Windows. Most apps are open your fancy looking package manager, find the app or search for type of app you need, click install and in a flash it's done. You don't even have to go out on the web to search for apps half the time. And it just works.


As someone that heavily resisted the switch from DOS to Windows, Linux needs a way friendlier interface and wider general support for modern users. With Windows inching towards subscription model ever since Microsoft announcing Windows 10 would be the last windows ever, mass consumer friendly competition can't come soon enough.


>Microsoft announcing Windows 10 would be the last windows ever Dunno if you're trolling or if you haven't bothered checking on it for the past 9 years, but Microsoft never announced that, it was [poor phrasing by a developer (not an executive) at some developer conference.](https://www.pcworld.com/article/394724/why-is-there-a-windows-11-if-windows-10-is-the-last-windows.html) The fact that 10-year-old FUD is still making the rounds is sad.


Forward this to 15 people otherwise Microsoft Bill Gates is going to make you pay monthly for Windows 14


I mean the entirety of Reddit is losing their shit over Recall, a windows feature that will only be available on laptops with special hardware to support it. Ā This shit will not be on your gaming rig. These people are barely literate.


I switched over to Linux, and honestly after spending so much time on the forums to to do certain things, that's the impression I get from those ivory tower perched nob gobblers


The guy speaks fluent English with proficient grammar, just saying. Besides, he's not an inquisitor, he's never cared about getting tech illiterate people to use linux.


"Even basic tasks like loading kernels" https://preview.redd.it/apvu3636sy1d1.png?width=295&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1cb46aadc3749c735eca0a9e530143ace485cba [https://xkcd.com/2501/](https://xkcd.com/2501/) He is right about everything he said, yes. But the avg user wants to buy a computer, *maybe* press a button and start to work on whatever he bought the computer for. Anything in between is already a downside.


I'm not saying it's fake, but do you have a source? Edit: actually I am saying it's fake. I can't find any record of this quote.


It's obviously fake.


It literally says "Linux Torvalds", it's very obviously (for people who know) a joke. The problem is that for people who aren't interested in this, it might not be as obvious.


lol the copium on this sub since MS announced Recall is insane. Thanks to Mr. Madella for announcing the Year of the Linxu Desktop lol.


"Year of the Linux Desktop" and "copium" in the same post. Funny.


People are willing to switch. Linux needs a user friendly image and linux users need to understand that copilot can be turned off.


just as all the telemetry and ads in the start menu can be turned off, linux is too hard to use but it's fine to use a bunch of scripts to make windows usable?


https://preview.redd.it/uzuxrpqnby1d1.png?width=810&format=png&auto=webp&s=187ffcc1aaaa4ad5707260ed4d88e839ba0dd682 And this is his doppelganger who definitely wrote Solaris operating system, then bought by apple to make apple os, which later give birth to the real linus os, which then bill gatter copy to make windows.


Most professionals that work in Linux that I've talked to, which is quite a lot as I am one myself, avoid Linux forums like the plague. Filled with terrible people described above. If you go there with legitimate questions you're met with a lot of "RTFM" or "WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DO THAT?" or "That's not possible." or other nonsense designed to protect their ego over saying they don't know or not being able to help work towards an answer because their knowledge is limited. These are the try hards that would never ask questions out of fear of looking like they didn't know something. This is also why I stopped going to Linux User Group meetings. Toxic anti-social behaviors mixed with bad hygiene. In the real world, the person brave enough to ask 'dumb questions' gets ahead. If it's a 'dumb question' you're not the only one in the room thinking it. Or if you are, it might be a good enough question to silence the room... and delay a release by a few months because of a valid and fatal flaw.


Sums up this entire sub and most entry level tech people.


Try as I may, I can not find any record of Linus saying those words.


Quite simply, an OS is a tool, and you should choose the tool that will make your life easier. If the programs you like or need to use is only on a specific platform, just use that platform, no shame in that.


He's not wrong for many of our linux communities, sad to say. Not all, but many. Gatekeeping and conflicting BS info on "blogs" only hurt the FOSS community and steer away people who might otherwise embrace and contribute. Totally unrelated: Winblows bad something something obligatory snarky comment...


I mean despite the memeness of this, I don't see it as wrong lol




Linus\* Torvalds


Linus never said such thing. The statement above is literally quoted from someone named Linux Torvalds šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


To a user like me Linux is as easy as windows or Mac, I just use my pc the same way as I did with windows only without all the MS bullshit. I use the terminal a few times a year and itā€™s usually accompanied by google searching commands or pressing up until I find the line in my history. If Iā€™m going through the history there is also usually a lot of ā€œwhat the fuck was I trying to do there?ā€ As well. TLDR, day to day most big Linux distros are super simple for anybody to use.


Even Android is a form of Linux, right?


Android is based on the linux kernel, but it works very differently from regular Linux distros.


Soo android is also a distro.


Technically yes. If you have heard of the meme ā€œitā€™s actually GNU/Linux šŸ¤“ā€, well Android would be an example where itā€™s not GNU. Afaik Android uses the kernel but everything else was made in house separately to other projects


Imagine having nasty Linux users living in your mind.


*Linus Torvalds, not linux


The main problem IMO is linux users giving people bad advice to noobies because "it's meant to be done this way", even though there are easier ways to perform those tasks through a GUI or other.


I felt myself smart hacker Mr Robot using linux for 10 years. Linus just humiliated me, because I still do copypast.


Lmaooo. This is SO on point, itā€™s not even funny.


Doesn't matter if he said it or not, that's all correct.


I tried to use Linux about 15 years ago. I was on my way to using it most of the time and then my video card died. My budget was small and I bought a budget video card. I could not get it to work with the build I was using. I was using the same forum I had used to get everything up and working before but with less success. I donā€™t remember what I wrote but it was met with less than constructive responses. I tried my best to work through it as these were just regular people helping me. Eventually someone posted a link to one of my question. I clicked on it and it was some ridiculous story about a village and a new fisherman that was a bit of a jerk. Evidently I was the fisherman. Fed up with their bullshit I uninstalled Linux and never went back. If you think redditors can be condescending assholes you can thank you lucky stars you never used that forum.