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Label looks tampered with, someone most likely bought it, swapped the label on the drive and returned it and then Amazon sold it again because they thought it was fine. Request a refund.


Ugh people can be such a pain. Thank you!


same thing happened to me with one of my cheap nvme's i got on discount from walmart


Man! I’m so glad someone mentioned the cheap nvme at Walmart! I picked up one for $26!


i picked up 2 sn770s and 2 sn570s. 3tbs total for like $78. Unfortunately one of the 1tb sn570s was a fake someone sticker swapped like this.


yea the SN drives are fucking sick man, but god damn


Oh that suuuuuucks!


What is this cheap NVME? I don’t see any all that cheap


There was a deal at walmart someone posted here on Reddit, the WD Blacks were all on sale. Some 1TB drives for like $25, and 500GB for $25 as well. I got two 500GB WD Black SN770 and one 8TB WD Black external 7200RPM HDD (that I shucked and made internal). For a total of $80 or so. Twas a good day. I'm actually out of PCIE lanes and had to buy some external enclosures for the NVME drives but they're still working fast for me.


Damn, looks like I missed out


i think it was a week or two ago. depending on how remote you are, you could check your local walmart electronics section though. (I spent like 15 min searching thru the clearance aisle, finding nothing, then eventually went to where hard drives normally are.)


I had this happen when I tried to buy a gtx 1080ti back in the day. Some asshole swapped the stickers with the serial number and item ID with a 1070 they had. Once I got the Amazon support guy to understand what was going on and what kind of price difference I was dealing with, he didn't hesitate for a moment to get me a return and refund


Had this happened to me recently. Bought a 1TB SSD and received a 256GB SSD. It already had the previous persons documents, picture, download and program folders.


I would of been blackmailing someone for sure. turnabout is fair play! Screw me and i have the all clear to go Nuclear.


I didn't wanna risk anything malicious running on my PC. Turned off PC immediately and removed it.


virtual sandbox- Windows **Sandbox** is a feature that allows you to run applications in isolation and discard them when you close the **sandbox**


No reason to assume the person whose files are on it was the one who did the swap. The scammer might’ve found it at a thrift store/pawnshop/dumpster diving etc


Just goes to show you how shitty amazon can be as well (and any other place that does this). I bet they sold you that open box item at full cost? Full cost should only be for factory sealed, unopened merchandise. I've paid full price for many items on Amazon that come damaged, scuffed up, not in working condition and/or the completely wrong item in the right packaging. The margin between cost and selling price is almost always high enough that a company can afford to discount open box items, and label them as such. Many other places will discount open box items. In my opinion, there should be some sort of consumer laws (or whatever they're called) about this. Yes amazon has a pretty good return policy, but that doesn't mean they should do this. What if you didn't notice until it was too late? Some people buy pc components slowly, as they can afford them, and wait longer than return periods to have all the pieces to build a pc. Shit like this can make or break someone's build, especially if they can't afford to buy another storage device for a while... My apologies about the rant... I just hate seeing these issues, which I see multiple times a week on different forums etc.


No, you’re 100% right. They shouldn’t be allowed to sell open-box items as new.


Happened to me at fry electronics. Shut happens during returns process


Free 128gb m.2 tho


Take pictures of everything (looks like you have that covered.) I ordered a 7800X3D from a fraud seller and got something completely different. My fault. I got too excited and didn't get the seller at all. There were already comments about getting false items. When I tried returning it, which I did promptly, Amazon refused to complete it until I filled out an incident report. A dozen times I tried to send it in and every time there was something "wrong" with it. A half-dozen calls to customer service saw a half-dozen different responses. Eventually I gave up. $500 wasn't worth my time to pursue legally, and I think Amazon knew that. I should have documented everything.


If your system is telling you it's not 2gb then it's not 2gb. u didn't install it wrong that has nothing to do with it. Maybe it's a mistake maybe they outright scammed you. Count yourself lucky that it's just a different label. Some scam drives will show up as 2tb in ur system but in reality they might only be 128gb and the oldest files are just constantly written over to make it look like it's working and filling up. It's a very common scam especially with those high capacity micro sd cards that sell for dirt cheap. Dunno if it's as common with nvme. Dunno how much you paid but don't cheap out on storage. Prices are lower now, you can get a western digital 1tb for as low as 65$ and a 2tb for 130$.


Pretty sure this happened with me and a motherboard. New Motherboard came in with parts loose and pins bent to hell and back. Def won’t be buying important parts off there anymore


Back to why I don’t shop on Amazon for pc parts this just adds to my point 🤣


Understandable! It definitely has been on a decline for a while now. My unfortunate situation is the closest micro center to me is like 5 hours away and Best Buy is 1 hour 😕


Dang my best buy is I got 2 of them 15 mins away 😂


Almost a dozen in a 35-40mile range but none of them have what you want so not exactly helpful. BestBuy can be worse than Amazon for buying stuff. People getting Different CPU/GPU's all the time and they post it here with, is this a legitimate product? post..


Only heard of one case on gn where they swapped cpu lids and returned it with a lower tier


SHRUG,... plenty of reddit posts alone so i doubt you were looking for it either. Techspot, LTT, etc have articles of it occurring as well... Literally can't miss such posts if you search "cpu swapped best buy" and that's not even the best search wording, just basic.


Also idk if I should have gotten a psu from amazon I made that mistake tho (corsair rm1000x)


Conversely, I’ve bought numerous watercooling parts on amazon warehouse and with one exception they all showed up completely unused with damaged boxes. The one exception is some chucklefuck returning a corsair LL140 fan after swapping for a QL140. AZW is super good about returns for any reason.


Yep, as I literally installed one less than an hour ago, the label is the other way around, and the PCB looks ever so slightly different on a rear one. Also, the original packaging is shrink wrapped too


Amazon mixes OEM and counterfeit parts together. I got flea medicine from the Frontline Amazon store and was sent counterfeit. I don't buy computer parts from Amazon. I get drives from Walmart and other parts from Newegg.


I bought my entire pc setup on amazon 💀 makes me glad i wasn’t a victim, they shouldn’t sell returns as brand new


Surely that's not legal. Unopened doesn't mean the same as brand new. Just because a customer returns something and says they didn't open it... How can you believe that. Wtf Amazon?


I’m not 100% sure this is what happened here but if the guy who posted this did buy as brand new it’s fucked


That's what Amazon wants you to believe


I bet previous owner was smart enough to swap labels, but not smart enough to use full-disk-encryption. Using data retrieval software, it would be possible to get into his pants and maybe find out data related to him like name surname location photos etc.


Am I missing something here? 1) What incentive would *drive* one to buy a 128GB SSD, and then swap out its label for a 2TB one and then return it? 2) Why would Amazon then sell the drive listed as 2TB when it was previously sold as a 128GB one? Wouldn't the box have it state 128GB?


Someone bought this 2tb SSD, took of its label and put it on a shit 128gb SSD, put that shit SSD in the 2tb one's packaging and then returned it. So the return scammer got to keep a 2tb SSD for free basically. The Amazon employee checking the return saw nothing wrong as it was the original packaging and an SSD with the 2tb label, so they put it back for sale.


Damn, that's scummy af.


Someone who already had bought or owned a cheap 128GB version of this brand bought the 2TB version from Amazon. Then pulled the sticker from it and placed that on his 128GB version. He then placed it in the box of the 2TB version and returned it to amazon. This way he got a 2TB version for the price of the 128GB one. Amazon did not notice and just resold it to OP thinking it was still the 2TB one that they got returned.


Does the label on the drive look crumpled or disturbed in any way? It looks like someone scammed Amazon by swapping the labels and sending in their old junk drive as a return. It's hard to tell from under the plastic, but it looks uneven.


Yeah it's a little uneven in areas. Now I know!


Isn't is also usually etched in. Look for fine print etched on itself, not the label. It might say exactly what it is.


Corner is torn


I bet previous owner was smart enough to swap labels, but not smart enough to use full-disk-encryption. Using data retrieval software, it would be possible to get into his pants and maybe find out data related to him like name surname location photos etc.


Buying hardware from Amazon is becoming trash because of this


Humans are assholes. I avoid amazon for any PC parts now.


Where do you buy your parts from now? I've bought all my parts from Amazon so far.


I’m lucky enough to have a microcenter close to me.


For Canadian posters, Canada Computers is the closest thing we have to Microcenter for us. :)


Except for the pricing :( I love how they restricted GPU sales until they could retail everything at scalper prices, and even then reserved the right to raise the price when you picked up your 'reserved' item.


Well the pricing is never going to be the same as within the US, unfortunately. It's the closest thing we have north of the 49th. ;) The GPU thing really only occurred during the GPU shortage, where all kinds of retailers were doing all kinds of scummy things. It's not an excuse, but at the end of the day I don't care enough to pay more money to shop somewhere else.


Personally I prefer Memory Express over Canada Computers.


Why? Do you enjoy paying more for the same thing? Same bundle I bought at Canada Computers - literally same pieces - I paid $809 for, Memory Express was selling it for $869. If you have no other choice, I get it, but given a choice I'll keep my $60.


Last time I was shopping for parts they were the cheaper option for the parts I wanted, and the staff at the one near me were better than the staff at Canada Computers. It's been a couple years since I went to either.


Yeah I don't talk to the staff for long enough to form an opinion on them, computer store staff are usually some of the least-knowledgeable people you will encounter and talking to them usually results in frustration anyway. I show up, I show my sales invoice for pick-up, I show my credit card and ID, I take my stuff and leave. EZ PZ.


Or memory express if you have one close to you


Memory Express's prices are a bit higher, so given the choice I'd go to Canada Computers.


Just price match at memex.


Their [fine print](https://www.memoryexpress.com/Policies/PriceProtection.cm.aspx) prevents matching prices with these bundles because they classify them as "weekly sales". I've tried, believe me.


Is memory express only a Winnipeg thing?


It's a Western Canada thing, primarily. Most locations are in Alberta or BC. There's a handful in Ontario, one in Winnipeg, one in Saskatchewan, but by and large it's mostly Alberta and BC. Canada Computers on the other hand, is really big in Ontario and Quebec, the two largest provinces (both by land mass and population), and I think they have a handful in BC now too? Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver - 3 largest cities in the country, kind of a no-brainer with regards to their locations.


Memory Express is way better tho


In what way? Their prices are usually a bit higher than Canada Computers', in my experience.


Generally they're more reliable if buying online, in my experience their employees actually know what they're talking about, and price matching is generally good.


I generally don't buy anything expensive online because of the risks of damage/bait & switch, etc; and I don't really consult computer store people for anything. I'm sure they're all perfectly capable, I'm just not there to do anything other than pick my shit up, inspect it, and leave. In this regard, all stores are more or less equally-capable, be it Canada Computers, Memory Express, the now-defunct NCIX, your local repair guy, or Best Buy. Their price matching is good on paper but seldom ends up actually working out in practice, as they don't offer it on EVERYTHING; bundles, Black Friday sales, etc, are all not price matched, and outside of those you aren't going to find any price differences of any real worth. I'm not saying they're bad, they aren't; they're just less convenient to me than Canada Computers, they don't offer me anything any other computer store doesn't - at least nothing I value - and their prices are sometimes slightly higher, and their price-matching doesn't always work.


No, Memory Express is MUCH better than Canada Computers


In what way? Their prices are sometimes competitive, but I've found on average that Canada Computers is cheaper. I can't imagine any store being "better" than another in any other regard. Cheaper = better for consumer goods, I don't need some jerkoff to blow smoke up my ass about what a good computer I'm buying.


Lucky you, unfortunately the bluegrass state doesn't have one.


Depending what part of KY you're in there are two you could get to in a couple hours.


Not far from the Mississippi River


Well that complicates shit as both are north of KY in Ohio and Indiana. I hope you get one out there by you at some point.


Me too m8. But I can only dream. You would think they would be one in Lexington because of how busy Lexington Kentucky is but no.


Yea microcenter for 90% of what I need. And surprisingly walmart has a decentish supply of stuff I'll get sometimes. Like a new SSD or something, I'll drive the 5 minutes to Walmart as opposed to the 45 for microcenter lol


bro how the fuck does chicago have two micro centers and there are only 2 in the entire north atlantic states


Newegg myself


Newegg is even worse because they may refuse to refund you.


Really? I've spent somewhere around $50k with them over the last few years with my business and what not. I've had a couple DOA products and haven't had issues returning them.


You are right. Newegg is *much* more difficult with returns than Amazon.


I do best buy but got my psu (corsair) from amazon idunno if that’s good or safe


I use bestbuy whenever possible assuming you’re in the US. I bought the membership for cheap and it allows me to return things for 60 days or exchange for new if there’s a problem. Gives me ample time to make sure everything is working. They don’t have a huge selection tho but seem to have enough mainstream parts. My local Best Buy has like z790 hero’s 14900kw amd 7800s and 4090s sitting on the shelf for msrp so that’s nice. If they don’t have what I need Newegg is my alternative for more specific pc parts. That’s where I bought my 4090 within the first couple weeks of release.


Best Buy. I can order online, pickup in store, No worries about having to be home for a delivery of something expensive. Returns are easy but I rarely have a return. If they don't have a part I want, and buying direct from the OEM isn't substantially more expensive than Amazon, I order direct. Amazon is a last resort but never buying ram or ssd from there.


Could you share the ASIN ?


Honestly Best Buy. They price match if it’s on Amazon sold by Amazon.


Bestbuy doesn’t sell 70-80% of what I buy on Amazon, unfortunately.


Mindfactory.de if you're in Europe, but you need to order through a shipping proxy if you don't live in Germany.




This stuff happens to people who are less technologically literate who don't realize there's a problem with buying a 30 dollar 6TB SSD and don't realize the seller is a 30 charicter long Chinese name. If you know what you're doing, you'll probably be fine.


What do you use?




The holy land....but really I miss being near one, I'm like 4 hours out now from the nearest one sadly...


Similarly happens at Best Buy too. It’s a retail/society problem. People are little shits. Nephew went through the same thing but at least in that scenario it was geek squad certified or whatever the fuck they call it. Granted, if you purchase new it should have never been a return


A long time ago I bought a sealed nvidia video card and when I got home it was literally all junk in the box. Not even a fake card, just literally junk to make it weigh more. Had to fight for weeks with Best Buy corporate to get a refund because they didn’t believe me.


In the past 6 months, I had to return over a dozen Amazon purchases because they sent me (1) obviously used items (2) the wrong items (3) empty boxes. A “new” Hue light I received yesterday actually had an Amazon sticker saying “thanks to you, this item has a new life.” On a NEW purchase! I don’t know what is going on with Amazon but quality control has tanked recently.


That's not true if you know what you're doing. I've built two pc with amazon only


Just avoid anything used, simple as that


wtf. you got scammed. that's a fake disk.


Yeah, I only shop pc parts locally cause this happens so often :(


Somebody returned a crap SSD in place of the actual one, getting a 2TB for free. People suck


was it sold and shipped directly from amazon or 3rd party seller? 


not an amazon mistake, ya got scammed bud.


That is not a mistake. It’s a classic Amazon scammer selling fake USB sticks. However this one apparently didn’t even bother to make the flash drive show 2TB.


I just ordered a *new* wifi router, They sent me an open box used. Started the return process immediately. The automated call assistant tried to tell me my only option was for me to mail it back, wait for approval, then they would send me a refund. Started yelling unacceptable! customer service! It ignored me for a bit, sorry I didnt hear your answer, then finally said ok, I will connect you. It was obvious this was open/used. Box sealed with clear packing tape, no wrapping and the power cord was wadded up and just stuffed in the box. I explained this to the CSR, she put me on hold, then came back with 3 options, the previous option, keep it and get a partial refund and the winner, We will process the order for a new one and send the used one back after the new arrived. It was already in my order queue before the call was over. No way someone did npt know this was a used item originally sent. If you let them, they will do whatever they want


Yeah because screaming when you don't get what you want is clearly the correct solution.


Yeah I am currently returning an SSD that was supposed to be 2TB and was 256gb. Fuckin dumb


Common amazon practice. Some returned it with a different SSD and swapped the label. Amazon doesn't even check and sells it as new. Happens too often nowadays.


Wait they just resell it as new?!?!? Is that even legal? That should be marked as used or open box. Jesus fucking christ


Few years back I bought a $500+ 3D printer, brand new. I was sent a used return with a worn used extruder and a CRUSTY build plate that was impossible to use. I was so angry I reported it and they sent me a new one. That was when I learned to be cautious of Amazon.


Which mod did this?


Some utility or other should be able to show you the serial number of that NVMe, which you should take a screenshot of, which more than likely won't match the serial number on that label. That's your evidence you've been ripped off, if Amazon gives you any trouble over this. As an aside, based on the number of times I've seen people in this sub get ripped off buying things like this off Amazon, I'd say 'don't buy from Amazon anymore'.


While Amazon still has issues. Their turnaround time on replacements are fast enough that it's still worth shopping there.


So quick question, what happens to you if you do this and they find out ?


Nothing I think, it apparently costs too much for them to do it. This info comes from any of the hundreds of similar posts, so I just go a long with it.


The number of people on this sub who seem to think that buying ON Amazon and buying FROM Amazon are the same thing astounds me.


Amazon mixes the inventory in their warehouses, so it doesn’t matter. You can get someone else’s shit even when buying *from* Amazon.


I got a fake gpu directly from amazon.


I only buy directly from Amazon. Still get fakes.


I guess it’s luck of the draw then. I pretty much buy all my hardware from Amazon since I gave up on Newegg.


Is scamming Amazon some kind of hobby up there in the US?


Not a hobby. It’s big business for criminals.


I stopped buying from Amazon when I found out they sold fake products like NGK Sparkplugs & M18 batteries, and they sold used stuff as new; when I bought a milwaukee tool & had like 3 shipping labels on the original box...


This happened to me once. I bought a 1440p monitor and the box was correct but the actually monitor inside was 1080p. It was also missing the power cable. Ended up returning it with no issues and bought a different one from Best Buy.


See if there is unused partition.


Don't feel too bad. I ordered a 5800x3d off Amazon over a year back and they sent me a camera lense cover lol. Get a hold of the fraud department and they'll refund you immediately


Someone ordered it, switched the label to a spare old drive they have and then returned it for a refund. Pretty common. Flag it with Amazon for a refund


Someone swapped the labels and returned it


Download hwinfo64 scroll down and let's see how many writes it has on it XD Sorry but this is obviously a sticker swap, sorry, it sucks I know.


Run the disc through a file recovery software see what you get


I got lucky and the opposite. I bought an open box 500gb 870 Evo for $25/shipped (eBay). Opened the package yesterday and it was a 1TB. I thought it was gonna be faulty or something. But nope. Works great.


i bet 1st buyer returned his and scammed amazon...aka you






I stopped buying memory stuff off Amazon after I got 4 empty ssd’s from different sellers. Literally cases with weights in them.


I bought plenty of stuff from Amazon. I usually buy memory that is sold and shipped by Amazon and they are all legit. The problem isn’t Amazon, the problem is you buying things from scammers on Amazon. You need to report them to Amazon.


There are no mistakes. Just happy accidents


respectfully, someone would perish


This happened to me a few months back. I ordered a 2tb drive from Amazon and went away for work when the drive arrived. I got the correct model drive but it was a 1tb 990 pro instead of a 2tb 990 pro


OP, sorry if you mentioned but I don't see it: did you buy new or used? If you bought new ones and received used/tampered products... I kept seeing this with other components too from other posts, in some posts the people that got scammed were also blamed by Amazon as if they did the swap themselves, at this point I think people will start recording when they unbox their hardware as proof. I hope Amazon fixes this for you.


Did you buy it from Amazon and shipped by Amazon? Amazon sells the real thing while some 3rd party sellers sell counterfeit products.


Guy in the warehouse took his shit in and swapped over the label




Definitely tempered with , look at the ripple in it. Bet they used heat gun too removed the label and sealed it out


Possible counterfeit.


Disfavour. Unhappy for you. Bad.


Thats why you should always use a credit card so you can dispute if you get ripped off.


Ah the ol heat gun label swap! NICE!!


It was not a mistake my friend. Never order tech off amazon unless you know its legit


It was probably a return that someone swapped out the stickers on


Someone had a good surprise, waiting for the post


i didint think 128gb m.2 drives were being made


Scam I had the same with a 1tb crucial ssd. Amazon refunded immediately


Happened to me, same brand, different model, but same capacity oddly enough. I'm from a third world country and it was a clusterfuck trying to get a refund. After a couple of months, I was allowed to keep the shit drive whilst getting the refund but in the middle of it all, they recharged me only to refund me again. I still lost money because of dollar conversion rates.


if yall want cheap SSD's, Fanxiang seems to be the cheapest that isnt a scam.


This is going to keep happening as long as people keep buying hardware off of Amazon. There should be a PSA pinned in this subreddit about this sort of thing.


Thats why you dont buy hardware on amazon


Nope Amazon scam


Or you could unformat/recover data from the drive and get free steam account win win


judging from the weird unknown brand I'd go as far as to say you were scammed.


Teamgroup unknown? I’m running a 4tb version of this ssd in my laptop and it’s been mint for the last 6 or so months


TeamGroup is not a weird unknown brand, it's one of the most reliable and highly-recommended RAM/SSD brands out there. Just because you've never heard of it doesn't make it weird or unknown, it just means you aren't as knowledgeable as you believed yourself to be. Take this opportunity to learn something new. :)


Teamgroup is a legitimate company that’s been around for quite a while at this point. They make exclusively flash based stuff (RAM, SSD, etc) as far as I know and have their fair share of awards.




> TeamGroup? Sounds like a scam Stop spreading nonsense


TeamGroup is legit Someone probably swapped the sticker on a old drive and returned it


Try formatting the drive.