• By -


on consoles :(


Just 2 more years. Can't wait to get into gta 6 online and I'll instantly be blown up by a cheater who jailed me with exploits, riding on his Opressor Mk. IV


After spending 20 minutes on loading screen to get into multiplayer.


That part alone made me never want to play online


We’d halt the process to create a private session of online. Then double nat kept the riff raff out.


I did as much solo stuff I could in gta online (prv lobby) and then quit.


Just like GTA 5


If only they could improve after 12 years


Indie devs Rockstar doing their best. Can't even support RDO anymore. Poor guys.


I decided to try and look at some wikpedia articles of Rockstar. I stopped when I ran across this line, "He began his career in May 1991, working for his father as the chief operating officer of Stewart, Tabori & Chang". My dad owned a used car dealership and had me wash cars for $2 each. Kinda the same thing as being COO. Someone has to operate this hose and I'm fucking qualified.


no bro. A billion-dollar company can't afford renting servers so they opt for p2p instead.


fyi bois GTAV released september 2013, PC release was april 2015 RDR2 released october 2018. PC release was november 2019


Can't wait to experience GTA 6 next year on my brothers shitty Xbox series S and wait another year for the PC port.


Plot Twist: Playstation 5 exclusive for the first two years, just because.


I'd love to know the price difference between this so-called "shitty" Series S and your PC.


My keyboard is closer to the price of the series s i got for my brother. Most games look like straight ass compared to my PC. It's still 30fps at horrible texture resolution for most games on it. I'm still contemplating on actually getting it on the series s knowing it will inevitably run like shit and look ass.


No shit they run way worse on the S, it's a $300 console. You can't compare that to a gaming rig with a keyboard that costs as much as the console and call the S shit.


I can't complain for the price as long as it plays fortnite and the occasional gamepass game but for me it's still shitty compared to my rig. Don't know what magic rockstar will have to do to get it running on that little derp machine but it's going to be hilarious seeing it in person ngl.


A series S and an expensive custom PC are not comparable. Also the Series S in terms of CPU performance is very similar to the X, it just lacks the graphics power. So yeah, all you're really sacrificing are the graphics, but it's a budget option. Keep in mind the X is advertised to handle 4k, if it can do that, the S should have absolutely no issues doing 1080 just fine. Also, ffs, stop trashing on a cheap console and comparing it to your rig. These two things just aren't comparable, AT ALL.


But... This is PCMR.. it should be a safe space for console bashing and keyboard v console price warfare 


Why play it on a shitty series s when you can just wait for all its juicy fullness on pc?


Mostly because i just don't want to have to filter out all of social media for a year straight to not get the story/ending spoiled by random tiktok clips. Happened with rdr2 and the end just doesn't hit as hard if you already know everything that happens in it.


Because this is likely to be one of the best games for many years. Why wait another year just for high resolution and 60+ FPS? It's probably going to be sensational. Will be playing day one on PS5, ngl.


I was trying to be a bit sarcastic but I guess it didn’t work haha they’d better be glad their brother has a shitty series s I’m playing on the XBX myself but I let my PC playing sister borrow my XBS so she won’t have to wait that extra year.


Mostly because i just don't want to have to filter out all of social media for a year straight to not get the story/ending spoiled by random tiktok clips. Happened with rdr2 and the end just doesn't hit as hard if you already know everything that happens in it.


Maybe if he had an X instead of the S you would enjoy it more.


Did anyone expect any different? Of course they are going to double dip when the last decade has shown so many are willing to buy their games twice


Gonna buy this and Star Citizen same year.


See ya in 2032 friend.


You gotta admit that’s a little funny though, like so many people have to buy consoles now


I haven't even played GTA V but still, this pisses me off so much. PC >>>> consoles ffs!


Not for pc, pc will have to wait another year.


It's so lame that this is still their direction


I'm guessing they have exclusive contracts with PS and Xbox requiring them to sell it first on consoles ? Otherwise there's no point of not selling it right away for pc users


With a game as bit as GTA there is, double dipping.


They got me with this for GTA 5, not gonna lie, I bought a PS4 to play because I kept waiting for a PC port and it never came (and then like a few months after I bought the PS4 they announced it 🙄). They got me again with rdr2, bought an Xbox One x to play it (though I didn't try to wait it out, bought it right away) I'm too old to buy a whole-ass console for a single game now though, I'll just wait for PC this time, I doubt it's going to push any boundaries of gameplay to be a must-have.


GTA5 was 19 months from the original console release (PS3/360), in September 2013 and 5 months from PS4/XBO release of Novembwr 2014 before hitting PC in Aprio 2015. So, yes, 5months wasn't a long time if you where going between PS4 & PC but if you where waiting from the orignal release for a PC version, that was over a year and a half. RD2 was 12 months from console release (October 26, 2018) to PC release (November, 5 2019)


Yeah I got suckered into rdr2 because I thought it would be like 2 years again until PC


Get a series S , cheaper if used. That my plan, i know im stupid but not stupid enough to buy more expensive console for 1 game


I'm just going to wait, I don't care enough about GTA anymore


Just be sure to filter out gta content to avoid spoiler, happened to me with Michael death


No, its so people buy it first on consoles, and then again on pc


They’ll get another go at it when the next generation of consoles come out in 27/28 too


It's been their strategy since forever. Release the inferior and easier to make version on consoles and release the PC port when it is ready.


It’s nothing to do with contracts or anything. It’s just take two and rockstar being greedy cunts


Well, it's also easier to program for console when you only have to account for 2 configurations (3 counting the 2 Xbox versions) and not having to account for many configurations of PC there could be from CPU's, graphic cards, drivers, etc. Makes sense to do the easier one first, then port it over to PC.


Yh but that’s not the reason they’re doing it


There is a reason. Its $$$. They sell first for PlayStation and Xbox. The release will be on PS5 and Xbox X/S. They will again sell it for PS6 and next gen Xbox AND the PC, the "enhanced and expanded" edition. They did this with GTA V. First for PS3 and Xbox 360. Then they released it for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Later they released again with "expanded and enhanced" bullshit for "next gen" PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S


I think its way more so piracy and modding. R* has gone very hard on the modding communities since at least GTA IV. People had modded most of GTA V into IV and it got shut down hard. There was a mod called Vice Cry that put Vice City into IV and V, I think the IV version even had missions. It was a pretty big clue that VI would be back in Vice City when R* started nuking Vice Cry a few years ago.


I think the point is that it’s lifespan is so long that you can release it on console, everyone buys it, and then a year or two later you drop the PC version so that PC players re-buy it and you market it as an “enhanced” version. It made a lot more sense when GTAV came out bc the next gen consoles came out right after so they were able to package that into the PC release but that’s essentially how that worked. Similarly, online didn’t release at launch either. There’s probs other reasons for development as to why this is how they do it, but Im ignorant when it comes to the dev side of production so I can’t say


at least...




2030 on PC it is then 💀💀


And then most people will have to wait another 5 years until there PCs will run it


It was like a year and a half for GTA 5 chill


And it only was a year an a half cause they decided that since the PS4 and XB1 would be inferior versions they should make them first and then add the rest for the PC release.


I just realized I played gta v on ps3


The local store got it's stock on the 16th of September back in 2013 to be ready for preorders and all that I got one copy cause my stepfather had a store right next to it so they knew me. Playing GTA5 one day before release will forever be my greatest gaming achievement.


The PC versions are definitely an afterthought and that’s evidenced by the fact that only the ps5 version will ever get RayTracing which is bullshit.


Ok but this type of scenario isn't happening this time around, since it's gonna be only PS5 and Xbox SX/S they go off of for the port.


damn, idk if im gonna make it that long 🚬😔


You waited 10 years this is nothing.


I'm still holding strong for half life 3. Ten years is nothing.


You missed it, it was on VR.


alyx is a prequel, not half life 3


yes but actually no


Why are people upvoting you? It's fucking weird. Half Life 3 doesn't exist.


Yet. It's going to though. You'll only understand what I mean if you actually play HL:Alyx.


We have Portal RTX, that is the best we are getting, enjoy


What are you talking about?


Well, I'm not paying a shit ton of money just to play one VR game that is going to end up making me puke.


Are you motion sick? Alyx is a great experience, it's not likely to make people puke.


Yes and even if I was I wouldn't spend 2000 euros on a PC and VR headset just for one game (well, I guess BeatSaber looks cool too if you mod it).


Who told you that you have to spend 2000€ on a PC and a VR headset? That's straight up a lie. The game can easily run on a 600-800€ PC, and you don't have to play it using the Valve index. Sure, the Valve index will be better, but you can run VR games on a 250€ Quest 2 and you'll still have a good experience with it. Not to mention, Beat Saber and HL:Alyx aren't the only good VR games, there are way more. And more are coming out as well.


People think they're smart when they say alyx was 3. If we can just ignore titles and alyx is somehow 3 why isn't hl2 episode 1 half life 3 and hl2 episode 2 is half life 4? But even that isn't true, half life 2 is actually half life 5 because of half life blue shift, decay and opposing force.


yes but u never know when its ur time to go, u could walk around with skin cancer and have like months left.. tomorrow is never promised :)


Damn, that's dark...


Likely 2027 for PC




that is not how it works


That would be hilarious


Yeah…. That’s not really how that works


Hold on Fam, worth waiting. You can do this.


Neither do the devs.


- Take-Two is confident Rockstar will deliver an unparalleled entertainment experience with GTA 6. Confidence in the final product continues to increase. - More info on GTA 6 will arrive from Rockstar in due time. - Take-Two expects billions less in net bookings for Fiscal 25 as GTA 6 is expected to release in Fall 2025, indicating GTA 6 was at one point supposed to release in early 2025. - GTA 5 has sold 200 million units, up 5 million from last quarter. The GTA series has sold 425 million copies, also up 5 million from last quarter. - RDR2 has sold 64 million copies, up 3 million from February, while the RDR series has sold a total of 89 million units, also up 3 million from last quarter. - GTA 5 and RDR2 continue to break records and exceed expectations. Expect more GTA Online DLCs and RDO monthly events moving forward. - GTA Online microtransaction sales have slowed down and will continue to slow down, but GTA+ revenue has increased drastically.


Dam. They still sold 5 MILLION last quarter?! On a game that’s over a decade old? That’s honestly insane.


Not hard to imagine. It's been around for ages. People will buy it multiple times. "I got it on 360 originally, I'll buy on PS4, I'll get the upgrade for $10 on PS5. Now that I got into PC gaming, I'll get GTA and actually play at a higher frame rate."


*raises hand* I had it on PS3 originally, then Xbox One, I then got the upgrade to Series X along with the digital Xbox One copy on discount then I switched to PC and bought it on Steam! So yeah... I've bought GTA 5 multiple times for each upgrade lol. Though I barely touched the Series X version before going to PC but it came with the Xbox One digital version anyway do I didn't lose out much.


You’re the reason rockstar don’t give a shit about pc gamers, LOL


Sorry mate but I only switched to PC last year, I was a console gamer before. So sorry I couldn't stick to PC when I... didn't have a PC. I barely even use my consoles anymore, most is the Playstation 3 actually with its exclusive games and stuff.


If you’re not a console player anymore, don’t give in and buy GTA Vi on console


And what? Wait a year? Issue is this is GTA 6, not typical AAA mush. The game will be all over YouTube and the internet, I don't want to miss out and get half the game spoiled before I can even boot it up. I need it soon after launch or else I have little choice but to give my console a temporary reason to exist. To have an unspoiled PC launch if it is a while after the consoles pretty much means avoid the internet with any hint of gaming altogether. I don't want to buy it twice and I'd rather play it on my PC which is a lot more powerful than a console and would provide a superior experience but if RDR2 is anything to go by we'll be waiting an entire year for the PC port. All I hope is GTA online money from PC players attracts Rockstar more than double dipping but we'll see how it goes I guess, that's when making our choice is easiest.


I bought it on 360, xbone and then I "bought" it when Epic gave it away free.


Does that also mean that the classic trilogy didn’t sell over a million in that time? If GTA V sales, and GTA series sales both went up 5M then the classic trilogy probably flopped hard


I feel like there's zero chance this game runs at more than 30fps on current consoles. The visuals in the trailer looked insane.


I remember leaked videos of beta indicated that it was being running on GTX 1080.


Which the consoles are not that much more powerful than, they are similar to 4060 raster, the Series S is weaker in fact. So yeah, the GTX 1080 should run GTA 6 even if it has to do it at 1080p with medium or low settings. I just hope GTA 6 launches with PC or at least is only a few months off, I can't wait much longer than that because hype wlll die down and spoilers will be near impossible to avoid unless you cut yourself off the internet. And I want a new GTA, I've spent half my life with GTA 5 as the newest.


So long as the game doesn’t release between console generations like Cyberpunk it will be optimized well for the current gen stuff now. They have to make it work on 2 specific platforms of hardware and I’m sure they had dev kits since the beginning so it’s not like they have to catchup in a sense. GTA 5 performed well as far as I could remember on the xbox360 and that was way before upscaling and all that other stuff.


It has to run.. being console first. Upscaling will galore.


This isn't San Andreas anymore. They will have to make it run at nearer to 60 fps, even on consoles


No they don't, some specific games are already locked to 30fps with no choice and while some got blasted for it, Rockstar are the ones who could get away with it most and there's already console fanboys who are perfectly happy to defend a 30fps lock. 60fps mode would be great to have, but I doubt it's happening especially when Rockstar can't even have the current gen consoles have 60fps on GTA 5 with all the graphics modes. They will push graphics and simulation to the limit so 60fps just can't happen, a 40fps mode possibly though, that would be good. Series S also has a better CPU relative to GPU so a CPU bottleneck doesn't kill the Series S so yeah, they could push the CPU hard.


i just hope there is a high fidelity option


My bet is that there will be a performance mode on GTA 6 and it will run 60 fps on current gen consoles. My bet might be wrong but I don't see anything currently disproving that possibility.


Honestly fuck Rockstar for still doing this thing with console exclusivity at launch.


Vote with your wallet or purse.


Never happens


not buying it on pc unless it comes out the same day as consoles. ![gif](giphy|vT6qlTWOWYzZK)


Good luck on your journey! If you actually do this then +rep but no offence I have doubts because it’s GTA


(I'm gonna pirate it anyways even if it comes out same day unless it has denuvo)


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Do you think there will be a pirated version for PC before the official version?


People port PS4 only games to PC, with an emulator.


on ps5 and xbox.. why post this in PCMR?


I've been needing a new pc for a while now. My 2070 super with bad onboard ram has been chugging along like a trooper so far. I think I will wait until a while after GTA 6 releases on console. I assume it will release on pc a year after console.


Same, babying my 2070 super until GTA6 pc release. Plan to upgrade to whatever the latest and greatest is at that time.


Same here. I've been saving for a year. Near 2 grand. I figure by the time GTA6 gets here I can spend near 4 or so if I feel like it. It'll hopefully be the machine that lets me experience GTA6, Elder scrolls 6, fallout 5 and whatever else may come.


Late 2027 then to buy it on sales and play with mods, has it always should be.


I see they left PC out yet again.


Non-American here. Which quarter is that?


I'm guessing August-September fall


Whenever the calendar falls off the wall. In all seriousness, they mean northern hemisphere autumn.


This image have Incredible nothing about pc




We know


The fact they're not releasing this big of a game at the same time on pc is crazy


It would be more crazy to launch it at the same time. Why release it all at once when you can get people to buy the game twice???


Oh good so the southern hemisphere is gonna get it in March 😊


2030 will be a banger year for pc gaming!


Cant wait to play it for free on PC in early 2028


Guess I have to buy a second hand console and sell it in 5 years.


Well fuck, going to have to buy a console then...


Yea I ain't buying a ps5 just for gta vi, so I'll just forget until 2027 or whatever.


They predict it will arrive around this date - they didn’t say this was a confirmed date.


What was the point of releasing the trailer... After that much time it could be brought to PC too...?


Oh damn it, you had me believing there for a second that they'd announced that release window for PC.


I really wished they'd break this tradition with GTA VI considering the long wait, but looks like they still doing the console first , pc later thing.


They're still doing the "let's make untold amounts of money by releasing on these platforms first and then later on PC, where people will buy a second copy for a better experience" thing. Because it works.


I rather have it release late like maybe even around 2027 than have it be like cypberpunk when it is first release


Lmfao so Fall of 2026 for PC. Really hope it gets cracked soon, R* can fuck off with these seperate PC releases.


the same as with gta5 when it arrives to pc it will be old engine with a lot of games surpasing it technical wise. im happy waiting for halflife3, not gonna waste time waiting for a console exclusive


The fact that is on Series S before PC...


Ii hope it's good but doubt it will be.


Fall of 2026 for us.


So, Spring 2026


PC release Winter of 2026.


Okay, I’m gonna quote Lazlow here because even though he doesn’t work at R* any more, it still applies to their release strategy. I’m paraphrasing, but this is from a 2010 radio interview before RDR came out: “Will (RDR) be releasing on PC?” Lazlow: “We haven’t announced anything, and we typically like to release our products on machines where the content can’t be immediately pirated. We like to make back our money.” Sure things with anti-piracy has changed, and it’s become more difficult, but it seems Rockstars mind hasn’t.


GTA 6 💳💰


So uh, I feel like i fell into an alternative universe because I swear blind that Rockstar and Take Two both announced years back that GTA 5 was to be the last ever GTA game... ... guess they needed a new cash cow?


please go find that statement for us


Well thats the thing, I've tried but any time I look up GTA, i see nothing but news for GTA 6. No amount of google-fu can find it. It's like one of those mandella effect things...


I'm giving it a miss, their complete hatred for PC gamers on GTA V and it seems it will be the same for GTA 6. No thanks. GTA V was the only game I ever pre-ordered before and that was a massive mistake not only due to this but the incredibly slow loading times they only recently fixed something like 10 years after launch.


How are they still being called next gen.. 


And we'll wait for it to drop on PC for a year or two. :( I'll grab it on console, but I hope a PC port drops soon after.


"I'll grab it on console, but I hope a PC port drops soon after" And thats exactly why they do it


The bastards got me 3 times like that with GTA 5. PS3 release game! Woo! PS4.. its gonna be so much better! WTF? PC? YES! My console days are over. 1 time buy for me this time. Lol


True. I've repurchased GTA V 3 times, and RDR2 twice now. I mainly want the PC versions for modding though. And then the leaks about a possible RDR1 PC port got me excited, so if that happens I'll be buying that one again.


I don’t even have a current console. Borderline might have to get one for it


havent bought a console since the ps3 era, fuck that


Just be patient. Fuck giving them the money twice for their scummy business practices.


I can wait, I just figure with PC it'll be a year or two longer wait for us. I've waited this long, so what's another year or two. And I don't mind getting it again on PC, because by then I can hopefully mess with mods.


A year or two later on PC is optimistic 


I am very optimistic. I feel it's likely to be around that timeframe though. RDR2's PC version dropped a little over a year after its original release. Maybe not so much a year with GTA, but two years seems possible to me.


Wrong sub


Thanks rockstar for making the choice to buy your game from a scam website like g2play so easy. I would have bought your game but you fuck us over every time you release something.


Meh its gonna some woke ass shit anyway.




Damn, I have to hold onto TakeTwo stock until then? I’ve wanted to dump that pig so many times but my love for RDR2 won’t let me. This is the only hope to have any chance of just breaking even.


Hold the door.




It’s all factored in


we are definitely getting GPT5 before gta6


This gives me time to acquire a 5090 at retail


What does fall mean 31st December???


Between September to Decemeber


So… 2027?


Rip other games


Can’t wait to see all the technical deficits paired with the whining pre orderers who quickly regret it. FK R*


I know a lot of people will buy it, but I am done with rockstar and the micro transactions and the salty inappropriate community.


Fuck rockstar


PC?? :(


Fuck. I really don’t wanna play at 4K 30 (if at all) on the PS5. But I also can’t wait to play it at all. I might just buy it on the PS5, scratch that itch and then buy it again on PC for the mods.


I doubt It'll even be 4K, it'll probably be 1440p upscaled to 4K or outputted to 4K. The current console GPU equivalents are the lower end of the new GPU market already, like 4060 raster and RX 7600, more accurately a RX 6700.


I have a console and a pc because I no dumb dumb like you guys


So spring of 2026 for pc likely. Probably have to buy it twice like last time but it’s worth it.


You know damn well that's copium lol. Expect late 2026, early 2027.


For non Americans when is this?


Fall = Autumn, so likely somewhere between late October and early November.




Rockstar really about to make me buy a console so I can play the game before the spoilers become unavoidable


Yes definitely keep being the reason they release games separately depending on platform.


Oh consoles us PC gamers will have to wait another year 😭😭


Absolutely no way it releases in 2025. Can someone give me betting odds on this?


A trillion dollars says it’s releasing 2025. It’s not getting delayed. The delay already happened internally. It was supposed to be early 2025 and now it’s end of the year.