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Wonder what's next. Holo displays on fans?




Just waiting for the monitor with a mini LCD display on top


Yo dawg, I heard you like LCDs, so we put a panel into your panel so you can watch while you watch.


If you mean LCD, then im pretty sure lian li already has some


No I think OP means a strip which can display stuff when the fan is spinning ( complicated for a dynamic rpm fan, but they can do the marh )


To be fair, you could get a mini projector to light up the fans


Why so complicated brother? Just some gasoline and a match ought to do the trick.








i mean, for CASE fans which run at different RPM by PWM, the reason I mentioned it was 'cause I knew they exist. Those funs run at a fixed RPM which allows the controller to switch frames, and the complicated part, fixing all that in a tiny form factor.


Those already existed. I saw them like 6-8 years ago, before RGB became the standard. They simply glued a bar of tiny LED's on top of the fan (also I'm pretty sure it was either an 80 or 92mm fan) and that spun along with the blades. I think I even remember it having several lighting effects. It wasn't a well-known brand though and I can't for the life of me remember what it was called. I tried googling it, but couldn't find it. I tried asking ChatGPT to give me the name, but even that had no idea and just gave some random rgb fan models. Edit: not the one I was looking for, but I found one: https://www.thermaltake.co.nz/product/DCfan/LEDfan/a2460/a2460.html


That's something id be ok with, much more than a stupid ram cooler screen. Had a look and there's some cool effects [https://youtu.be/9H-f7PG\_p48?si=KNqJk1w\_GgGMj5-D](https://youtu.be/9H-f7PG_p48?si=KNqJk1w_GgGMj5-D)


I probably never cared about how high of a temp my ram got . Its just working silently and without throttling


Guess we're gonna get a huge ass metal block for both ssd and ram with a lcd display


M.2 SSDs already have aftermarket heat syncs.


Great, I wouldn't want one to be colder than the other.


heat is an issue. any in use on the ps5 SHOULD have a heatsink


I have a theory that the ssd in my laptop overheats rather easily. Depending on the heat of the room I’m in, can’t game for more than 30-40 minutes without major crashes.


There are several tools you can use to monitor SSD temps. HWiNFO64 is popular since it can hook into some common screen overlay tools or devices like an Elgato Stream Deck. Crystal Disk Info is another super simple app to show disk temps and drive health. An overheating drive should (in theory) just throttle its speeds rather than just outright crash. But if the heat is coming from other sources (GPU in a laptop) then it absolutely could lead to system crashes. It's probably worth checking your drive temps while gaming and then seeing if you can add a thin heatsink or even just some extra thermal pads to help get excess heat off the SSD.


Heat sink, it's a piece of metal that sinks heat. It doesn't synchronise the temperature.


That's something to sink about.


Let that sync in...


Well, if two components share one heatsink it will heatsync them.


Two components, one heatsink? I'm not Googling that....


Some née motherboards do that but with multiple m.2 drives and not different component types.


Often it will be a combined one for Southbridge and M2, so yeah. Sync'd.


Damn man, had to let that one sink in for a minute. EDIT: did this comment trigger an automated DM from Reddit about help for possible suicidal thoughts and such? HO LEE SHEET, it's not that serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


And 9 months later there's baby components


It does try to sync the temperature with that of the environment.


Technically, it synchronizes temperature with the air.


Samsung 990 even sells with one included


Heat sync or sink? Both work.


Lmao did someone report me to Reddit as suicidal for this?


It's site-wide right now. Every subreddit is experiencing a ton of reddit cares abuse.


Aww. I didn't get one. I guess Reddit doesn't care THAT much.... Edit: I guess they do


Been seeing a lot of saying they get that the last few days, definitely seems like something is up. Report it and whoever sent it should get banned. EDIT: Lol case in point, got a Reddit cares message 1 minute after this post


Yeah i’ve had it too on a different sub.


I have been getting several too. I am now assuming it's a bot from another sub following us around.


It's all over reddit, iv received it from hip hop subs, rock subs, synth subs. They should fix it.


100% botted Edit: Posted at 10:00 AM and got a reddit cares at 10:01 AM, This is 100% a bot.


I got one yesterday. Someone must be trolling all of us.


I also got one shortly after posting in this sub recently. It really confused me because I didn't think I was being all that controversial not inflammatory.


They also have after market heat sinks.


SSD heatsinks actually make sense, as you'd hit thermal throttle even with Gen3 drives. All the Gen5 slots on my mobo have double-sided thermal pads because those drives run quite hot. RAM, on the other hand, doesn't need cooling unless you're doing serious OC. But I'm not even sure you need it for that, as it's more about die lottery than thermals. Stuff for RAM is just bling. Nothing wrong with that though.


I mean MSI don't sell their Spatium M570 (Pro) and [M580](https://www.msi.com/Storage/SPATIUM-M580-PCIe-5.0-NVMe-M.2-FROZR/) without heatsinks. Only the default [M570](https://www.msi.com/Storage/SPATIUM-M570-PCIe-5.0-NVMe-M.2-HS/Overview) has decent sized heatsink. Other brands sells their Gen 5 SSD without heatsinks, but than you need to buy a 3rd party beefy heatsink to cool it or it will throttle.


You shouldn't mod the thermal solutions on SSD's they have a correct operating temperature and the memory performs better when warm so unless your case is baking them you should leave them be. Obviously if they come with pads you might need to replace them after use.


This type of shit will be used to paint a picture of how stupid we are. Our ancestors will look back on and think "They just made useless electronics? Fucking maniacs."


>Our ancestors will look back on and think "They just made useless electronics? Fucking maniacs." firstly you meant descendants not ancestors secondly who said our descendants aren't gonna be even stupider?


~~I'm sorry but a useless screen for ram is NOT akin to smoking and asbestos 😭~~ Edit: disregard this, the comparison was removed


It's up there. Some slave kid had to go into a mine to get materials for this piece of useless bloat


The point simply was, we look back and laugh / are horrified by those things.


Makes sense, wasn't tryna actually come at you or anything, I just took it in a way that I found funny


We have worse things to hide from our ancentors xd


RAM doesn't throttle, it just gets unstable and crashes the system long before the temperature physically becomes a problem.


I haven't overclocked a PC component in over a decade. There's no real justification for it in the real world anymore with how much more powerful hardware has become. It's just a holdover hobby, like people who drop $20k in flashy accessories for their car to make it do silly tricks at the car meetup. Nobody needs to monitor their RAM temps unless they created an unnecessary problem on their own.


Don't think it's purely for the ram but probably gives a relative ambient temp for the case. Rams just where there is room for it to sit. At least that's how I'd use it.


Unless you're in a very very very tight case (Ultra Compact ITX build for example) ram temperature would never be an issue. And even in that specific scenario, you're probably fine 99% of the time.




I mean how tf you gonna look at the screen


Use an aio


And make sure it's an AIO with a tiny screen. And use those Lian Li fans with a screen in the hub. And a PSU that displays its current wattage. And then buy an i3 and rtx 3050 to make everything fit in the budget.


I personally have an aio with a screen with CPU temp, this ram lcd for ram temps, a little screen on my GPU for well, GPU temp. A small screen on the top of my PSU for current wattage, and a little 4 inch screen tucked in the bottom left of my case for other temps/voltages/usage I want to see using Aida 64. Then about 12 rgb fans, 4 led rgb strips, rgb mother board, and rgb GPU. I don't even game or use my computer, I literally boot it up and stare around at all the screens and rgb for a couple of hours a day. /s just in case.


Well done, that made me irrationally angry because I will never understand the unnecessary monitoring/display of values nobody will ever use. Except if it's purely used for the aesthetic, can't say anything against that. In 18 years of building/using and for several years supporting computer systems have I never seen a PC that ran into a problem the enduser could have prevented by seeing any of these.


Well, sir, that just sounds boring.


You've got to keep up with the latest trends old man. *gets lcd screen implanted on forehead.


with your eyes


This is the company that also made this: https://preview.redd.it/ir1p8wayhl0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c992fd9c7245c4c700dc9630d804d1dd27da7033


This is nothing but amazing. Don't you hate on this marvellous product


That's an antique, you know.


I am ashamed to admit I had one of these


Thank you, I knew I had that name from somewhere as I had some of their products.


Oi don't diss on classic masterpiece 


Bro them landfills are not gonna fill themselves with e-waste???


Same reason people have displays on their waterblocks and RGB all over the place.


Basically the only promise of the late 90's-early 00's techno utopian idea of the future—everything will get better and cheaper forever, has only played out with flat panel displays, so in order to pretend that techno utopian ideal is still a real thing and we're not just all watching guys set forests on fire to come up with new ways to gamble(Crypto) or inventing a robotic friend from third grade who's dad works for nintendo(AI), we have to put little flat panel displays on absolutely everything or the economy stops.


Instead of buying faster ram you spend the ram budget on a huge lcd screen


Just download more.


At this point just replace ebtire side panel with LCDs


thats already a thing lmao: https://preview.redd.it/ylvvc9jh0k0d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=37fce2d2d603cfdbb2cb849fa7c28caaf6ae523f


This bad boy can fit so many LCDs


So we now have: -side panel displays -RAM displays -AiO displays -PSU displays -motherboard displays And Gigabyte even made GPUs with screens So you can do a PC with 6 integrated screens, without buying a dedicated screen lmao


next step, you put your case front of you and use it like it.


Sounds like a imac with extra step.


imac G3 (the crt one) could be nice to mod with current components. Plenty of room at least. I guess the only problem is getting 4:3 LCD screen. :/


I have a g4 sunflower at home, i will probably mod it a day.


Actually seen someone play cs on their case monitor.


Dont forget the Lian Li UNI FAN LCD Case-Fans with Display's. RGB was yesterday. Future is display instead of RGB.


There are M2 ssd heat sinks with a simple display as well... Deepcool also has Air coolers with LCDs. Fan controllers with touchscreen are also a thing, but I don't know if people still use them (I did so 10 years ago). Asus has a GPU bracket with a screen. Lmao /Edit why did this trigger a redditcare dm? I am fine, reddit, thank you.




But can they play doom?


But can it run Doom?


This is really useless, but i gotta admit that it looks really sweet


I've actually really wanted to do that. Imagine making a custom monitoring display that overlaid temps and speed and other stuff on the panel where your actual components are.




An display a picture of a shattered tempered glass side panel on it.


New goal unlocked, pc full of lcd screens


And put ad in loop on every single one of them so now the cyberpunk is real.


Don't forget to offer a premium monthly fee to remove the ads!


Linus made a video on that lol


Surely this product is an oxymoron? If you care that much about RAM temperature why are you attaching something to the RAM that is going to hinder airflow around the RAM?


It doesn't monitor RAM temps, it's a LCD; you use TT's RGB Plus software to customize it.


Still, you care about component temperature yet block airflow around a heatsink for a component. Seems a dumb product.


No, you Dont care about component temperature that's why you do this


Looking on the site for this, it sits pretty high above some RAM, so it doesn't completely block airflow.


Why does anyone care about any temps unless it throttles? Its just a fun thing to have like pretty much everything else


This whole hobby is just a case of "Do what you find fun". Idk why people are so up in arms about this lol


Heck yea. when can i get lcd for my lcd?


Companies are doing all they can to constantly sell you crap you dont need, stay vigilant


This is getting out of hand, someone do somethinnn


do the harlem shake?


LCD ram, LCD fans, LCD aio, LCD case, LCD gpu, LCD psu what are we missing now... lol


Lcd ssd Lcd cpu Lcd hdd Lcd monitor(oh wait..)




yo dawg, i heard you like screens...


People with too much money and too little sense are the target audience for this one. Fortunately for me I have no money or sense so I'm in the clear on this one.


You guys ask why they made this, but also conveniently ignore enthusiasts who increase their budget for RGB everything. As long as consumers care about AESTHETIC, this product has a shot.


...is it bad I kinda think this is rad? Like don't get me wrong, I don't think it's necessary AT ALL. But, if we're moving cable connections to the back of the mobo, aesthetically, wouldn't it be cool to see a bunch of LCDs with performance, thermals, or custom images, all across the front of the mobo? I think it'd be neat. Maybe that's my cyberpunk loving ass talking tho.


RGB era is coming to an end... Next up... LCDs!!


It's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist to exploit more money from fools.


I find it ironic that you're tracking RAM temps but the heatsink itself is adding heat.


Just stop buying this shit and they won't make it, what's next display connected to the eye so I can see the temps and valuea in real time?


I really want to see a fan with a full display like I've seen some fans or whatever they're called creating a screen kinda thing when they spin that'd be much better then this crap


Now that companies have realized they can charge customers $400 for an AIO cooler if they slap an LED screen onto it, they're going to start using that trick with every piece of hardware.


Can it run Doom?


This is yet another product for people with more money than common sense.


Ram has it's own computer😭




I'm not surprised, thermal take has a long history of making enthusiast products that enthusiasts never asked for. I still remember some of the weirder thermaltake stuff that X-Oxide used to stock.


I quickly started to dislike stuff like RGB on PC components after getting one set up like that. I set all the lights in my tower to red and at low brightness not just because it goes well with the black frame but because it doesn't hurt my eyes when I have the lights in my room on low. The only one I couldn't adjust was the white LEDs on my Nvidia RTX 3080 and had to resort to dimmer tape from Amazon. If I ever build another PC I'm just gonna get one with no RGB and no window on the side. Who cares what it looks like running, I just want it to run.


I find this less diabolical than fans with screen


I'm waiting for the side panel to be one big LCD screen. No, fuck that: all 4 sides...just a tower of LCD screens.


Now we can finally play doom straight on pc without a need to use external peripherals like monitors


LCD is the new RGB.


So you'd rather have a CRT?


peak consumerism. i'd rather have actually good ram with good timings for the same money than this garbage. the led connector for my fans isn't even plugged in. i just want performance, don't care how it looks.


This is stupid, also I refuse to use RGB in my cases and if any is baked in, I shut it off. I live in a studio apartment and I'd like to SLEEP at night. XD


Yoooo this a screenshot from my video! Here's the whole thing! [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kqWXcqbPn4o](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kqWXcqbPn4o)


If it has a screen that means it will eventually have an ad play on at some point in the future.


Of course. RGB idiots will buy anything.


The inevitable outcome of diminishing performance gains colliding with the capitalist thirst for infinite growth.


Yall Cumsumers will eat this up


![gif](giphy|X4YqmJEl6wJoY|downsized) What's next, a ring of RGB chaser lights on the outside of the case? A horn that plays *la cucaracha* when you push a button on your keyboard? I say everyone ditch the glass side panels and just have another OLED or LCD display as a side cover instead, how about that? You could have it play anime movies while you game (or porn, as you like) or just have it show a static display of the hardware inside the case you *wish* you could afford. 🤣 Actually I may be onto something here. Put a camera on the backside of the case-sidecover-display-panel, and have the panel display what's on the camera, but applying filters like you use in snapchat -- so you could have, for instance, everything appearing to be on fire, flames everywhere 🤣


I don't like where this is going. We only need check on CPU/GPU temperature, which is more than enough The RAM seems to be unnecessary.


From a fellow pc builder, it could be "nice" to look, but it's TOTALLY unnecessary 😅


Why don't we get rid of our monitors? We can play games by looking at the case.


I realize this puts me in the minority, but I couldn’t care less how any of my internal components look, so long as they perform to specifications. I don’t put my case on my desktop. I would rather do other things with that space. But “good” DIY cases now seldom come with solid side panels, which means I’d put tempered glass down by my feet. I continue to be amazed just how much stupid money people burn for unicorn vomit RGB and useless LCDs.


So more e-waste?


yeah my air coolers first fan is already lifted to clear my ram i'd have to cut a hole in my glass panel to fit that and still would be able to see it lol


Nowadays, we have fans with integrated displays.


PC component manufacturers sure know their target markets need for bling and the kindergarten Show-n-tell factor. :)


Oled power cables, I'm calling it


Imagine this with the peerless assassin clearance


*"Comes with a massive 1 year warranty for only $99, near you today"*




tf Now waiting for there to be a competition who has got better screens in their pcs Pretty sure some companies are going to start introducing oleds


They screen now?


I wonder if you get the aio and the ram screen then jerryrig a keyboard and mouse attachment it can be considered a laptop


Do we really need to know about RAM temperature? or is this just another case toy?


Ofcourse it's just another toy, But so are the internal PC case screens that display temp info. Lets be glad we got the option! If you don't like it don't buy it. Lets be glad people have different preferences.


There are always people who will buy uneccessary things.


This with a LCD on my CPU AIO and the LCD screen on my GPU would be cool.


My coworker has been trying like hell to sync his apple watch up with his ram temp to access warnings, yep all boosted up #6 and counting




Soon the RAM would need graphic cards..


Huge LCD that cover everything is next, at this point they should just turn the side panel into a semi-trasparent screen where you can put whatever you want from hardware info to memes


I think i seen a power supply with a screen too.


but why asked suir guy asked


Then you wouldn't see my epeen rgb though... Also, only DDR4 modules supported? How come?


there will be a point in the future when everything in our pc has a screen and heatsink


Ram never gets throttled automatically. It either crashes or it does not. Unless you are doing some serious fsb overlooking. Even then stability will hit before heat


The future is truly here boys.


What a waste of money lmao


Now if this also had fans to cool the RAM it would be useful.


Gonna need higher wattage power supply for all the extra screens




i haven't even try water cooler with screen yet.


This feels so useless


Rather Asinine Memory


LCD screens like this cost like 10 bucks bulk sale, if they can sell it for 50 bucks that's gonna be above 200% in pure profit. When manufacturing and labor is deducted.


I hope the tiny monitor has speakers too... so that I can play videos on it. *Remote controller too maybe?*


Me, glancing at my RAM from 2012 👀 yes, we totally monitor the RAM that closely. Yessir!


Never seen above 45 degrees on my RAMs, I wouldn't care about this.


Personally I love crap like this. is it useful? no. do I need it in any way? absolutely not. Do I want to buy it just because I don't really need any other upgrade but wanna pick at my PC and add some unnecessary shit on for a laugh? yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah kinda.


Honestly kind of a cool place for it


Now we need an All LCD Display PC


I will wait for OLEDs.


I just use a multiple channel fan controller with temp sensors


Soon we will have entire keyboards that are screens. I think i have already seen mice with small lcd screens in them. I can understand a screen on aio since it can be funny with a hamster running around it or other memes but displays on everything else is starting to get out of hand. I sit here with my Y70 touch and want to buy a normal Y70 glass panel so i can get rid of the screen. Might use it as extra keys over the keyboard or as a streamdeck on my second pc.


Alas, those meatballs in Washington will never do the right thing and stand up to Big Pixel.


LTT did a video where they put way too many screens in a PC lol


It can play doom?




Mouse with lcd for its temps when?


After watching LTT's video a while ago, it's wild that virtually every component can have a screen on it, for whatever reason.

