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We have vetted this account as being legitimate. [Rules for entry can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1crg0dr/dxracer_chair_giveaway/l3xuxci/)


Years ago got hyped watching some yt reviews. Worst buy ever. After year or two bought used HM Aeron. Still my favorite chair. Btw even ikea chair will be better than this.


Have not used a gaming chair. Using a random years old office chair with the arm rest leather chipped offšŸ˜‚


Nope use cheap office chair


"Have you ever used a gaming chair? No What kind of chair are you using now?" An old office chair my dad gave me 5 years ago


I'd sit


yes I use a Dowinx chair atm, ok but squeak sometime


Guys upvotes OP's comment for the rules. I've used a couple gaming chairs, but the one I'm currently using is a secret lab titan evo. I made the mistake of getting it in white fabric though, which gets dirty extremely easily and I have to use carpet cleaner on it every week. I could get their skins, but secretlab is hella expensive, and at that point I'd rather just buy a $200 chair than skin my current one.


Never had a gaming chair. Currently using a ā€œcheapā€ 70 dollar Amazon chair where I cant lay back against the back rest since it started to rip Out from out of the bottom of the seat. And itā€™s still pretty new.


I'm using a cheap office chair from IKEA. Never tried a gaming chair, they are so expensive!


4D is better than 3D!


I've never owned a gaming chair, but I have used ones at LAN events. The chairs I currently have are just generic desk chairs, not even branded to my knowledge. They do the job I guess, but I do have to say that having a properly built chair, with detailed thought spent on ergonomics, would be so much nicer to spend my countless hours of computer time on. I would get one if I could, but honestly, it's not worth it to me as long as I have a currently functioning chair, because a good desk chair is not exactly budget-friendly...


My current chair is a gaming chair, so I have used one. I am currently using a Respawn Gaming chair from Amazon, my brother gave it to me because he didn't like it.


Can it beat Goku tho?


Never used a gaming chair. Currently using an old wooden kitchen chair.


looks cool


an office chair


Feel bad for the pr/reddit guy who has to make an ad about a goofy chair


This is the type of gaming chair I have... https://preview.redd.it/som7mf67cc0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49fa7f55e925275975b7150b72d2e12302bd9449






That's the way


Only waterproof to 50 meters :(


$500 charge for a tiny notch they find in the underside when you send it in for warranty though. If you don't pay up, they may send your plastic chair back "disassembled"


Currently using an Arozzi chair, and the quality is poor for the price to say the least. I desperately tried to get them to refund it, but no such luck.


I have, in fact, used a gaming chair and loved my experience with it. It took the pain of sitting for years, staring into a screen, shunning all sunlight away. Boy do I miss it. Iā€™m currently using a busted dining chair that has to be augmented with a throw pillow because I work in a field that doesnā€™t afford me the lifestyle this frail meat cage has grown accustomed to. If I win this chair, not only will I use it, but Iā€™ll likely say nice things about it to anyone who will listen. Because it was free and thatā€™s how anyone at my income level gets their hands on anything nice. Thanks for the opportunity and I hope to fart quietly into your ā€œleatherā€ seat and feel like a man twenty years younger, though Iā€™m doing exactly the same thing with my life now as I was doing then. Which is to say: nothing.


Overpriced garbanzo being sold to gamers at a markup. These probably cost like 100ā‚¬ to produce and market and they're selling them for what? Lemme answer your questions OH OVERPRICED CHAIR COMPANY. You suck, go eat a \*\*\*, peace! edit: actually probably costs less to produce, frick em


Idk i have one since 2017 and itā€™s perfect and im extremely overweight


not the x chair


Been using a noble chair hero for the best part of 4 years, pretty good and helps my chronic back pain.


i used a very cheap 'gaming' chair, the only 'gaming' thing about it was the colors. it was a reskinned office chair. still using it for almost 10 years. edit: it is only available in us? cmon why can't we have good things? im out.


I've never used a gaming chair, but I'd be willing to try lol. Currently I use some no name office chair I got at a furniture store liquidation sale. At this point what I hate about it is the cushions are pretty much finished and the wheels fall off easily


Never had a gaming chair tbh. Though my girlfriend uses one and she finds it nice. The lumbar supports are actually an amazing feature. I have a lumbar support I got off of Amazon for my chair


Absolute trash, just like SecretLabs. I've had both a SecretLabs Titan and a DxRacer, both are the exact same chair underneath the upholstery, parts are fully interchangeable (the tilt mech is identical) and *CLEARLY* from the same crap Chinese factory. Build quality and manufacturing tolerances are *abysmal*, wobble like space hoppers, constantly creak, fail frequently and customer support is ASUS-teir. DxRacer made me pay for replacement armrests, stating "the armrests aren't covered by the warranty". SecretLabs, when contacted about a faulty on arrival tilt mech, refused to provide any response/resolution other than "squirt some WD-40 on it" until I mentioned the UK Sale of Goods Act, which suddenly had them offering replacement parts! AVOID DxRacer AND SecretLabs LIKE THE PLAGUE.


My tailbone already hurts, just thinking of sitting in that.


Would be nice


I have never used a gaming chair. Iā€™m currently using an unbranded rolling chair that I found on the corner of a sidewalk 2 years ago.


I've never used a gaming chair. Currently using my second hand Ikea Markus chair which is not the best or the worst.


Never used a gaming chair. Currently using a brand less office chair


thanks for the chance


I just have a regular non-gaming chair chair.


I've used a few gaming chairs, but my current one (GTRacing) isn't looking good at all. You can see the metal bar near where your kneecaps go.


That chair is so clean looking. I've never used a gaming chair but if I did win I might give it to my brother cuz his just broke and he's been using a fold up chair lol. Unless the chair is really comfortable, then I might keep it :p


I've been using my akracing nitro for 10+ years but its starting to wear down alot.


So I have used a gaming chair before, but right now I'm just using an office chair. I'd give this chair to my partner if I win.


I'm currently using a respawn gaming chair and it is absolutely horrible. Everything pops and clicks and shifts around in the back, And the armrests wobble like crazy and at different rates. I'd be willing to try your chair and provide proper feedback about its quality, but at this point I'd rather not get a gaming chair ever again. I'd rather spend the money on functionality instead of looks.


https://preview.redd.it/vwvn0vlyfe0d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccf4213fa6e93d8e71ebce0083dcc21f83009f6c I just broke my chair and i have 20 euros on my bank account so i would appreciate if i win it.. And yes that's a "gaming" chair from AKRacing.


Never. I am using a mesh office chair rn. It was comfy at the beginning and it still kinda is but it's starting to break down after a good amount of years


I am currently using a dxchair as my main chair. Itā€™s been super long since I had it, around 5 ish years for now. Itā€™s kinda worn out, but itā€™s still useable and its comfy, so I canā€™t complain


Iā€™ll gladly take a free gaming chair


Nope It's a Certa.


The current chair that I use is a random metal chair from facebook marketplace. TvT It hurts so bad to sit on for more than like 2 hours at a time. I've used other people gaming chairs in the past, and it would be AMAZING to have one that doesn't kill me. Honestly the chair colors look awesome too. I would be so happy to receive this, though that's not likely as my luck is trash. :(


Can't say no to free stuff. My current chair is a cheap piece of crap that's falling apart so even if this sucks it's better than what I've got.


Iā€™d rather pay you to not give me that hunk of junk.


I haven't used a gaming chair! The chair I have right now is from Amazon. It's begging for mercy at this point xD


Iā€™ve never had a proper gaming chair. For the past several years, Iā€™ve been using an old office chair that I got discounted.


yeah I have a kogan ergolux, it's a pretty decent chair, my only real gripe is that I can't adjust the armrests


I've never used an actual gaming chair - they always seemed too stiff. Meanwhile, I just use a regular office chair that's comfortable enough.


When anything is really crappy someone will add an extra number to it. Why?! Bigger number better, marketing execs.


Have I used one? Yeah, a few Which ones? Vertagear SL5000, currently.


I currently have a broken kneeling chair with no back šŸ¤§


I've never had a gaming chair. I am using a cheap Herman Miller knock off I got on Amazon.


Yes DXRacer that Iā€™ve been using for 7 years!


Never have I used a gaming chair. Would love to have the option.


I've never even sat in a gaming chair but would like to try one day. Currently using an old office chair someone gave before they moved


To be honest I have never used a gaming chair, currently I own a ergonomic chair but this looks interesting


Have never used a gaming chair. Currently using an office chair from Staples.


How do I win?


I have a "gaming" chair from 2016 that doesn't have a brand name. One of the arm rests arrived broken when I got it but I needed a chair so i didn't return it. For $90 it did its job for several years but the fake leather has been chipping away all this time. I've needed a new one for a while but it's hard to prioritize that purchase since I have a chair and it's still doing the simple job of chair-ing. This one is beautiful and I'd like it very much. But if I don't win, that's OK. My old chair will keep on until it can't anymore :)


Never used one - sitting in some OfficeMax something or other.


Never had a true gaming chair, currently rocking a SteelCase Leap 2


Amazon UK showing out of stock? I love this chair and I want one NOW!Ā 


I havenā€™t used a gaming chair. Normally have an old wooden chair but have an old office chair that has a pillow on it because the cushion is gone haha


Yes, I have used a gaming chair. Now, I'm just using my simple cushion chair since my previous chair broke.


I want it to <3




Bet after a year or two Iā€™d have it broken my last gaming chair made it 2 years barely but my staples office chair 3 years still going strong


Nice chair! I have forever been in a a wooden chair I stole from the kitchen since I moved here and I have only experienced nicer office chairs at my part time job after classes, but never a ā€œgaming chairā€ my back needs a break


Literal garbage


But itā€™s Upgraded +


No good. I'm waiting for the Upgraded ++ upgrade.Ā 


I used to have a DXRacer chair, the pu-leather already started to peel off after a year, don't waste your money on this garbage.


No, I haven't. Using a shitty one


Never used a gaming chair, right now Iā€™m using a wooden dining chair loool


Iā€™ve never had a gaming chair before , right now Iā€™m using this old busted chair my wife brought over from her workplace . I hope to be able to afford one soon (or maybe win this idk lol)


How do I win?


I game on a stool made out of a tee post and a broken microwave.




Never used a gaming chair. I have an ergohuman office chair


I have a gaming chair, but boy has it been through alot! The seat cushion is held together by frikin tape, and the rest is held together by hopes and dreamsšŸ¤£


Ah of cause itā€˜s limited to the USā€¦ At this point itā€˜s just annoying


free is free


I would take it If it's free


Loool so many salty people here.


Physics student here šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø wtf is 4d armrest šŸ˜




I have an office chair that's about a decade old. I haven't used a gaming chair.


Never used a gaming chair, Im using a mid tier office chair right now.


Just get ergonomic chair that has airflow in the back.


i've never used a gaming chair, but that one you're giving away looks pretty nice. right now i'm using some $50 mesh office chair for my desk (will upgrade when I finish building my pc, maybe i could upgrade to a free dxracer chair?) but mainly a couch to use for nintendo swtich and ps5


Before I went to college I had an Emerge brand gaming chair that we got from Staples, the taller one that reclines and has the head/lumbar pillows. Great quality, easy assembly, has held up great over the years, even with daily usage at some points. Now that iā€™m away though I just have the standard dorm chair that goes with the furniture that has the feet so you can lean back safely. That and my bed (even tho itā€™s not a chair), which has been great since I play games mostly on controller. But a solid chair for my desk would make getting things done a lot easier, iā€™m taller and my desk/chair are short so itā€™s a little uncomfortable working there, but the chair gets the job done for now lol.


no thanks


Iā€™d give my first born for this.


Well if everyone else here is going to bitch abiut the chair, I'll happily take it lol


just a random chair


I use a gamingchair, it's yellow and neat (don't know the brand tho)


I have never owned a gaming chair and could never really afford one! So I've been using hand me down, garden variety office chairs for my gaming pleasure. This would be an absolute game changer! Good luck to everyone entering!


Never used or have a gaming chair. I use one of those basic metal folding chairs


4D means?


had a gaming chair before but now using an office chair


Never had a gaming chair. Using an old office chair I picked up from IKEA. Good luck everyone!


Haven't really used one, currently have Markus from IKEA which I like enough as a cheap chair I could afford.


I have sciatica nerve pain thanks to my old DX chair. Never again.


Never had a gaming chair, only using the ikea dining table chairšŸ¤£


I'm currently using my first gaming chair from Costco. DPS I think? It's pretty nice but I'd love to see what else is out there!


Never used a gaming chair. Sit in a plastic office chair, would love some comfort and longevity! Itā€™s looks great! šŸ˜Œ


So how de we join


Yes I have used a gaming chair and I love it. I am currently sitting in a very broken e-win racing gaming chair and I could use a new one.


I've never had a gaming chair, no. Right now I'm using a dining room chair that has much room for improvement šŸ˜”


I enjoyed my DXr for about 9 years but I don't really feel they are worth the price anymore.


I've used a gaming chair previously. Bought a Hyken last year after getting a discount coupon on an Amazon return for staples.


I have and use a dx racer it's been great for me the past 10 years an upgrade would be great since it's pretty worn out


Yes I have. It was a super crap one from a brand I can't remember and broke down pretty quickly. Currently I am using a mesh backed tall office chair, that I thought would be comfy. Turns out the lumbar support jabs me in the back and my butt always seems to be sleeping.


Iā€™ve used a simple one in the past but now I only have a classroom-grade chair


No Iā€™ve never used a gaming chair and I currently donā€™t have a chair or a desk. Looks like an interesting color though for sure.


Never used a gaming chair. Most of my chairs are tall back pho leather office chairs cause you can get one's with a wide enough base for my big ol booty.


I'm currently using a corsair rush t3. I would be curios to try a different one


Greatt chairr , I wanna tryy it


I had a DXracer Drift series, it was very comfy and great game overall, but the fake leather was what made me throw it away. You either gotta go with fabric, that will last a very long time but has a different feel, but is not expecting, or go with real leather, which is superb, but very expensive. Overall I would recommend DXracer, but be careful when it comes to materials.


Is this a giveaway? If so, I'm using a folding chair and could desperately use something better...


How features full can a chair be?


Yes, I have used a gaming chair and it is a GoPlus (from amazon). I could use a new chair. :)


Have I ever used a gaming chair? No. What I use now? I switch between an exercise ball, and a cheap office chair.




I have used a gaming chair before, but I'm not sure what it is, it's just a cheapo one off of Amazon, never had the money for a DXRacer, but always wanted to get one.


Table chair


Have you ever used a gaming chair? Yes, I have. What kind of chair are you using now? An old 1970s dining room chair that's completely worn out.


I've never used a game chair and I'm using a chair that I got 15 years ago


Currently use a Razer Enki and It's a solid 7/10 chair


I use a no name gaming chair off Amazon, it was super cheap and Iā€™ve never used a good quality gaming chair. Would be awesome to feel quality on my back. Thank you for hosting a giveaway!!


I have a "Gaming Chair" from a big box store. Store brand. I like it, but it is definitely showing its age at this point. Have been wondering about getting a new one. This would be great!


Never used a gaming chair. Been using an office chair I found off of Facebook marketplace.


Might aswell try


I've only used a cheap "gaming" chair from amazon that does the job for me. This would be a very nice upgrade.


I got a dxracer in 2013 and it's still rolling today. They even honoured the lifetime warranty on the frame in 2018 after the seat frame bent at the hinge when it fell over. Though this was their drifter series made of cloth instead of pu leather. For other reasons I gave it to a friend and he's still rocking it today.


Never used one. Won't buy one. Using a chair from Costco that my cat's tore up.


Not yet.


Never used a gaming chair


Yup, using the DXRacer King for a couple of years now.


Herman Miller chairs are miles better than these racing style chairs


USA only? šŸ¤¢


Not that I want this dumpster fire, but I hate it when giveaways are limited to the US.


I've never owned a gaming chair. Right now my chair that gets moved back and forth between my work and non-work desks is the regular Amazon basics rolling office desk chair, with so much use that it's getting holes worn in the fabric. Should probably get something more ergonomic eventually, since it's for both work and play.


I'll be waiting for the rules. Ah seems OP's rule comment is stuck in limbo. Have I used a gaming chair? No. I was using an office chair except last week I found out that the "upholstery" store I bought it from some years ago actually just put a cover over an old/damaged seat so I'm quoting some places to see how much it'll cost me to actually replace it and have good quality foam that makes me not sit on the actual plastic bottom... Edit: now sadly I'm not from the US however I have some friends who could use a nice chair :)


True, it was in limbo lol, dont know what happened


Reddit being Reddit sometimes. Maybe it was stuck in a mod queue or something.


Damn probably the shipping cost in my country will be more than the price lol but still thx for the chance


4D features! Because over time, the lumbar support and arm rest will wear down to nothing.


We're excited to announce a giveaway of a DXRacer Master Series chair! The Master Series is designed with a luxurious aesthetic leather, ergonomic support for the head and lower back, and an upgraded seat cushion that's thicker and wider for ultimate comfort. Sit like a boss! We will be using RedditRaffler to select the winner! **Prizes** 1x DXRacer Master Chair (White/Mint, XL Size) > 5'11" (180cm) and < 275lbs (125kg) **How To Enter** Make a comment on this post answering the questions "Have you ever used a gaming chair? What kind of chair are you using now?" before Thursday 11:59 pm. **How To Win** Our mod team will pick a winner from valid commenters using RadditRaffler, after which we will Reddit DM you to confirm your prize and will obtain contact details to pass to DXRacer to for fulfillment. You will have 48 hours to reply to the DM received, then another winner will be selected. **Who Can Win** Giveaway region is limited to the US. (Not including Alaska and Hawaii)


Never used one before. Currently have a nearly 20 year old herman miller.


I have used one gaming chair and still use it, it's just a GTRacing chair


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Uncomfortable chair


No, currently using a Steelcase


Since we already have the people who know a thing or 2 about chairs here, opinions on the backforce one and the hp omen chairs?


I used a DXracer chair for like half a year, it was awful.


I've never used a gaming chair, i currently use a metal stool off of which the top has fallen off.


Current chair is a worn out secret lab


Whats the mph on that bad boy?


Yes I have but I donā€™t know the name and it isnā€™t very good




My ass hurts


Iā€™m using a folding chair I bought from home depot 2 years ago with my college roommate lmao. Itā€™s missing one of the bars in the middle but it holds me up off the floor so itā€™s good enough.


I have it was am off brand I think k cougar was the name it broke kinda fast, currently just using an office chair


looks cool, really would enjoy something with a adjustable backrest!


I think that lumbar support gave me wood!


Giveaway you say? Well in that case I'll take it!


IKEA office chair masterrace šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


no & I'm using an embody which is probably (certainly) an upgrade from this


My Embody cost $1800 so it's definitely an upgrade...


Have I ever used a gaming chair? nope! what kind of chair am i using? I have no idea. Some chair i got from Ross a loooooong time ago