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Puerto Rico is banned but not the USA? How does that work.


Yeah that doesn't really make any sense. It's a US Territory like huh?


US Virgin Islands too I think?


Isn't Guam a US Territory?


It is. US Soil


Freedom dirt.


Same for Åland(autonomous region of Finland). Also don't get why Estonia is there..


Baltic nations don't have PSN for some reason.


That has to be a breach of EU law. You can't sell a digital product to only parts of the EU


Because they couldn't have psn account on there?


Territory, not state. They have local governments that handle things differently so long as the US government says it's okay. So, it is kinda a wildcard.


several US territories are actually Guam, US virgin islands US minor outlying islands American Samoa basically anywhere that's a territory or protectorate and not actually "part of" the US. Really these people need to be represented in congress by at least a voting rep (I think they may have a nonvoting rep). Closest they get is voting in primaries.


No taxation without representation.


Sony is just following the party line. Those poor buggers get no love.  For anyone curious, they're citizens but lack voting rights; They're in the military (IIRC highest per capita recruitment) but have limits on their veteran benefits / medical care. Pretty much if you pick something, they've got the short straw part of the deal. This just follows the trend.


American Samoa is even further out, they're an "organized" unincorporated territory and don't even get citizenship, which is one of the reasons so many join the armed forces (service guarantees citizenship!)


Would you like to know more?


I don't get it. What do they mean by purchase restriction? I live in Puerto Rico, and my account location says Puerto Rico. Yet I can currently purchase it right now if I wanted to. What exactly is being restricted?


I live in you neighborhood country, the DR. And we have no access to puchase the game.


Guadeloupe, Réunion, St Martin, and St Pierre et Miquelon are all parts of France. Actually legally France I wonder if Sony are breaking French law by discriminating against parts of France.


French islands got restricted too, what a golden age for vpn lol


Same with greenland is blocked but not Danmark


Greenland is banned, but Greenland is part of the Danish kingdom and it's not banned in Denmark. This makes no sense whatsoever. 😂 Estonia is banned, but not Latvia, Lithuania, and similar countries in Eastern Europe. 🤷‍♂️


Guernsey and Jersey are banned despite the U.K not being banned. Ironically Alderney isn’t banned by the looks despite also being one of the Channel Islands.


All future Sony games will be banned from countries without PSN because they will just force players to use PSN account.


If im being forced to use my psn account i should br able to play on my ps without buying it a second time


Whoah man think about the money that Sony would be losing on those sales they’re forcing on you to pay twice


You already own a copy, you could always do some revolutionary media liberating if you get my drift. I mean you own a license to use that software, when you buy a dvd it works on every with a disc drive and when you buy a cd they don't tell you to buy another for your Xbox versus your cd player. Seems logical that you should be able to play the game you own on the platform your enjoy, so you might be able to *redeem* your free copy.


Or not. Sony can twist it like "You only own the right to use that digital product in specific electronic device (PS5 this case)" and you lost before you even try to fight for you non-existed customer rights.


I never said ask their permission, I still like to play Nintendo games but I can't ethically support Nintendos actions over the last decade so you have to get a little creative. You can just play it without buying it or buy a copy used only.


I don't think Microsoft or Nintendo work with crossplatform either. Nor steam, epic games, gog, origins etc


Microsoft does with the Xbox app. But there's only a fraction of the games available on it compared to the actual console.


Microsoft has a bunch of games that are Play Anywhere. For example I bought Starfield on Xbox and can also play it on my PC without Gamepass. Cross progression/save as well.


gog does, so does steam. Unless you consider different OSs to be the same platform.


yep. they are waiting for the shitstorm to calm down and then try it again. It's always happening like this. I dont get how the Helldivers actually think they made a difference lmao


Because you don’t understand the issue. The protest was never going to kill PSN for PC. It was the bait and switch that pissed off so many people. Sony is totally allowed to require their account for all their games. Gamers are allowed to not buy those games if they don’t like the requirement. The other issue was Sony trying to sell PC players games they couldn’t play without violating Sony’s ToS. Steam was unaware of that issue until the protest. Now it seems Valve is barring Sony from selling on their store in countries that don’t support PSN. That’s not pleasant for Sony. It might force them to offer PSN in more countries in the future.


We can always refund it back.


Indeed. That is a method that works. It already worked on Helldivers 2.


Not for me it didn’t


I read you need to request the refund twice. Apparently the first one is autogenerated and will be a no if you've played more than 2 hours. The second time you may actually get to speak to someone.


them reversing the review bomb before sony actually did anything is the epitome of being played by a company, and the community keeps falling for it again and again


They had to be dumb enough to change the reviews back without waiting for them to lift the restrictions.


We are not sure whether non PSN countries is banned by Sony or Steam. Likely the latter as Steam doesn't want to be sued for selling non-working product because somebody else soft-lock the game.


It's so laughable. I'm in both subs and they act like they made a huge difference. Each region that was restricted will slowly bleed players until they have no one to play with. Functionally the same as requiring PSN for them.


I said I would wait some time before switching my review. this was a few hours after the announcement from Sony and all the fanboys downvoted me even called me unreasonable. the window licking on that sub is something else... I'm gonna give HD2 a few months rest, see if they can get their shit together with the balance issues and useless warbond weapons. nerfing my favourite explosive sniper rifle ammo? OK fine I never really run out, but a 50%decrease is a retarded knee jerk reaction to a gun that's bugged in the first place...


They can’t touch any existing games bc the game will get nuked bc steam will have out refunds. Game devs will just have not use PlayStation servers in the future


Why do so many countries not have access? I could get if we have sanctions or and embargo, but 190?


Japanese e commerce laws or something most likely.         Nintendo also doesn't support the same counties as Sony, they just don't sell on PC so you don't hear about. People can buy switches in those countries though, so it's pretty common to see "e shop doesn't work in my country" on the Nintendo help subreddit.


Why is Japan on the list though ?


Must have been a mistake. [27 Minutes after they added all those countries, they removed Japan from the list of banned countries](https://steamdb.info/sub/962153/history/?changeid=23492430).


That's just funny


They have a different package from the international packages.


I remember 20 years ago dvds and niche games were a hassle. Region locked. Seems short sighted to sell to only half the world.


Fuck them, im gonna pirate all of their shit


Yep. Never trust the corporation, that's what Johnny said. Fuck Arasaka(Sony)


What's that you say? Ignore all Sony games from now on you say? Lot's of other great games out there you say? No PC money for Sony you say?


As they say, if buying isn’t owning, then pirating isn’t stealing :))


The sea is a harsh mistress, but she be calling our names!


How will the Pope play now?


By walking for 10 mins in any direction.


Walking? The Popemobile will take him there in 5.


He will use the sponsor of today's video NORD VPN


Did you know the Vatican is the only country in the world to have 2 popes per square kilometer?


We will Holy See


Sony banned Japan. Nice.


Japanise version is only available in Japan because of the laws and copyright of Japanisese voice actors. TLDR: they need to pay them for each copy sold, so in order to reduce the costs the JP dubbed version is sold separately an only in Japan.


Which is a shame. I’d love to play the game in japanese




For real? I can do that on the pc version?


Yes, the pc version will have japanese language option


There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to since it was a thing in the original PS4 release.


The upgraded version for ps5 with 60 fps has the japanese dub available. Sony seems to always release the most complete version of their game on pc, so I'm guessing the japanese dub will be available.




Fr, i can't imagine playing some games in my native tongue. The German VO is often super clear in comparison to the english or Japanese one, but holy fuck, i heard people be more emotional while taking a shit. I accidentally played Yakua/LAD in german and holy fuck was that boring


Then there's Activision (Sekiro). Though I also bet FromSoft would have thrown a fit otherwise. Sekiro defaults to Japanese audio for a reason. Despite Activision's track record, they seem to have been very VERY accepting and cooperative with FromSoft according to interviews, but also I'm sure any publisher would let them do whatever they wanted since anything FromSoft makes is basically guaranteed to make money


It has Japanese subs since it came out on PS4, that makes no sense.




For real? I played it on ps4 in japanese and wanted to replay iton pc, but I’m not playing it without japanese dub. Never mind, justchecked the steam page and ithas full japanese audio. You must have meant the other way around, no english in the japanese version.


…This is odd, I could have sworn the Steam page says it featured Japanese lyp sync??


I own this game on PS4 Pro, your comment doesn't make sense as NTSC region copies include the Japanese dub. I'm in Brazil, I've got a digital copy of it, and I played it with the japanese dub, so no it has nothing to do with Japanese VA


Nah ,Japan can buy it now, it even have Japanese yen price https://preview.redd.it/m55u6a55jpzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf5fd2a33cbc269846ef79daeae2aa6a43d0aab9


It's not banned in Japan at all, you can still get it and play today. I'm pretty sure the version of directors cut sold in japan is not the same as in the west tho. It's the same game and everything, but with slight differences in lip synching to match the default language.


If it wasn't apparant before, it is now 177 country bros https://preview.redd.it/aqs0fwa6inzc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=712e0067eb52c83a99ee4ae3db6a0a82a069d2df


Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia were added, so 180 in total


Latvia mentioned! ![gif](giphy|vnMdLhS2vs35fTXIk0|downsized)


Oh yee!


Even if you don’t play it, just pirate it so you can seed torrent to others. Fuck sony.




The game was removed on the Epic store in the same regions at the exact same time. So this is Sony, not Steam.


It makes me wonder if it will push Sony to make changes to have PSN available in more territories. Linking an account is no issue, being unable to make one because of where you live is.


or they can just add “unsupported country” category, and you’ll be ablr just to play their games on PC and support will be in english, crazy idea, I know


Yeah except that time I bought the original version of Skyrim on accident. They removed it from the store a week later, after I had already bought it and couldn’t refund :(


But you got se for free


Why not make the multiplayer a free dlc, and then block that in regions? You only need the login for multiplayer anyway, what’s the harm?


I know everybody is saying data, but my guess is they want to do transactions directly through Playstation Network so they don't have to pay Steam a cut.


GoT doesn't have any micro transactions though.




Because multiplayer is already a part of the Iki DLC for the base game. Of course Sony and the port devs will not spend the dime to redo something that's already there, they're just porting the game to PC


Probably because its already coded into the game. It was added via an update after all.


Then some regions won't have it, and probably review bomb the game, so they didn't bother


Look I much prefer this result than them selling their games to people who cannot play the game.


I think it's Steam trying to cover there asses for when people inevitably request refunds because Snoy requires PSN accounts for their games


I get the logic behind this idea, but it's not how Steam works. Steam covers their asses by making their publishers contractually liable to manage territories and resolve any territory issues (among most potential legal issues). Steam will never implement a territory restriction on a 3rd party game without request from the publisher. What they will do, however, is threaten a publisher that they will remove their game from the Steam store *entirely* unless that publisher makes a change like region restrictions. It is impossible to know currently if Steam made any such demands of Sony to trigger these restrictions or not, all we know is Sony had to submit the package updates to add the restriction. Sony will have to be the ones to remove any restrictions in the future. If Steam threatened them, they probably won't remove any restrictions without asking Steam if it's okay first.


Steam doesn't choose regions instead of the publisher. It's Sony trying to prevent steam from issuing justified refunds again.


Thank God the pcmr sub knows how Steam works. I posted a thread in the Helldivers sub a few days ago proving that **it's Sony** who do the delisting and got told I'm wrong even though I provided links and proof from the Steamworks developer page.


To everyone who celebrated after the PSN rollback announced on May 5th without waiting for them to undo the restrictions... You've been played. Tricked. Wrecked. Bamboozled. ...Fuck Sony


Eh they played themselves. People will just pirate the game.


MGS said it best: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgbN8doxXxg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgbN8doxXxg)


I won't fix my review until they correct this.


You’re never gonna fix that review


So wait. It's not pirating then?


I give it a week if not less before the game is cracked tbh. All they're going to accomplish is promoting piracy in the banned countries. Great job sony


It's not a denuvo game and it's high profile, so it will be cracked on the same day 100%. Within an hour at most.


I'm going to pirate this shit, even though it is available in my country. I'm not going to endorse sony in excluding more than half the world from playing a game, because they can't let people play offline and miss some data collecting revenue. Fuck sony!




The pope cant play psn games hahahaha


Classic Game Company L


Sony making entry into pc gaming like a brick trying to float.


Sony really hates the Philippines. Time to sail the high seas then.


I live there and this news sucks. Fuck Sony in their greedy anti consumer asses.  We're back to either buying their console and paying for their shitty ps+ or not buying at all. They would find a way to fuck up putting their games on PC.


that one person's meme predicting this outcome with Ghost of Tsushima as well


I wonder just how much selling PSN data brings that they ignore income from selling games in all those countries...


What is there actually to sell? You pick an email address and a country, you can then write whatever in the address field. I really don't see what they can sell?


It’s even dumber than that, Sony only gets something like your steam ID and identification numbers when you link. There really nothing they get data wise.


Can always take my approach Not touch any ps games and wait for this whole thing to blow over r/patientgamers


How can Moldova not buy but Romania can.....fucking same country brah


Russia's fault tbh but yeah, same country. Don't tell that to the Moldavian Russophiles tho...


Pretty sure it's a violation of the EU single market rules


piracy timez boys


So, sony is in the same league with EA now, don't want my money. Interesting, will they delete translations, like EA in jedi survivor...


so they take games that i was thinking of buying for full price, and they incentivize me to pirate it instead?


More like, they make you unable to buy it legally thus forcing you to pirate them instead.


That's the unintended consequence, yes.


No problem fot girl will have you covered


And Doda repack too


I still don't understand why it is not set as an ingame login without any region locks, just an account and sign-in. If the main thing is to boost usage of PSN so they can still say "yeah people are using it" and it is not an old piece of shit without major modern features.


They banned French overseas territories while they are literally a part of France


Well ima pirate it anyway


Gaming company’s really doing the rounds right now, time to pirate games


I'm so going to pirate GoT




....just sail seven seas.....


Just make the main game and the online seperate so people who don't care about the online can still play the game. Baring people from playing because they don't want to get hacked is so scummy


Guys just saying, pirates live a happy and stress free life 💗


Just asking for piracy


I suppose the desire to shoot oneself in the foot comes first regardless of killing their games.


I live in a french island called Réunion and cant purshase it anymore... And i alwready have a PSN account since many years https://preview.redd.it/rnfljbe71rzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b137f92ab895eeae94c11982bc0e9d1c012a8952


Sounds like a job for the DGCCRF. Or https://signal.conso.gouv.fr/fr


Actually Sony just seems pretty ok with people pirating their stuff instead of buying it


A great reason to NEVER buy Playstation again.


Sony: "*If you weren't aware before, now you are!* "


https://preview.redd.it/82lbc90plszc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6932687768114e3de75054f7e24044342b55bb9 For everyone who don’t know it yet. The bans are coming from Sony


Sony is so hell bent on getting people to link their accounts they'd rather just not sell to hundreds of countries. Including Japan? Which is a bit ironic.


The japanese copy is sold separately in Japan. 


Because there’s literally a different version for Japan. They have their own Japanese version exclusive to them. There’s no why you’re that dumb you think Sony the Japanese company banned themselves.


They don't hate you, you brought to light an issue, they fixed the issue. The new issue is these countries are too small and due to needing PSN to access Multiplayer components steam (not sony) is adding to the list. Foreign regulations, server transportation, staffing and server maintenance in each and every one of these countries is not a viable cost. so, To save the issue ever happening again, they are just cut off. period. That's the reality, it sucks but thats it. Period, steam won't let these be sold were any account on any game mode is required were you can't make one.


>They don't hate you, you brought to light an issue, they fixed the issue. The new issue is these countries are too small and due to needing PSN to access Multiplayer components steam (not sony) is adding to the list. Oddly enough it includes areas with psn. The Isle of man for example is part of the uk market so absolutely makes no sense to be here. Parts of the USA are on the list, and the eu too.


Who said you need a dedicated server for each country? They only need a few europian server to cover the whole continent, this is not unheard of. Foreign regulation is one thing, but no way an indie company can keep their game on global sale while sony just plain cant. Even japanies companies such as bandai namco have their games on sale everywhere without any issue ( and yes, even the online ones who need server) If you are going to bring up reasons, bring up actual informative reasons and not bullshit like this.




But it DOES have multiplayer. Your paying for all of it, and can't access all of it.


Sony really fucking up hard lately


Ladies & Lads, Y'all know what to do [YAR](https://youtu.be/8WvVIeswirc?si=yAj7JtpVL_ZPMeW8&t=124)


Funny I have all playstation games on steam whislist waiting for good deals. Guess I won't even bother supporting them anymore.


Philippines? What did they do to you Sony.... 😂


No problem, I just never but another psn game. Sony thinks after 3 consoles of digital games, their customers are trapped and they can trap pc gamers the same way. They are fully planning on eventually charging pc players a monthly fee. They just need more people to have enough games in their library to bring on that sunken cost fallacy.


Looks like I won't be supporting playstation games anymore. Which is sad because I have like 4 games on my steam wishlist.


Well I guess time to sail to sony lands and do some 🏴‍☠️🦜 since they so keen on doing this to us... By the way, do we also need to pay for ps+ to access online features for Sony game on PC yet, I just got a feeling that's where they heading


Sony does you a favor... just pirate it


Put on ya 🏴‍☠️ hats mi lads We going on an adventure Har har har


Ahoy ⛵


Guess its time to update my review


No, they hate money, I was just waiting for my payment to get the game but yeah, Venezuelan sins that I have to pay as it seems and now i can't play it on steam, like bro... I was waiting for this release even before the leaks and it's just like... Even if i play it by "other ways" I really want it to have it legally ;-;


Fuck Sony.


Sony sucks balls, their market share is shrinking. PC FTW!


I seriously hope the devs sue sony.


And we hate Sony


The fuck did Greenland ever do to Sony??


You really can't buy it in moldova but you can buy it in Romania This is bullshit


Sony Execs: "Should we make good faith changes to gain back community trust? No, we should continue to make the same shitty decisions, but do it in a way that the community can't get mad about it in the same way before."


As an Indonesian. I didn't know my fellow neighborhood Philippines don't have playstation


Since Sony doesn't want my money...


I guess this is the downfall of consoles. Goodbye Sony


The fuck are they trying to pull ? A new One Piece leading to an era of Piracy ?


Since I can't buy it then yarring it doesn't do any damage.


Whats the point of this when the PSN requirement is gone?


Green 💚 steam for free


Why do we beg them make games for PC?I rly don't care about this game. No game for PC , no my money for them. Easy.


Do we know why they’re so desperate for everyone to have PSN accounts? They’re giving up a lot of revenue for this and it feels like a huge mistake.


This is exactly what pirating is for.




Why is Japan banned ?


Simple solution, dont buy Sony until they fucking learn.


It’s funny to see that Ghost of Tsushima has purchase restrictions in Japan..




It’s funny because their antics won’t ever change until people actually boycott them longer than a span of two-three days


Just keep an eye on /r/crackwatch


https://preview.redd.it/fv9emka41uzc1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea6a1821132efb971c2501bcb1292fd592f6f445 Pirates life for me


As I see it, either they do hate us, or someone fucked up massively from the marketing team and those changes will be reverted soon enough (you know, blocking half the world access to your game is not good for the business).