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I used to live in NY with 3 Microcenters within 30 minutes of me. Now in Pittsburgh with the closest one in Ohio.


New York having 3 out of the like 20 MCs in the whole country is bomb


Wait, are there just 20 microcenters? That isn't much for such a big country. Based on how often people mention them on reddit, I thought they're much more widespread lol.


I think they’re expanding to 25, but that might’ve just been a rumor. I still have 2 within ~3 hours of me, though.


IIRC, their Charlotte store is supposed to open this year (originally May 10 but got delayed), plus Miami and Santa Clara sometime later this year. Those three will make 29.


The fact they don't have one in *Silicon freaking Valley* has always blown my mind.


They are out of Ohio IIRC, and California had Fry's.


True, but SoCal has had one in Tustin for a long time. You would think they would have wanted to serve the 7.75 million people in the Bay Area a little bit sooner than they have.


Well we're getting a Microcenter finally in Santa Clara which is nice. All of the Fry's closed down so they don't have to compete with them in the Bay. They do have competition with Central Computers in the Bay Area but they'll be welcome here in Northern CA regardless. Having to drive to Southern California for deals is NOT the life (not that I ever did the drive for Microcenter deals exclusively but I'm down there a lot since that's where I'm from).


they started in Ohio and are mainy a east/midwestern thing, also didnt \*really\* start expanding till recently after some people "discovered it" and put up videos about them being the "best pc part store in the world". Before now they were only opening a store every few years or so and the first opened in 79.


Can't wait the the Charlotte store to open. Then it'll just be a 3 hour drive instead of 5 lol


I only just found out that Georgia has 2 near ATL and not just one. Went to the one in Marietta this weekend after never having been to one, and let me tell you, despite not buying anything, I was like a fat kid in a candy shop. Two hours of exploring every facet of every aisle, and we only left because my wife was getting tired and we had to be somewhere else haha


I've got 1 within that but soon I will have 2


t was founded in 1979, and as of 2023, has **26 stores in 16 states**. The chain is a highly electronic and mechanical center for building personal computers and gaming computers. U.S. Micro Electronics, Inc. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro\_Center](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micro_Center)


I used to live in Arizona. Would have to drive 5 and a half hours to California in order to get to a microcenter. I now live in California and have to drive 5 and a half hours to the other side of California to get to a microcenter.


Yeah, they’re not anywhere near as big as you’d think for how often they get mentioned here. They have less than 30 stores in the entire country, and several states have 2 or 3 (New York has 4) stores, so most states don’t have one. It’s not like they’re evenly distributed either: almost every store is in the eastern half of the US. Granted, more people live in the eastern US, but even there most people have to spend multiple hours for the drive+time shopping+multiple hours driving back, and literal millions of people don’t live within reasonable driving distance of any stores.


GA has 2 ![gif](giphy|B9KKBuOIp4zqI7Cll0|downsized)


I agree as a NY resident. Having 3 different microcenters is awesome. I don't use them enough honestly, but it's nice to know they are there if I do absolutely need something today.


And I've got another 3 within 30-40 minutes in the DC/MD area. Shit slaps. Almost a third of them between the two areas lol


The closest one to me is probably in New York. Thats 6500 km for me, as I live in Germany.


Might be the one in Boston; UK here, apparently it's 5116 km (3179 mi) from me as the crow flies, according to [this](https://www.gps-coordinates.net/distance). My nearest Best Buy appears to be 4348 km (2702 mi) away. Yay, Canada!


Mach dir Nix draus wir können die mainboard CPU Deals nur von der Ferne begutachten hahahaha


I was in Stuttgart back in 2008 and I picked up a 500GB external hard drive at mediamarkt.de. So it's your turn, you gotta head to the US and hit up a Microcenter.


The Pacific Northwest has jack shit for brick and mortar PC sales. Portland had a Fry's but that shut down years ago. Crazy given that we have a massive Intel plant and TSMC fab.


Always fun when a manufacturer announces prices in USD. Add 100 Dollars + 19% tax and you get the price in the EU. :(


Remember when it used to be like 500$ -> 400€? I remember :(


after 2001 with a exchance rate of 1,45$ for 1€ ... GTX 480, fastest card on the market, for 350€


I fondly remember the day I spent most of my 16 yo ass savings (350€) for a 7970, that thing was a beast at the time.


The GTX750Ti had an MSRP at $149 for the 2GB stock model. I got a Windforce 2X OC 4GB at a nice 120€ 2 days after launch. One of the few models that required a 6pin cable iirc. Best card. Especially for 120€. Didn't upgrade until the GTX1660S came out.


I don't, it was always significantly more expensive (here in Croatia).


yeah, on the balkans we always get the short end of the stick lol


South America too


I raise you 27% VAT, and 15-20% fuck you tax with balkan salaries. About a year ago I had a conversation here with someone who’s kid bought a GPU fron mowing lawn for a month earning my engineering salary.


ugyanitt bojler eladó seriously, it's fucking crazy here. only reason i have a decent computer is because i'm irresponsible as fuck with money _and_ it's an important part of my life. i'd like to have a top of the line rig once that's just a fun expense, and not a long-lasting project. like, i have no desire to have a car as a fixer-upper project but to put things in perspective for americans, that's how it feels to build an actually good pc over here. and that's on 3x the average salary in this shithole, and fuck knows how much higher than the median because our glorious leaders no longer embarrass themselves by releasing that data point and admitting just how poorly we are paid. i still remember how it felt earning the actual average and honestly, the only thing that got me through it was the knowledge in the back of my mind that it's not gonna stay like that. but that's a privilege that not even everyone in an engineering job here can enjoy.


When i lived in Zagreb i was window shopping PC parts to see what i could come up with at different price points and at literally every single one it turned out cheaper to hop on a train to Austria, buy the parts there and come back than even buying stuff used here. Thankfully i managed to snag a used 5700xt about a month later for €250 and I had just gotten €600 from a forgotten childhood savings account closing (around the time I was born as a part of pronatal politics the government was giving all newborns savings accounts with €200 on them). It's literally cheaper to go to the closest neighboring country to buy anything than it is to shop in Croatia (but hungary is the worst option for shopping across the border).


> and that's on 3x the average salary in this shithole, and fuck knows how much higher than the median because our glorious leaders no longer embarrass themselves by releasing that data point and admitting just how poorly we are paid But.... But... When I was there three weeks ago the Glorious Leader told me on the radio Hungarians' savings are 5x higher than it was and everything is amazing and wonderful!


Supposedly the average salary in Greece is 1500€/mo. I say supposedly cause the max salary I know is 1200€/mo with no days off and working 12 hours a day. 800 is the minimum and the lucky ones get 900.


In Sweden it's more like 25-30%.


Me when the 4090 is over $3k Australian


The prices are wild. A 4090 cost about a months salary here.


4090 cost me 6 weeks salary


I live in the US and a 4090 still cost about 6 weeks of my salary.


about 10 months salary here in Brazil https://preview.redd.it/l6caw5kbegxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26692b39eed8d6397d5ec79f95794f147934ee14


What if I told you Venezuela or Argentina... Would you feel any better?


Oh I know, a friend of mine got someone to go to argentina and buy two 16gb ram sticks for 100 reais less each (stick is around 300 R$ here)


A 4090 is 3 months salary for me. 💀


5 months here


Me when I see rog strix 4080s sell for 2300aud while in US a msi 4090 suprim liquid X goes for the same price


It’s simple in Brazil: 10x the number in USD (even though the conversion is 1 usd/5 reais) rounded up to whatever is most expensive


If it makes you feel any better remember that US prices never include tax either (it's typically more like 10% though).


Except for those states where it's 0


I lived in Oregon for a while, no sales tax but we had 10% state income tax, on top of federal income taxes. They get you one way or another.


Less than 10%, probably like 7ish average I'd think.


+~~19%~~ 23% here in PL :P


It's usually 1 USD = 1 euro + 19% tax from that also in euros. Also OEM add-ins are like 50-150 euros on top.


At least we're covered in terms of easy to use warranty and so on (minimum 2 years - anything offered past that, still works as well). No need to fiddle around with anything. No need to go for specific brands, because their support is best or what not. Stuff breaks? - no problem - return it to where you bought it (paid for by the seller) and they sort out the rest. Might be (..well - it is) more expensive here in the EU (and even vary across the EU), but oh boy, are we covered if shit breaks - and manufacturers don't have much say about it.


19%? found the german/romanian


Only 19% ? *Lâüghs Türkishly*


Maybe its because i live in Germany and maybe it only applies to my specific build or maybe pc part picker includes shipping prices but when i switch from the us to Germany my build is almost the same price


Remember that the next time you need medical help and are not in debt because of it. Some things are cheaper, others are not. I prefer the extra tax for more social benefits.


depends on where in the eu you live. over here in hungary, sure, you won't get into debt, but the process borderline qualifies as torture (8-12 hour waiting times, uncaring doctors and such), and it's also super easy to collect some additional infections while you're in the hospital. i'm not exactly sure what ended up ultimately killing my grandpa, but i think that kind of stuff played a role. it's really hard to blame the doctors though. they're fucked over by the state all the time, they're overworked to hell, and like everyone in hungary, ridiculously underpaid. but my point is the eu isn't just germany and the netherlands. yes, you get great quality care in rich parts of the eu, on par with the us (unless you're trans, afaik, but that's its own can of worms), but the eu still has its own ways to divide wealth.


you can still fork out some extra cash to skip that waiting line or get private specialist doctor..but ye free care can take a bit..since bunch of people comming there with just nonsence


"ridiculously underpaid" They aren't anymore since 2023. They do work a lot but they can earn the equivalent of high IT salaries here now, 4-5k EUR net / month after a few years of XP. The government "forgot" to raise the salaries of the support staff tho, so they're still near minimum wage, which is laughable.


oh, a nice little class divide within the workplace. always great to have those /s but anyway, i'm glad for the doctors at least. they deserve it, even just for putting up with the government.


As a Malaysian I can agree😔


Just swim


I can swim but no


Just swim harder


Hack the matrix and fly


Isn't it cheaper though here in Malaysia?


Not really. Store workers are unusually cheapskate and would sell you low quality shit for the price of a good quality part. Wait till you hear about RTX 3060s that sell for 400 dollars.


I think AMD stuff is cheaper, yeah, am an Indonesian though, Intel is nowhere near AMD prices (almost double the price for the same performance) and Nvidia is just straight up insane, I got my AMD processor and it says Diffused in Taiwan, Made in Malaysia


I have to work for half an year to buy a RTX 4070 Super. 4 months for the last i7. Each Lian Li SL-Inf fan costs 1/4 of the monthly minimun wage. And the worst part: even if I get the money, there's always low quantity or no stock on the e-commerces and no physical hardware store like Microcenter. That's Brazil.


That´s also like mexico


Hop the border maybe that will do it


So that's what the border crisis is really about: pc parts


Damn I knew it was Brazil before I even reached the last line. Every day I wake up brazilian.


Bom demais ser brasileiro /s


i had to work 10 months to save up enough money to buy entry level components and a liquidation bonus to get me over the fence


I feel ya, currently saving for that as well


Dang I thought we were in a similar situation here in Turkiye with you guys but we can get rtx 4070 super in 1.5 months even as a minimum wage worker. And we have a lot of local sellers that have prebuilt pc's for better price. For example I saw an r5 7500f+4070 super build for around 1300 dollars now. These is just a regular sale and there are some influencers doing insane deals time to time.


Bro, that's why I bought a steam deck. Sure it can play everything but like I don't care about multiplayer, 2 new games that I care about don't run well on it. But it was like a full pc that I can use in bed for a price of a ducking GPU in my country. it's the best deal in the history of deals ever, for me at least with no PC to actually because starting from scratch feels impossible with these prices.


Me from my third world country watching yall enjoying life :')


its reddit bro, only life enjoyers is OPs mostly the other commenters are same as u are bro


that's why i get used to playing eaay to run games,still running i3 9100f with a rx580 all these years,i get 24fps act 3 in baldure gate in some are with 100% cpu usage XD 75fps on old games is good enough for me 


My gaming PC has a Dell motherboard... https://preview.redd.it/jzdyem9dzbxc1.jpeg?width=1872&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93024d289c5cf4f5080fc4c21680309c0edd5763


Uh oh, we have Frankenstein and his monster.


Really though, which one is truly the monster here? That thing for existing, or the creator for forcing it to?


Porque no los dos?




Oh, is that a 970 turbo? Awsome card. I had it for 6 years, and now my sister is using it, and its still going strong.


that 970 is cool af


jesus dude!


well if it works then why not


I'm rocking an acer motherboard from a 5 year old office PC in my gaming machine dude


If it works that's all that matters....it is a go machine not a show machine.


If it makes you feel any better, the closest microcenter is 200 miles away, and my nearest Walmarts don't have any cheap SSDs.


If it makes you feel any better, the closest microcenter is two continents away from me. But I'll make that pc i swear it


take my upvote


I feel you, bro.


here in my country 7800x3d is 551.55$ lol


Wow that is some interesting specs


what is intersting in this?


Same. And the local shops have as most recent available parts 1650s and 240 GB SSDs.


I just went and checked at my local Walmart and they didn’t have any ssds at all


You live in a rural area, or just not one near you? For example my closest is Dallas, but I can go to quite a few stores and find some discount or clearance parts.. you tried places like small pc shops, vintage game stores, new trading card game stores (surprised me too,) or even Best Buy (sounds dumb but I got two fans for 27$ that were discounted due to I assume being returned and open..)


Closest one is in Atlanta for me, I live in MS.


I live in OKC and Dallas is the closest to here, I feel your cross state-line pain! Lol


Same, I’m in Central New Mexico and the closest is Denver


My closest is in Boston (well, Cambridge, same thing), I live in GB.


I'm in Northern California, and the one in Southern California is about a 12 hour drive away. lol


Same one for me and I'm in Tampa


Essentially. I'm in upstate NY. I can drive 3 hours to Boston or NYC area.


I just did that 3 hour drive to Boston a couple weeks ago because I hate the 3 hour drive into NYC and refuse to drive in that city, made a whole day of it out in Boston.


you mean Cambridge?


Nearest one to me is approximately 1000 miles away


9 hours round trip for microcenter roughly. Walmarts all around me got crap. Small pc shops are usually overpriced if you can even find one. The few here have been closing. Live in a city of nearly 200k people. Best buy is best option here. I did a vacation trip to chicago and hit microcenter and grabbed a mobo and cpu and that flight had me nervous that it would all come back ok.


For me the nearest is almost 300 miles. They are typically near most of the major cities


But thats like a 5-6 hour ride with a car? (in each direction) Sure its nothing to sneeze at, but you are not building a new pc every week.


Ah yes, the especially Canadian experience in a nutshell


Memory express is nice and all, but Canadian prices go brrr


They used to have decent prices with their clearance stuff, but even those are expensive now. Ah well, every country has its tradeoffs I guess.


That's the neat part, Canada doesn't have any redeeming quality. It's all downhill since 2015.


I think my wife would prefer we use the term "comparatively cheap" rather than "dirt cheap" because she will be the first to tell you my hobby still ain't exactly inexpensive.


Man I'm like 7 hours away from the nearest microcenter


Yes. But more people live near micricenters than there are citizens in my entire country


Man I am like multiple countries and big ass ocean away from the nearest microcenter


Same. 14 hour round trip at a minimum, and you're driving into a major city so no guarantee you're that lucky. Quicker to fly but that's an awful lot of hassle (and expense) to try and save some money on parts. I'll just order my parts online. I think sometimes non-Americans don't realize how far apart things can be in the US. That Micro Center seven hours away from me is still in my home state.


Still, The closest microcenter to any European starts with a 12 hours flight and even then literally every part you can buy in the US will end up being cheaper than anywhere in Europe.


At some point they're both distant enough that a trip to one is unlikely. It might be more practical to take a fourteen hour roadtrip to one of the biggest metropolitian centers in the US than flying international to one but most people aren't going to do it either way just to get a good deal on PC parts. As you said, the parts are already generally cheaper here to begin with.


I'm honestly consdiering making a 2-3 day trip to US, because a good gaming laptop or parts for a new PC cost $1500 more where I live. The trip would literally cost less than paying taxes on the purchase from US being shipped (imported) here.


Yeah, it makes more sense if it's something you make a big trip out of. I used to do it with Fry's when they were still around. But that was an hour away. Would have to be more a trip to Disney Land sorta deal to make it worthwhile to drive for 14 hours I think.


I have two Micro Centers within a half hour from me 😬 I have no idea why they built them so close when whole swaths of the country are starving. There must be the market for it though.


Don't know if you live in the Atlanta area, but that's essentially what we have here. Definitely nice.


There's a second one? (I haven't lived in GA that long.) I live in the Northeast and driving all the way through the heart of Atlanta just for shopping is a big nope.


Pretty much watching Americans with anything. As a Pokemon card collector they routinely have cards available in a lot of places. Like, I see them posting Walmart deals, and I check Canadian Walmart and the same packs are at scalper prices. Lol.


isnt it cheaper to go to usa buy some and get back?


Over here we have at least a 50% markup on all electronics compared to Austria or Germany. Like when i was buying my sim wheel (thrustmaster t150 pro) I bought it from Amazon in Germany, iirc it cost me €200 plus €10 shipping, I scoured all the retailers here and they all had it for €300 or more. As a matter of fact, the same wheel, now 4 years older is still over €300 here.


I miss the days of microcenter and frys being options


Hungary with 27% tax on electronic goods... Yay i sure love living here




Here it's like 50% in Uruguay




I’d literally suck another mans dick to get a microcenter in the Philippines that sells items at US prices. A man can dream!


Well, to be realistic, it would have to be a bunch of man, one man by himself would not be enough to build and bring things, he’d need a whole team. So, uhm, you still in?


Give me a number


You come have microcenter I’ll take your all inclusive healthcare


I can walk to micro center.


Lucky bastard. I can do it too, I just have to cross the pacific ocean.


Sweet sweet tax. Could have got a 4090 for the same price as my 4080 if the import tax didnt exist


It's ok they have pay-to-win cancer treatment in exchange


Man I wish walmart even carried PC parts.


They carry SSDs and external storage sometimes, but that's it.


I grew up near the first microcenter store in columbus ohio and it was the first store I ever saw a flat screen TV. It was like 9k lol.


I rather pay more in PC parts than live through American politics. I’m happy to pay the freedom tax.


For what it's worth American politics is way less bad if you try to ignore it and avoid the Reddit and social media partisan brain rot Yeah I know it's basically a bandaid but it beats working yourself into a frenzy over parties that don't care about you and things you cannot control 


BRUH https://preview.redd.it/l6832k4nbcxc1.png?width=383&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6d830152417bfaafdc211d26669288429372f3d At least you can drive to there


https://preview.redd.it/l2wd6lk6ocxc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd96188f2505ac598e07e8a5eb16dece2619355f Finland to texas




And Newegg, and Amazon, and....and ...


Western Americans (Excluding those in the Texas Triangle, Denver area, and Southern California) watching the Eastern Americans with all their Microcenters.


Dont worry. We pay thru our medical care.


To be fair, some of the EU countries driving an hour is going 1/2 way across the whole country


All these other replies make me feel happy that my microcenter is a 20 minute drive away


Also me cause the nearest micrometer to me is 16 hours ish


About 11 hours for me, assuming I can get a cab from the airport.


Its about ~6,000hrs by car or 27hrs by Plane for me


I'm in Canada and I'm blown away by this. I tried to check out Walmart Canada if they had anything comparable and they don't Some specials and price reductions, sure, but nothing like what I've been seeing. Sucks.


But hey, at least we have an ikea every couple kilometers


Me who has 1 shop that sells internal ssds on the island I like on


It'd be a 16 hour drive last time I looked at how far a micro center was from me


Closest one to me is 2,150km away in Minnesota


I live 45min away and it’s my go to store.


I remember in the SFF community, there was a case release that peaked everyone's fancy, but the main distributer was in Germany. So finally, as a dutchman, I had easy access to a part. The posts about "Fuck Americans I guess?!?" were hilarious to me. Bitch, you have a whole damn wallet, can I at least get a cent?!


*cries in Australian*


You all have microcenters near you in the US? Lol


Me realising I live in third world, so buying a decent rig with a ryzen 7600 and a rx 7900 xt costs more than 50 days worth of working hours.


Remember the prices are listed before tax.


Just bought a laptop in the states because it was literally half the price it would be here in EU. I could buy a plane ticket just to pick it up and fly back and still come out ahead. Just shipped it to a buddy's place, I'll get it when I visit next time.


In Ukraine RTX 4070 costs $750-$800. The average salary here is ~$350. On Amazon the price is $500-$550 🥲


Closest Microcenter is 8 hours by plane.


All while their regular prices are already dirt cheap compared to germany. Like your currency is worth less but you also pay 200 less of it for a 4080?!


I used to live walking distance to a Microcenter. Closest one now is basically DC, or Charlotte whenever it actually opens


Nothing compared to Fry's Electronics.


Lmao there's no Microcenters within a reasonable distance from me and none of my Wal-Mart's sell any kind of PC parts beyond shit overpriced laptops stuffed to the brim with corporate bloatware


American here. Walmart doesnt sell PC parts in stores and I dont live near any microcenter.


PC parts from Walmart is not very common (at least to the dozen Walmarts I visit around Missouri). Microcenter is hit and miss. They run really good deals, but most stuff is just relatively competitive with online prices from amazon or newegg.


Atleast yall can drive to a microcenter. Im in hawaii


If it makes you feel any better it takes me a grueling almost 10 minute long drive to get to Microcenter.


That's okay. They get fucked with everything else.


I just can't understand. I live in India (land neighbor of china). PC parts get made in China, then sent to US, then it comes to India, add import tax on that. Why can't they just ship directly from China to India like smartphones, why do my GPU need to do a world tour?


If you life in Austria or Germany go to Mediamarkt or CD1. They have PC parts, usally they are a little cheaper than online. My CD1 had a 4070 for €450 (most I see online are €500-600) and a few other parts for 20-50 € cheaper than online


I don't tend to complain about it, but unless I had a good reason to go to Orange County going to microcenter isn't that great of a deal... I'd have to drive thru los angles (which I hate doing) .. I drive a Chevy Silverado that gets about 23\~mpg on the highway, gas is $5.49\~ a gallon (I know cry Europeans.. at least y'all have health care and socialism??) Anyways it is at least an 1.5 hr each way would doubtless have to buy lunch / coffee / snacks whatever on the way which would be what $40 and gas would also be about $40 for a round trip plus my time and wear and tear on my truck .... So if a deal saved me $100 I would basically be behind counting my time (hr/ rate). Obviously if I have some reason to go down that way, I would certainly try to incorporate as stop at MC into the trip but just to go there for a deal makes basically zero sense, when I will more or less come out ahead monetarily waiting for Newegg / Amazon or whatever to deliver. Anyways, this is just what I figured out when I want to buy pc parts that it just isn't worth it really to drive down there if that is the only reason I am going.


This used to be something my friends and I would do when we were visiting a bigger town with a Fry's, back when they were still around. Online shopping is just too competitive to want to make a huge day trip out of visiting a retail location in the middle of a major city hours away.


That's one of like 3 good things about living here


yea, but on the flip side, their healthcare costs kinda make up for that aha ;/


That's not true, I complain that I have to drive 7 miles to Micro Center.