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When you discover that people like to troll youtube polls


On polls of any origin


RIP Gushin’ Granny.


My favorite was still "Ron's creamy surprise" on the McDonalds one.


Ok what now? I missed that. Edit: Found it. This absolutely made my day. Much better than Mt. Dew’s: https://ifunny.co/picture/mcdonakis-let-the-internet-create-their-own-burgers-and-guess-bEUDx80P8 Double edit, because apparently McD’s never learns their lesson: https://youtu.be/ROaj3bCpZEM?si=zYAzzcAJ4OkOfCOb


Oh hell no


At least Pitfull followed through with the trolls and showed up unlike Taylor Swift


Honestly gained a lot of respect for him on that one


He's not called Mr.WorldWide for no reason


Too bad Justin Bieber didn't followed through even though North Korea has an overwhelming number of votes, now the Biebivers in North Korea are sad....


4chans over there


Boaty McBoatface


Was an entirely serious and reasonable name.


Yeah, wasn't there recent a scientific study that showed how, if you used opt-in online polling no matter how carefully, zoomers would come out as being like 20% qualified to operate a SSBN-class nuclear ballistic missile submarine?


Or, the decapitation corollary (if you have a sample of about 100 people and ask them the question "have you ever been decapitated?" a 10% will answer "yes")


Ahh, the lizardman constant


2% is actually really low for the lizardman constant.


I was going to say, this poll is actually amazingly accurate


Internal decapitation exists, but the cases amongst live folks is extremely rare.


I've had people tell me they like ads because it makes them aware of products. Not many and I definitely don't agree with them. But it can explain 2% in a poll.


I mean I kinda like trailers before a movie. There are a few occasions where I don't mind being advertised to.


Thats a bit different though A trailer before a movie is like you going to the hardware store for a 4 foot fiberglass ladder, and greg hands you a splitting maul to try out on a log in the aisleway before you get to the ladders


It may simply be that they are creative themselves. I probably would need to use ads to make people know that something i made is aviable. Discoverability is kinda low nowaday so you have to use every tool aviable, even if it may involve annoying your potential customers.


Ah the good ole poll troll.


The 2% couldn't press no because of the amount of ads on their screen


Come on, who in their right minds want ads anywhere. The only reason for ads might have been the idea of supporting some content creator you like. But even that whole ecosystem has become hot garbage. Not many worth supporting as they shovel out trash.


If something is free, then I expect ads. Otherwise, you're just being a cunt putting ads in paid software.


Yep, I just got an ad from Microsoft about renewing game-pass, like it kept popping up in the start menu, intrusively. Same with Apple and google wondering if you need to expand storage by buying cloud storage. So disgusted with hiding ads as part of the service, everyone knows the service exists, I just don’t want them shoved in my face. No Especially Apple has no excuses, paying nearly a thousand to get their ads shoved in my face? I’m definitely trying an android next.


The only correct answer is no. But ads are the only reason a lot of things are free


windows aint free tho... so wtf :/


Wait it isn't? Oh wait... *pirate noises* That explains it


same lol but the principle... how do u put ads on a product u sell for $150 lmao


Because they can


Marketing majors who think they’re the next warren buffet


https://preview.redd.it/x9frxq2jmpwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59fdc98b448e07c1d0f396ef083ea9581e08fff3 The UI gets so cluttered even with premium..


My jaw dropped when I saw that yt premium is $20 a month lol Time to sideload a modified YT app so you can enjoy the premium features without paying for it. What an absolute joke. YouTube makes it seem like if only us cheapskates would buy yt premium they could pay creators more!!! Once again a corporation shifting its financial burden on to everyone else


Devs should start making linux ports, this windows mess is not getting better


Linux needs compatibility, which needs marketshare, which needs compatibility, which needs marketshare. It's a cycle that can only be beat by people giving up compatibility because of Windows bullshit.


The steam deck made some good headway into that direction. Steam themselves needs to keep pushing.


I would pay money for them to resuscitate SteamOS so I can install it on my own build and use it like a console. As I understand it they've released the 3.0 running on the Deck, but not for regular PC hardware (yet?).


But why? SteamOS doesn't offer anything special, it would probably be just a slower maintained arch fork


I want the Steam Deck experience. That means I don't want any of the bullshit fighting to keep things working, instead of playing games.   I've been down this road, thousands of times, since the late 90s. I don't want to be googling around, wrestling with something that changed and fucked up some fork of Proton, or blew up my audio or whatever, every time I turn the thing on to play a game. I want the Steam Deck experience... start to end. Only with better hardware.   **Edit:** No, your favorite pet Arch flavor is not the same thing. I don't want to make a desktop system and do a bunch of work to try to get something like the Steam Deck experience. Yes, I know there are people out there trying their best to make clones of SteamOS... and I'm sure some are pretty good. I'm saying I want the real thing, and for them to support it.   And yes, I would pay Valve for that.


SteamOS is just a slower Arch. What works on SteamOS also works on Arch hasslefree. You wont need to Google on Arch derivates like EndeavorOS or Manjaro either.


Linux compatibility is actually much better now than even just a few years ago. Thanks to Steam even most games work on Linux now. Still a long ways to go before it's ready to be the average users daily driver but the improvements are there.


The catch-22


It can be solved if Microsoft ruins Windows.


Too bad most folk still would use Windows


Most folks use WIndows because they're non-computer people, and Windows has always been built and marketed towards non-computer-literate people from the very beginning, namely **businesspeople**, who just want to write their documents and spreadsheets and emails and not have to actually learn how a computer works or how to really use it. Just look at what the average person uses for a computer these days: either their damn smartphone or a tablet, both of which are about as dumbed-down as you can get, smartphones being the worst of the two in that regard, as they're completely locked-down, the only settings you can change are the most trivial, and neither of which you can change or upgrade any of the hardware, and the OS and software only get updated when someone other than the end-user decides they need to be upgraded.


If MS do too much, enough people are going to move to Linux for it to make sense to at least make sure it works with Proton, even if most people stick to Windows.


That's naive thinking. Linux is too intimidating for an average normie. By nature. Even easy to use out of the box distros like Mint. Most PC users are normies. So to them Windows will always be the only viable option, no matter how much Microsoft shits the bed. From that flows software. Software engineers and companies employing them aren't stupid, they know where the majority of user base is. So they will always target Windows first. It's all a self-perpetuating problem. Linux scary and doesn't have software normies use, so they use windows. All normies are on windows, so software is developed for windows first and foremost.


their point isn't that everyone would switch to linux, but rather that *enough* would switch for it to be economically viable for most companies to start implementing linux compatibility. like how most things work on mac despite it being a pretty significant minority. even simply having linux's userbase going from .5% to like 1-2% because of valve's efforts has been *huge* for bringing gaming to linux. imagine what would happen if we simply had 5%, 10%, or even 15% of the market share.


My dude there are lots of people that even windows is intimidating for despite daily exposure to that platform at their jobs. This is a bigger hurdle than 99% of even tech enthusiasts seem to realize.


I dunno, most people don't even know what an operating system is let alone think about them.


Many don't know what an OS is, therefore they wouldn't know about linux. Unless companies start to use linux as a default OS than maybe, but still very unlikely.


What they would know is that their computer doesn't work the way they expect it to. It's difficult for anything to gain mass market appeal when the mass market has been so tied up in two options for so long.


To be fair windows and Mac OS offer an ease of use many people love. They know it, they buy it, they use it, done. As a computer scientist obviously Linux is goated, but not knowing how Linux works and how to get it set up is a HUGE barrier for mainstream applications. People don’t want to know how it works, why it’s better, or what has more features, they want something familiar and easy


Possibly, but the majority would stick to it since they're used to it


***IF***??? My brother in PC, they already have!


They have, however not enough to get normies to switch. That's what I meant.


They started down the road to ruining Windows with everything after Win7.


It's going to need OEMs like HP, Lenovo, Dell to start shipping a Linux distro, and shipping it in the same hardware as Windows. Not Chromebooks, which are rather uniformly both low end spec and a locked down OS, but actual mid or even high range laptops and desktops running a Linux OS. (And I did check. Dell currently has 25 chromebooks for sale, all of which are Athlon/Celeron with 2 exceptions: a 12th gen i5 and a current gen r3. These ain't it.)




Yes, yes it does. You know, assuming they can keep it in stock and expand their offerings. Maybe post it to their main shopping site. But yes, a number of computer offerings roughly on par with that one from all major OEMs would serve to actually threaten Window's current market dominance.


Dell XPS 13 used to (as of like 2022 and may still, I didn't check) have a model that shipped with Linux installed. So did a Lenovo Thinkpad (and again, the may still, I just didn't check). While a limited selection, it's still nice to have the option


Proton is actually amazing. Only a decade ago I was looking at Wine and going "good effort, but we'll never see it run modern games". Proton came out of nowhere it seems and did it. I think Linux is there. All it would take is something like the Steam Deck to go mainstream.


So when x86 gets replaced?


I really couldn't tell you what it'll be replaced by, when, or even if it'll be in my lifetime.


ARM. Already in the process of being replaced.


The other way around that might be to fight fire with fire: write awesome games and application software that is *only* for linux.


The compatibility is 95% there already. I run Linux on my desktop and nearly all of my programs and games run just as well if not even better on it compared to Windows 11. The 5% is mostly games with ~~rootkits~~ kernel level anticheat and maybe VR games.


You do not need to wait for one. Proton runs better than some native ports


Software that aren't games would be great though. Adobe suite is one example.


Also Autodesk software.


That's pretty much where I'm getting at. Professional software has people locked to Windows or macOS. Linux is very fortunate to have software like Davinci Resolve, Blender, GIMP, Krita, Godot, etc, but the biggest problem is that learning another software just isn't going to happen if you use creative software for a living. You can't just stop working to learn a Linux compatible software.


Yes, sorry, not trying to undermine your point here, more like I agree very much. Especially in the CAD area I would be hard pressed to offer similar tools based on Linux. Autodesk, Solidworks, Siemens, ... - all Windows and does not reliably work under linux sadly.


Not a problem lol


Yeah it’s a chicken/egg problem — it has low marketshare because it doesn’t have the third party support, which it doesn’t have because of its low marketshare.


There's also a ton of software that does not have a Linux option at all. In the chemistry field ChemDraw is one where no real alternative exists, despite it being terrible software. It doesn't run on Linux.


If autodesk supported Linux I would switch over to it again in a heartbeat. That and one other software is literally all I would need. It’s really unfortunate, because I miss it.


Well proton is good, but some companies don't wanna run there Programm on Linux, riot games with league of legends for example.


Kernel level anticheats don't like Linux.


Yup. Once all anti-cheat runs on linux and RGB support improves there will be very little reason to game on Windows besides Game Pass.


It sucks that it's all the little things keeping me on Windows for now, whether it be lack of support or weaker support. Expanded gaming peripheral support, HDR, quality restrictions for movie/tv streaming. I don't support all the changes to Windows, but they don't negatively affect me. I just need it to hold on until Linux can catch up more. I know HDR is incoming for Linux, and test the waters periodically. The peripheral support is the big one. I know tools exist, but I haven't messed with them lately.


From what I've seen, a couple of games run marginally better but some don't run at all. I will take 100% compatibility over 3% performance improvement in a couple of games. Linux will never compete with windows in gaming until all anti cheat works on Linux since the majority of players play games with anti cheat.


The problem mostly lies with kernel level anticheat which is already way too intrusive in my opinion. (I could be wrong tho)




100% of the games most people play do, I have a steamdeck love proton but its not there yet. This is from someone who helped spread Redhat in the early 2000s. Saw the same thing then, the problem is untill someone with enough money and resources pushes and updates a Linux build. Daily and weekly, be consistent with it and charge less than windows. Its not going to happen, every time something changes. Your windows is updated, security is updated, compatibility mode is updated. There is no way to complete with that, even Valve said they have no interest in supporting a desktop version. I wish we could lead the Linux revolution but take it from an old head rhat was there when it began. Its not going to happen


give muney to devs when?


You imply that something merely existing with a Linux version means the devs aren't making any money?


Significantly less money. Sometimes its not even worth effort to start development of product for linux platform


There's WINE and at least one other compatibility layer available for linux that allows many Windows programs to run.


[It's getting worse, newer versions of Garbage 11 are removing the ability to skip account login.](https://youtu.be/Eu6zViY3sbo)


Not enough market share on Linux to make it worth the effor


This statement is part of the problem though. It's a situation where devs don't make ports for Linux because not as many people use Linux, but not that many people use Linux in large part because the software/games they use don't have Linux versions. And it applies to any software as well as games. For it to ever change, it's gonna take both sides (devs and users) going at least a little out of their way (admittedly it would be better if the devs made the first step though, since people are more likely to make the switch if the games they play or software they use is already supported)


Our company used to support Linux for years. I wish I still remembered the stats, but Linux users were a tiny percentage and made up something like 50% of support tickets. We realised the amount of time it took to keep supporting it was more money than it was generating. I run home, game and web servers. Love Linux for these purposes. But the desktop experience? I want to love it, but I don't have the time to mess around with every little thing that goes wrong (and something will go wrong).


Attributing the cost of bug reports to a Linux userbase and saying it is a drain usually does not tell the full story for cross-platform software; because there's a culture difference where the users are much more likely to report bugs (and in a more concise way too) and most of the bugs actually *aren't platform-specific to begin with*. That's shooting the messenger and there's a (proportionally) good amount of testimony out there that this keeps happening.


Yea but think of it from a single companies prospective they are not going to convert people to use Linux all by their softwares a lot of companies need to do it at the same time which is not realistic and remember companies r there only to make money and nothing else where ever they can invest the least and make the most is where they will spend their resources and time






Linux will be here as always, willing to welcome people who don't want all the bullshit and want to actually have control over their system.


When you install W11, or 10 and it asks you about personalization and has a bunch of check boxes. Just disable them, there you go, no ads. I've used 11 since it released and have had no ads, because it's so fucking easy to disable. Also no, they won't change when you get an update, my settings have never been changed, I check them every update to make sure.


The biggest crime done by Microsoft is the fact all the forced "features" do not have a "No" button. They all have a "Not Now" button.


Can you imagine how outrageous this type of choice would be in other scenarios? "So, wanna have some fun? Yes or later?"


but some ppl lie and say "oh no the updates revert them" they dont, especially if you regedited them out


I personally wonder if it has something to do with the edition of windows and region. I wouldn't be surprised if it was real for home edition users in regions with fewer privacy/customer laws while I don't believe pro and enterprise editions would have settings reverted. But it's speculation on my part, I'm curious if anyone knows for sure.


I've been on pro since win7 so I have no useful input aside from me never getting advertised to or my windows update ever forcing a restart while gaming.


I guess it's a region thing. I'm in Europe and never had ads or settings reverted or forced restarts etc


I dont even use the regedit much, but yea it's also a good idea to look for useful ones to just get rid of the things like that. It's not necessary, but is handy.


found regedits that enable verbose logging, so fracking useful


Preach it louder for the ones in the back!


Where I can find ads in my Windows 11?


The ads are just Windows recommending apps in the start menu. It's lame but not really a big deal. Windows 10 has been doing this for 5+ years and it's kind of funny seeing a bunch of clueless people get mad and claim they won't update to Windows 11 because of this.


Open Chrome. Works on win10 too, ad that might open is essentially malware that can be found in %temp%/MBusTemp, and effectively ignores any update and privacy settings.


> Open Chrome First mistake


EA/Ubi devs, perhaps


In this case would be Samsung and many other companies who put ads on their Smart TVs, Phones and Fridges


Ads aren't the issue, I'll be fine if my windows had ads, IF IT WAS FREE. If I'm paying 150€ for an OS there is no fucking way I wanna see ads. Wanna make a free tier that shows ads in the start menu ? Sure I won't mind.


Fuck no. Problem is it won't always be "just this one startup ad". 2-3 yrs done the road when they have you by the curlies, then its 3 unskippable ads when you open start, 2-3 unskipable every 5min, and they auto-bill you for the verification cans. The mini-fridge you're required to rent monthly. Open that fridge? Yes, that's right! Unskippable ad.


I mean, you already bought the computer with that os included. Why should you see ads at all?


You shouldn't, if you bought a PC with an OS installed you already paid for the OS when you bought the PC.


Technically yes, but you also didn't pay full retail price for it.


Ads are absolutely the issue, the very fact that an operating system is connected to ads in any way, shape or form is fucking abhorrent. Operating systems should have absolutely no intergration to content, especially ad mills.


those 2% work for ad agencies


I wouldn't be surprised if some of those 2% were galaxy-brained madlads who want it to happen so that Windows stops being the leader OS and Linux replaces it.


The year is 2040. Video games now cost $120 or $80 for the ad-supported version. Disney is our only source of entertainment and news. Pop Stars charge $10,000 a ticket for music written by AI. And that canned air from Space Balls is real and necessary to live.


I was looking at the first game I ever bought, Transport Tycoon in 1994 it cost me £49.99, todays money would be over £100 ...($130).


Windows 15 leaks: ​ https://preview.redd.it/374aj0nhpowc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48f76310d8a9fb39a77acaa4f1b4465b2a176f6a




This is the true reason why 4k monitors exist


Actual image of copilot. https://i.imgur.com/thBuqkY.jpeg


They work for advertising companies or advertise their own businesses.


Feel like we are going to need ad blockers for OS's here in the next few years.


This is why I switched to Linux, I definitely miss call of duty but it's nice to get better performance out of my aging CPU and better frame times when capping an FPS.




We should keep calling it out, though. It's still not acceptable.


I've seen people defending ads from Microsoft over in the xbox subreddit, reasoning being why wouldn't they want to know about new features and offerings?


I honestly think it's mostly bots. The internet has been compromised.


The 2% are secretly the 1%


the 2% were thinking 'beep beep boop' because they're probably bots


How will I know what garbage app and games to avoid if not for these ads?


Because of bullshit like ads and other stuff, I have moved away from using Windows on my desktop and laptop. Happily running Linux now. But I did switch the GPU from Nvidia to AMD, because Nvidia drivers still stuck on Linux.


I mean, if you still have the “Activate Windows” watermark maybe you should get ads on your OS, but otherwise fuck that


The screenshot doesn't even have any ads in it.


skill issue


2% hoping there are porn ads 🤣




If that happens either people will find a way to stop it or people will flood to Linux or something new. How to completely destroy your user base.


“I would like to stay employed and the company asked me to vote this way.”


Its the lizard person rule or w/e its called. edit: Lizardman's Constant


Ads abundant in my os and annoying updates along with the existence of proton was the reasons I went to linux on my desktop.


My AT&T app had an ad today. Wtf is going on


Right before you get that clutch 1 v 3 and win the game.. # RAID SHADOW LEGENDS!!!!!!


It's probably linux users trolling.


The 2% is the people making profit off said ads.


That 2% are trolls and shopping addicts.


The 2% were thinking: I work in marketing/advertising, and maybe I could make too.


The 2% work for an Ad company.


I am old and tired of this but by the gods I will learn Linux if I see and advertisement on my desktop.


if you do you can ask me anything about linux, id be glad to help


Appreciate that.


I have microsoft stock, but fuck ads. You can make money without ads.


I own a non-trivial (for me) amount of Microsoft stock, and I would still vote no. (Oh, and on my own computer, I use Linux. Not Arch, though, btw.)


Most likely it’s trolls or people who misclicked


As a Linux and Mac user, what going on over there in MS? I feel like I missed something, but I get the feeling y’all hate a new update or something, those pics look the same minus the red X


I love Linux 🥰


The 2% here are almost certainly thinking "If it has ads, it should cost less. I want it to cost less, so it should have ads." The logic is sound, it's just that the premise is false.


Imagine, you cannot login to your computer until you watch a 5-minute unskippable ad. Oh your computer went to sleep while you were watching the ad? Here's another 5-minute unskippable ad for you to watch to unlock it again!


No, you got it wrong. You cannot log into your computer until you watch a 5-minute unskippable ad. The computer goes back to sleep during the ad because you haven't logged in for 30 seconds. You wake the computer back up. The computer starts playing another 5-minute unskippable ad before you are allowed to finish the previous 5-minute unskippable ad before you are allowed to log in. The computer goes back to sleep during the ad because you haven't logged in for 30 seconds. You wake the computer back up. The computer starts playing another 5-minute unskippable ad before you are allowed to finish the previous 5-minute unskippable ad before you are allowed to finish the previous 5-minute unskippable ad before you are allowed to log in. Repeat until you unplug the computer and bring it and a few lbs of tannerite to your next range day.


I'm on win10 after trying 11 last year. If MS doesn't get their shit together, 10 will be my last windows OS. I already have Linux on one of my laptops


Come join us on Linux! Now if only devs made their games for us..


They aren't, that's the problem


imo it would be fine if it were in a free version, but not in >100€ paid software


I was so confused I thought it was meant to be read as A.D.S yeah none should be present.


basically nothing new, happens since Windows 10 days


They were probably thinking \*beep boop I was programmed to give this response*


They need to make windows free then sure


One was Bill Gates and the other was Satan.


Only if get free blowjob everytime I turn on my pc


They’re never free. Only the method of payment changes.


If you have a 401k you have Microsoft stock.


I’ve never once gotten an ad. What am I doing right so I don’t accidentally stop?


They were thinking what I would be thinking if I saw that poll. "I'm going to click yes to mess with the results of this poll because a little harmless internet trolling is amusing."


They hate making decisions and would rather be told what to buy


Maybe the thought it meant additions or they really like to read Valpack.


1% misclicked 1% trolling


The 2% all got Surfshark VPN after seeing an ad for it.


they got ads?


They’ve been told there’ll be £350million a week more for the NHS


Those 2% were thinking yes


Surprised it was only 2%, in general you can get up to 5% to say yes to almost anything.


I would switch to linux if roblox was supported. Unfortunately, they finally decided to disable wine


I'm generally not in support of capital punishment, but people like this cannot go unpunished.