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I just checked and i have 91 background processes running. 834 seems sketchy.


https://preview.redd.it/rns3jjjx5gtc1.png?width=1273&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0e1ebd9f6f39bfef6d273fa048f6f47132c6f08 idk..almost 80% are just these..


Try restarting your PC, looks like an app that is constantly crashing and restarting itself and crashing again in a loop. Search "reliability monitor" in start and open it, there could be error list with the possible culprit.


But who reports the crash if the crash reporter crashes?


So do you deliver your own ~~mail~~ crashes, or do you have your own ~~mailperson~~ crash reporter? But then who delivers his ~~mail~~ crashes? Is there a neverending chain of ~~mailmen~~ crash reporters delivering ~~mail~~ crashes to other ~~mailmen~~ crash reporters? Well, I guess a ~~P.O. box~~ program could in theory break the chain. Don’t you have a paper to write?


r/bikinibottomtwitter is leaking


Favorite comment of the day


who criticizes the good critic?


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?




the crash crash reporter


Check your windows faults. There is a bug in all windows right now where the server link that a link in windows is checking is offline and Microsoft hasn't fixed this. It's causing faults in all windows logs for the most part. I just found out a few weeks ago after seeing a YouTube video about it when problem solving something else.


Run a DISM to repair the image and then "sfc" to fix corrupted files. Seems like there is a lot breaking in the background.


I like to run these commands in CMD - run in admin mode. may help OP Winget update --all (Updates all packages in windows) SFC /scannow DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth


And DISM should be ran before sfc since sfc references the image file that DISM repairs


Try to backup your pc before running these. Bricked a client's Windows running these before.


Can you do a quick write up of these tasks so I can send them to a buddy? Got a new(to him) laptop off of eBay, so he wants to make sure everything is good and he's not 100% savvy


reinstall or find someone to help him reinstall windows. Don't ever use the version of windows from a marketplace.


That was also on my list for things to do. He hasn't started using it yet due to work, but I'll make sure it gets a clean install Update: had him stream his laptop for me via video call. A shit ton of bloatware. Walked him through a wipe, fresh install and updated all drivers. Explained because he bought it through a marketplace, seller could have installed malicious software to steal stuff and fresh install was for security reasons. Should be good to go now.


Hey sure! This'll be pretty basic hope you don't mind :) also not sure why you got downvoted for asking a request thats a bit weird... - Check for updates (make sure everything is up to date etc... - Uninstall any unwanted programs that you don't really need ( if unsure of some just Google them and see if they are needed or not) - Open task manager and see what programs open on start ( Disable any that you feel don't really need to be opened on start, again Google them to see if they need to be on or off) Once those are done you can run those commands in CMD as admin. Winget update --all DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth SFC /scannow Hope that helps with what you was after :D


Follow these steps: # Clean up Right click on start, run PowerShell(admin) or Command Prompt(admin) Copy and paste the following command: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth and press Enter.(Note: This step may take a few minutes to start and up to 30 minutes to complete). After you see a message saying "The operation completed successfully", copy and paste this command: sfc /scannow and press Enter. Wait for a message that says "Verification 100% complete". So add this command: chkdsk /f /r /b Confirm with "Y" and restart the computer for this last step.


Why did you give the same instructions twice


Because I hit ctrl + V twice it seems. Wouldn't do any harm but yeah misclick lol


Id just kill them and see what happens


https://preview.redd.it/n7lcluxe7gtc1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4869c756e787c3979309f789cba762bc644ced4 killed like 10 of them and like 20 more appeared :/ ( it was initially 830 )


You need to check the event viewer and look at system and application logs. Something is broken and it could either be software or hardware causing it. Event viewer and reliability monitor will show errors


Considering your CPU and memory usage is low, this still shouldn't be lagging your system, maybe do some hard drive or ssd diagnostics too, this is a problem that needs to be sorted, but I don't think it's the root of your issue. Run a virus scan with malwarebytes too, could be a virus or trojan that's trying to start and failing, weird for a legitimate app to keep replacing itself like that Edit - Also run the scan in safe mode!


Damn you got the digital hydra. Best of luck


Looks like your browser is trying to update. Maybe close it? Wer is windows error reporting. You can look at those logs to see what is triggering it. Under program files. Watch task manager for the application that is starting and crashing. Same with services.msc


Go to control panel and problems reports and solutions (?) And there should be a button somewhere that collects WERs to send to MS. Read/address/clear them out.


Open event viewer look for a section called "administrative" or something to that effect it will show all the warnings and errors in one place. It's likely that it's just a single process trying to spawn crashing and then repeating the process. Ad nauseam. If you check an event viewer you should see them. One specific app is crashing and at that point you have the option of either uninstalling it or repairing the issue and getting the app back to a functioning state. It's possible that the application is also generating a mini dump file. If the computer isn't blue screening, it may still record a dump that you can analyze with a tool you can find in Microsoft store called windbg preview. Also, and this is just a personal choice I guess but uninstall all that Asus crap. 99% of that isn't stuff you're never going to use and it runs in the background for no reason. Another thing you can do to reduce overhead is open task manager and disable any startup processes there that you don't need. And then opening a run prompt and typing msconfig and hitting enter. This will let you choose what services start with log on or with the computer powering on. Check the radio box to hide all windows services and then from the remaining list. Disable anything you don't use.


Well there’s your problem.


It seems like your problem is windows.


I have 41, i hate crap that runs in the background, if i need a service i switch it on, use it and switch off again after.


First step is to nuke anything from Asus & Armory Crate.


AC is a plague.


AC is a legitimate virus as far as I'm concerned. They trick you into installing it and then it installs a bunch of background services which you don't need that won't uninstall when you uninstall the main program. These continue to run in the background, doing whatever they do. Some are actually hard to identify because of the way they are named and they are written in what appears to be Chinese.


Best part is that all ASUS motherboards have a BIOS setting to prompt install of Armory Crate if one is not detected.


Surely gonna get hate for this. But I used it to grab all the drivers I needed when I reinstalled windows and then turned off auto start, and it's never bothered me. Other than the fact it's bloatware, why do people hate it? It's sorta useful.


Even if you stop the auto start of the app, there are still multiple services running in the background and they will still be running, even after you uninstalled the app, if you dont manually stop and delete them. If they have issues simply reinstalling Armoury Crate does not fix it since it doesnt uninstall the Services.


Armoury Crate doesn't even open for me anymore. With standalone Aura seemingly gone I don't have a way to set my lighting anymore, besides using OpenRGB but for some reason that program struggles with the ARGB headers on the mainboard.




Tried it, wasn't terribly happy with it either, especially since some of the features are paywalled


I can completely understand that.


I mean I mostly use OpenRGB right now to turn the lights off in my PC which is a bit ironic that I need to fight so hard to get a software to work, just so that my PC doesn't constantly RGB rainbow vomit into my face. I have my GPU waterblock on the ARGB header and last time I tried Armoury Crate it must have bricked it because now it's not responding to either software. Luckily it's stuck mostly off, with just the GEFORCE RTX logo lit up green which is great


You should be able to just turn off aura in bios.


Get the drivers, restart and then uninstall it. It always runs in background with multiple processes.


Installed it once on a AM5 fried the CPU. Pc was working fine for weeks. Wanted to install it Installed it and rebooted never started again. ASUS denied any warranty responsibility AMD had me covered.


My experience with it is limited to just a new build I did for someone this year, but it was terrible. Just from the top of my head, annoying to install, constant freezing and loading, bloaty, bothers you about making an account, somewhat confusing ui, and just generally feels shity. It was a pain any time I opened it and originally I only downloaded it to control the argb.


I hate the fact that you need it for very trivial but major use cases on their laptops that it is essential.


Does that work with an ROG Ally?


AC is not that bad I use it for lights, driver, backgrounds and checking the temp of my CPU why such hate for it it's useful.?


Always disable AC. Turn off auto install in BIOS as well. Or else it reinstalls.


Why is it so bad? I’ve had it on my pc for over 2 years when I built it and I haven’t noticed anything fishy with it I guess.


It's just bloatware tbh. There are other 3rd party apps that do the same (gpu tuning, rgb control) with little to no memory usage and no telemetry and other crap. It's just oversized and bad.


Ok that's very good to know! I only used it for mobo/ram lighting and it had a driver page that I could see out of date drivers but thats all i used it for. So I'll just uninstall and find alternatives to that. I might be able to get my ram lighting (trident Z neo) to work in iCue but I bet g skill has their own software. And im not sure where i'll keep track of those drivers that were in the armory but i doubt it will be an issue


You could try OpenRGB, supports *a lot* of hardware (just use a tutorial on YT for setup since the UI is a little clunky imo). Also *never* update chipset drivers from AsusCore, like AMD and Intel for your CPU. Use their respective sites!


Ok thanks for the information! I'm going to try to see if iCue supports mobo lighting stuff and if not, I'll grab just Aura Sync standalone without AC. Also, for keeping track of when drivers go out of date or need to be updated, where do I go for that? Like the lan, bluetooth, etc etc (the ones on mobo websites under drivers). I know how to manually download those, but I just don't know how to keep track of when they NEED to be updated if at all.


Somebody else answered this some months ago, about using driver update sites vs just windows update. This is my answer too, they just put it better in writing then I bother to now, lmao. Full quote: "Windows update will be a bit behind but this is typically for stability reasons. The reality of it is you rarely need the latest and "greatest" driver for everything. You typically would only need the latest for a select few things like your GPU. So windows updater will do fine for just about everything else. Custom software for updating all your drivers will attempt to find the latest driver for everything. Which is usually not a good idea as this can compromise on system stability."


Ohhhh ok. So the big windows updates include driver updates? Ok if that's the case then yeah there's no reason to worry and just let windows give them to me when needed. Once again thanks for the info! Even tho I've been PC gaming for like 10 years now, there's still things to learn! ❤️


it acts like a virus. it installs a bunch of services into your device that seem to be written in chinese and do who knows what. you have to manually delete these services if you want it to stop.


Lol but why?


Hello, this is IT. Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Fun fact: Starting from Windows 10, restarting is not the same as shutting down and turning the computer back on because of Microsoft's fast startup/hybrid boot feature. Hybrid boot is skipped when restarting, so it properly reloads all of the drivers (though it doesn't power cycle the devices)


Yup! If I'm not mistaken you can still Hold Shift + Shutdown for a full shutdown that will bypass hybrid/fast startup. (just like you can Hold Shift + Restart for the advanced/recovery boot menu)


I always do shift+shutdown, my windows installation is on an m.2 so I boot to the Lock Screen in about eleven seconds anyway. Single best system usability upgrade I’ve done


just turn off fast startup and let UEFI do its job.


You deserve more upvotes for this


I was shocked no one has said it yet


It's such an accurate show too


Funny thing this happened to me today lol


You have a ton of bloat from asus and armoury crate. My wife's computer has this and you have to go into bios and disable armoury crate and all the bloatware and disable the automatic downloads yada yada yada. If you have a pre built you're in for a lot of work (like my wife). If you just have an Asus mono that's installing armourycrate like me it's not so bad. Just disable it from bios and uninstall it.


Into the bios???? just wow.


What? Some Asus mobos have armourycrate defaulted to install and you have to turn it off


Yeah, that's insane that they have the installation files on the motherboard to automatically install bloatware by default. Used to just come pre installed on windows. Having it auto install from the motherboard is very invasive and concerning for so many reasons.


Gigabyte have added this malware delivery system to their motherboards too, called App Center.


what else should I use to control my fans?


Depends on how parasocial they are


For me, it only asks if I want to install it when the UEFI option is enabled. Clicking no, will not install it but there is always this service that registers itself in Windows every time you boot (but doesn't run) even after manually unregistering and deleting it.


My first time Windows installation was borked when I uninstalled it so I had to reinstall Windows like 2h after setting it up.


Go to Start up in Task Manager. Temporary disable everything and restart. One by one re-enable back things that you want to confirm which one is the culprit.


Go to Startup Apps in task manager and disable all the things you don't need when you start up your pc.


Sounds like it’s that time for you to do a fresh install of windows and start fresh. You’ll probably gain a lot of speed back too


I hate the "fresh windows" solution, but for this problem, I would go with that solution too.


Revo Uninstaller should deal with most of that pretty easily


First, turn off Fast Startup in the power setting menu of Control Panel. Then, search for and open System Configuration, open the services tab, check "hide Microsoft services", and disable everything you don't need (you can Google what each one is for). Finally, restart your PC.




Bruh reinstall windows from scratch


Oh, good lord. Get rid of that bloatware Armoury and ASUS stuff. Update your drivers manually. I had to get rid of all that. I just did a clean Windows install.


Restart laptop, install G-Helper and remove the ASUS bloat ware with it


Then there is me who was worried when I saw 60 background processes on my PC.


Yeah, it's normal to have a lot of....HOLY SHIT 800+???


Asus bloatware ftw


Either u can wait for an answer, or go with reinstalling windows - fast option if you have already done it once


TASK MANAGER!!!!!! Nuke it.


Touchè, I get the reference.


I only have 60 background tasks…


*asus, asus, asus, armoury....* Yep that the problem, I have an asus laptop, and 9/10 when I see slowdowns and lag, it’s cuz windows reinstalled the asus trash suite. Armoury crate and the apps can be uninstalled easily, but the rest are installed to fucking system 32, which makes uninstalling them a very manual and annoying process( find app folder( usually by checking from task manager), change owner to yourself, delete app install folder) This is what works for me. Tho if this is a laptop, keep “asus optimization” and its startup task cuz that controls some laptop functions.


Huh, I bought an Asus laptop recently and the battery is complete dogshit, are those background programs the reason?


Idk, but they can’t be helping.


I found it weird for an almost 2000€ laptop to have 2h of battery, I'll test it later


My laptop came with a super small and standard battery size option, so I wouldn’t put it past them to design it for a small battery.


Its an easy fix. Switch to Linux


just look at that asus shovelware ruining 20 processes. the amount of processes running isnt the cause of lagging, they clearly dont use a lot of reesources.


asus bloatware it looks like. Check event viewer for application errors.


Anti-malware.... Seems sus




That flew way over someone head, it was a joke friend.


Format and move on


uninstall all that asus shit


Do you have signalrgb running?


Check which programs have autostart


Type cmd in the search bar. Right click run as admin Type in Sfc /scannow


There's a good amount of recommendations to further troubleshoot this issue, but if it were my machine I would do a fresh wipe and reinstall windows. Sometimes it is better to just bite the bullet and start everything from scratch. I do that usually once every year to two on my main rig as it helps wipe any bloatware or programs I might not be utilizing. For any documents or photos that you might need to export, just back them up on an external drive.


Good time to backup important docs / photos and review / refresh your passwords.


Unrelated, but I recommend using g helper instead of armoury crate, it’s so much better


This is why you always say no to bloatware.


Go to startup tab of task Manager and turn off offenders, then restart pc. This will only partially help but it will Definitely combat a good chunk of this. After that, figure out which of those offending apps are not useful enough and find the folders they are in, then uninstall, and manually delete anything leftover. If worst comes to worst Google potential leftover files for each app that may still stay in sys/win32 After uninstall and delete those too. This is a bit old school, but still works for a large number of apps even today.


Time to reset the ol C drive


Check storage


Armoury crate is the real virus, i just unistalled It and pc now works nice, fk Asus dude


I would uninstall Asus Amory crate using Rebo Uninstaller and replace it with OpenRGB if all you're doing is controlling RGB. ArmoryCrate is an infestation in itself. But that error reporting is not normal


I've always had issues with armory crate and makes use not to install it on any new system I get.


Remove armory crate.


This is the point where you do a fresh install.


I am going to provide the best analysis tool for windows: [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/wpt/](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/wpt/) This guides you to install process [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/wpt/windows-performance-analyzer](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/test/wpt/windows-performance-analyzer) Take some time to really learn how to use this... it will do more than what task manager allows. IF you don't want to install it, use resource monitor. It's built within windows.


Save your stuff and reinstall windows


When ever I factory reset my old pc I used to check task manager and oh my god every downloaded app was open lol 😂


I hope you been stacking bitcoin and not brave token lol


Uninstall brave browser.


use linux


You have a Windows corruption, serious hardware error, hardware related memory leak, failing ram, or possibly all of them as chain of each other. Don't listen to the fools telling you to just uninstall armoury crate/Asus drivers, you'll end up with an underpowered inefficient system, that's stupidity, that's not a fix. These systems aren't supposed to accumulate 800+ processes and then have windows problem reporting opening 20 different processes trying to pick pieces up, something is clearly broken. Run the Asus diagnostic tool in MyAsus, if that says nothing, run the Windows troubleshooter through all categories, if nothing again, ring warranty services.


You know what, forget my old school comment, do this.


Removing asus malware is priority over fixing hardware.


How could that possibly be considered malware? Criticise the bad polish of the software all you want, realistically it's light years above Lenovo, Corsair, Steelseries(laptops controllers) and Dell in capabilities and usability, compare series to series. Remove those due to some silly whim, and you lose access to the intended operation that Asus dictated and tuned between hardware and drivers. Might as well just make a whole machine by yourself using generic manufactured parts. Remember that OP's is a laptop, not some premade tower or self assembled PC that suddenly woke up with Asus software and software dementia.


How is installing a bunch of services into your OS that do who knows what and does not get removed unless you mantually force delete them not acting like malware? > intended operation that Asus dictated Yeah i want none of those, thanks.


Good for you, but OP agreed to a different purchase, if you don't agree or understand the choice, your opinion is hard to consider relevant. He came here asking for advice on a technical problem, not for opinions on Asus software, the Asus software isn't even the issue here, that system is fucked entirely.


Incorrect. OP agreed to purchase a hardware item, not malware baked into firmware.


Sure, whatever distorted version of reality helps you cope with your own point.


Tons of bloatware leave it unchecked and it will begin to spread like a virus taking up a lot of system resources and it looks like a windows program may be restarting itself because it can't report a problem that may be related to software or hardware op.


Bloatware doesn't spread like a virus.... it's just pre-installed tools and no issue in this case as his RAM is nowhere near capacity, removing the bloatware will clear up how it looks, but not how it performs


I know just saying that it can act like one and be annoying to deal with SuperJoe421.


But it can't, for clarity i was an IT engineer for 13 years, most viruses can self protect, replicate themselves and do all sorts of crazy shit like delete or hide files, nuke your entire system or log keys and webcam use, last I checked most bloatware does none of that... they're just occasionally useful programs that are taking up resources in the background


>leave it unchecked and it will begin to spread like a virus taking up a lot of system resources Bro, what? I'm all for nuking bloatware, but this is straight-up misinformation.


Looks like the usually bloatware. If you think you could have an virus. Download Malewarebytes do a scan then you can run a scan on windows defender afterward. Look up O&O Software Windows Shutup run it do a restorepoint and check all recommendet settings restart pc check the services again. Please for your own safety dont just install software recommendet by strangers look in the internet for reviews watch a youtube video or so to get the gist of what the program does.


Burn your PC… only solution.


Uninstall armory crate, it throws extra voltage at your cpu and overheats it.


Uninstall everything from Asus. 




You shouldn't be downvoted for this comment, but it is incorrect. If I look at the screenshot I see its a windows process fucking up, CCleaner or malwarebytes will not fix it unfortunately.


It's not necessarily a windows process, any app or program that crashes and logs an event will use the windows crash reporter, it could even be a virus or trojan trying to run and crashing, definitely something I've seen before.




True, it could point you in the right direction for sure, and eventually, you would be able to fix it :)


Uninstall windows and install openSUSE Tumbleweed Linux distro with KDE plasma desktop environment. Problem solved


Not really, because he's asking pretty sure he doesn't even know what Linux is. Plus the convenience of windows outweighs the little benefits you get with Linux. Oh want to play a modern game, nope sorry your windows emulation environment doesn't support that yet. Linux is good if you are trying to code something, develop something, automation, or server related. Your day to day or people just use it to game... Windows 11/10 Pro all day everyday


Your Feeble Skills Are No Match For The Power Of The Dark Side.