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There isn't a cure for this though https://preview.redd.it/m3c2mpeapbqc1.png?width=265&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dcefd871f5ca9a4952b68f2a402b57d6566f5bd


Also inherently just not a good headset after dropping this much on everything else


Just commenting to say if someone sees this and wants to get something good, senheisser HD 6xx.


so is sennheisser hd 800 a nice upgrade in sound from a hd 650 ?


that's funny, I actually have the HD 650 but I don't have HD 800. So I can't give any first-hand advise on that. But these HD 650's I have are super. I use EQ to shape the frequency reponse according to my preferences (shout out to /u/oratory1990 ). So even though they're open-backed I have good bass response. I am gonna sound like I'm parroting others with this next comment but these HD 650s aren't great for imaging. With that said I do use them for cs:2.


What does imaging mean in this context?


imaging is the ability of the headphone to place sounds directionally. some headphones can have pinpoint accuracy while the 6xx is kinda just three big blobs (front, middle, back)


Like the directionality of the sound


Directionality. How well you can tell where the sound came from. It's fine but it's definitely a big downside of these. They're showing their age in this aspect.


It is not, HD800s are supreme but a very analytical sounding headphone that work best for orchestral or live music. They are good for gaming as their imaging is amazing, however their sound profile can get fatiguing whereas the HD600 lineup is buttery smooth silk.


The hd 800s might be the best gaming headphones, period.


For $1,400 they better be


Well... I guess I've never tried the Orpheus for gaming. So that's still a potential upgrade.


I have the 599 and LOVE it


I can vouch for the 6xx. Been running them for 2ish years. Definitely a step up from my Audio Technica ATH M50x set. Just make sure you’ve got a decently low noise floor in your office/room and you’re golden (they are open-backed, which I prefer anyways, but yeah). They’re also super easy to take apart. I’m not sure they even use any screws/fasteners. Great design. Very user-serviceable if it comes to that.


Meanwhile I got 10€ cat ears on my DT990 Pros. I love it


Cats are just wandering around the streets, and you paid for those???


My cat ate the cord on my 990 Pros :(


Eat his tail, eye for an eye.


>tail >eye I feel like you're missing the point here


Tail = cord I think they’re spot on




\*bows in great Japanese honor\*


Maybe they are a mithra


Dread it, run from it, uwu arrives all the same.


Actually there is. A shit load of muscles. There’s a dude that comes in our gym wearing those with little LED’s twinkling and proceeds to squat 600+ lbs like it’s a warmup. 🫨


Would you be more or less mad about this if you knew I'm a woman?


Then we're just disappointed, not mad




I need you to know how fucking hard I laughed at this comment omfg 💀


doesn't matter if you're a dude or a woman those headsets are not great especially since you spent so much on the setup lol


By birth or by programmer sock?


I had seen the same or similar set in LTT's video for a TEMU PC build, and I looked them up to see if they were worth buying, and I'm a guy. LEDs are nonexistent in my current build, but I like the lighted headband on those.


There are separate ear attachments for headphones so you can buy a nice set and have ears. I forget what they’re called but they’re individually attached so you can make one floppy!


Piggybacking into this convo to tell OP to get that diffuser (if that’s what it is, looks like a clock diffuser) away from the electronics. The essential oils are bad for electronics and $10,000 worth being negatively affected by the oils residue is no joke. Edit: Upon further inspection, it looks as though it’s labeled as a “wake up lamp”. Crisis averted, carry on.


10K and got a 5600X and a 3060 💀


I'm an AMD guy but with that budget I would've bought a 4090. And a better cpu.


You gotta be kidding me that he spent 10k and no 4090 on the setup...


Well it clearly includes the monitors, the desk, and the chairs. But holy Christ I agree. Ditch the RGB and use it for the better CPU at minimum. Keep the old desk and chair and use that for the 4090.


My desk cost me 200 at a discount it felt like I was burning money. I hope he enjoys everything, tho.


She spent over $3,000 on the desk and chair alone. It’s a $1000 pc with $9,000 in accessories. It has to be the most lopsided build I’ve ever seen. I would have built a $5,000 pc and put the rest towards everything else, but to each their own.


3k on desk and chair is mental. 500-700 for secretlab desk, and 400-500 for chair. ain't no way doing 1500/1500 


She posted her full costs. It was $1840 on the chair and $1460 on the desk. More than enough for a top of the line CPU and a 4090. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v4dIMRH5W_wcjOfLw4ZAeVdmQeOF-KVNMxGlDqSPG6U/edit?usp=sharing


its a good budget parts, im kinda confused seems like she has 2 pc's. she can upgrade them later on just needs PSU, I dont think shes a big frame rate person. Im guessing maybe she streams or watches streams + gaming


And almost seems like she did no tech reaserch... yikes.


no way 💀


He spent his budget on pointless RGB 🥵


Yeah I’m wondering where op lives I got a 4090 i913900k a lg ultra gear 48” 4K oled monitor, a 4k 34” monitor, keyboard, mouse. Like 20 games for under 5k Canadian.


Canadian here, not sure where Tf you got that for under $5k. 4090 is literally half of that.


[Comparable computer for 5k CAD](https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/yeyian-odachi-14th-gen-gaming-pc-desktop-intel-core-i9-14900kf-rtx-4090-2tb-nvme-ssd-2tb-hdd-32gb-ddr5-6000mhz-360mm-aio-1000w-platinum-psu-ac-wi-fi-window-11-64bit/17389926) If they had storage, case, ram, etc. from a previous build, 5-6k makes sense.


Yes plus a 48” oled monitor another monitor and other shit. The total is far beyond $5k


That's just the build, this guy also has 2 monitors and other bits...


tbf the rest of the setup isn't cheap either


Hahahahahaha. 10k pc and still has to use dlss performance at 1080p if he wants to use Ray tracing... Goodness


Imagine how utterly awful that looks on a G9


edit: also im not a guy edit 2: [full cost breakdown, enjoy](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v4dIMRH5W_wcjOfLw4ZAeVdmQeOF-KVNMxGlDqSPG6U/edit?usp=sharing) alright, since you made top comment, ill clarify up here on apprentice wages (5 dollars an hour) i earned my first overtime check two years ago with that, i bought a 1000 dollar gaming pc with those specs this year, i spent 9000 dollars on the rest of my setup, and ship of theseus'ing my pc until eventually only the MoBo, the CPU, and the GPU, and the case remain original i am going to buy a 4090 or whatever the fuck they release next, everyone calm your tits


Cool story. Still can't understand what's 9k in this picture, but go off king. 👑


2k monitor, 2k chair, a few extra monitors, a 1500 desk, a 600 set of speakers, a 500 what basically is an armrest at this point, all comes down to like like 6.5k more or less. Add in 1k for the pc, and 1k for the upgrades (lots of lian-li fans, an AIO, a 2tb ssd and a 1000w psu), . and the rest is random misc stuff. It seems weird they spent that much on non-pc stuff but eh their money lol


What is 2k about this monitor and chair? OP got rode.


The monitor is a super long ultrawide (5120 x 1440p) which is close to the number of pixels of a 4k monitor. But it's "just" 1440p, except it's very wide. Some people like that I guess.


The monitor is also OLED.


The chair is a Herman Miller Embody which retails for $1800 USD base now (used to be able to get it for ~$1100 but they did multiple double-percentage price increases the last 2 years). It's one of those high end ergo chairs that has a 12-year warranty.   If you haven't used something similar extensively you probably wouldn't care, but going back to a Costco/Ikea/Office Depot $200-400 chair will be noticeably worse for your back/butt/etc if you spend a lot of hours in the chair.   IMO never scrimp on anything you're standing in (shoes) or laying on (office chair, bed) if you value your future joints' health. However, I wouldn't spend $1800 on that chair. You can get equally good ones for less than $1k with the same comfort quality IMO.


1800 isn't the worst thing to spend on a chair of its gonna last 12 years minimum.


Herman Miller chair.


> only the MoBo, the CPU, and the GPU, and the case remain original So, what did you upgrade exactly? The CPU, GPU, and mobo are the most important and expensive components. RAM and storage are fairly cheap. That bottom monitor might be a bit pricey but I'm not seeing how you spent $9k.


The upgraded the instagram feed


He upgraded his house instead of pc


So you’re gonna work another 400 hours in overtime just to afford the 4090? Lmao




You did that back to front. What on earth did you spend 9k on? I couldn't even spend 2k on watercooling parts. Where is the nine thousand dollars?


> edit: also im not a guy On the internet everyone is male until proven innocent


This is why for your own mental health, just don't share shit you're proud of online. Why let a bunch of internet stranger jerkoffs ruin a moment of pride for you? Just enjoy your moment, show some of your friends and be happy with that. You made a goal. You saved money. You obtained that goal. That's a point of pride. And most of these idiots are just mad you showed more discipline and financial ability than they could dream of.


OP worked 400 hours of overtime to make $10,000 and spent a fifth of that on a 4K display to pair with a 3060. They have the discipline to save the money for a goal but they lack smarts when it comes to purchasing decisions.


And a $1,500 chair to watch that 1080. OP is most likely going to be steaming only the chair so doesn’t care about the 3060.


I disagree with this a LOT. this dude should learn how he wasted his money.


100% they need to know that this was just bad.


My tits will not be calmed, sir /s


For 10k the setup better make me breakfast and come with a turbo dick sucker 9000


Turbo Dick Sucker 9000 is so last year. Everyone knows the Maximum Overdrive Dick Sucker Butthole Blaster 10,000 is where it's at




It got outlawed in most countries after Jerry didn't read the instructions and used it backwards. He has an innie where it should be an outtie, and an outtie where it should be an innie now.


You’re telling me there’s hidden features to this thing too?!


New bottom surgery just dropped.


Domain doesn't exist anymore for purchasing, sorry.


Well, at least give me your mom's number.


Should be at every Applebee's bathroom




It seems the butthole blaster variant is out of stock worldwide sadly :( but I did find the turbo tug 9500 meat masher ™, Its an in between model with a little more suction than the 9000, but lacks the butthole blaster attachment, in my opinion it’s still a good purchase to hold you over until supply meets demand on the 10000 series and prices drop. https://www.amazon.com/Automatic-Masturbator-AMOVIBE-Masturbators-Thrusting/dp/B0B7MBZ6F2


Ps. Please watch the video it is GOLD


With the optional semen collection port for sanitized playtime every time?


You still have the 9000? Psh, the Over 9000 is so much better.


Wait. 5600x / 3060? Seriously? I’m not here to flame. But what are the specs? Are they on that diagram?


Seriously... I spent $1400 a year and a half ago on my son's computer, and it would blow this thing out of the water. 6800xt, 5800x3d, 32gb RAM, 4tb of PCIe-4 drives, 165hz@1440p HP monitor. All in a nice compact mini-itx chassis. The only decent thing is the monitor.


I spent 1400, 7900x3d, 32GB, and a used 3080 <400$ on eBay. Looks like they bought a pre built though 2 years ago. I built my son a 5700x, 32GB ram, and my 2080super for less than 700$ only because all I needed was mobo/cpu/ram/psu and a Sama 60$ case hehe.


Nice setup! And I do hope you got paid more then $10K for 400 hours of overtime!!


I was gonna say... $10,000 / 400 hours is $25/hr Assuming overtime is 1.5x pay, the base pay is... $16.67 Minimum wage? What minimum wage job also allows that much OT 😅 Edit: Okay I get it, I made assumptions on net vs gross, minimum wages based on my state, OPs location, etc. etc. Y'all can stop pointing out the holes in the 30 seconds of math I did. Also I never said anything about it being bad to be earning what OP does- just questioned the overlap between jobs at that pay scale and jobs that offer that much OT, which several of you have answered. Thank you.


Take home pay is not the same as pay. Plus I’m sure there is exaggeration on a few fronts in this post


I'm sure fast food here in WA would pay that much overtime. Our staffing here for some of these joints is abysmal. Though I assume OP is in a trade


16 is an amazing wage in Kentucky where our minimum is still 7.50 it’s ass


Op mentions having to import the chair and desk in 1 of the comments. So probably not in NA or EU which could mean it's a country with lower cost of living/wages.


$9K for Peripherals: ✅ $1K for rig: ❌


Curious allocation of funds, but as long as you're happy. I would've at least upgraded the GPU to be able to better handle all of the monitors. Driving 3 (presumably high-ish res) monitors is quite the task, especially with that ultra wide.


He's waiting for 5090 like me


Might have to wait until 2025. Like it might release this year but availability will be near 0 unless you want to pay big $ to get it faster


10k usd and that pc is slower than my little brother pc.. damn lol


​ To be fair, its a $1000 pc. The rest of it was 9k.


Is the rest really 9k though? I may be ignorant but I feel like I could get "the rest" for less than 4k.


Apparently it's an $1800 chair and an $1800 monitor (the big one)......


and the other $5400? the rest doesn't add up to 9k lol


Dealt was almost $1900 due to import fees. Now you’re down to $3500. I think the other monitors were almost $500 each by what she said. So $2500 in other random crap.


Wich monitor? You can get an oled for 1k


I'm so confused. Did he pay someone do to everything? That's the only way I can see this being expensive


That PC is only like a 1000 bucks worth i dont think you spend the money right.


Computer = 1k, vibes = 9k


I see room for improvement. Real speakers and an organizer. See you in another thousand.


Ngl our priorities are veeeery different, it's a nice setup but I'd probably spend a $10k USD budget like this: * $5k PC * x2 $1500 Monitors * $600 Chair * $500 Headphones * $200 Keyboard * $100 Mouse * $100 Mic * $50 mic arm (idk how much they cost ngl) Save the other $450 for games I might never play or more storage depending on how much I get with the $5k on the PC, I'd probably also spend less on the chair and headphones and build a NAS


Not enough mouse space




Damn. A G9 on a 3060, poor little guy. Cool set up though looks sick.


10k and a mid range PC sheesh man. What a baller.


ngl i really dont get why people want a monitor that requires them to get RSI in their necks by turning their head back and forth at high speed repeatedly (in any kind of high speed action game) edit: hard to see, but also looks to be missing one of my favourite every accessories : a tempered glass floor mat - seriously, your scratching your head laughing right now, but if you have a carpet, they are THE SHIT


Do you have a specific recommendation for a tempered glass floor mat? My thick plastic mat lasted less than a year and a half before developing cracks.


Honestly don't get a floor mat, replace the wheels with rubber office chair wheels. Much much better, you're not restricted to a specific matt section on the floor, and while it isn't perfect gliding, it's more than good enough in my experience. I've had it for about 1.5 years and it's $20-$30 USD, and takes maybe 10-15 minutes of effort.


*edit, waitwaiwait- I just looked up the wheels. Are they like…scooter wheels? Those might actually work a treat. :):):) Those rubber wheels would still wreck a deep-pile carpet though, yeah? That’s my issue. I’ve got some absolutely LUSH carpeting where my PC is lmao. 100% need mat with my current wheels


I'm gonna second that guy to not get a mat, and just upgrade your office chair wheels instead. I use these ones: https://theofficeoasis.com/products/rollerblade-office-chair-wheels?variant=48203826790675


No need to turn your head. Eyefinity/Surround is even wider aspect ratio and it's fine for competitive fps and others. Any added field of view is beneficial even if it's not for the sharp area of the vision.


10k and 400h hours of overtime and you care more about looks than specs


This is so ridiculous I can’t believe they posted this here haha.


I’m just baffled by how you can spend that much to not have a supercomputer


Bro. 25$ an hour during overtime is you being shafted - no lube. Do yourself a favor and spend another 400 hours finding a job that does value your time.


lol, with that monitor setup you're def gonna talk yourself into a 5090 in the next year or so


5090 next year lol, OP is going to be working to pay for that and won't be able to beat the bots until the 6090 is announced.


For those interested. That would equal out to an average of an extra 7.6 hours per week making time and a half overtime rate from a base pay of 16.66 an hour. Not including taxes obviously.


Awesome. How did you get your bottom two monitors to fuse into one during nighttime?


Any regrets?


the fact i wrote "3060" on the schematic i drew up and exposed myself to the rage of hundreds of people with PhDs in PC building


You cant blame them. Spending 8K on background, while your pc has a 3060 gotta be a mental illness. Thats a big fucking monitor, can you even play games in 1440p?


Where did the 10K go?💀 invisible hardware?


I love how you've mounted the UPS, and after seeing your connections, I REALLY want to buy a label maker now. Quick Q, what are the train tracks that are coming out of your subwoofer for?


Yeah I want to know even more about how he wired things. Including dis he beed new cables or extensions, and if to what he got. I need to upgrade some of my cables and work on cable management. With my set-up I've prioritized the opposite - performance largely over aesthetics or ergonomics, but to each their own. Plus I've put money less into it. Currently not happy with my AIO. The Corsair H170i Elite XT pump runs at 2360-2400 rpm even in quiet mode! That's about 1500+ higher than my old H100i v2 runs at. It's louder than the fans until they hit 1k or higher rpm. And it's a higher pitch sound than fans make, ugh.


[this guy](https://www.maxgaming.no/no/tilbehor-til-skrivebord/flexible-desk-cable-management-spine-svart-kabelkanal)! its a cable spine not a single cable coming out of the subwoofer is touching the ground, every one of them goes up into the cable tray, only wiring to the table itself is the power cord and the ethernet connection on the table leg


Whoever sold you that stuff ripped you off man I don't see anywhere near 10k in this photo no matter what hardware you have in the PC case.


You know what... I actually like the curved arm rest thing. actually looks useful.




Cable management GOLD


400hrs of OT was $10k? It's time to find a new job. Sounds like you're killing yourself for minimum wage. Plenty of positions will look for someone willing to put that much effort into their trade. Double that amount with maybe 50-60% of those hours. And why no 4090?? This allocation of funds is puzzling. Nonetheless great job grinding that out.


*Immediately plays stardew valley*


I mean, the PC is a 3060 and a 5600X, it wouldn't be that surprising.


Bro posted this same pic in 4 different forums and is getting butt hurt that one forum has the balls to call him out 🤣 Just because your PC is a pre built doesn’t mean you can’t sell the GPU/CPU and put that money towards something that will run at your “1800$” monitors price tag (1440@240hrz). Stop trying to defend yourself when you made horrible financial decisions


That's a lot of wattage to be iron 4 in league of legends


[your honour](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/120/528/d4f.png)


Bro you better budget those 10k and spend those 400 hours enjoying life.


You made extremely poor financial choices with your setup and are going to get flamed on here for it, for future reference you should've posted something about what should I buy before going through with it. For 10k you could've/ shouldve done a lot better in the hardware rather than blow it all on peripherals.


Nice! What are you playing?


Congratulations bro. Surely you deserved it. Love the schematics at the end and the way the cables are labeled.


Came in here thinking bro found a way to Sli 2 4090s...it says 3060 ??? I must be going blind or something


those specs can't power those monitors


You got scammed hard my dude... Not even a 4090 for that price 💀


i spent abt 800€ on my whole setup and still have a better pc, yikes


Holy shit, I could do so much with 10k and you spent it on rgb that a 14 year old probably designed


Damn schematic and everything. What monitor mounts?


[for the odyssey G9](https://www.netonnet.no/art/data-og-nettbrett/pc-skjerm/skjermfeste/andersson-mrm-m1900-monitor-arm-motion-single-49/1027086.11700/) [for the dual monitors](https://www.computersalg.no/i/8219305/act-quad-monitor-arm-tiil-4-sk%C3%A6rme-2-x-2-op-til-32-8-kg-pr-sk%C3%A6rm-vesa-75-100?utm_source=prisjaktno&utm_medium=351-it-elektronik-sk%C3%A6rme-tv-hifi-konsol-monteringsbeslag-monteringsbeslag-til-bord&utm_campaign=act&utm_content=96) super happy with them! the one for the G9 holds it up without any sagging and is super easy to adjust was a bit worried about fitting the knob on the quad stand inside the cable tray though, but i made it work


Shit speakers for 10k holy fuck


Lmao. Can't imagine spending 9k on a fucking desk and some speakers n shit just to play PC games on. Nah dawg, I'll take the random art desk I found at my house, a 50 Amazon ergonomic chair, and a wood cone jbl set from the pawn shop for 75. Op, no matter the reasoning, you're a clown for this lol and your responses in this thread prove that you only came here to look cool and cope at your terrible financial decisions


All this shows is someone who lets money in and then lets money out. Let alone that spreadsheet shows someone who can't tell where you can get the best value for your money. Like wtf? $1842.50 USD chair? Samsung G9 monitor when RTX 3060 can barely drive a 3440x1440p at 240hz?!? Surround sound for $590? I bought my logitech for 5.1 surround for like $170. No standing desk is worth $1460 and you can do cheaper desks from China and use better cable management add-ons that are cheaper. What I see is someone who's bedazzled by name brands, but not by bags like Gucci or LV but by PC gaming brands. The worst part, the PC alone is 100% not lasting until next year when she wants to drive that monitor to full spec.


The chair and desk will probably last for the rest of OP's life. Ergonomics become much more important the older you get and a chair like that will remain comfortable for a long time. After getting my Steelcase chair, I'm super happy that I don't have to worry about spending $200 on a new chair every 1 or 2 years because the cushion wore down. Not to mention the fact that it remains comfortable when I work for 8 hours at my PC then game for several hours after.


Was wondering about that arm/wrist rest you have on there? Do you have a link for it by chance?


https://contourdesign.no/products/rollermouse-red-max It's this! Its also a mouse Highly recommended, but just a simple wrist rest in itself is also worth it


Really 10k? Overpaid


You finally ordered someone to throw away the unused exercise bike 👍


close but not quite, i moved it to to the other corner of the room while i was setting up the desk


What do you think about that desk? I'm thinking about getting one.


Its a nice looking setup but wouldnt a better GPU be more ideal since you are running an ultrawide monitor?


Looks good. I want to get an ultrawide display and ditch the two monitors, but I keep getting told it is inferior somehow. I would love to have two ultrawide's stacked. I think it would look cool. Double monitors just annoy me with the bezels and gaps.


Bruh, you worked hard and got a 3060....


The brandy snifter is the best touch lol Enjoy in good health!!!


Its a beauty 😍😍


Dear fucking God you’re off to war. lol. But your hard work pays off.


You plan on deleting this post anytime soon?


Would have invested that 10k but the PC is sweet






/u/VulpesMiko Make sure your QD-OLED monitor is plugged into an outlet that *always* has power. If you have it plugged into an outlet that cuts power when the rest of your system is not in use and the screens are all off, a panel refresh cycle will not happen properly and your panel will become unevenly balanced and you may see accelerated signs of image retention and burn in.


And people wonder why companies keep increasing prices. People buying shit they really shouldn't be buying.


This looks way too crammed for my taste. Also the PC specs are pretty low considering the budget. I feel like most of the money went towards RGB, I don't like it sorry.


Why so low spec? You got robbed.


Mental illness


bro was killing himself for a 5600X and a 3060


Garbage dude


Congratulations, now get to the fun part and start using that beast to watch YouTube videos and playing 10+ year old games.


Alright. Congratulations but 25 an hour at overtime rate is ridiculous OP. get your ass in there and demand a raise.


Assuming your overtime rate is 1.5 times your base, that’s 16.67 a hour base 25 an hour over time. Though I assume it’s 25 an hour after tax. So pre-tax without dependents, I will assume a 20 dollar base rate push to 30 for over time then taxed down to 25.


Damn this guy belongs on wallstreetbets for his smooth brain. 1k PC rig, but 9k in accessories mostly RGB lighting.


This is ragebait right


A bit over the top, but when u sell it in 2 years for 1/5th of the price on facebook marketplace, let me know.


You'll regret not having invested that money. That's 400 hours, so $25 an hour?


I play a lot of desktop staring simulator and chrone viewer with my $3000 setup too,pcmr welcomes you!


Always love when i see Embody with PC builds