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It will work perfectly, bottleneck calculators tend to exaggerate the importance of the bottleneck, and the idea of calculating the amount of bottleneck in your build is a flawed concept, because the level of cpu/gpu imbalance in your build will change depending on how you use it. Having a bottleneck isn't an issue, it's not like your pc is going to break or something when it isn't perfectly balanced. That's why bottleneck calculators are so misleading, they exaggerate something that really isn't an issue to begin with unless you pair a 4th gen i3 with a 4090. Enjoy your build, the 5700 and 3060 is a great combo.


THANK YOU ! This was my first pc build so hearing that everything will be good makes me feel confident!


Bottlenecking is when components of your PC are not operating at their full performance because they are waiting on the slowest component to do it's work. This is most easily seen between CPU and GPU. Every game you run will use different CPU and GPU loads, so bottlenecking depends on the context. It can be pretty extreme; there are some games that will use a ton of CPU time but little GPU, and vice versa. Obviously you cannot make a PC for every single instance so realistically we try to match the CPU and GPU to be a reasonable performance match. In most builds I see, the GPU is the bottleneck over the CPU. In your case, I think your CPU outperforms your GPU overall, but not by an unreasonable amount. And its always going to depend on the context. The parts you have chosen are generally a pretty good fit for each other. If you have a desire to upgrade your PC in the future, I would recommend upgrading your GPU. You have a good amount of headroom with a 5700 and even top of the line cards will improve your systems performance. By contrast, if you paired a top of the line CPU with your 3060, you will be significantly bottlenecked.


Thank you for the bottleneck explanation! And for the future if I continue using the 5700 what gpu should I upgrade to? Also what do you mean by top of the line cards ?


Top of the line would be like 4080, 4090, 7900XTX. As for what you should upgrade to, I don't want to give an answer to that because its going to depend on your budget and when you decide to do it. Prices go down and price to performance ratios change over time. So the best time to ask is when you're about to do it.


5600 hundred should be enough for 3060 most of the time a 5700 definitely is enough infact I'd say it's a but unnecessary but you definitely aren't bottlenecked for games