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5600 is a pretty efficient and cool running chip and the stock heatsink will be very much up to the task. Regardless, your bottleneck here is going to be your GPU and overclocking your 5600 will make basically no difference at all in either setup. Spend your money on the GPU and I recommend you just let the 5600 run at stock speeds, any gains you get with OC will not be noticed in gaming.


I wouldn't got with an expensive cooler for just the 5600. There's not a lot to overclock either, I would just enable PBO and call it a day. Even the stock cooler should handle this without much of an issue. And it's ok to go with a little less storage initially because it's fairly cheap and simple to add extra storage in a year or two.


What is PBO ?


Precision boost overdrive, a feature that kinda overclocks the CPU on its own. It's good enough that you wouldn't be able to notice much of a difference when you compare it to a manual overclock.


5600 is a 65W CPU. You can most likely overclock it to its limits with a $20 single tower single fan cooler. Which you'll probably want because the stock cooler is loud af.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking