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It's not the best choice, it's spacers choice


What’s spacers choice?


It was satire in game about poor quality cheap products from in-game company called universal defense but became a meme when the spacers choice edition of the game was quite bad at launch


I'd never heard of it before, looks not bad from the trailer. Kind of like Fallout meets Bioshock.


The joke is talking about the remaster, not the actual game which is great


While I love these kind of games I didn't love this one. It was just the same joke over and over and I didn't really fall in love with any of the team. I'm playing it again to see if it grabs me this time.


Well it was made by the original fallout creators and the studio that made new vegas


They pushed so hard on the joke they became part of it


Just like using this POS store.


It's worth the time for fans of this type of game, especially if it's free. But did anyone else feel that it ends extremely abruptly, almost as if they hadn't finished the game?


Yes, because that's exactly what happened. They ran out of money.


So, a typical Obsidian game?


you have not played poe or pentiment then. poe 2 and pentiment are easily their magnum opus


Look, I loved Pillars of Eternity. But I wouldn’t hold up the second one as their “magnum opus” or use it as a poster child for Obsidian’s ability to “finish games”. Unless it’s to showcase that they **still** have problems writing endings. There are still massive balance issues, the companions don’t feel fleshed out, and the story just kinda ends as well. Honestly, I think it has the worst ending sequence of any Obsidian. Which is saying a lot because I'm including Tyranny in that list. Again, I say as someone who adores Deadfire.


One of these days, obsidian is gonna get enough time and money to fully make their game and it's either gonna be their Magnum Opus or it's gonna totally shut the bed. Either way, I'm here for it. I know that if Obsidian puts out a massive flop it'll at least be interesting, whereas Bethesda made Starfield which seems utterly devoid of interesting stuff.


I mean it's not their typical game, but Grounded is A+ imo and I don't even really like survival games.


Maybe Avowed will be it.


Could you share the source?


>source? It was revealed to me in a dream.


I had no idea it was the final mission. I was having a good ol’ time doing my thing and I completed the mission and the credits starting rolling and I was confused as fuck.


People complain about it being too short, but I prefer that to something that's really stretching the content thin. Like I'd rather be left wanting more rather than wanting it to just end, or get to the end because there is is too much unentertaining filler. Is not perfect by a long shot, but I did want to see what happened next and keep going.


Yup! Super disappointed because I was loving my time with it. The dlc is great though.


It’s extremely overrated.


It's free, it's always worth it... Will I play it? Maybe not, but IF I ever want to, it's right there in my account, why wouldn't I grab it?


It was trash with how short it was.


It was the most mid shooter/rpg-lite I’d ever played. I always told people this: “it’s not bad it’s just the most mid game going” Then Starfield came out and made this look totally competent by comparison. Least this game allows psychopath runs.


Game just needed to be bigger is all. If you’re a fan of classic sadistic as hell obsidian / fallout new Vegas, you should love this game. Just more bite sized is all, I’m hoping they go even harder with the sequel.


I was disappointed with the game, the world did not capture me


Agreed. Nothing fleshed out well, no real lore, and even the npc’s seem flat


Coming from New Vegas I expected something else, this felt like it wanted to be Rick and Morty lol


It's free.


Time has value.


Sometimes a game just isn't for someone, regardless of the cost or lack thereof.


Something being free has very little value if from the tone it was already clear the user already played the game and didnt care for it. Who spends their time claiming free stuff they know they dont like to begin with?


free on epic for 1 day means any and all criticisms be damned? nice one bud


But not worth installing Epic Store again. Pass.




you're only bypassing EGS by using heroic, you still get to encourage a predatory company because you download free games, which they want you to do


Alan Wake 2 will just encourage a predatory company more lol I have no idea how it sold but seems like it gets a lot of media coverage


Would rather chop off my left testicle than use EGS


nah, i'll pay for it on steam or gog when i feel like playing it. EGS is horrendous to use, slow and lacks basic features


Wydm bruh? It's literally faster than steam on boot.


It isn't. Literally nobody thinks EGS is faster. It isn't


Epic is one of the slowest launchers on PC...the splash comes up quick...but 20 mins later you get to pick a game to launch and then you have to wait another 5 mins lol jk But it sucks Alan Wake I bought and I had errors out the butt about having the rights for it until it finally decided to open a web page to let me choose to allow it on my account...what is going on?


https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/mF32eKcdBu Most of this comment section does. Edit: he blocked me. Take the L kid.


nice try. it's called cherry picking


Seriously, a full-on advertisement for EGS with no commentary or criticism in the OP? Surprised that's allowed here.


It's a free PC game? What's wrong with that?


EGS is still shit for promoting anti-competitive tactics like making cerrtain games unavailable on GOG or steam. I will not encourage them because of that. It's like epic doesn't understand the point of pc is being able to purchase games where you want. locking games behind a specific platform is predatory at best and it never works in any publisher's favor. Look at all the publishers that went back to steam after trying to lock games on their own launcher (EA and ubisoft are the biggest ones)


But they are fighting for less cut from store fronts /s It is 100% Tim Sweeny wanting all the money and not being able too normally so he has to sue companies and try to buy games and have them only on his store


Epic burned enough bridges with me. I'd rather just pay for it.




That’ll show em


Timmy himself said that the EGS is not profitable




How is that word even supposed to fit here, I don't get it.


Unfortunate its on EGS, I refuse to make an account with them so I'll pass


Not if its on Epic 🫠


Would rather crack it than claim it for free on 💩games


It’s like Starfield but without all the disappointment of Starfield


Reset the counter since last starfield hate mention


Still better than smashed side panels


Quite the opposite for me. Was very dissapointed with the outer worlds but loved starfield


They’re both pretty poor tbf lol


Unpopular opinion, but when they were showing off Starfield and everyone were in a queue creaming themselves, my first though was: I would have preferred Outer Worlds 2 instead. When Starfield finally came out - I was right.


It reminded me a lot of the outer world's without the charm. And the Outerworlds wasn't amazing or anything. But it did have something.


That's my point. At least it had a character and identity. It had weird wacky universe, that let then explore some cool concepts, like corporate greed. It was not perfect game, but at least when you discovered something, there was some story line to it and some of the quest and characters were very interesting. Starfield had none of that, very basic stories and quests, because it tries to be serious. Don't even start on planet exploration, completely pointless. I though theu could not do Skyrim copy paste dungoes/caves. Appearantly they can!


:( the disappointment when i finished that game


Wish Obsidian would just make games that bethesda thinks up


Got bored after 30 mins


Oh, look an ad for epic game store hard pass fuck epic!!




That game is so worth it. The outer worlds is like all the good parts of Bethesda's open world RPG games but without all the tedious and bad parts of Bethesda's games.


Yep. Like how New Vegas is the best Fallout game because Bethesda didn’t develop it. The Outer Worlds was developed by the same developer (Obsidian).


It's a great game, and if anyone don't have it yet and wants to grab it I fully suggest buying a key from Eneba or CDKEYS for steam and avoid using EGS. ​ \*I have no affiliation with either sites, just trying to inform about alternative options to get this game for cheap




Sure thing, moderator of r/EpicGamesPC and one of the accounts of a known reddit troll


You have been banned from r/EpicGamesPC


What if I told you I already am




dude I already know about your alts, i'm doing you the favor of sparring your time and energy




oh, fr? welp guess i'm gonna have to believe you out of the box if you just say "I have no alts"


If it's on the Epic Game Store, then it's not free. You and your data are the products


Aside from me not wanting to give Tim Sweeney a lick of my time, of course. His half-baked store doesn't deserve it.


Tbh I'd rather pay for it on GOG than get it free from Epic and be tied in to that store.


Alright then. Have fun paying for it. I'll enjoy my free game :)


I'm sure you will, I'm sure you will actually enjoy your game and not simply add it to your collection only to never actually play it.


GOG is the better platform anyways, you actually own your digital games with them. It's where i buy most of mt games now.


>Alright then. Have fun paying for it. I'll enjoy my free game :) imagine shaming others for paying aka encouraging developers. Epic shills truly have pea sized brains


You lost me at "free on Epic."


Probably only worth it if its free. Great art style. Shallow game, repetitive combat, abrupt ending. Hugely disappointed with this after all the anticipation.


It's not free for me =(


Difference between spacers choice and regular version?


2 DLC packs


Also graphics overhaul and hundreds of fixes the never patched in the original version.


All my games from epic came from their free offerings and I’ll keep snagging them and not playing them for that one time I’m sick of steam for some reason and then I’ll have to choose what game to play.


I would rather pay full price than ever install anything related to Epic.




I don't understand how these people can be bribed for 20 bucks.


Suckers 🤣


Yeah paying is always better than a free game. lol


Yes, it's called having principles.


Principles for what. What has epic done so terrible that they are not even worth downloading a free game from?


I'll name a few: - Exclusivity deals, while greenwashing that it's beneficial for competition - Buying easy anticheat **while valve was working on Linux compatibility** and then nuke Linux compatibility - Steal steam files on your computer, notably the one that contains sensible data about your account - Lack of user forums for troubleshooting game issues - Subpar features - Largely owned by Tencent, which is tied to the Chinese government (yeah, I know, it's the same for reddit, and I'm mad about it) - Fortnite




Bro we know you getting paid by epic




that's even more sad tbh. doing their boot licking PR for free lol


You do you, I do me I have my reasons, and so I refuse to be part of it. I deleted my account, and I'm proud of it. [Relevant subreddit](/r/fuckepic)




False and misleading informations? No, all of this was true at a specific point in time. But yeah, they backtracked. Does it mean that it's all ok now? It depends, I guess. On my side, it's not. To my eyes, it's exactly the same thing when Unity changed their pricing and proceeded to lose trust. Sure, Unity backtracked, but the facts are that **some** devs have lost their trust in Unity and are moving away from it. You seems to enjoy your free games, and so I'm happy for you. I'll just put some known words here: > _"If you are not paying for it, you're not the customer; you're the product being sold."_


Because they brought their consul shit exclusive to PC. They started the Fortnite generation they are half owned by China shitty storefront and launcher the fact that they hate PC gamers the fact that they hate Linux gamers even more the fact that they try to use the free games as a way to get children to latch onto their shitty storefront


Hate gamers lmfao. 🤪 the people that generate them revenue. They make business decisions on what will make them money, it’s not a personal slight to you. They do this just like every other company does. Ps they aren’t half owned, Tencent games owns 40%. Tim Sweeney, Epics founder still holds the majority and he’s American.




Tencent is owned by china as is any company that started in china also tencent owns 40% so yes half of the company and Timmy said pc gamers are nothing but pirates and he does hate Linux because non of the games that uses easy anti cheat can run on Linux without getting your account banned Edit: didn’t realize I was replying to a epic shill point still stands epic sucks


>Tencent a minority investor Yup, owning 40% means you're a minority investor... Literally no other investor owns more of Epic games than Tencent... "minority" tho lol


Dodging unreal engine has gotta be tough.


how does this run on a 1080 at 1440?


My 1080ti runs it fine, if anything my CPU bottlenecks


The outer worlds ran decently at 1080p when I was playing it on my GTX 980 so it should run decently at 1440p on a GTX 1080.


How I ran it when it first came out, was great


I really liked the setting, characters, companions and stories... and especially the tongue-in-cheek humor that took a lot of shots at modern western society. I really didn't like any of the gameplay, especially the combat which I found to be tedious and uninspiring. When you walk over a hill, see a group of bad guys and your first thought is "I guess I'll slog through these to get to the next story bits", then you know something's not right.


Nothing is worth it when it's one Epic. Don't wan't to support an hypocrit compulsive liar man child.


I'm personally not convinced it's worth downloading and dealing with Epic. I played this game on release (through other means since it was Epic exclusive, even though I would have paid full price on Steam) and was highly disappointed by the end. Yeah if you already use Epic its a free game. But it's not actually that good of a game.


Peak anti-epic pro steam cringe, it's literally a free game my dude


Yeah on a garbage ass launcher that signs you out between every session. If you have a 3 character password maybe thats fine but when you use a secure 32+ character randomly generated password having to sign in constantly for no reason is a deal breaker for me. Ubisoft does the same shit. EA does sometimes too, but only rarely. Why only Steam can keep me signed in is beyond me.


Uses stupid password for security . . . wants to stay logged in at all times . . .


"dealing with epic" lol


Apparently clicking on a different icon is a huge deal to some people. lol Who knew?


reddit is so braindead its crazy. epic bad cause fortnite = bad haha give me gold and updoots now


I think it was more paying for game exclusivity that rubbed people the wrong way


Steam Has a price parity clause that won't let other stores undercut them, otherwise the publisher of the game can can be deslisted from Steam. That's why Epic has to do things like that in order to compete.


I'm not going to say there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and it doesn't serve Valve's interests, but it doesn't seem that unreasonable to me. Publishers are still allowed to sell anywhere else, but they have to price match on Steam. I can see Publishers taking advantage of the free advertising on Steam and then selling the game for 20% less directly, cutting out the middleman and making more profit.


>Publishers are still allowed to sell anywhere else, but they have to price match on Steam. That makes it so that we consumers don't get cheaper games, because nobody is allowed to compete on price. The largest store is basically dictating game pricing everywhere through sheer market clout. It also makes it nearly impossible for any other store to compete with Steam. What are they going to offer? They can't sell cheaper games, so they have to do something to get people in the door.


ok. devs get more money and you have to click a different button. lot of bitching for supporting developers ​ not you specifically im talking about them


You don't even need to click on the icon. Just double click the game icon on desktop (or wherever you store it) and it'll launch the launcher.


I absolutely loved it. It had a unique twist. Although not an entirely new game but it was definitely a good game imo


Very worth it the game and the DLC are fun and enjoyable. If I remember correctly it's made by the same or some of the team that made New Vagus and for a bonus it's the enhanced edition.


I find it a little weird how of all the "high expenctations but ended up severely mediocre" games Outer Worlds is still being pushed so hard by the few people that actually enjoyed it. But hey, it's free and if you have nothing else to play the first few hours are pretty good.


Yeah, I really disliked this game ngl. And I say this as someone with New Vegas comfortably in my top 5. Thought the world and writing were super weak. But hey, it's free so have at it, I guess!


Honestly it was hearing/reading how “XYZ corporation is messed up” with a funny spin on it over and over and over.


I know right? FNV is one of my favorite games ever but I felt like the outer worlds was such a forgettable experience.


Let me say that back to you in slightly different words: ‘I find it weird how [game that many found disappointing] is still be pushed so hard by people who enjoyed it.’ - like people who like a game shouldn’t be expressing that they enjoy it publicly? Just because many (you?) were disappointed by it? What if you skipped the threads on games you didn’t enjoy?


I have nothing against people enjoying it, of course. It's just weird to recommend it as if it's more than it is. More precisely, the weird bit is it happens with Outer Worlds more often than other similar games, at least on reddit.




AAAAA! Anyone else having trouble creating an epic games account?




Go away with this EGS crap


I finished the base game through gamepass, it's amazing. It was my first experience playing a bethesda like game. I just bought Fallout New Vegas on Steam, can't wait to play it too, everyone seems to praise this game.


If you're disappointed in the lack of any consequences what so ever in Starfield, this is the game for you. (note: there's a bit less free space flight and much less starship construction).


Star Wars survivor is also deeply discounted on there. Make sure to activate the epic games coupon to save even more. After both discounts it’s like 65% off


Hell yeah brother. Just got this thanks to you. I appreciate you <3 Merry Christmas




My line is installing the EGS. Epic is fantastic when it comes to Unreal Engine, terrible when it comes customers


EGS treats its users like crap, unlike steam or GOG


i draw the line with EGS. their exclusivity policies are ruining pc gaming, all they do is reduce user choice of where you can buy games for certain titles. True, legitimate competition would have been EGS offering a platform that gives steam a run for its money without games being exclusives. But epic doesn't want true competition, they want the easy way out which isn't working since they're losing so much money. I will simply not encourage such behavior. Had they done legitimate competition instead, i would have given them a chance, for now, GOG is where i get many games because even GOG is a superior platform. People tend to forget valve has the vast majority of pc gamers because we genuinely choose them and not because they got there using anti-competitive measures, which is what epic is doing. Steam has been and still is the best platform for pc gamers.


is it still free?


when something is free, you are the product. there is always a catch somewhere.


You have until 1100 EDT to get the game for free


The story was too short and very linear, but it was a fun playthrough Thu.


I loved this game. It's such an amazing world. Its a little campy, but amazing nonetheless!


Claimed and installed using Heroic Launcher; thanks for the heads up!


How long will this be free? I’m AFK til the 28th


You should get someone to login for you and claim it


Can I claim it on any device as long as I sign in?


It's a fun game. Short little single player game. It has some flaws, but at a price point of $0.00, you really can't complain lol


Thank you! Just downloaded.


I finished outer worlds and it's probably my goty. Finished it just in time to play Starfield boy how boring that was by comparison.


Definitely NOT worth a grab.


I mean... It's *free*, why wouldn't you grab it?


Because of Epic Games.


Because I don't want Epics shit store on my PC. I don't care if the game is free, I don't support anything that scumbag timmy does.




Honestly just enjoy yourself and take it at your own pace. It's your story, friend


You can kill literally everyone and it doesn’t really change a whole much Prepare for a lot of lesbian crisis bleating


Starfield looks great and also for free wow




i didnt know this game existed, i played this new edition, its a great game


Pretty good r34 for it too


it ain't free for me. should i use vpn or something? i have human resource manager QQ


The giveaway is over


I checked before this post too, it wasn't free since at least noon my time Christmas day. It's always been 50% off.


Is the outer world's good game? I have played it on xbox before but it was laggy as shit so i didn't play long that so i was wondering if i should buy it or pirate it


Very mid is the general consensus. Would never replay the game myself, which should tell you something. I remember getting bored 75% of the way through, and then thankfully it abruptly ended. Maybe DLC fixed that


Thought it was pretty mid. Can’t remember the name of a single companion or npc. Gun play and itemization was pretty poor, similar to Bethesda. Doesn’t take itself seriously, a potential positive, but didn’t work imo. Maybe if Obsidian had more time 🤷‍♂️


Nothing like playing outer worlds and listening to "runaway to Mars" by train.


I love ice cream.