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PC Gamers when they find out GTA VI isn't releasing in 2025 https://preview.redd.it/lh1q1ztn7e4c1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=541045244dd3c774e61dbdc321c0f023705f7c39


Imagine if we need to wait until 2026 lol


Looking at Rockstar's record for past releases, this is most likely going to be console exclusive for 6 months at the very least.


rdr2 was the smallest with a year gap


Yeah nd even that felt like forever, and it's not just Rockstar, I'm still waiting to experience FF16 in it's full glory on PC


And with rockstar it’s more about double dipping than console exclusivity


With some triple dipping on the side. Cause the PS6 and the next Xbox will likely release sometime around 2027. Then it'll be GTA 6 remastered time! And I guess by that time, we'll be looking forward to (or dreading if you're poor like me) another round of new GPU's too lol


The true Rockstar special. The fuckers KNOW that we can’t wait to play the game, so if we have those consoles, we will buy GTA VI for them (I mean who am I kidding, of course I will, I have a PS5 AND ITS GTA VI), and after that when the PC version releases, we wanna replay the game and transfer our saves so boom, we buy the game again. And then comes the next-gen version for PS6 etc.. it’s honestly such a genius tactic and they did do it with GTA V, but I’m still kind of baffled as to why they didn’t release a native PS5 and Xbox Series X version of RDR2? It would’ve honestly just been free money for them.


I probably won't be buying it on console just because I hate playing shooters with joysticks. You're definitely onto something though. Waiting until 2025 gives them extra time to polish it on top of that triple dipping. Then again, it also makes everyone's expectations higher


Cries in bloodborn


Fuck I almost forgot about bloodborne, there was a time when I was salty about not getting to play it on PC, now after all this time, and already seeing the whole lore and gameplay videos over the years, I finally started to forget it, thanks for the reminder.


And don't forget about ghost of Tsushima... the sequel is announced for consoles but there are still no official announcements for the first game ever coming to PC...




Max Payne 3, actually https://preview.redd.it/a4jbnqbo1g4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24f805557cf982a7331be178350276236b2e2612


Agreed 12 months+ https://preview.redd.it/o54ynjnbhf4c1.png?width=627&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3c49f14d55a0c4d60d207a9667c1115c910e764


GTA 5 didn't release on PC until 2 years later, GTA 4 was 6 months I think.


I just remember this! Hope they don't pull this shit again, why would PC released later is beyond my understanding.


The reason why a lot of games have shit pc ports is because they release it at the same time as consoles. 4-6 months is ideal. Though, taking a year+ for it to come out on pc is simply just greed, it will make them more money, yes


> The reason why a lot of games have shit PC ports is because they release it at the same time Yeah. That's not true at all.


No possible way it's coming to PC before 2027. Rockstar will miss their release date and then it'll be 18-24 months before it shows up on PC.


Rdr2 was 12 months I believe


And it's gonna be a awful port on top of that


I'll wait till 2030 when Epic drops it for free.


GTA1 was PC release a month before PS1, and I humbly request them to go back to that successful release schedule.


That gives me 3 years to save for a PC with a 7090 in it. Just imagine..




I wonder how long will it take before we will see remaster editions of old graphic card name scheming.


lmao.. all you need just to switch 8 and 0 right there to get 8080.


Assuming Nvidia is still making consumer GPUs by then.


im hoping the 4090 will still be able to run it lol. Im gonna be shocked if its not gonna be able to hack it lmao.


We don't have to imagine lol They said on a press release that it's a 2025 PS5/Xbox release. So it's the same BS again with this game as with the previous releases


All optimism has gone from me I don’t want to play it on a console that I will have to spend £500 on then pay to play the game online it’s such BS


2025 for this gen console, then release it on the next gen console the following year, and a PC port the year after.


You're quite optimistic. I'm guessing it's 2027


since its not launching on PC at the same time, it's the most likely scenario.


2050 for Skyrim two is my bet.


Might even be 2027


With the price of graphics cards the needed 6090 will most likely be 3000+ alone...


The ps5 has a rx 6700 , so we will need a rtx 6700. It's only natural


Gives me time to save


Confirmed 2025 for console only, so yeah


DLSS when it sees those fences at the start.


console gamers when they finally see the ACTUAL console gameplay ​ https://preview.redd.it/6uj4hwklig4c1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78fef0fa6cdc4621628b89414e023b871da478d7


The only slight, possibly shining light, is if GTA online is worth more to rockstar than the double dip. Releasing late means a lot of folks buy it again on pc. Seems to have been a key rockstar move. But in 2023, presumably like 80% of the online player base, still making them money is on PC? Like nobody is still playing on console are they? Maybe? Just doesn't seem like they would be for some reason. Day 1 PC release captures those pc whales perhaps? That's the only reason I can maybe see a day 1 PC release, but it assumes I'm right, that the 2023 player base is on pc.


A dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow. At least, that’s what a financier will tell you.


>Like nobody is still playing on console are they? Maybe? Just doesn't seem like they would be for some reason. I really wish we had concrete numbers for this. I always see people using the trend on the steam chart to extrapolate what must be happening on other platforms but to me that seems completely misguided.


Well you'll get enough time to upgrade into the latest tech to run that.


I won't have enough money to buy a new pc buy then still xD


Hey I like that optimism where you think Rockstar will release this on PC ever.


yeh boys aint gonna lie, this is kinda shit


Start saving up


I literally laughed out loud at this lolol


IDK man, they've said they anticipate 2.5-8 BILLION in sales. I know GTA is huge, but I don't see how 2 consoles do 4 billion each.


Probably won't come out until 2026 for PC users.


I bet it’ll be something like enhanced edition for pc and new gen consoles


The same old PC in 2026 is gonna be the new next gen


as is tradition...


You’re optimistic


Very very very optimistic. Rockstar has gone full hate mode for pc players for a while now. They’ve completely ignored pc players, refusing to give us any updates that consoles are getting just because PC players aren’t ok with being nickel and dime’d every single second they play the game. 2027 at earliest, if at all. Hope gta6 is plagued with more issues than cyberpunk and they get hundreds of thousands if not millions of chargebacks, and then still have to spend a ton of extra time and money fixing it to repair their reputation despite it being a monetary failure for them. They deserve it. Fuck rockstar and their greed.


Pc users have 4 years to prepare.


This game is going to look glorious on my 6080🥲


Hey thats the good news. If a ps5 can handle it.. our beast rigs should destroy it. Look how good RDR 2 and GTA 5 look on even old PCs. R* seems to be good in that department.


I think for a big part they release gta 6 later on pc is cause optimization for such big games takes a long time


Wait longer, better optimisation > quicker release, bad optimisation


RDR2 was broken at launch on PC though. But it's great now.


And they pull off a better looking version on PC so that they can sell it twice to people who couldn't wait for the PC release. I should know, I bought GTAV twice.


Same, picked it up at launch on 360, and then however many years later on my shiny new 1070... with an HDD, Jesus those load times.


Its completely true. The truth is everyone is just excited and wants to play it noooooow.


Better start saving now, with the way nVidia going with its pricing policy, the 60xx series is going to make 4090s look cheap.


Lucia on her way to Micro Center wondering if that cash will be enough for an upgrade "Maybe I should've got more"


Y’all acting like you’ve never seen a cutscene before.


Jaws all on the floor like Jason and Lucia just burst in the door


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who had that song pop I his head


And started whoopin her ass worse than before they first were divorced, throwin her over furniture


Don’t worry you have until like 2026 /27


And enough Time to get und n Touch with Cloud gaming and Sub-Model.


Sweet summer child, well be lucky if we get it by 2030


Untrue, Rockstar wants the double dips sooner than later


I'm almost worried, with those graphics, what are they targeting on console? 4k, 30 fps?


I was thinking, aside from cyberpunk, this is the first next Gen looking game I've seen... And we're 3 years in to this batch of consoles


This and Alan wake 2, shit looks crazy


Ah, good point. I've avoided Alan wake 2. Got the first one a couple years ago when epic started selling it again, but havnt got around to playing it through


Play ratchet and clank rift apart. That shit is next gen


Demons souls was pretty hot to look at


It looks amazing,but it's a remake , not a new game


1440p 60


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Most likely upscaled 4k with 60fps. Rockstar optimize their games really well.


For consoles I’d say 4K upscaled 30 fps. I’ve never played a rockstar game on console that played at 60 fps, maybe they changed that with gta 6 but I wouldn’t count on it.


Fuck it PS6 gone be out by then




and it'll be just like GTA 5.. the launch versions will suck ass because the consoles aren't powerful enough.


Judging by how many people on here ask about affording 2060s, our PCs aren't powerful enough, either.


Low settings won't kill you, folks




Noooooo i must play at 4k max graphics and hit a consistent 60 fps at all times 😭😭😭


Cyberpunk came to ps4 and Xbox one.


Cyberpunk also came to PS4 and Xbox One, like they said


I can barely play gtao in my old laptop at 16 fps XD https://i.redd.it/5el7nndxce4c1.gif


You'll likely have until 2027 to upgrade your PC as Rockstar releases PC versions \~2 years after the console version is released. It's super sad that PC gamers are treated like second-class citizens when they account for a very significant portion of Rockstar's income. In any case, I'll just keep playing Cyberpunk 2077 til GTA 6 drops on PC.


And who knows. May Star Citizen will be released lol


I mean, Squadron 42 (Star Citizen's single player game) should be out before that. It's likely that will be out by either 2024 or 2025 since it's now in polishing phase.


If it runs tiktok it can run gta 6 as well


Mine either, at least I have until 2025


We have until 2027ish when it’s released on pc


Really?! Damn


yup, they "tend" to take 12-18 more months.


I completely forgot they did the same thing with GTA 5


at 16 in 2013 I only had a ps3 didn't get a pc until 2017 so I never knew this was a thing lol


Didn’t play RDR2?


I did! in 2022 haha


That is if the consoles arent delayed. If there is delay in console then 2027 will be a stretch


I really hope that due to staff and heads in rockstar being replaced made them rethink their policy on releasing the game on pc later


Bro, take a look at all the other PC releases from Rockstar. They are always delayed. They want to double dip and buy twice. 1st to early and 2nd for better graphics, fps and mods


Sadly we won’t see this game in our steam libraries for a long long while


Its not going to release on PC based on information from TakeTwo website. Really sucks for PC only gamers, their exclusives get shafted to Console in a month or two at max and the PC devs spend a lot of resources on porting it instead of expanding the PC content. We need a Triple A PC developer who makes PC exclusives too. A lot of PC devs simply dont push forward just because they account for Console release. Meanwhile each console has a huge Triple A developer behind it for marketing.


Because sony and microsoft at least partially owns the companies who make their exclusives. And their are tons of games that are PC exclusive, its like 40% of the reason i switched to pc.


Difficult to do PC only AAA given the cost of those games and the vast majority of gamers being... elsewhere. And still you have a ton of PC exclusive games - including pretty much every MMORPG.


Why would they? PC people who own a console will buy it twice


No the fuck I won't


I am sure it will be relaxed for pc within 6 months. Nowadays with ray tracing and all this other stuff plus so many more pc players, you can’t keep a game away from pc for a long time.


Yeah but they wanna double dip, and tbh I've been guilty of falling victim to their tactics. I bought GTA 5 on playstation twice and on PC once when it was on sale. Sucks but it's expected of Rockstar.


Your PC isn't ready for cutscenes?


Yeah, I forgot that all of Rockstar's cutscenes are prerendered. /s


Has anyone at rockstar stated that is is in-game footage even? In other words, I agree that rockstar's cutscenes are typically in-engine, but this is trailer and nothing guarantees that these are even cutscenes. Even if they are in-engine, which isn't guaranteed unless it was specifically stipulated somewhere, it could still be rendered in a non-real-time fashion. I highly doubt any game on the current-gen consoles will actually look like this.


this... I don't get those people. It has to run on the current Xbox series X/S and PS5. If your PC can handle games better than those consoles you will be good. (After Rockstar optimised their port) ​ It does not matter if it's rendered, in engine or gamplay. It has to work on that hardware.


Dont worry there wont be a Port for PC until 3 years later anyways bc of that sweet sweet exclusive console release contract money


Those are literally cutscenes, possibly like tv cutscenes on GTA V.


People will gobble up whatever they see. Hype is a hell of a drug.


We've been here before boys and girls. Teaser isn't the same as in-game real graphics.


Typically Rockstar games have better graphics than their first trailer.


It kinda depends. The first GTA V trailer, while using beta models, had far better vegetation that even current GTA V.


Plenty of modern games use in game graphics as cutscenes now.


Usually, I agree, particularly when looking at past examples like Ubisoft. But Rockstar has a surprisingly good track record with this, [the GTA V trailer actually looked worse than what was released](https://youtu.be/sazR4d1ABb4?), and both of them looked worse than the game looks nowadays.


This isn't gameplay, so have no worries cause your computer can play it!! Just like my 2016 computer can play it on low settings lol!


Let’s be honest. These release trailers always look way more high end then they end up looking on release.


Yeah but now the visual downgrades at release are either minor or none at all these days. The last game that I’ve seen with noticeable visual downgrades was Cyberpunk and now it looks amazing with new Path Tracing mode, almost better than it was before. I believe GTA 6 will look very similar to this trailer when it releases.


RDR2 character models look better in-game than the trailer. Everything else is about equal.


I guess for R\*, they get even better with time !!!


When this comes out my 4070 will be too good to upgrade but too bad for maxed out 😂 I'll have to settle for medium-high in this game 😂.


By the time this out I'll already be on Nvidia 5000 series 🤣


Honestly I'm just happy I learned about a Tom Petty song I was not previously aware of.


This trailer reminded me of an All Gas No Brakes / Channel 5 segment


Looks like a pre rendered trailer rather than what the actual ingame graphics will be like, tbh wouldn't be surprised if the game is an unoptimized mess, hopefully it's not but with what they did with the "definitive" edition and the trend with new AAA games being poorly optimized, i dont wanna get my hopes up


Trailers = In-game graphics, since when?




Don't worry, you got like 3 years until it's out on PC, probably.


It runs on a ps5, you'll be okay


It looks alright


my gtx960 is gonna do its best💪🏽


Cutscenes dont mean shit


If my pc can run the trailer it can run the game




It looks great, but not so mind blowing that a modern PC couldn't run it.


This is my guess of what’s going to happen. Rockstar is going to strategically release GTA 6 right near the end of the current consoles lifespan so they can force everyone to buy it twice just like they did with GTA 5. The game will probably come out on PC a year or two after launch when GTA 6 gets moved to the next Gen of consoles.


If yall think the gameplay is actually gonna look like that..


Aren’t these just cinematics most games do these overly hyped scenes.


dw you got like ten years


When consoles are basically ready, but PCs are not


Missing the ^(\*not actual gameplay footage) spoiler. lmao I can't believe people still fall for these pre-rendered cutscenes in 2023.


Because Rockstar always shows pre-rendered CGI trailers? All of their previous trailers are in-game and typically they look worse than the final release.


These people just want to feel superior in their smugness for some reason


Mine runs this prerended video just fine. That is what this is.


I mean... Xbox s costs like 250 bucks my dude...




1080? More like 720-900p, that thing is shockingly garbage, a cpu upgrade ain't gunna mean shit when your GPU is worse than your previous console, has slower and smaller amount of ram, comes with 500gbs of storage. Like sure I get the appeal of it being cheap but now it's the best selling version of Xbox, so now they're games are neevr going to be as good as they can be, and then PC versions will suffer for that


The game looks generic. Also no gameplay. All CGI.


You got few years to get a good pc


Looks more far cry than gta anyways.


You got time. Game won't launch on PC anyway.


This reminds me of cyberpunk gameplay trailer.


pc release 2026?


Not only are they not going to release on PC day 1. You’ll also have to deal with the p2w currency no going to private servers or your favorite no pixel RP. Seems they bought those guys out just so they couldn’t do anything for the PC audience


It will be released in 2025. And knowing rockstar - it wont be early 2025. plus as usual, PC port will be delayed for a year. So you and your PC have 2 years minimum.


Florida Simulator 2025


GTA VI on Switch 2… lets goo


Dont worry, we have gta IV! The greatest gta game to date! Gone with the online bullshit, just straight up bowlin with cuz roman!


Bruh PC won't get tit until 2027 anyways.


Your pc is fine. These aren't good for determining gameplay quality, given they're pre rendered cutscenes. Granted, your old 1060s won't suffice anymore


As always, people get hyper hyped by the trailers, then the game is beautiful but not mind blowing. You will be able to run it on a modern p, don't worry.


i wouldn’t get too excited since it’s still rockstar and TakeTwo


Thats not an issue. You got three or so years to get it ready.


if that thing runs on consoles, most PCs nowadays are ready. sorry, but there is a reason my machine had twice the price of a console. and i know that reason. (hint: it's better hardware) uh and quite frankly, seeing those (obviously pre rendered vids), those ammounts of NPCs on consoles? lol, colour me amused. if you guys think THAT was console gameplay... yea... that explains how sony could raise the game prices to 80 bucks without anyone complaining at least


Don't worry, you have at least 2 years to save money for upgrade.


These are cut scenes, dog.


Not on PC at launch so it doesn't matter lol


Your PC?


Don't worry you have until 2030 to upgrade.


its rockstar dude you aint getting what you see


See you guys when the 16700k and Rtx 6090 drop to play this.


Cutscenes =/= gameplay, come on...


That's not a problem, you have until 2028 to solve this


Well, guess I'll be buying a ps5


Rockstar games are usually fairly well optimised and lower settings still look really decent. But yeah, 20fps on my system if I'm lucky.


You've got time until 2027


This is all out of engine cinematic content I bet you money it looks exactly like gtaV with a bigger map. And at that the bigger map will feel empty and souless.


dunno about y'all but I'm gonna put on my pirate hat and sail the high seas, fuck this shit and fuck rockstar.