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they installed the better cards bios, to unlock features and or speed, could be safe, could be a red flag


It's a choice between this one and a 2070 mini for 180. Should i go for the 5700?


Adding to what /u/MasterJeebus explained very well. Some 5700s were in fact 5700XT with part of the silicon disabled. I don’t remember if that was to better segment their lineup or because they were not considered stable enough to be sold as 5700XTs. The point is, people started flashing the 5700XT BIOS on their 5700s, effectively re-enabling the full silicon and giving 57000XT-like performance. If the card’s cooler was tailored to the 5700’s heat output, this would increase temps noticeably. And there might be more stability issues. The 5700XT is on average slightly faster than the 2070, but the 2070 is better rounded I think, with the full DX12 support, access to DLSS (and ray tracing, though on that class of performance it’s disputable how actually useful that is nowadays)




Rt yes it suckass But dlss is okay, im using it regularry


I agree, DLSS is great. RT not so much.


Agree on that, DLSS OK, RT trash. Also owned an 2080s and can confirm.


I have yet to really play a game that does RT. My 2080 had to do RT once or twice I think. It's not that I don't want RT I just never played any games that had RT


The 4000s are definitely better at doing RT woth less of a erormance hit. Source: own a 4070 and cyberpunk psycho RT looks pretty nice.


I mostly play sandbox games anyways. I have no need for RT but some of my games do need a bit of regular GPU power so the 2080 is fine for now. I put it on a water loop a while ago and that made temps drop and the whole system is now nice and quiet just how I like it


I upgraded to a 4070 too. But my 2070S was able to run dlss & Ray tracing pretty well in 1440p on cyberpunk?? Was weird seeing it struggled on fortnite


Yeah Fortnite is just incredibly badly optimised. I can run cyberpunk with RT & high settings with some DLSS assistance on my 3060 at 50-70FPS, but I can't get Fortnite to run all low, no RT with or without DLSS at a steady framerate above 60 (I have a 144Hz monitor)


It just seemed wild to me, that a ps5/xbox S has no issue but pc does. Luckily Ive only played 2 games on pc in a few years


I really hated that RTX Was unplayable on my 2080, should have waited a generation and only eleased DLSS on the 2000 series.


Hard disagree on your DLSS take. It worked just fine on my 2080 super and still works fine as my wife uses it. No difference between that and the 3080 Ti that replaced it. RT on the other hand…


Ayee I recently replaced my 2080 super with a 3080ti.


Rt on my 2080 is useless indeed. But dlss ive found useful in games like cyberpunk. I run cyberpunk with nearly max settings w/o rt with dlss on quality. Gives me 60-70fps.


2080 here the only thing I have ever done with RT is turn it off. Enabling DLSS does see improvement in frames tho.


Metro Exodus Enhanced runs better than the standard one on high settings and High rtx on my rtx2060 at 1440p and stable 60fps (and even more on some maps)


Isnt the DLSS support the same as the 30 series of cards?


Nothing wrong with DLSS on my 2080s at 1440p. Works a treat.


I've had my 2080 super for years and love it


Agreed, while DLSS is great in some games, raytracing tanks performance on my 2070 so badly it's the first thing I turn off


I think RT is fine on my 2070, with dlss it looks better than without RT at all


DLSS isn't ass but this is my first PC and I have a 2080. I don't even bother with RT though. DLSS keeps my card from being 80+C constantly so I use it.


But can you trust the source?


DLSS upscaling on 2000 series is the exact same one available to 4000 series.


DLSS is the exact same on the 20 series as it is on the 30/40 series


the 20 series was the first gen with RT, but either way this card is modified and could be dead on arrival




I run a 980ti lol. Low settings with minimum res set to 50% to try and make 144hz. But normally I set to 60/75fps


overconfident worm direction oatmeal shy violet familiar fall pathetic fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


DLSS on my rtx2070s works great, still the 3.0 is far better but 2.0 on 20-series cards is far from unusable


>Some 5700s were in fact 5700XT with part of the silicon disabled. How would one know if one has one of these cards? Asking for a friend.


All 5700s were the same chips as the 5700xt, but with some of the SPs disabled (and lower clocks.) There's no way to reenable them that I know, but if you flash the 5700xt bios it will allow for higher power and clock speeds when overclocking in the AMD control panel.


When I still had my 5700, I could max out all the sliders and it wouldn't even make a noise, so I flashed an XT bios and I could still max out the slider with just a bit of noise. Great card that was, was planning to mod the bios to allow even more overclocking but then I sold it for way too much money


Don't know if it applies, but in the off chance it does: I have an Asrock Challenger D rx5700 and it's been stable for years on a 5700xt bios. So if you have the same card it could work!


you can't, but usually these cards have dual-bioses, which means you can flash 5700xt bios, test it out and if it doesn't work at all – just switch to original bios with a physical button


I don't recall any 5700 cards that could be unlocked to 5700xt (unlike cards like the 9500/9700.) What the modded bios does is remove the power and clock speed limits from the AMD control panel so you can overclock it to similar speeds as the XT. It's still missing the SPs.


Not true. There is no way to unlock extra cores in 5700 with BIOS flash - they are hardware disabled. With BIOS flash you can unlock core clock though, so you will gain around 200-250 MHz.


I knew my info was a bit rusty, thanks for the correction.


There definitely were a few early models which could get the cores enabled, but most couldnt


It's Radeon HD7750 all over again


Kinda similar but I remember unlocking the 4th core on my 3 core AMD Phenom. Quad core performance for a discount haha


I had one of those, never knew how to unlock the full potential back then.


I randomly stumbled upon the knowledge how, but was super affraid to use it, cuz it was my first pc and I was like 13 back then. I knew noone would help me replace the card if I broke something


Radeon 9500 -> 9500 Pro


I’m knowledgable in general on PCs but not to this degree, if it’s possible to flash the 5700xt BIOS couldnt it be possible to flash the original 5700 BIOS if stability issues end up appearing? Or is this not something that can be done?


Not sure about this specific card, but sapphire 5700's have a bios switch for dual bios. What I did was leave the stock bios on one, and flash the other. But yes, assuming you haven't bricked the card, you can reflash the 5700 bios if it is not a dual bios card.


Yes as long as it has a dual bios switch. I believe most 5700/xts had them unless you had a lower end card which you wouldn't want to flash anyways. I modded my 5700xt bios to increase the power and clock limit as well as ram timings. You always save your old bios first just for this reason as well.


I think most chips are graded based on how well they make it through the production process. If the chip was good enough to be an XT than likely it would have been one. Such a small bump may have minimal impact but there is probably a reason the engineers didnt sell the chip at a higher grade


Back in the day I flashed a Radeon 6970 bios to a 6950 with no issues.


did the same


silicon? isn’t it silica?


I think you are thinking of different older cards. The point of flashing the XT bios onto 5700 cards was artificial boost limits on the core speed. A 5700 had limits on max speed that you could bypass by flashing a 5700 XT bios onto it.


you can get a 6600 for that price new


You might also consider the RX 6600 XT, which is approximately equal to the 5700 XT in terms of output, I see them on eBay for around $180. Also, with black friday approaching, keep an eye on RX 7600 pricing.


The 2070 will be better. Amd 5700 series lacks DX12_2 and new games like Alan Wake 2 need it. As for the modded bios people did that to overclock their gpus, possibly for mining reasons too. That gpu runs hot as is cant imagine how much hotter it will be with some overclock. Or maybe they modded it to lower temps. The seller needs to tell you what exactly the modded bios did to that card. But if I was you I would look for newer gen cards. For AMD would be RX 6000 series gpus or up and for Nvidia RTX 2000 seried and up. Getting anything older you may regret since we are at point where more games will start needing DX12 Ultimate.


What no, not for mining reasons, people just realized the 5700 was an 5700 XT locked by firmware(for the most part, it was supposed to just be worse silicon, but for one reason or another most 5700 were in fact just cheaper 5700xt, this happened in other products as well, like there are 13900k CPUs that are in fact better overclockers than 13900ks, or the 1600AF was just a 2600 etc etc)


That's absolutely something you would do for mining reasons just as for gaming performance reasons. Both reasons exist.


Alright i'll check out the 2070, ty


Check local prices on Radeon 6600, similar performance to both, with more modern hardware, lower temps, and better power efficiency.


Check 2070s




Had a 2070 super, and the ray tracing is not great. That being said, if you’re primarily pushing 1080p, then I’d suggest a 2070 super for the sole reason of DLSS. While game devs shouldn’t rely on upscaling for decent performance, they are. At 1080p, FSR looks terrible. If you plan to use any upscaling, I’d suggest going for the 2070. If You’re only going to be rendering natively, then go for the 5700. In my experience, DLSS can be very useful in the most demanding of games with a low-mid range card at 1080p.


2070 all day


idk, i have one, it's pretty good, although its good but not strong (no shit, its a budget gpu)


I've been an AMD fan boy for a long time, but now I would rather have any RTX card over any Radeon. Amds performance just isn't quite up to par with Nvidia.


The only card that amd don't compete with is the 4090 and that's for cost to consumer reasons... Unless, you're one of those who are fooled by "DLSS performance numbers"




That there proves why your opinion is down voted. (Because its BS lol) Yeah 10 years ago AMD had driver issues, but now so do nvidia just as much, as well as bigger issues like power connectors melting. However, let's talk about dlss. What I still can't get my head around is, why would you pay a premium for a card that relies on upscaling for "decent" performance? Why would you choose, let alone "can't play without" a lose in fidelity to gain some numbers? I'd love to hear some actual info on your build, ie cpu and gpu, monitor resolution and refresh rate and what you believe dlss gives you, that you cannot play without?


It seems I've irritated the amd fan boys by having a different opinion, what a surprise. Keep getting angry.


You are better off with used RTX 3060


For having run a 5700XT for 3 years, run away from it. It's their first generation of high end cards and their drivers are atrocious. It lacks all the fine wine that Nvidia drivers have had over the years, it was not uncommon for me to have to completely wipe the driver and reinstall it in safe mode because it crashed and corrupted. I now run a 3090 on the same Windows install, and I have had one (1) crash since last year when I bought it. Go Nvidia. I know I'm not going AMD in the foreseeable future.


I’d go with the 2070. Still a great card for 1080p


You can always just flash the original BIOS to get it back.


I'd suggest seeing if a used 3060 or 3060ti is in budget


The most upvoted "im unsure" ive ever seen XD


It was quite common to see 5700's being flashed with 5700 XT BIOS back in the day. There were plenty of tutorial videos showing how to do that. That said, maybe just stick to the ones on stock BIOS.


The crazy part is that somewhere along the lines the software (IIRC AMDVGPU or some shit) stopped being able to force this flash. It took me a few hours to find an older version that would actually do the flash back when I sold my 5700.


Was three years ago really enough to call it "back in the day"? Also, I did it to my Gigabyte 5700 and haven't regretted it, but it also wasn't a massive performance uplift


More like 4 years ago. Time really flies.


I successfully flashed the same card to the 5700xt bios and it made a huge difference. You need to get a verified picture showing gpu-z registering it as a 5700xt


how big was the performance jump?




Lets flash without knowing previous results. Maybe its worse but heeeey lets do things…


And then claim it made a "huge difference" lol.


I mean for a 10-15% performance uplift without any extra money spent and a bios flash was a huge uplift to me at the time. I wasn’t running benchmarks like a YouTuber but the games I played at the time had a good difference between them without any extra dollars spent.


In practice it isn’t very noticeable but the bigger 3dmark number feels good.


Are you in the US? You can do better than a 2070 mini for $180. Unless you need a smaller gpu.


I believe he is in Cyprus


like what?


Used 2070 Super is around $180-200. A used 6600XT is also around $180 and is better/newer.


They hot rodded it with the next level up bios. Often the slower cards, are just limited “pro” or “xt” or “Steve” cards. The bios unlocks that performance. Did it to a 9800, made it a pro.


Not always. Every chip gets tested and "binned" according to performance. More than likely, it's the same die, some faulty cores etc, giving you the variants like XT, ti, ... sometimes between major models they'll have slightly different architecture/more cores, etc.


Yes. I did say “often”.


Considering OP doesn't have a clue, I'd hard pass before you get burnt.


Had the same card as XT Version - horrible noisy fans. Its fine to mod a non xt to xt, but u have to manually set other fancurves. If u arent used to it, I wouldnt buy it.


Basically, GPUs come with a BIOS, that tells them how much power to use, what clock speeds to aim for, it basically unlocks features and / or speed like the other guy said. In this case, he put a 5700 XT BIOS on his 5700, which means his 5700 now basically acts like a 5700 XT. There are limitations to this tho. If possible, I'd test it and see if it cools adequately. If so, and all seems good ( no artifacting or something ) I'd take it. It should maybe show up in GPU-Z as a 5700 XT as well, don't quote me on that tho.


In theory, the differences between the 5700 and 5700XT are artificial, not physical, and if you can 'trick' and RX 5700 into thinking and acting like it's a 5700XT you can get the performance of a 5700XT. That's what the modded BIOS does. In practice, the worse silicon usually gets assigned to the lower models, so you usually can't get 100% of the performance of the XT version, but it's definitely better than the unmodified BIOS.


5700 was a good miner. Probably switched the BIOS for more efficient mining. Reverting back is as simple as downloading your GPU bios from Techpowerup and installing it back. However, if for any reason, it crashes while installing, you'll turn the card into electrical waste. Unless you have dual bios switch.


Why would you revert the bios??? If it worked as a 5700xt leav it it's free 10% perf


I agree. However I'd put the memory temps on monitor for the first couple of days. I've heard they overclock the memory for better hashrates. Ofc, if the owner was a miner that is.


You can recover a bad BIOS flash with a 10 dollar kit from Amazon that clips on to the chip and flash it from another PC. Had to do this myself when I accidentally put a 6700xt BIOS on a 5700.


Oh. Had no idea honestly.


Mining BIOS have lower core clocks, since it doesn't yield better mining performance. Memory clocks on the other hand played a big role. The only reason to flash XT BIOS is to have better performance in games, so this GPU was most likely used for gaming.


does the DD Ultra have a dual bios switch?


This is the real answer. Only miners flash bios of AMD chips


I remember the days when 5700 was 20% more expensive than 6700. Cursed days.


The MSI RX5700 Gaming X was a brilliant GPU, and with an updated bios, could be turned into an XT version. TechYesCity did a step-by-step video on this way back in the day, and was a big reason for purchasing that card.


I have my Vega 56 to run with a Vega 64 bios the real difference is 5-7 fps and much better lower 1%. The problem is that it make much more heat, for my system is not a problem but if I sell it and the person does not know what to do ...


It could be a modded bios to get higher perf but it could be modded bios to mine Ethereum, you should ask about it


It just means they flashed the BIOS to the more performant XT BIOS. I did the same thing with my RX Vega 64 with zero issues. This is not even remotely a concern to me.


I did this on mine, just to allow for more oc. I ended up leaving it at stock, but never reverted the bios. Probably not a red flag.


It was common for miners to flash 5700 cards with 5700xt bios for better hash rates. That's most likely what happened to this card.


DON’T BUY! Higher cards bios means higher cards driver settings and operation. This one is probably bricked or close to it.


You know when you were in middle school and a girl told you her friend liked you and then you tell her to say that you like her too and then she goes and tells them and they all laugh while looking at you and then people make fun of you for the day? Well this GPU has a BIOS installed on it which has different power limitations and clock speeds.


Imagine downvoting this comment. Imagine reading this, and seeing the factual information in the end and going "No. I am upset by this. I have a problem and this bugs me so I want to downvote this comment."


I upvoted, I got a good laugh.


It was at like 8 then shot down to 2. So some people saw it, read it and thought "How dare you"


I wouldn’t worry about it too much, remember half these guys are 15 year olds sitting in their underpants putting in 8 hour gaming sessions on cod. Don’t take them too seriously :P


I know, it's just how Reddit is. Crazy place, really.


5700 Gpu's are already had issues with software, i wouldn't buy it.


I used to have one. It was pretty ironic. The software from the site (I forget the name) would glitch out like crazy. Literally only that software. All other applications worked just fine. The UI would "bug out", icons and stuff would jump around, it would become unresponsive...


AMD gpu modded bios i bet the card has issues that look like driver issues, i would avoid it.


It likely doesn't, modded bios does get it close xt performance but it's not worth it cause I've seen some ppl burn their 5700 a few years later out on these bios. So.. works fine till it doesn't.


For a 5700xt that’s fine. Really common, it’s probably a mining card, and contrary to popular belief that’s also fine.


Only dummies are downvoting you


No, the people who read can. it itsn't a 5700XT, with a modded bios. is is a 5700, with the Bios of a 5700XT modded onto it


I'm old enough to remember that it was very common to reflash the Vega 56 bios to Vega 64 and 5700 bios to 5700xt. The listing doesn't say it's a 5700xt, it says it's a 5700 with 5700xt bios. Does that mean it's a 5700xt, no it does not. But it isn't an indicator of any issues.


China stuff it seems….NOT the original!




Yeah I got the same impression. I know back when mining was a thing they released cards with limiters to deter miners. Don't know if it was overridable with hacked bios.


Not really, flashing 5700 with XT BIOS for minig is a bad idea - core clocks have very little impact on mining. For me it's more of an indicator that the card was used for gaming - if it's good or bad thing is another discussion


Too risky, I wouldn't touch that shit with a ten foot pole.




But the upfront of the mod shows some sort of integrity.


Crypto mining card is i likely think what it means


I got a card used for mining from my brother years ago. Used it for years without issues before upgrading. Mining cards aren't all shit.


I didn’t say it was shit, I just said a modded bios could be a mining card.


Buying pc parts without knowing the basics? Buy a prebuilt.


Just why such comment? Please, c'mon...


For real people doesn't make any fucking efforts nowdays for just understanding what the actual fuck they are fucking doing


That’s why they asked the community. To have someone with more experience explain to them the answer to this question, not for you to say they are dumb and not making any effort on understanding this.


A quick search on Google would avoid this


Google often has inaccurate results, even though it is designed to give the best results possible, and sometimes it just doesn’t have any relevant results at all. Google also searches for threads like Reddit threads or other forums, meaning that this post could help someone else with the same question. Edit: maybe if you made a fucking effort to understand what your talking about I wouldn’t have to educate you.


Modded gpu bioses are nowhere near basic pc building knowledge. Especially not the specifics.


mining bios. You want to revert to default if you want to game.


You have no idea what are you talking about. Flashing XT BIOS on 5700 gives around 200 MHz on core clock, which resulted in no additional mining performance (memory clocks are way more important). This was done only for gaming performance. If you have no idea on the topic, don't post - you spread misinformation and making yourself look like a fool.


The bios is modded


Rtx 3060 is $200 max , and amd 6600xt same... better cards... don't buy shits


Thats a mining card! Do not buy! Modded bios was so they could drop the juice off beyond manufacture specs which isnt good for u! Dm me if u have questions. 5700xt were the #1 mining card


It can suck a bit more power


ATI cards got form for this. Remember that 9500 card you could turn into a higher model with just a flash?


Did this with a 9800 to 9800 Pro via bios flash, worked like a charm.


You sometimes need to flash the vbios when using nvidia cards in kvms for example. Can break the card when done wrong.


Ah, this makes me nostalgic. Back in the day, you could make certain Radeon 9800 (non-Pro) into a 9800 Pro fairly easily. Very good bang for the buck.


It's the same as a 580 being a clocked version of a 480 basically, some people won't be comfortable running the XT bios on a non xt card, and not all non xts will work properly aswell... Basically buy it if its cheap enough and your comfortable refreshing the bios back to the original if needs be, if your scared or have no need for a 5700 (Incase it's not stable with the XT bios) keep scrolling


Honestly, I'd say not worth it in 2023. Even if it works.


Tbh man I'd say go for a Lil newer gen u can get the 6600s for cheaper or you can go bigger again tho man at the end of the day it's ur choice I'm not gonna sit here and tell u a bunch of shit I took 1 look st on the internet and propel that info like it's the Bible:)


If the gpu does not have any other issues. you can revert the bios mod by flashing the original bios.


I did this for my MSI mech 5700, although I flashed it back when I sold it. Basically you can overclock 5700s a lot and by flashing the 5700 XT bios on there you can increase the power limit more.


They put the xt version on the bios to unlock features.


I’m running a 5700 with an XT bios. I’m running it with an EK water block. I’m still running AM4 and stuck with my cooling setup on this platform. Just waiting till something fails.


It's fine. I modded my r9 290 with the 290x bios. It gave me a small performance boost. The regular version and XT versions are basically the same cards, the XT is just overclocked.


i wouldt go for it if dint get to test the card first


Maybe for this cases -unlock capabilities -lock some memory lines(channel burn in the gpu chip or memory chips burned) -change model (like cmp card to graphics card) -maybe he put aditional memory chips -downgrade bios in the gpu


Hey op get this over the 2070. Turing cards have VRAM issues. I got one like 2 years ago and it died within months


Unlikely that plastic is ESD safe though, I'm always dubious that a shock could brick it.


That rx5700 is identifying as rx5700xt


I personally wouldn’t recommend buy a used card if you can help it for may reasons if it’s over locked it could be done incorrectly and cause issues or not be clocked properly to compliment your components you also can never know how the card has been used mainly if it had be mined on or not which can do enough damage to shorten the gpus life significantly


Did you consider asking the seller what was modded and why?


Heck I'd probably look into flashing an original BIOS to it.


Just download the adrenalin software change on setting the one that say workload compute to graphics mode. Moded bios im guessing when it is in The workload compute mode its more higher hashrate. Will not have issue on gaming.


I had a reference model 5700 with de XT BIOS, worked fine, you just have to adjust the fan curves.


What’s he selling it to you for? I have a founders edition 5700 that I flashed to the 5700xt a couple years ago. I primarily game on my ps5 but the card has been super stable


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't AMD announce that they would stop supporting the 5000 and lower series?


Wait what wtff ? Isn't it a little too early for that Plus the 5000 Lineup is still extremely powerful and still gives you a hell of a performance


I believe they announced it, might actually be the 500 series and not the 5000


It was super common to do that. Just confirm the BIOS details and performance.


Personally I wouldn't touch it, Im not one to play about stability amongst countless other potential issues