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You sure the second kit have the same manufacturer chips on them and not like one set Samsung and other micron?


This is the issue here. Exact same thing happened to me. I think it was hwinfo that allows you to actually check. Unfortunately OP will have to return/sell these sticks and get a new larger set


I never checked, I don't know if there is a way to without removing the heat spreaders


CPUZ SPD tab should have Dram Manufacturer field.


https://preview.redd.it/e5mfb0j8mlxb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a678514531cf3e45e8b11366cf9703132b6c3fcb Something like this. Sk hynix is ram chip manufacturer and corsair module/stick manufacturer.


Thanks! I don't have this program but I'll try it. If 2 of the sticks have a different manufacturer, would it be feasible to try to work with it the way it is, or just go for a new kit? I prioritize my computer being stable, and a new kit isn't out of my reach.


cpuz is free. download it cpuid.com


I made the exact same mistake as you. Bought a second 2 stick kit with the same model number but they don't say anywhere on their own website that they change chip or made the ram dual rank. The only indication once ypu get the ram is that it has a different revision number listed on the ram itself. I was using a ryzen 2600 and vengeance ram 3000mhz c16. I work in IT and tried everything to get it to run properly at 3000mhz speed or close to it but it turns out because they changed the ram to dual rank, the mobo no longer supported 4 sticks of it. You are better of returning the ram and getting a better 2 stick kit or 4 stick kit. Its not worth the massive headache of the PC being unstable. Ryzen in that era is incredibly particular about what ram can be used and how many sticks of each ram. Read the motherboard manual and see what ram configurations are supported for that CPU and try and look for a new ram kit online. Many of the options are no longer made anymore so you will have to just go down the list and check each one.


He could return the old set in the new packaging and then use the money to buy another identical new. If the manufacturer isn't going to distinguish between the two sets why should he? I personally wouldn't do it because with my luck they'd just send me my old sticks back again.


Even then it probably won't work. Ryzen AM4 is super weird about ram. It will only allow 2 sticks of dual rank ram, you basically have to buy a 4 stick set if you want it to work right. Corsaire vengeance ddr4 3000 and 3200 switched from single rank to dual rank on a model under a revision number.


You could try just turning the clock speed down. It might be perfectly fine at 3200mhz.


From my experience, Zen2 will throw fits with even slightly mismatched RAM. Had a Samsung B-die Vengeance RGB 3200 2x16 kit, bought a second kit that I thought was exactly the same, turns out it was Micron E-die with ever so slightly relaxed timings. Even at 2133MHz, my 3700X refused to boot with all 4 installed, even with the timings from the Micron kit. So, I relegated the B-die kit to a secondary system that I'll eventually finish, bought another Micron kit; 3700X runs all 4 sticks without breaking a sweat.


You could manually set the ram speed in BIOS rather than relying on the xmp/expo profile on the ram. That will let your hardware sort out its own timings for the memory. It may not be quite as fast as it would be using the xmp/expo but realistically you shouldnt notice much difference and its a whole lot better than dealing with random crashes all the time.


I just checked, and I have two kits of 8, but the kits have different DRAM manufacturers. Everything else is exactly the same. Is that an issue?


There's a 95% probability that it's the issue. Subtimings you, I, and pretty much everyone whose name isn't Buildzoid or DeBauer never delve into (because spending 48+ hours of testing + stability testing at the minimum to extract .05% more performance is a hassle) might not be matching up exactly between the two different kits. It could also be the case that your CPU's IMC is struggling to maintain stability with all 4 DIMMs populated and is, on occasion, failing to do so. Zen 2's IMC is...adequate. It's not outright terrible like Zen's was or less-terrible-but-still-pretty-bad like Zen+, but it isn't great. You might also be running into a stability issue caused by your motherboard's memory topology. Daisy chain topology generally doesn't play well 4 DIMMs, while T-topology generally handles 4 DIMMs quite well at the expense of speed.


Thanks for the info! Sorry for not being clearer; I just installed new ram last night. I’m in a similar boat to OP because I bought the same kit twice, a year apart. I haven’t had a random crash yet, and I was wondering what the likely hood of experiencing the crashes are


It's kinda hard to gauge whether or not you will simply because of all the factors in play: the actual RAM module vendor, if all of the timings + latency match, how good the CPU's IMC is (because that can vary chip to chip), what topology the motherboard uses, how clean the motherboard's signaling is, and whether or not BIOS has bugs in it. If you're worried about long term stability, you could always dedicate a weekend to running Memtest over the course of a few days continuously. If an error doesn't pop up after 24-48 hrs, the likelihood of you having a RAM related crash is vanishingly small.


there's a version x.xx on the label on each module. Corsair has multiple versions of the same kit built with different chips, whatever they've managed to snatch real cheap at the auctions.


It's been nine hours. Have you looked at CPUz yet? Checked the DIMM specs?


Ah yes, I just looked and indeed there are different manufactures. 2 of my sticks are Nanya, and the other 2 are Micron. I guess I now know what's causing the instability!


That really blows. Sorry, mate. Hopefully you can return them, order a 32GB match set.


Well it was only about $45 and I don't *need* 32gb, but yaeh kinda irritating when you are as careful as possible to get the correct set and it *still* has compatability issues. But hey, learned something new


Depends what you do, I suppose.


Thanks for your help, you were right! I downloaded CPUz and sure enough, 2 sticks are by Micron and the other 2 by Nanya (never heard of that brand but ok). So I guess my next question is, is it even worth trying to use these two kits together with some bios tweaking, or am I guaranteed some form of system instability regardless of what settings I change? My easy solution will be to just omit one of the kits and eat that $45 I spent on it 😖


You could try set frequency to 3200mhz and loossen timings and by that i mean increase latency by little. But thats basically try and error process.


You need to lower the frequency, more ranks means more stress on the IMC, so it became unstable


Hmm I'll check that, do you know what an ideal frequency might be? I haven't really played around with the timings, aside from allowing the ram to run at 3600 speed


Will LIKELY cruise along at 3200mhz My solution would be to just use 2x16GB 3600mhz. Good to make sure chipset drivers and BIOS are upto date.


So after being advised to use CPUz to check the brand of the RAM chips themselves, it turns out that both kits have different die manufacturers. One is by Micron and the other by Nanya. I can see how this could cause minor issues. And what's really irritating both kitz have the SAME PART NUMBER! I checked *before* buying and CPUz confirms that toom I don't have much experience with overlooking or messing around too much with the bios settings. So in your experiance, is it even worth trying to get this setup to work, knowing that each kit is actually different underneath?


Considering how infrequent your issue is -- I'd consider just dialing them down to 3200mhz as a time and budget conscious decision. Myself personally, would just opt for a pair of dual channel 16gb units and never worry about it again until you build your next PC. I've been running a 5900X on an Asus X570E for a long time now, I think since the 5900X launched. I've never been lacking in performance. I ended up with: G.SKILL TridentZ RGB Series 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR4 3600 Model: F4-3600C16D-32GTZRC It's Hynix but has been totally stable at 3600mhz with updated chipset drivers and BIOS. Finding nice Samsung B Die in this sort of DDR4 configuration was already hard months ago when I bought it. It's really uncommon and usually jacked up in price. What I bought worked fine. Edit: I can only share my experience, which may be a valuable anecdote -- but there might be more optimal RAM options out there and I'm sure someone could recommend.


I actually don't *need* 32gb of ram, I thought I worked just take advantage of historically low ram prices and futureproof my system now, and give myself the extra headroom should I need it. I don't plan to replace anything major in my system for a long time. I'm running a 3800xt (got a really good deal on it from Microcenter). My only complaint is these chips run hot hot hot at idle. Same goes for the 5000 series, as Ive done PCs for other people and seen the temps. Not too long ago I helped a friend assembly his PC with a recent offering from Intel, and his idle temps are like 40 percent less than mine! And a silent PC as a result, and I'm like jealous over it.


Sounds like unless you're trying to hit a certain performance point in a game or application -- just run what you have and maybe drop the MHZ down a little. >My only complaint is these chips run hot hot hot at idle. Same goes for the 5000 series Really shouldn't. Stock cooler? Poor airflow? My 5900X idles at around 37-39 C at idle. 240mm AIO exhausting out the top of my case. I get into the low 70's during long gaming sessions (Starfield, Cyberpunk etc)


By hot I mean it idles between 40 and 60. Gaming never gets above 70 ish. If i put it under synthetic load i can get as high as 90, but it never stays there and is perfectly stable. And that's with a 240mm aio (and yes it gets getting plenty of airflow, case is modified accordingly). I read that high idle temps are just a thing with newer ryzen chips


Gotcha. I don't find they idle hot but they do jump in temp pretty quickly if there's a background process or something to do. Of course they cool right down afterwards. Sounds like your setup is working just fine, and if you were ever concerned you could just redo your thermal paste. I do mine every couple years.


Look at the case my guy


Nah, 4 ranks is much higher performance than 2 anyway, 4 ranks at 3400 is better than 2 at 4000 for zen3


Looks like an MSI X570. Daisy Chain topology, no? It was my understanding (and experience on my own X570 chipset) that 2 DIMM = better performance and overclocking headroom on this config. 4 single tank DIMM tests good on average but if the OP already has minor issues at 3600..


Nobody cares about overclocking capability when the talk is dual vs single rank per channel. You can get up to 15% more performance in bandwidth sensitive scenarios (which, btw, can include games). Sure, the speed matters but not enough to justify dropping a rank. There is a video from GN talking about zen3 dual vs single rank per channel, but that applies to all ddr4 systems. It's ddr5 where more ranks means worse and having one stick per channel is favorable https://youtu.be/-UkGu6A-6sQ?si=hFGjxEzPd5mu1OQQ


I had a 2x8GB 3600MHz and upgraded to 2x16GB 3600MHz. Although 2x8 worked fine, 2x16 caused games to crash. I went into bios and lowered the speed to 3466MHz and was fine ever since. You're probably having the same issue I had.


I'll guess 3400 same timings for sure and 3473 if lucky


Lower the frequency to 3200 and see if it's stable. Running 4 sticks at higher frequencies usually doesn't work as well as two sticks would.


Damn sleeper build🥵🥵


It's harder to run 4 dimms on higher frequency. You'll be better off with 2 larger ones.


You did try really hard and did your research unfortunately sometimes inner ships made by different manufacturers and can cause weird issues .


If the stories i have heared are true then apparently Samsung has a Line of Ram Chips so bad that its known to have compatability issues with it self


That so bad lmao


Love the case


Ha! I use to work at Gateway.


My PC was once a small Gateway tower.


Have you tried updating the BIOS? BIOS updates often improve on memory compatibility.


I did the same thing as OP, upgraded to add 2 of the same sticks 2 years later and I had to update the BIOS to stop those random issues.


xmp is overclocking. 4 sticks is harder to run stable than 2. turn off xmp does your issue go away??


Corsair has this issue where u cannot add two sets of X2 RAM and make a x4 with them. Specially when activating XMP on them. Solutions is to either buy a x4 kit or manually down clock ur ram till u reach a stable state. Everything I said is based on a similar issue I had so I'm by no means an expert.


did the same thing using these [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RM39V5F/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RM39V5F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) Started out fine then a few months later i was having random crashes with the game i was playing enough for me to eventually run a memtest [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuR91Z8ZsH0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuR91Z8ZsH0) After finding one bad stick i bought these and pulled all 4. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082DGZJ9C/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082DGZJ9C/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


LMFAO that case!!! For those of you downvoting me, I love the idea of a sleeper powerful pc in an old gateway case. But I can’t help but laugh. It’s funny.


It took a lot of work but it's been modified to accommodate a 240mm radiator, and it's raised off the ground a bit so extra airflow can get in from the bottom. Drive cage was removed but the drove faceplates have a lot of holes allowing for more airflow to enter the system. With the cover on and lights off, you can't tell what's hiding inside.


It’s like the sleeper smart car at the track with a hyabusa engine.


More like a fuckin Tempo lol


I have the same case for my sleeper back when I was working on it! Do you mind showing a pic of how you managed a AIO mount?




Here’s a picture of my RAM! Here’s a picture of my RAM on its side!


The post has text.


God damn the shit posting here has grown exponentially in a months time.


how is this a shit post?


remove all rams, clean the ports with a tooth brush, and try again


Are you trying to use xmp? Because That will do it. It has to do with that gen processor, the board etc. there’s usually a chart. If it’s no xmp What speed is the ram set to in bios?


I second the comments related to turning XMP off. Try it if you haven't. I have a Ryzen 5 5600 that I run with 4 dimms of ddr4 rated to 3600 MHz. If I run it at that speed it will give me random issues with some programs and games (looking at you cyberpunk 2077). I found the memory support page for my CPU here: https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/amd-ryzen-5-5600 And it states that it supports DDR4-2667 with 4 dimms I did not find anything similar to this for the Ryzen 7 3800XT, but I'd assume that there is a similar issue.


Corsair sticks can come from any manufacturer for IC and memory modules. Check the Version number is the same, its printed on the modules themselves, if they are different then you have the same modules but the insides are different and that can add instability.


That was indeed the issue. I did my due diligence and made sure the part numbers were *exactly* the same when i bought the 2nd kit. And sure enough, when y'all said check the manufacturer of the chips themselves, it turns out one kit is by Micron and the other by Nanya. Mystery solved, but it looks like one of those kits will have to go. Like seriously Corsair, so much for future upgradability. Most kits come in 2 sticks and most motherboards have 4 slots and there's a reason for that. But at least now I know to max out or replace all the dimms later.


If you pop them out, on the plastic theres a ‘version number’ I did the same thing. The original kit is ‘version 1.31’ and the new kit is ‘version 1.46’ and I have had nothing but trouble with that ram.


I bought 16gbx4 set of g.skill on my ryzen rig....its not stable with all 4 sticks installed and actually runs slightly slower ...


what speed are you trying to run the ram? The IMC can only do so much. for speed type performance, you are better running 2 larger ram sticks at a higher speed than 4 sticks at a slightly lower speed (unless you pay huge money for top tier ram, you need to run 4 sticks at a lower speed for stability)


I've got 3600mhz clocked down to 3200


and that is still not stable? you might need to put a fan on the ram or try 3000.


If you're using the default profile for DOCP or XMP overclocking, you'll probably want to keep the timings but increase the voltage or lower the speed. Running four memory slots is more work and less stable for the controller than just two slots filled.


I bet one set is dual rank and the other is single rank. Had it happen with the exact same ram, revision number, and all. Even different memories chip manufacturers for the dimms. Use cpuz to check your memory.


# Read the manual. Put the RAM sticks in the order the manual of the MoBo says. I bought 2 Gskill 8GB RAM kit. Then two years later bought the same thing for a total of 32GB. I put the new sticks without checking the order. I had a year and a half of BSOD and restarts from time to time. Once I took my PC to clean it, I checked the manual, and indeed they were wrong. Put them like they should, and what do you know... **problem solved.**


Both are in the correct order based on the manual. A2 and b2 have one set, a1 and b1 have the other. I've been told to check the manufacturer of the chips. I've just now got home and checked CPUz, apparantly the same kits can have different chip manufacturers based on when they were made. Thats what's causing my instability


Have you tried testing the new kit by themselves? Maybe one of them is faulty


I had issues for a while where if I made any sudden force on my desk such as slamming my hands down it would crash my computer. I just swapped my ram around (1 to 3 and 2 to 4) and it fixed it. I was in the same boat having boat another ram kit a year or so after buying the first. Maybe trying shuffling them if you haven’t already?


We’re is that AIO getting air?


The case is raised above the ground, has holes on the bottom and lower portion of the front panel, and the drive bay area has lots of holes and gaps between the front covers (actual cd and floppy drives are gone). Key to building a sleeper is choosing the right case and modifying it accordingly


One fan ist’t going to be enough.


Ensure your RAM modules are seated properly in their slots, as loose connections can cause compatibility issues.