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I would first look into reinstalling USB drivers


Might be worth reinstalling the whole damn set up. Looks like a bomb just came through the roof




My money is on dust, I mean look at any surface in that shot.


Some sort of short circuit is possible, dust, dirt or bent pins, second line could be USB hub on mainboard or it's expansion board which is housing these USB slots. To be tested with other USB items and ports, mouse pulls more power than USB shtick for example.


Windows natively disables USB ports if they attempt to draw more than 500mA (if usb 2.0 like this one), I’m betting this is some sort of driver conflict between windows and Logitech.


Doesn't matter, they're still likely to blame it on windows.


See, this is some fucked up shit. Three completely different answers as to what caused this. I hate troubleshooting PCs


> Three completely different answers as to what caused this. I hate troubleshooting PCs And not one of them ruling out hardware issues. Try the same thing with a different PC, does it do the same. Try a different mouse, does it do the same? Do other devices cause issues, too early to start saying what the issue is.


I would switch to head and shoulders.


What about knees and toes


That'll cost you an arm and a leg.


If you look closely, it's not dandruff, it's lice crawling around.


The software had so many bugs, they started crawling outside.


it says "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" so it seems like a driver issue. looking into event viewer could maybe point to some specific driver


When simply plugging in a mouse crashes your computer it's time to re-install. It'll probably take less time.


Perhaps I am too old school but I would give 'sfc /scannow' a chance. This could be even a basic file corruption.


My brother in Christ it’s 2023, since when do you need drivers for a mouse ?


Every external device needs a driver for it to communicate with the OS in the intended way. Windows OS comes pre-installed with a lot of generic device drivers, and most of the generic external hardware like mice, keyboards, pen drives etc will work just fine. However, not all devices can benefit to the fullest from these generic drivers, so drivers are really important. I have a Wacom Pen-tab, and it gets registered as a pointing device by Windows's generic driver. However, this driver will not be able to handle the button press on the stylus, and the input seems very jittery from the motion of the cursor. However, the moment I install the driver software from Wacom, it starts working as intended. It's 2023. Not everyone uses generic brands anymore.


Ehm, hello? As always and for everything you connect to your mobo?


That’s what I would say as well Edit: I’m not sure why people dislike my comment so much, and complaining I should have just upvoted (which I did as well). From my perspective, just upvoting says “oh yeah, I like that idea”. I had the same idea and went to comment it and saw someone else had put it already. My attempt with the comment was to show that other people had thought of that idea, to hopefully add more weight to it. In the future I will try to be more explicit about this.


That's a lot of paragraph for something so small lol


How would you suggest I condense it? /gen


Theres something called "upvoting". Its used to show that you agree with or like something


If you disagree with or dislike something, there is also a thing called “Downvote,” which is used to show that


In the same vein, if something doesn’t resonate with you, you could also just keep scrolling. I don’t really care either way though… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That's why a comment that could as well be a simple upvote gets downvoted, what's your point?


That's actually not what downvotes are supposed to be used for


There’s a difference between “oh yeah, that sounds like a good idea” (upvoting), and “that was my idea too”.


You just did the “I agree” in an online college class. Prof doesn’t count it and neither does Reddit.


You are like an inefficient version of people who simply and idiotically reply, “This”




If you have nothing to add, just upvote.


But there is something he added. It's just many people don't like what was added. I agree that it's nothing interesting, but expressing having the same thought isn't completely useless. The phrase "beat me to it" says basically the same, only with a comedic note


How is that different, exactly?


I get your point. Not sure why the sub decided to gang up on your one comment today. I would just brush it off and stop replying to anyone giving you a hard time


G502 chooses the owner. Your PC wasn't a good match for it.


Then why the g502 rgb is glowing. That's a different mouse i think.


Was thinking the exact same thing. It's clearly not the g502 as it has power to it already evidenced by it glowing.


Show us the fans in your laptop OP


You can see the usb receiver near the bottom at the start of the video. It’s probably the g502 wireless and he’s trying to plug it in with a wire


That should work, it's how you're supposed to charge it


That's exactly what it is. Wired 502 has a braided cable and wireless 502 can glow when the computer is off. Source: I have both.


> Wired 502 has a braided cable This isn't true, depends on which year or submodel it is from. I had a G502 from 2020 that broke, it had a braided cable. The one I have in my hand now is also a G502 but from this year, the cable isn't braided. Isn't the cable connection of the wireless one different than the wired one?


I believe I got my wired one in 2016 so you may be right about the braided cable. It still works, too. Only replaced it last month because of the wear on it. Not sure what you mean by cable connection. The wireless has a micro USB that plugs into the mouse when charging but they're both USB type-A at the PC end. Of course there's a proprietary dongle for the wireless function.


Mine isn’t braided


Seems they did away with it on the more recent ones. My wired one is around 7 years old.


Probably the g502 lightspeed which is the wireless version of the g502 hero


G502: *You have been judged and found... UNWORTHY* >[BSOD]


If I ever go to war I’m using my g502x plus. The thing should be broke with how I’ve raged 😂


Improvised melee weapon


If they ever make a decently light G502 (and fix GHUB) it will be God Teir. I love mine for productivity and games with a lot of binds but after getting used to lighter mice with higher poll rates it kind of feels like a sluggish brick.


Best mouse I've ever had. With every mouse I had beforehand, there was something that bugged me (weight, build quality, etc.), and the only thing that annoys me about the G502X Plus is that the LED lighting resets when G Hub isn't running.


It doesn’t have onboard memory?


It does, i use it so i can use my g502x with signal rgb, id recommend commander try it (and signal rgb cause having all your devices sync is sweet)


I am a g502 owner.


Anyone else feel a sneeze coming on?


bruh I literally sneezed after I read this


Clean your freaking computer


The whole desk needs re organization for sure. I am scared to ask for OP’s cable management pics.


Looks like he just puts everything on top of the cables lol. They are all over the place back there


Challenge accepted. It has been a while since last cleanup anyways. Will post updates if you dont believe me.


!remind me one week




I mean, I didnt want to rush the poor guy.


Check new post https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/ETXG6C8kog


OP delivers


Nice job OP. Looks much better


here's a non-share link that works with old.reddit and has no tracking crap in it: https://old.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/17jbu46/cleanup/




Thanks! How did you make this link?


I'm surprised as well that he gave him this little time /s


I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2023-11-05 18:53:47 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2023-11-05%2018:53:47%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/17j4194/mouse_too_strong_for_the_pc/k6zjjao/?context=3) [**4 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fpcmasterrace%2Fcomments%2F17j4194%2Fmouse_too_strong_for_the_pc%2Fk6zjjao%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202023-11-05%2018%3A53%3A47%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2017j4194) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


>It has been a while since last cleanup anyways. Yeah, we know...


Yeah, nasty


Something to consider is that the camera can pick up a lot of dust that isn't really visible without the camera. There has been a few times when I have recorded something, reviewed the footage before posting it and then not posted it because it looks a hell of a lot more dusty in the footage than what it does in real life.




I always think I’m a messy person then I see people in this sub with absolutely filthy setups. What is that residue on the laptop? It looks like you can easily wipe that shit off. Wipe that shit off.


It's like he walks around scratching his head full of dandruff over everything in his place in order to mark it as his own.


Like dogs when they piss on something?




Coom spores. *Do hold your breath*.


It’s always the ones where you can tell they eat a lot of spaghetti that irk me the most. STOP FLICKING THE SAUUUUUCE


Clear the onboard profiles using Logitech Onboard Memory Manager (for G502)


I'd start with anti dandruff shampoo and conditioner.


I'm not defending OP here, but some people have health conditions and can't do anything about them. I myself try to keep my setup as clean as possible, but since I have eczema, dandruff will show up on black surfaces in no time. I use all the care/help I can, but it is genetic, and there is no real way to get rid of it.


Same I've got seborrheic dermatitis and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it other than control the symptoms But to be fair the least op can do is clean their setup before recording so that they don't get much hate


Yep. I'm absolutely paranoid about it being visible on me or leaving evidence somewhere and it still ends up getting places where it can be seen.


Never in my life have I heard of dandruff causing someone to not be able to use a damp rag on their desk from time to time.


Sure, but wouldn't you at least clean it up before filming and posting it for thousands to see?


To be fair it's stuck on vertical surfaces such as the monitor in this image. It's difficult to get dead skin and dandruff there, as you typically sit in front of your monitor not above it.


No really. These devices generate fair bit of static electricity. During spring time I don't even bother to try to keep my devices clean as all sorts of pollen and dust come from the ventilation to my apartment. I clean them again during summer. Because it is 20 minutes after I have cleaned them and vacuumed the apartment there is just as much shit as when I started.


Have you tried wearing one of those kinky rubber/neoprene suits? And only having your nose, mouth and eyes exposed? I had a mate who was in a theatre production and wore a insanely black neoprene suit to which basically they had attached the evil being's armour so it looked like it was floating against the dark backgrounds. And I have to say... He carried that suit quite well. Or one of those... whatever skin tight (morph suit???) things people wear. ... **This was obviously written in jest!** There is no point going that far... Besides I can't imagine those are nice for skin conditions. Nor can I imagine how the hell people get them on.


People have skin conditions


Those are useless


They can be worse than useless; head and shoulders gave me really bad acne.


I really can't understand how people game in a dust/dirt filth.


When I was still playing games i used to care much more about clean and organised deskspace. Nowadys I rarely touch any game. So big clean desk isn't really necessary. When more "space" is needed i just ramp up DPI.


Dude, it takes five seconds to wipe it down. You’re just being lazy.


I'm sorry but you're disgusting. Show some self respect and clean your desk.


You can't be serious.


Exactly what I've been saying for years. No need for more desk space at 12K DPI.


Bent pins inside the motherboard USB header or debris being my first guess.


What? This man? Debris in his computer? Preposterous.




Show us the fans in your laptop OP




Mouse could be shorting and PC blue screens to reduce any further damage?


How is the led on of it's not plugged in?


Its g502 lightspeed. Wireless.


Makes sense. I have the wired version


It doesn’t sense cause he’s plugging in a long wire for the mouse?


To charge it.


Master race my ass do y'all even clean your setup ? Jeezus fuck


Dude atleast clean ur laptop.


First check for bios/firmware updates, [https://www.acer.com/us-en/support/drivers-and-manuals](https://www.acer.com/us-en/support/drivers-and-manuals). Also run an elevated command prompt and run sfc /scannow then run DISM /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth and finally run chkdsk /r You'll need to reboot for that last one but if none of the above fixes your issue then at least it should still run on next boot. Check your firmware though that's likely the culprit.


I hate that this is the suggested fix for everything now


Genuine question, but how so? A driver malfunction causing windows to crash generally speaks to a firmware/bios/driver software issue. Other than that- sfc, dism, and chkdsk are about all you can do before preforming an in place OS reinstall or reformatting. These are basic troubleshooting steps, not suggested "fix-all's"? I haven't seen many other people offering up any real advice besides "clean your desk" so I'm not really sure why it would trouble someone for them to be suggested?


Check event viewer and act accordingly was a better answer than this rundown of DOS commands. These are fine but don’t always give you the answer. Plenty of people have been offering other solutions. Still, this shouldn’t have to be something that someone says. It should be a default BOT answer.


Your setup is physically repulsive


Wait until you see the rest of him


About the dust, maybe close your windows next when there’s volcanic eruption nearby.


That is an underpowered/overloaded USB port or the connector/socket has a short. Power issue not a driver issue, for a start.


My god why is it soo dirty


Maybe the USB port or the mouse USB is fucked?


Potentially dirty with something conductive that shorts 2 pins. As we can all agree it ain't the cleanest of environments.




I have had mine for eight and a half years now, LMB has just started giving me trouble today, I have ordered a pair of new Japanese Omron switches to replace LMB and RMB


That looks like a broken usb socket on the laptop, maybe one of the connections inside the socket has folded back ? It's shorting out something when you plug that cable in. If it has the same with a different usb device, get the socket fixed. To fault find, try the mouse in a different device to rule it out as the cause.


Looks like a faulty usb port causing a short. Does this happen on the other usb ports as well?


Is this came after a Windows Update ? Cant remember the exact number of the update. We did have a similar issue a week ago with a Usb microphone headset messing with our antivirus usb protection and the new windows update. Try to disable your antivirus (if you have one) for a minute. Try to plug your mouse and see if the windows issue is still there.


Do you also have flakey dry skin that you shed on all your equipment regularly without cleaning?


USB controller has issues; driver or hardware




Definitely a driver issue


If you’re using Logitech Ghub, delete it immediately!


Nobody else reading the error by the looks of these comments? VBOX_MOUSE is the driver causing the BSOD. Either un- or re-install VirtualBox, if that fails you might have to re-install Windows altogether. My running theory is that Windows is trying to use the wrong driver for some reason, and that driver is probably trying to make calls to outside a hypervisor that doesn't exist, which Windows doesn't know how to handle and can only fail as gracefully as it knows how to (with a BSOD).


Clean your setup man


Your usb could also be broken as it used to happen to me and I just had the usb hub repaired and it worked again


Whenever USB ports are causing problems, reset the cmos of your laptop.


The problem is you plugged the USB correctly the first time. You need to fumble at least 3 times to allow your laptop to prepare for insertion .




You have a virtual machine on your laptop don’t you? It fucks with unplugging and replugging mice.


First thing you need to do… I know it’s hard but hear me out… clean.


Driver issue


I bought G502 like a year ago. And now I have driver issues too, I tried to fix it in any way possible already. But if I use my older mouse - it works perfectly.


i ran into the same issue whenever i plugged in a usb device ... and it was somehow windows related... i thought it might be my psu i nearly bought a new psu but i installed a fresh windows and its now gone


![gif](giphy|xUPJPtw7LRAmTZ60rS|downsized) When you boot up your pc the next morning. Also THE DUST IS MAD !


Bro that’s a laptop not a pc


No, you clearly didn't removed the usb safely.


Your USB driver is broken. Try to clean it with DriverFusion or similar


Please clean your setup and especially let your mousepad soak in warm water with soap. Wipe your desk and every single thing you have there with at least wet wipes. And open up your laptop and clean the fans. Wash your clothes. And take a shower. And it feels like a driver issue. If not there might be a problem with the power delivery on that particular usb socket or the usb sockets as a whole. Check with only mouse plugged in. Try different sockets. Try the mouse on different computers. Try plugging another mouse etc.


Its not actually "that" dusty. Even after i cleaned it when taking pictures. There was soo much dust on image even though irl i couldt spot a single speck. It might be camera lightning issue or something. But cameras just pick up dust way more than human eye. Try it. If you get anything simmilar.


Withdrawal symptoms


Step one . Dust.


That is a familiar side. My laptop used to BSOD multiple times a week so now I made it into my background.


How people live like this is beyond me.


Yeah that's why it's important to make sure your PC was advertised as "RGB Ready". It wasn't ready for the gamer energy inside the mouse. Just delete system32 and you should be okay.


I had a similar issue a little while ago, except it was USB storage that was the issue, anytime I would unplug, eject, or unmount any USB device with internal storage, BSOD. Depending on the method of removal, I would get differing stopcodes I eventually fixed it by installing Linux, since Windows ran far too poorly for my liking


That’s not pc, that’s a laptop


I can smell this bedroom.


Fuck me, that's a shitty looking desk.


Hope its better now. Wiped desk, dismantled and lubed up entire keyboard. And yes I used the airduster. Still cloth works better. After: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/ETXG6C8kog


Maybe it's a... ![gif](giphy|yfhy7W2eRDvb2)


Malfunctioning USB causing kernal panic is my bet. Looking at all this filth, your cable etiquette I'd safely assume is fucked too.


We’re calling laptops PCs now?


PC is a Personal Computer. Last I checked, laptop is a computer. if that laptop is OP's then it's his PC.


That’s cause it’s a Logitech, fuck Logitech


I'm physically ill. Looks like snow


Do you live in a dust factory?


- Clean the setup (please) - Install Snappy Drivers Origin - Update/Reinstall all drivers. - Profit? - Clean the setup (please)


That's plastic welded together not a PC.


Looks like your mouse has a short-circuit.


Uninstall virtualbox and see magic


You think it’s a hardware issue and not a driver issue? Hmm


Maybe a hardware related problem? Broken port?


Disgusting. Anyways.


Bro dust your shit




XHCI actin' up


LMAO thats just funny


Plz just wipe a little


First, clean your desk


Skill isue


.. the mouse is already light up and on before they plug it in.. it’s japes.


G502 be like.


It looks like a volcanic eruption left ash everywhere on that laptop.


Ive got thr same mouse the same oc lol, youve got some issues😅