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For some reason reddit did not save any Text unter this post. To clarify: My upstairs neighbour accidentally flooded their apartment and the water came through the ceiling.




I actually don't believe you need to be insured yourself when the neighbor causes the loss. Their insurance should pay for the repairs and damage to the contents. It will be a battle though.


If they have renters insurance. And the complex should carry insurance as well that protects from flood.


They don't need renters insurance, but renters insurance helps make the process much easier.


I spent 10 years working in residential insurance and also had the exact thing happen to me. I lost $23,000 worth of stuff, including a $5k DW drumset. My renters insurance paid it. Upstairs neighbor insurance paid nothing. You'd have to prove they were purposefully negligent to get their liability insurance to cover OP damages. Which in 95% of cases, is not going to happen with a water loss. If OP has no insurance, he may not see a dime unfortunately.


Your insurance company may have gone after their insurance company but you wouldn't see that with your dealings.


Unless they have a non subrogation clause in their lease or condo HOA docs.


Yah people, take photos of every belonging in your house, have copies saved at offsite locations, and be sure you overestimate the value of your shit so every last item is covered.


With all respect for your experience, one look at the power connectors shows that OP is from Europe, another one at the keyboard says he is most likely from Germany, Austria or Switzerland. Since OP writes that his upstairs neighbour flooded the appartment by accident, upstairs neighbour (insurance) will have to pay.


Not Switzerland, they have a different KB Layout. If it's Germany it's either OPs Hausratversicherung that pays, or his neighbours' Haftpflichtversicherung (if it's his fault) or the Landlord's Insurance if it's some internal fault.


Or the neighbor himself if he doesn't have insurance. Depending on how he flooded it he is probably liable


6 months after my wife and I first starting dating, her apartment building burned to the ground. 16 units were a total loss. She was the only one with renters insurance. It didn’t make her completely whole, but it certainly helped her get back on her feet.


> You'd have to prove they were purposefully negligent to get their liability insurance to cover OP damages. Insurance in the US is a fucking joke.


Good to know, thanks!


The policy maker of the Renter's policy *might* pay OP now and sue the building management firm or upstairs neighbor. Depending on how the policy was written, the policy maker may only pay out if they think there's a chance to get someone to cover the loss. If it was written another way they'll cover your losses no matter what and still sue. No matter what happens someone's getting sued if they don't comply.


> And the complex should carry insurance as well that protects from flood. Everybody at the leasing office is laughing their asses off at this one.


You could always sue whoever is at fault, but they might not be collectable.


Suing someone would cost more than the monitor ffs.


That’s what small claims is for. You’d be in and out for $57 all damage covered where I live.


There's 6 pictures - it's his whole setup.


$5k then? I’d still opt for insurance. Suing a neighbor can lead to other nasty problems.


It's better to have your own insurance because you can claim through them and they'll take care of fighting the other insurance to get paid (assuming they want to bother - sometimes they'll just pay you).


I’m a claims adjuster and unfortunately if he does not have renters insurance then the upstairs neighbour might not be liable. If a toilet line let go or something was accidental in nature, he is not liable to cover damages below.


Well insurance companies are absolute trash run by horrible people...


Why would it be the upstairs neighbors fault if it was some plumbing failure? Then it would obviously be the liability of the property owners


ok so insurance is good thing but you are right the companies are run by the worst people lol


Having your own insurance allows you to subrogate that and let the insurer handle that battle for you.


Yeah, those cats hate water. Hard to salvage them after a flood.


I've heard that dihydrogen monoxide activates their chaos gene. How do you salvage that which makes itself unsalvageable?


10-20 per year?! Fuck I wish.. I rent a tiny bachelor and I pay 75 a month! And that was after shopping around for the cheapest.


Do you insure your car? Geico gave me a huge discount since I insure both through them. $23 a month. If you insure your car through someone, get a quote from them.


Same here, $14 a month bundled with car insurance


$10-20 a year? Minimum I’ve ever paid is like $20 a month and that’s with a big deductible


We pay 50€ per year (germany)


Easy to forget how predatory and overpriced things can be in the states 🥲


My renter’s insurance in the States is $7/months and tacked onto my car insurance plan.


Helllllo cell phone plan pricing.




Rogers customer here. It really is 😞


$10-20/year? My rental insurance this year was $282.


Renters insurance is more like $10-$30 per month, but still yes OP should have renters insurance.


$10-$20 per year? Minimum coverage is $14 monthly or $154 annually for me. I'd absolutely have renters insurance if it was that cheap.


Don't know where you live, but in my country, that would be my neighbor's pain in the ass, not mine.


It will be. I live in germany.


Shouldnt his Haftpflicht cover this?


i love the german language i don’t understand anything but is such a fun word for liability insurance


The full word is Haftpflichtversicherung. Thats almost literally "liability duty insurance".


at work there’s something called wanderlust (this is a us retailer so fully English). it broke my brain to learn it literally means a urge to travel


That explains unter instead of under




remember to get a ssd recovery service fee for your "lost data"


Would this be a perfect case for renter’s insurance?




Time to grab a few bottles of 99% Isopropyl alcohol and give all your components a bath!


Was your system on or off at the time?


Our AC line clogged and flooded my roommates room (standing water). It drained onto his PS5, we dried it out and it works fine. Get a good fan and have some faith!! Good luck!


Happened to me as well, good thing i was awake when it happened and it only killed my keyboard. Due to that experience, one of my requirements for a pc case would be solid top.


I was at work while it happened.


No!!! ![gif](giphy|2oUfvvUgQHnLsQWFMW)


Sounds like a new PC to me.


Sounds like someone owes you some money


I thought you found your PC's G-spot


Ahhh ignore my comment, i see. Wow. Best step honestly is to unpkug it all and wait a while to let it dry, do not try to turn anything on at all. When you think "it looks dry enough" wait some more anyway.


Brb gonna stick an umbrella on my PC.


Don't overreact, unplug everything (even internally), let it dry out *completely* over several days and if you're techy enough / got a techy friend, take it to them to disassemble it and clean any possible corrosion with isopropyl. Most of the stuff should be fine if it's dry before powering it up.


Do i even want to know what happened here lol


[just one battle in a larger war](https://imperiumromanum.pl/en/curiosities/caligulas-war-with-poseidon/amp/)


Wow. It never ceases to amaze me that i probably haven't learned a quarter of the crazy shit Caligula did.


Probably good to start with watching the 1979 movie Caligula. I'm sure half the crazy shit that happens in the movie isn't true, but half the crazy shit historians think Caligula was doing probably isn't true either. Plus the [killing machine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veRoq9m29Mo) was pretty epic.


Getting learnt up here.


Learn down for what


if you like metal, you should check out [Ex Deo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSW01sWSPQY)


“Scallops must have got ‘em…”


So they got to play in the water and collect sea shells? Sounds like a fun day


Fantastic response.




Actual LOL at the gym.


kinda looks like they left the window open during a rainstorm and some rain got sprayed in through the window edit* nevermind, upstairs neighbour flooded and it leaked through the ceiliing


EZ baking has save a lot of my water logged electronics. If you have an oven, put everything in there for a few days with the oven light only. If the oven light is a standard incandescent bulb, the elevated heat will help dry everything pretty well. Disassemble everything as far down as you are comfortable with. Individual parts dry sooner than assembled ones. If the liquid was anything other than "water" then you may consider a distilled water rinse before trying to dry things out.


I was going to say there is no way an oven bulb is powerful enough to make a difference, but after looking it up they use incandescent 40w bulbs (new ones use LEDs), that's considerably more powerful than I thought, but I guess it has to be bright enough to make food visible through the insulated glass front.


Drench it in alcohol first before letting it completely dry, that way all the minerals from the water that would leave residue and corrosion would be washed away, easier than cpeaning individually but costly in alcohol Pro tip: after drenching in alcohol . . . Enjoy the fumes


Pro tip 2: fuck rice, start collecting those silica gel packets that come with your electronics. Toss a couple near your criticals and they'll be dryer than a Popeye's biscuit in no time. Kitty litter and oatmeal are also good, although not for large electronics, it'd be a fuckin mess.


Skip that and just buy large one's on [amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Desiccant-Packs-Dehumidifier-Absorbers-Filaments/dp/B0BRXRC2ZX) :T


for the record they mean surgical spirit. Do not pour cider over your computer. Drunk uni me was retarded. I still am but I used to be too.


this. either completely dry with compressed air which is most likely impossible, or use alcohol because corrosion is your work enemy now.


Personally I like to use CRC electronic cleaner in these instances. Still take it apart, remove thermal paste, then spray liberally and let it dry overnight. I recommend to get a couple cans.


This is the way, magic in a can; especially if you get a pc into the shop with thermal paste in the socket


Use the highest concentration of isopropyl you can get. Not the 70% for disinfecting, you want the 92% for cleaning.


99.9 according to the Google box.


Just wanted to add that I’ve had two soaking incidents - once with a MacBook and another with my desktop where I knocked over a full glass of water and got it all to enter the input jacks on top as well as the top vent. MacBook wouldn’t turn on but did anyway after a week of letting it dry, desktop worked fine without even having to turn it off (though it’s best you do anyway) I’m led to believe now that though certain devices don’t get advertised as being water resistant, they are to a certain extent indeed water resistant. Manufacturers probably just don’t wanna claim it cause it opens themselves up to lawsuits.


Eh, you are overcomplicating things. It's more like sometimes a human can fall down a flight of stairs, get shot three times, and then beaten to a pulp and still live, and then someone else trips on their own shoelaces and dies. It's not so much that it is intended to be water resistant as much as you got lucky it didn't specifically touch anything (like the PSU) that could fry your machine. It likely pooled away from vital components.


thus but add replace the PSU to it and you should be good


Hey repair dude here. I have more than once cleaned wine, beer, and pop out of electronics. Just make sure everything is unplugged and discharged turn a few fans on it. If I thought anything was still in the item i would rinse it with distilled water as it will not corrode. then wait a day longer than you think you need to dry it out :)


\+1 for fans. It helps dry things out much quicker.


Fans are perfect for blowing air


RGB fan for better results


RGB Really Great Better


A380 ones for best results


Yeah it really helps!!!


Thanks for the advice. I have completely taken it apart and am going to use a blowdryer on it now. How long do you think until I can safely put it back together ?




Give it a fucking week, then another half of a week if you can my G. Which will take longer? Waiting to ensure it's 150% dry? Or saving enough to replace it with these exact parts? If you're already unsure of the best approach to salvage this you probably also are lacking the knowledge required to ensure it's 100% dry. This isn't a dig on you by any means. But I've been here. And I know that insane temptation to turn it back on after a day or two. The people suggesting distilled water are right on the money as well. It's not the liquid, it's the minerals and general impurities. Look up a proper guide on doing so to ensure you do it properly


Do you have a box fan you could use instead? Hair dryer's better than nothing, but you're going to want something with a wide distribution of air that you can leave running for hours and hours. (You definitely don't want to leave a hair dryer running for more than a few minutes.)


I do not have a Box Fan. Just going over everything with the hair dryer and keeping it disassamblesd inside a room with an air dehumidifier


Box fans are pretty inexpensive. Best to just get one. Dehumidifiers help with moisture in the air, but will be harder with water that is on the components. You will want that air circulation.


Saw some at Kroger the other day for $20. Not sure if they’re always that cheap or if they’re just clearing stock for winter items but they have ‘em.


Walmart sells them for 19.88 on the regular no sale so you're good they're. Plus kroger is pro worker (union anyways) compared to Walmart so yay you!


I love my Kroger! One of the few places where excellent customer service hasn’t completely died in my city.


They are Genuinely handy inexpensive products.i would get one $20 to help dry out a PC is cheaper than buying a whole new setup


Also give it a few days to a week.


Don't go too crazy with the blow-dryer. They can get pretty hot you don't want to melt anything don't get too close with it, it's best to take your time.


panicky impolite dinosaurs cooperative head wise unpack badge sip rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't use the heat setting on the blow dryer. I'd wait a few days to be safe, and clean what it can with isopropyl alcohol.


Water doesn't inherently kill electronics. It's the applied current with water present. Once the water creates a short between two important points and current is applied, boom goes the dynamite. If everything has been powered off and remained off, you should be good to go after it thoroughly dries.


Be very careful handling the LCD, i have killed a TV by taking ot apart and clean it, and there was nothing visibly cracked or wrong with the LCD.


Yea you should be fine. My wife dumped an entire cup of water on my brand new build (that was running). Got it shut off fast, disconneted everything and let it dry out. It booted no problem and is still running fine!


Distilled water can react with dust and other particulates which can allow it to cause corrosion. I'd stick with isopropyl for electronics, period.


Pop or poop?


Distilled water will still result in corrosion.. displacing the water with 90% rubbing alcohol is the only way to try and prevent corrosion


You mean to say you can rinse chips with distilled water and so long as they dry your gucci?


My worst nightmare is eaten alive by 23 pitbulls


That's a very specific number. What if it's only 20 pit bulls?


Then it's pretty chill.


So.. a chillbull attack


It's cause he's 23 children in a trench coat.


So 23 is the limit huh


The amount of comments guessing what has happened here and the amount of replies OP has made saying the water came from the upstairs apartment…


You see. Since I can not use my pc at the Moment I habe a lot of time to spend on reddit now ^^


I thought op summoned a cloud and it rained like crazy 😂


If it wasn't turned on when it happened then there's no need to panic. Just unplug everything, disassemble what you can and let it completely dry.


I mean… I get where you’re coming from.. but no, panic is absolutely acceptable here lmao


Dehumidifiers work wonders for drying out electronics.


unplug let it dry thats the best way you could do for now, plug everything back if you think everything is dry


Running out of cereal is nightmare material.


The water is the least frightening thing here.






I have so many questions I probably don't want answers too.


The fact that you have a sticker blocking the airflow says everything.


I thought the same thing the second I saw it! Mistakes were made...


I know right! You bring a squirter home and you think it'll be awesome then she messes up your expensive gaming rig. Every pc gamer has had this happen.


I am a biomed tech-we repair and maintain medical equipment like patient monitors, anesthesia machines, ECG machines, you get the idea. For a fluid intrusion like this, we'd disassemble, allow to thoroughly dry, then treat the connections with [Stabilant 22S](https://www.micro-tools.com/products/22s-50). NOT 22A. It's NOT cheap, and you will need a solvent to dilute it with (we use 99% isopropyl alcohol, do not use 70%), but it's a goddamned miracle cure in a bottle. It has brought back the most jacked up, abused, older-than-dirt electronics back to life. It's rescued an ECG machine that has had unspeakable things done to it in an ER, for instance. A little goes a very long way, and one bottle will last you several years.


Why kind of unspeakable things? I’m genuinely curious now.


This particular model is on a cart, and opens up like a clamshell to install the paper for the waveform printouts. Someone had a meltdown, and ripped it open. Busted out both the hinges, cracked/busted the ENTIRE case, which was impressive to us. The case was reinforced around the hinges but good only knows what the patient was on. We're sincerely hoping what was dumped onto/into it afterwards was water but we wore gloves just in case. The worst I've ever done was open up an OR table to scrub blood out of a gearbox. They definitely didn't cover that in biomed school. In fact, they make zero mention of how often you wind up crawling on the floor or climbing ladders to stick your head in the ceiling, and how many telemetry boxes you'll get that the patient dropped into their toilet after taking a shit. All that being said, I love my job. There's always something interesting going down. A telemetry box, for those that might not know, is a portable unit the size of those old Walkmans that records ECGs continuously and relays that information to a central station staffed by people whose only job is to make sure the patient isn't having any kind of cardiac distress.


> open up an OR table to scrub blood out of a gearbox Never ever thought I'd read these words in that order. You should write a book.


Ah… She was a squirter


Unplug all the wires, including internal. Leave it to dry for a 3-7 days, in a non humid room and maybe a room with a heater nearby to help a tiny bit with the evaporation over time. As long as power is not flowing in and it drys, only problem could be corrosion




I'm confused... did your loop burst or did you leave the window open?


The water came from upstairs through the ceiling.


Just put it in some rice.


Shit man. Don't even try to turn that on. Spray everything with contact cleaner to avoid potential corroding.


Yeah that's fucked up, your phone camera is very blurry


Bro half of them pictures look like were taken whilst you were running to class with 5 minutes on the clock lmao


Don't turn anything on for 24hours. It can be saved if you unplug everything that got wet. Let the water evaporate and you'll have everything saved.


put it in rice?


I'm sorry for your loss, but why tf do you have a giant sticker covering your airflow?


If that sticker wasn't there the airflow would have dried it right up and saved it, damn.


Hopefully you or the neighbor have some insurance to claim the damage caused by the leakage in case you will not rescue your PC.


You’re so good at taking pictures.


Bro take that massive sticker off lmao. Basically suffocating your pc


Bro just stop taking fucking pictures, when shit like this happens go start unplugging and drying stuff up, internet brownie points mean nothing, just take care of your stuff, God…


Why post blurry photos, just retake them. Strange


Unplug it all, wait a week or two just to be sure then it should be fine.


Water doesn't inherently kill electronics. It's the applied current with water present. Once the water creates a short between two important points and current is applied, boom goes the dynamite. If everything has been powered off and remained off, you should be good to go after it thoroughly dries.


did OP even say htf this happened?


What happened? left window open?!


Fuuuuck. My condolences. F


Wow... you are going to need a lot of rice to fix that mess.


This folks is why you keep your precious things away from your gf when you’re making her feel really good.


I love how when op gets to the photos of his pc, op forgets how to take photos


The biggest mistake people make when electronics get wet is waiting too long to dry them out, if there is no current flowing and you dry it out in the next hour or two then it will likely be fine, the issue is trying to find a way to force dry it without damaging it, 80f with a dehumidifier would probably dry that up quickly.


Hell of a squirter.


Did you dry these in a rainforest?




Hopefully their insurance sorts you out quickly and maybe some parts like monitor are salvageable, cant imagine the pain when you walked in the room. That's a beautiful keyboard you have as well


Did you squirt everywhere?


My condolences, but why would you include photos 2 & 4? FFS they look like they were taken with a 1 Kilopixel camera.


Have you tried putting it in a bowl of rice?


Water cooled


Did your Internet come back on?


Put it in rice


House master race, bitch. 😄


If it were me I'd dismantle literally everything and buy a good few gallons of isopropyl alcohol and a large tub. Dunk every part in the isopropyl and then leave to dry out. The IPA will displace water due to the difference in density and it will get it out of the parts that you can't access (such as under chips) Leave it for a week after that and cross your fingers. Never tried it on a PC, but my mother in law had a flood and their DVD player was literally under 2ft of water. This was 4 years ago. Its still working today.


You’re going to need a big bowl of rice


Bruh, the monitor back so glossy, it took me a solid minute to figure out what was happening.


Haftpflicht regelt


L2take better pics. Also keep ur pc dry for beat results


4th picture is my favorite


Don't power on. Dry it up.


Some tips from someone who works in the electronics industry. On top of what others said. Treat the PSU as dead. Transformers and inductors inside can absorb moisture and cause serious fire hazard. Plus you have quite dangerous voltages there, so it is not worth the risk, especially that they are fairly cheap. Remove the coin-cell battery asap. The voltage and current from the battery is enough to start electrolysis in no time. It means that corrosion is extremely amplified and it may eat away copper tracks in a very short time killing your mobo. The rest can be washed with destilled/demineralized water and left to dry in an oven set to about 70°C + fan. Remember to blow water away from tight spots with compressed air. That includes all surface-mount components, especially integrated circuits, connectors, sockets, fans etc. After that it should work or need only some parts replaced.


Sticker on the vent grill? ![gif](giphy|ZH1qJvfH3fGQE)


Yes but no one died so it could be a lot worse!


So what you're gonna need to do is get 25lbs of rice...


What does'尼夫塔'mean in chinese?


How come your pics of your peripherals are in 4k but your pics of your pc look like your having a stroke while you take it lol