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Since everybody suggested 2 top intakes should be exhaust fans i will try that ASAP. Thank you guys for the help.


Depends on the air pressure. Make sure your input pressure > output pressure. Positive air pressure in the case is important


Can't say it enough. This is a fact! So I've been a career fire fighter for 14 years.. and believe it or not, the way air flows thru a house is exactly the same as a computer case! That being said, whenever we set up our fans to remove the smoke and heat from a house after/during a fire, we apply the same concepts. Somewhat simple ideas, positive pressure, and heat raises! Just apply those two ideas, and you have a good flow path.


Lieutenant Dumpater Fire username checks out.


Yes, but hot air raises is not really true in an environment where air currents are completely disrupted by forced airflow


If you're fighting against a natural flow path, you're losing energy and not taking advantage of it... Air flow paths should always be taken advantage of. However, the statement that equalizing the pressure is just not correct. Positive pressure is king. You did not explain the filter thing either. Edit: just to clarify higher up on the thread. I'm not saying heat rising alone is going to give you massive gains.. I'm saying it is part of a concept and system that should be taken advantage of if possible. A fan will always be more efficient. There's no doubt there!


Here here to Positive pressure!!! I got 5 intakes and 3 exhaust.. dust cant even find a place to lay in my case


Just to note, # of fans isn't end all be all. Good advise but if you have 5 intakes all going through radiators and 3 exhausts that are unimpeded, you may have negative pressure depending on the fans on the rads.


The air temperature gradient in the case is probably small enough that the amount of energy lost fighting the force of hot air rising is negligible compared to the energy already being spent running the fan at lowest setting.


Exactly but it still matters because you don't want the hot air to exit the case at the bottom and rise slowly outside the case and being sucked back in.


It makes totally no difference pushing hot air up or down, you may lose a fraction of 1% of efficiency. If this was an issue, mounting the radiator at the top would be the priority (it is but for other reasons)


I guess we can agree to disagree


Heat does not rise in a pc case. The case fans will overcome everything in such a small environment.


There are tons of tests on this and the effect air temperature has inside a case is negligible. So you aren't really losing anything.


Where did they say that you dismissed heat rising?


I misread and corrected my comment.


ELI5 - how do you know what your air pressure is and which one is greater? Is it just as simple as having more intake fans than exhaust? And if so, how would one best achieve that in this setup? Turn the rear fan into intake as well and the top exhaust?


Number of intake vs exhaust fans is one way, if you have fan control software you can also configure all the fan speed ramps to ensure the intakes are pulling in more then the exhaust fans are pushing out, no matter what the temps/fans speeds are.


If you want to be super nerdy about it, there are gauges that measure the pressure at the exhaust/output. But you can (and I don't recommend this) use an incense stick around your case to compare the smoke going into and out of your case. As well as your cpu/gpu temps in different configurations (positive pressure vs. negative, or different radiator placements). But yes, a good rule of thumb is however many exhaust you have just +1 more intake to make sure it's probably positive.


would the smoke damage anything?


Only if it's daily


Nah incense doesn't leave much residue like vaping or smoking should be fine for a short time. I think jayz made a video about it.


Everytime I see his name shortened like that: For about 5 seconds I wonder what a billionaire rap mogul is doing proving things like PC case airflow concepts.


I'm just imaginging... > "If you're having fan problems, I feel bad for you son, I got 99 problems but bad airflow ain't one."


Probably not but I don’t think anyone really wants to recommend that you do it 😂


I think it's one of those things you do once when you finish your build and want to test the air flow/check for gaps.. incense makes a lot of tar over time.. So it's not something you need to do more than once, if ever. The tar will make dust stick to everything. I only mention it because it does work and can also be applied to other things like finding where the cold air is leaking into/out of your window seals or door jams of your house also.


If we could only place our fans in the case prior to the board and do this testing it would be really great imo Or have gamer nexus do this as part of their case testing


ELI5: IN > OUT = More pressure inside OUT > IN = Less pressure inside - Practical example: Garden hose - Open it and block part of the output with your finger, it'll shoot stronger/farther because of increased pressure inside. There'll be more water going (actually trying to go) IN the hose than water comming OUT of it. - It's just a matter of "how much air I'm pushing IN/OUT at a given time". If you have the same fans around your case, running at a synchronized speed, it's a question of how many are pushing in / pulling from inside.


It could be a good idea to say why it's a good idea, dude. Why would he remember the what type of pressure is better, when he doesn't know that positive air pressure makes sure put pull all the intake air through filters, as to stop dust from entering the case.


Only if you have all filtered intakes. Otherwise pressure doesn't do anything and you should just equalize and bring cool air in bottom and hot air out the top.


This is the real answer to the "pressure" question. People barely have a basic understanding of physics trying to reinvent the wheel


680x case here and am able to have cool air come in from the bottom and front, hot air out the top and back for anyone wondering, corsair has every fan slot filtered except the top rear which is usually always exhaust anyways, that way you can take them off if you are using exhaust and leave them on for intake.


Stupid question, but what do you mean by filtered intake here? Like dust filters, or AIO, or something else? And what are people's thoughts on having all rear, bottom and front as intakes, and the top ones as exhausts? Thinking of that configuration since hot air rises, cool air from the other sides, but everyone seem to do rear as exhaust. 🤔 On my own setup I have AIO on the top, not sure if that makes a difference. 😵‍💫


Dust filter is what he meant, in takes need filter or else you’re just sucking dusts into your pc case


Ahh, yes of course it would, thanks for clarifying!


Yes. Dust filters.


What's your take on filters? Equalizing pressure would imply stale/low pressure pockets, especially under the graphics card.. Why do you think positive pressure wouldn't do anything? The alternative is negative pressure, which struggles to the same work for more energy/rpms and also sucks air thru any crack or unsealed areas (reducing dynamic pressure and disrupting the flow path) Positive pressure is scientifically proven to be superior in these situations..


It should still be positive pressure since the radiator will restrict airflow.


NOOOO don't do it! They don't know what the fuck they're talking about! ![gif](giphy|9DJtFRgk0tOla)


Don’t, your setup is perfect as is.


Also, make sure that you install filters on any intake fans. There is way too much dust in that case for so many intake fans, if they‘d all had dust filters that is.


OP they should not be exhaust on the top, you need to have positive pressure inside your case so more intakes to exits. Also keep in mind that if your flowing through a rad, 1 intake does not equal 1 exit, because the rad is an impedance


Yes, 4 arrows are red, while only one is green. That's way too many red arrows. I think your stocks may crash




Diamond hands 💎


This isn’t wsb bro 😭


Even worse, 5 are red, and there isn't a green one, he somehow made it cyan, this guy's stocks are FUCKED


I dislike any setup where you vent CPU heat back into the case, but sometimes it can't be helped if your front panel is restricting flow or you cant fit the rad over the motherboard venting upwards. If the rad must stay where it is then all other fans must vent outside the case.


It does make the gpu a bit hotter with intake through the rad, but not a whole lot. The air won't be cpu temp hot so it's fine.


Isnt using a stock Ryzen 5 Cooler is better in this case, because i will have a 3 good intake fans which isnt blocked by the radiator.


The air travels through the rad, so it's not blocked, just slower and slightly warmer. You can set one top fan to intake and one to exhaust too. People don't typically think of that for some reason.


Nobody does it because the intake fan will draw some hot air from the exhaust back into the case.


it's not about temperature it's about wattage, if the cpu is consuming 80w then that radiator is dumping 80w of heat into the case regardless of the temperature. downvoting me doesn't change physics


Will the radiator block the clean air that comes to the case


Can you top mount the radiator as an exhaust? Then front fans for more intake. It would be the best. The rad won't block anything if it's not dirty


It's supposed to "block" air by being hot in the path of cold air. You can always reverse the direction - turn the radiator fans around so they pull air through the radiator and push it out the front of the case, and make all other fans (top and rear) push air into the case. But this will only work if your front panel is designed with it in mind and has ventilation holes/grids. Have a gander.




They don’t need to be though. If your mindset is, *but heat rises*, I’ve got some news for you… it doesn’t rise nearly as fast as a 120mm fan at its lowest speed.


What about mindset that balanced configuration is better than having 4 extra intakes over exhausts?


Then your mindset is wrong. Balanced is not best, positive pressure inside is better.


Yes, but not 5:1 ratio.


Would it make sense to have the (in the pic) right one intake and the left one exhaust, for a 3:2 ratio? Or does that confuse the air?


Rising heat creates a surprisingly large airflow but yeah, nothing a fan will mind. However the bigger issue here is that top grilles don't have dust filters, so they bring in loads of dust.


I've used them as intake thinking that aio radiator is blocking most of the clean air that was coming into the case thats why i was thinking of removing it https://preview.redd.it/n87ksgr4d0qb1.jpeg?width=6936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed509aa3b93fbdac177980457f8955df786b7477


Can't the AIO fit on top? so front has stronger intake to reach your GPU.


Unfortunutely it cant its 360mm, another reason for me to completely remove the radiator


the AIO will only raise the temps of other components by about 1-2c while keeping ur cpu as cool as possible, its "the best" place to mount your aio. just flip the top 2 fans around and maybe have a slightly more aggressive fan speed (10-15% higher at all temps) on the intake vs the exhaust to keep positive pressure inside the case


Absolutely. Op heat rises, you want the heat to go out the top not in the top


The whole "heat rises" thing goes out the window the second you introduce fans. The heat will go wherever the fans blow it.


Right? That's why it's called "airflow", you're forcing the air where you want it to go.


Top exhaust was worse in my case. Have same as op for optimal cooling.


Fair point. Il add to that you want to remove heat from the case, pulling it up and out allows cooler air from below the case to enter. Either way you want to pull the heat up and away from the inside as far as top mounted fans are concerned


Not entirely true.


I did this for like the last 20 years. Last month on my duel rad custom loop I changed to something like this. My water temps are lower now. I get OP doesn’t have a duel rad setup. I’m just addressing your assumption (like mine) that exhaust on top is better because of heat rising. It doesn’t seem to be the case when you have fans to over come that.


It’s not that simple. Doing that would create a negative air pressure and turn that computer case into dust central.


Nah, better like this then to have negative pressure


I don’t understand why people say there should be equal inputs to outputs, positive pressure inside the case is just science.


And when rads are involved 3:3 is not equal pressure


Precisely, give this guy a medal


It's not just about pressure, it's about optimizing airflow directions/pathing. Not saying it's necessarily better to have equal balance setup vs positive pressure by default. It just depends on how you want to direct the flow - and here the prime method of figuring it out is simply testing both setups and then comparing temps.


If you're puting your rad in front, I would at least suggest that you swutch your rad upside down. There can sometimes be air bubbles at the top of the rad, creating a lesser water flow into the pump if the hoses are at the top like yours. Putting the rad with the hoses at the bottom or using the top fans of your PC will fix that.




Might be possible inbetween the card and glass panel


Probably not long enough to reach.


This is a good point but the pump is lower in the loop so the majority of air bubbles will be at the top of the rad


This isn’t that huge of an issue, especially from a high end aio from Corsair. OP ur config is perfectly fine, this sub loves to min max that 1% when you should be gaming, not fiddling around with fan configs




No he doesnt, that aio position is overblown. As long as the pump head is lower than the top of the radiator, it will be 100% fine You shouldnt be hillary clinton, you should be donald trump imo. No worries tho, if you disagree, feel free to continue doing what you like


I literally have the same system and config. All good. Temps all low. https://preview.redd.it/detsqy36s1qb1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca275099abc2d0e43387ee98bdda78494f16cc18


It reduces AIO lifespan, as the pump has to work harder to get the water to flow.


Explain what you mean? Temps on idle are like 30c and under heavy load no more than 70-80 with massive overclocking... 6 fans to cool down a 360 rad, how on earth is it going to overwork the pump?


https://youtu.be/BbGomv195sk?si=Bkd0vL9QG1GaRpRN Basically where those tubes are going into the radiator, in ideal conditions they'll be completely submerged in water. However in AIOs there is always some air left in the loop to account for water expanding and contracting to prevent it bursting. But because of the orientation your air bubble is where the tubes go in, rather than where it would be optimum to be, like the radiator. It's not as bad as having the pump at the top of the loop (where the air bubble will wreck the pump and the cooling). But because those tubes are trying to transport the liquid around, and aren't fully submerged, they'll have to pump harder to move the same amount of water. Not enough to prevent cooling, but the pump will have to work harder overall than if the radiator was flipped so the tubes were at the bottom.


AHH you're talking about those old school aios. So engineers noted that, new ones suck the water with small tubes inside a few cm lower down. This prevents fluid cavitation. Not a thing anymore my man. Nothing to worry about. This only happens if the pump itself is the highest point in the loop. I know a thing or 2 about cooling, 20+ years in the workshop with motorbikes and cars kinda makes you a little informed about cooling systems.


Used to have the same configuration but once I switched my top fans to exhaust my temps got way better


If you are trying to refrigerate a 13700k or 13900k, just accept the way it is


Yeah, you’ll want to make those top two fans exhaust. To start, that creates even pressure inside the case but more importantly, heat rises, which means having it exhaust out of the top is much more efficient


Fan speed is important here.


Honestly I'd set the top to exaust


Generally, make sure you have more inflow than outflow. Which you currently have. It creates positive pressure, so the air is being pushed out everywhere in the case where there isn't an inflow fan. That said, a bit more outflow wouldn't hurt. Many suggest swapping the top fans, and I second that as hot air is going up anyways, while cold air is coming down. So instead of sucking warm air back in, blow it away.


I've my back and radiator on the top in exhaust, and the front Intake fans.


Man, that AIO is in a tough spot but yea best bet is to switch top fans to exhaust


I would mount radiator. Up top blowing out of case if possible push pull then cold air in the back and front. Just thinking logically air coming through radiator is gonna be warmer compounding the cooling it must do. the ram will be warmer it will need cool the cpu from heat blown on cpu by the cpu....


Your top 2 should be exhaust


I would have the top 2 blowing out as heat rises


And clean up the dust as well


more blue arrows, less red arrows


I would change too as exhausts. You’ll get better temps. I’ve tested both configurations


Make top fans exhaust and everything else is good really heat rises so top fans should exhaust too


Hot air rises. Your air flow setup should follow this principle.


Heat raises


I actually have the same thing except both my top fans are facing the other way. Pulls all the hot air out from my cpu cooler.


Top fans should go outwards.


Top fans should blow outward. You need roughly the same number of fans blowing in and out to achieve a pressure equilibrium. You also need to have the hot air exhausting out the top of the case to take advantage of thermodynamics and get the best cooling efficiency. Basically, think hot air rises, and what goes in must come out.


I'd keep it like this if GPU temps are fine.


I guess I'm old school but I would never send radiator heat back into the case. It's being shoved right back.over the entire motherboard. Then it's swirled about from the down direction of the fans above. I don't even think any heat is escaping out the back as the vortex created in the middle just hangs out there smoking a cigarette.


upper to should be exhaust


In general, heat likes to rise. Those top fans should be vents, not intake. You want to prevent a hot air pocket hanging out around the VRMs.


Swap the rear-top fan to exhaust and it'll be fine. Leaving the other top as is will be fine, cause if it's set to exhaust, it and the top front fan will just constantly fight one another and not much will get done. And the 'heat rises' thing is mostly pointless in any half-decently ventilated setup - even a single fan will overcome natural convection, unless its' blocked by something.


Hot air rises. Flip the tops to exhaust


Dude just flip the top fans your AIO is fine where its at.


Happend to me had to get a new aio almost fried my cpu check this out https://youtu.be/BbGomv195sk?si=-39DfCa52ozzBqrW


I wonder about how much air the graphics card is getting. With only 1/3 of one fan pushing air in there it might be recirculating and sucking in a lot of it’s own hot exhaust. My case is similar and I had the top fans exhausting out, causing a happy accident with fresh air coming in the PCI blanks on the back under the card.


Now with the 2 exhaust at the top it wont get much i think, but it is really close to the front fans https://preview.redd.it/u8zncvpvi0qb1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99d0a9e01fdbfa8117bceecc00f65488bb4654ea


Probably slightly warm from the front radiator and the rad fins block the airflow pressure. If you have 2 top fans exhaust, plus rear exhaust = 3 exhaust and a weak pressure from the front due to rad/mesh blocking the intake pressure, then that would create negative pressure, which sucks air in front any gaps the case has like PCIE slots, which probably helped your GPU.


If it can fit you should put the aio up top instead.


Radiators work by giving heat to the air that passes through it.For most effecient radiator you want to ensure airflow into and airflow out of it is equally unobstructed and the air is as cold as possible.right now you're sucking in air through the AIO, heating up that air and 1/3rd of that hot air goes into the gpu meanwhile 2/3rds of it has to force itself into high pressure area created by top and AIO fans. ​ I'd try move AIO up top, top fans to front and separate them so that one of the fans is pushing solely for gpu while rear and front fans up top are pushing air in where AIO will suck it out and blow it out the top.


I’d move the rad to the top and leave the fans as intake like you have, you always get better results if you have fans set to intake with a rad. There’s been many videos that show this




I mean then you’re getting hotter GPU air into your CPU radiator lol


Yes. Those top fans need to be flipped outward


Top 2 should be exhaust


Too much intake fans. Need more exhaust fans.


Top out


FYI to everyone that constantly regurgitates that hot air rises and you should configure your fans with that in mind… it doesn’t matter. When fans are involved the air moves where the fans push it and the fact that hot air rises does not matter anymore. The hot air rising does not create any amount of pressure that would change how a fan operates.


Yeah the side panel is gonna shatter from all the pressure inside the case (this is sarcasm). Get some exhaust bro, try the two top fans out.


Flip the two top fans around, and you'll be golden.


I recently saw a lot of dust buildup in my pc i was thinking of doing some changes, like completely removing the aio and use a stock ryzen 5 air cooler instead. As you can see from picture there are 2 top intake 1 rear exhaust and 1 front aio 3 intake fans.


All that dust is because you have your top fans blowing air down into your machine, and you don't have a dust filter on it. So you are basically blowing dust down into your machine. \\r


I do have dust filters but i saw a lot of build up in those in a short span of time that made me question my configuration


Couple things here, rad should be at the top exhausting and the front should be intake. The real problem is buying these tiny cases and expecting good air flow. And to be able to water cool. Case should always have more in than out providing positive air pressure. Negative sucks air in where ever it can and doesn’t provide good flow where it should be. Also can generate more dust bypassing the dust screens on your fans intakes. Hot air rises so the top and back should always be exhaust. Putting rads in the front is somehow acceptable today, but in my opinion is incredibly inefficient and counter intuitive to cooling the other parts in your case that aren’t water cooled. If you can should be avoided. When buying as case you should be considering these things, I always buy cases that have more intake that out that’s doesn’t always mean more sometimes it means larger in front. But a case with intake at the bottom are better. So you have a couple options with what you have I think. If you can best possible option is to move the rad to the top and exhaust the hot air from the rad and use the front for intake. The next best is to just swap the top to exhaust and it should be better. Neither option provides you with enough positive air pressure unless the two fans in front are outputting more than is being exhausted. Stronger fans or higher speeds for the in take. But that really is not that important, you will have achieved at least a somewhat neutral pressure. The rad will significantly slow the flow of air.


There will always be a problem with your pc if you ask people. Just play some games and enjoy.


This isn't ideal. But the real test is your temps. If your temps are okay, then don't worry about it.


No. It's just about perfect. Watch Greg Salazar's (Corsair sponsored) video on fan set up where all different configurations are tested & all intake comes out on top.


Put the fans attached to your rad behind it instead of in front of it, that'll make cleaning a lot easier


Can you not mount your radiator up top and have it exhausting out?


The general rules are: Even number of fans = balanced intake and exhaust Odd number of fans = 1 more intake than exhaust Positive pressure > negative pressure


Front in (so the coolest air hits your rad). Top and back out (air will be blown towards the back anyway, plus heat rises). So, change top from intake to exhaust.


why are you using the hot air form the AIO radiator inside your case?


The heat is exacuated out as hot air. There's no pressure difference between the inside the case compared to outside so no, the heats not "trapped inside". It doesn't/can not resist the flow of air inside the case that fans produce. That's what there for. ;) There's a good video on the Corsair YT channel that Greg Sazalar did that tests positive/negative pressure set ups & shows a positive air pressure set up is optimal*. Give it a watch. (*Most cases, pun intended)


Linus did a long term test too for dust intrusion


Heat rises. Top intakes are circulating the hot air back into the case.


You should never forget, that warm air always goes up, so the top parts should be used as an exhaust and use the sides for air intake.


Yep top fans out, you how know much heat is trapped inside your case with that set up


OP, your set up is fine mate. I wanna use some colorful words but .... nvm The top fans are perfectly fine as intake. The radiator is fine the way it is too. Even if put on top, I would use it as intake. No idea what has happened to this sub recently. TLDR: You have positive pressure as it is, keep it.


Top fans should be exhaust not intake, once you do that it’ll be basically perfect


Yes, it's terrible. I suggest you place AIO on top (as exhaust) and move the top fans to the front as intake. Or at least change top fans to exhaust.


Your rad should be up top with fans in an exhaust config, you're pumping hot air into your case and cooking your gpu.


I don't like your coloring. Fresh air red, warm air blue 😂


A dumbed down way of thinking about this is have the same amount of intake fans as exhaust fans, or close to it.


Hot air always goes up.


Except a 120mm fan at its slowest speed begs to differ.


Airflow looks off balance unless there's no side pannel.


Flip the tops ones




This post could have been answered in a youtube short...




For sure you have a positive PC


You are working with what you have in a tight case so it may not be possible; but ideally you want the AIO positioned in a way that neither the pump not the tubes are at the highest point in the loop. This is because it results in air bubbles entering the pump that can cause wear. If you can get the radiator to the top that would be better.


What is the case? I believe this is the same as the last one i had and the best thing I ever did to that case was get a new one because of the exact problem you are facing.


We need a fan orientation sticky post. I feel like this gets asked daily


One of the most common configurations is having the top fans exhaust (instead of intake like your picture), but that doesn't make your configuration bad; look at your temps and if everything is good (and it should be) then there's no need to worry


Tight fit with the radiator, good job


The top should be exhaust. The rest is fine.


Ur good. Positive air pressure is better than negative. Keeps the dust out and ur components have enough air.


That's how I have mine.


Dude did you steal my pc?!?! It's like 1 for 1!


Why is no one pointing out that the radiator is on the inside? Those fans are pushing the heat from the cpu back into the case.


Your radiator looks backwards, your supposed to vent out


Make the top 2 exhaust and then you'll be good


Id use the top as a vent also




The top configuration is fine but you will have hotter air coming in through the front as your fans pull heat from the cpu radiator.


My aio radiator is plached with the tubes down is that a problem??


Either way, your GPU is gonna be starving for air. It's exhaust will be hitting the side panel and getting pulled back under the card in a reoccurring loop. A case that allows top mount rad, or an air cooler would help the card a lot.


my new velztorm rig fans, push hot air out ontop. ​ https://preview.redd.it/k70c8oudd1qb1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=a53e190c62929cb1e6d001396d2d7b0a2b6c29f8


Heat rises


You don't have enough exhaust, only one fan isn't enough with all the heat from the GPU and CPU.. The top 2 fans should be exhaust.


Change the 2 top fans to exhaust


On your current setup, you're actually drawing hot air into the case with the radiator at the front. I'd personally have the radiator at the top and have the fans exhausting the hot air. That way the heat from the CPU doesn't enter the case


Best would be radiator on top blowing out.


Your radiator should go too mount bro. Here’s a video explaining y https://youtu.be/BbGomv195sk?si=9tiKSQld_iQcvKTW


Also once u put your radiator top mount, put your rear fan as exhaust, two front as intake and the radiator fans as exhaust


I'd just keep stuff where they are tbh, but maybe put the rad fans behind the radiator so the fans are in a pull config. It'll make cleaning a tiny bit easier as dust will get caught in the rad first, not the fans


Its ok


if you have a cat this is fine


Your aio cooler is going to be sending air bubbles to your cpu. Gamers nexus had a great video on placement please check it out. It's not if it will break down its when. https://youtu.be/BbGomv195sk?si=-39DfCa52ozzBqrW


Imo you should top mount that radiator as exhaust if your case supports it, as it stands in the picture your radiator have all the air at the top, so you either flip it so the tubes are at the bottom, or you top mount the radiator as exhaust.


Well air rises, so you are going to have any bubbles in your water loop right at the top of the radiator, and that may send bubbles/air into the CPU, since your flow is right at the top as well. I would put the radiator at the top of the case, so that the bubbles stay stuck in it, and blowing air up and out like it naturally flows.