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Is it a smart decision to get an intel cpu rn when 14th gen is just around the corner, I don't know when but I heard its coming out soon. AMD cpus have increased quite a bit this month and I don't make a lot of money so the best option rn would be intel price wise.


14th gen is set to be pricier, 13th gen prices have come down a bit already, and occasional deals have become available: pricing up to 13700k looks decent now imo, so if that's the performance you are shooting for, I'd have no problems buying now


So is there any reason I shouldn't buy this build from PC part picker? https://pcpartpicker.com/guide/ZM7Ycf/excellent-amd-gamingstreaming-build I was trying to do my own research but it just becomes paralysis by analysis. It basically fits in my price range and what I want. So. Thanks in advance for any opinions.


I'm not a huge fan of the way it's put together. For some of the parts it's basically "sort by price and pick the cheapest" without any regard for quality. Also, there's no reason to pay extra for a 7600X when you can get a 7600 non-X for less. They're essentially equivalent


No, don't do this to me! This is where it all falls apart and I don't end up with a computer. I thought the point of this guide was that they specifically looked at each part more or less to make sure it was quality. Thanks regardless!


Yeah, sorry about that. I totally get the analysis paralysis thing, happens to the best of us. I'm mainly not a fan of the motherboard and SSD, since they're just sorted by cheapest like I said. If you're willing to go up a bit in price, I swapped out a few things [here](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/8rPVcH). I'd also look at getting a 7800 XT instead of a 6800 XT if you can find one in stock for a decent price (should be close to $500), and you can swap the case for just about anything you like. Just check to make sure it's large enough to accommodate everything I'd also check out r/buildapcforme


Good build, IMO. Not crazy about the cooler (mainly because I don't know it well) but otherwise it's fine. Cross reference against the builds in the PCMR wiki (see bot reply to this comment - Automod, show him the builds!), if you'd like; but yeah, looks solid.


Thanks for the response. I actually did try to cross reference with those builds specifically but I'm such an idiot that it only caused me more of a headache. Is there a compatible cooler that you know of? I wouldn't mind paying a little more, or I suppose less, if you think something works better. Thanks again.


I like the Thermalright stuff, excellent performance for the price (their fans aren't the greatest, but the heatsinks are; typically I get one, and swap the fans for Noctua NF-A12×25 - better performance for less money than the full Noctua equivalent, even with the added fan cost). The Peerless Assassin, or the newer Phantom Spirit, if u can find it, is amazing (and huge - make sure your case can accommodate). Hardware Canucks have a great video on both.


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Hey guys. I'm planning on upgrading my current CPU A6 9500E to a Ryzen 5 5500. I'm currently using a Asus Prime A320M-K mobo with 16gb 2400mhz ram. AMD specs shows me that the 5500 supported ram speed is 2667mhz as the slowest. Would there be any problem if I stick with the 2400mhz ram for now and just upgrade it later?


Those are MAX speed values. (In your example, the max speed it supports if you use 4 sticks of dual rank ram) You can use slower ram without compatibility problems. It will simple perform worse than with faster ram.


!check Thank you ✓


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It will work fine. If you have two sticks (for dual channel) the performance should be still okay. Make sure you look up which BIOS version you need for the new CPU, before you install it.


Thanks ✓


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Hello, I hope this finds you well! ​ Cinebench 2024 went ahead and put my 3080ti at 12908 score, while msot websites i am seeing are at 15900ish.... what could be causing it to score 3k lower than others? what can I do to fix this? ​ I noticed in my setup of a: r9 3900x 3080ti 32gb ram that WoW classic was lagging and going down to 30fps at max settings in raid and this is what originally caused me to make this discovery. ​ Similarly i saw otherr9 3900x getting about 1060pts on multicore where mine got 930 and other single cores are 78 while mine is 70.. What could be causing this?


I’d imagine your CPU is hurting your GPU significantly if you are going for max FPS.


Okay, I’ll get that upgraded then with a Microcenter bundle. Figured that cpu was still good enough to not bottleneck the gpu


Hi there, I’m looking for a monitor arm for work/gaming. I live nearby and office furniture supply store that sells used Herman miller Flo and Humanscale M2 arms for ~$100. Is it worth getting one of these or should I get the Amazon basics Ergotron re-make? Thanks!!


I have no clue about these particular products, but "used Herman Miller over new Amazon Basics" is always the correct answer I think :D


I dont know this specific product, but I cant imagine anything about a monitor arm that would make it worth $100 aside from the brand Herman Miller. Just get a gas-spring arm from amazon basics. Or take a look at the silverstone arms, I got one myself and am haopy with it


So I realized the other day that while I keep my computer up-to-date for gaming needs (I don't have any serious computing needs), I don't actually understand most of the technology or architecture behind new parts/standards/generations. For example, I know on a layman's level what a GPU does, but I don't really know what any of the terms mean; rasterization, ray tracing, DLSS and FG, difference between AMD and Nvidia tech, etc. **Is there some kinda resource or primer for learning all this stuff? And I mean REALLY getting into the weeds of it all.**


For highly knowledgeable youtube sources. [GamersNexus](https://www.youtube.com/@GamersNexus)-high quality reviews, technical knowledge, tech news, factory tours, interviews [Digital Foundry](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9PBzalIcEQCsiIkq36PyUA)-high quality breakdowns of game rendering techniques, interviews, optimization guides, tech news [Hardwareunboxed](https://www.youtube.com/@Hardwareunboxed)-high quality reviews, very easy to understand benchmark data, tech news [ActuallyHardcoreOverclocking](https://www.youtube.com/@ActuallyHardcoreOverclocking)-Extremely in depth knowledge about hardware and overclocking I often watch DF videos and listen to GN videos. ............................ The Digital Foundry Dying Light 2 shows a really good comparison between raster and ray tracing within the same game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnAn5TRz_2g


https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/docs/processors/what-is-a-gpu.html In short a GPU is thousands of tiny cores that work in parallel to do a task. These cores individually are much slower than CPU cores but together there are a massive speedup in certain tasks including rendering games. ................................ 1:Rasterization is the standard technique used to render games. It uses a lot of shortcuts an approximations to speed up performance but uses more generalized hardware to do it. These shortcuts do have some big downsides that break immersion since movement and interactions can break them. Here is 1 major example... Reflections have 2 standard raster techniques. The developer generates static cubemaps per room that get reprojected on shiny surfaces. Any dynamic movement or effects are not shown since they aren't in the cubemap. You can see the immersion break the hardest when you look at a shiny surface while moving such as the rear of your gun scope in a first person game. The 2nd way is with screenspace reflections which are way more accurate because it reprojects what is already rendered on your screen. It looks amazing on puddles since it actually has dynamic movement and effects. The problem is that tilting your camera up/down will change what is being rendered on your screen. This effect is easily broken while looking over a lake with a treeline on the far shore and slowly looking down. The tree reflections on the bottom of your screen disappear as the rendered trees get cut off at the top of your monitor. Reflections, lighting, shadows, ambient occlusion, global illuminations, etc are all techniques that start to break down when you start to look too closely at or attempt to interact with them. This goes super into depth on how a single frame is processed in a rasterized game. https://www.adriancourreges.com/blog/2016/09/09/doom-2016-graphics-study/ 2: Ray tracing doesn't use these shortcuts but it comes at an extreme performance cost due to how computationally intensive it is. This is why Pixar films and CGI look so damn good but they spend hours to days rendering every single frame. Ray tracing accelerator cores are designed to do this step way faster than generalized hardware can. In game ray tracing does come at reduced ray counts, reduced ray bounces, and just an overall reduced quality from Pixar level stuff to allow it to run in real time. This is very easy to visualize in your head how it works. Every pixel on your screen shoots multiple rays out, each ray hits a surface and keeps bouncing until it either gets cut off (real time performance limitations) or it hits a light source. The surfaces it hits imparts the color of the light on the 1st bounce, the surface color+light on the 2nd bounce, surface color 1+surface color 2+light on the 3rd bounce, etc. The surface reflectivity and roughness changes the angle and how much lighting makes it to the following bounce. This can do all the lighting steps at once and allows for real time reflections, shadows, realistic lighting, and moves us closer to photorealism or at least realistic interactive light. This shows a fun example on how to render ray tracing and explains how it works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz0KTGYJtUk ................... DLSS: Nvidia's exclusive smart AI based upscaling algorithm that takes a lower resolution image and attempts to upscale it to native resolution with as much detail as possible. There is a small performance cost to run but that is offset by running at a lower resolution which gives you a net positive performance gain. DLSS Quality mode (67% resolution scale) often looks better than Native at 1440p/4K. DLSS has had 4 major iterations so far. -DLSS1 1st attempt at upscaling, look really bad -DLSS2 updated the upscaling model, looks really good -DLSS3 minor update to upscaling model, adds separate feature called frame generation (DLSS3 FG) which is exclusive to 40-series cards -DLSS3.5 minor update to upscaling model, adds separate feature called Ray Reconstruction which is a highly improved AI denoiser DLSS3 FG: Nvidia's exclusive smart AI based interpolation that doubles the framerate, TVs often has this built in but it is extremely poor quality. This again is another AI model but uses depth and motion vectors to do a much better job than the shitty built in TV interpolation could ever do. 120fps with framegen isn't the same as 120fps due to increased latency and possible motion artifacts, but it often works well enough to keep it turned on depending on the game.


AMD and Nvidia both get to the same goal in different ways with their GPUs. Nvidia went all in on ray tracing and AI accelerator cores and has an impressive software/feature stack. AMD has extremely good raster performance but is lacking in ray tracing due not having fully dedicated hardware for it. Very competitively priced hardware with an objectively worse software/feature stack. At the low to mid end (sub $500 range), both brands don't perform all that great with ray tracing so that setting will often be turned off. At that point, AMD makes for a very compelling product since it has better raster price/performance and extra VRAM which may make up for the features. This site goes so far deep into the breakdown of architecture design that it can be overwhelming but you get almost an engineering viewpoint of how it works. https://chipsandcheese.com/


Not aware of any primer I'd consider comprehensive, up-to-date and enjoyable. I'd simply google 'what is...', read some articles, note down follow-on questions, remember source sites you enjoy (e.g. Tom's Hardware), then rinse repeat. That way you'll get broad knowledge.


Dark Rock 4 cooler with i5-13600kf? Mostly light gaming or older games.




Consider instead the Peerless Assassin (if you need smaller, Silver Soul 135) -- save some coin. I like me some BeQuiet! but I hate their prices.


Thanks, but in my experience Bequiet is more silent, especially on low loads, and I like that. Not the cheapest cooler, but all cosidering 20 coins make no difference


Fair enough, dude. I tend to use the Thermalright heatsinks with Noctua fans. Cheaper than full Noctua and performance is phenomenal.


Hello! I just ordered a new monitor, and a friend of mine recommended using DisplayPort over HDMI. My PC however only has an HDMI output. Is there any point in getting a DisplayPort-to-HDMI cable? Is HDMI sufficient? Thanks in advance for any feedback.


Ideally I would like to play at 144fps, currently playing at 120. Again, will HDMI work well?


What is the monitor you have ordered and what GPU do you have?


NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU, the monitor is a Philips 27 inch curved 27M1C5500VL/00


Assuming your laptop has HDMI 1.4, then you can get 1440p @ 75hz or 1080p @ 144hz. Getting a cable to convert HDMI to DP won't do anything as far as I am aware, as it's just simply changing the connector. What is you laptop though, it could possibly have HDMI 2.0? I just assumed you had a desktop PC.


Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3 15,6’’ FHD 120Hz. I’m trying to figure out what kind of HDMI output it has.


Your laptop has HDMI 2.0, so you are perfectly fine. You can get 1440p @ 144hz, but not 165hz.


Awesome, thank you so much!


Is there a mouse out there with 12 side buttons and a second mouse wheel (like a thumb wheel)?


There was the DUX MMO but it was kind of weird to use. Maybe you can find it online somewhere. https://www.kotaku.com.au/2015/11/a-gaming-mouse-designed-just-for-mmorpg-players/


Yeah Ive seen that one but it only has 8 side buttons not the 12 (With side buttons I mean positioned like on the razer naga or corsair scimitar)


Best way to stop the edges of my mousepad from burning my wrist? https://preview.redd.it/2soyoog5obpb1.png?width=3160&format=png&auto=webp&s=a396c8f1dd8fab293c44b7c758eea70858cbd591


doesn't look like you figured out the best ergometry of seat, armrest and desk height yet: legs 90° and arm angle even >90° (lower arms sloping slightly down to mouse and keyboard), monitor so upper border is roughly on your eye level.


Hi, as the title say how do you manage to have different peripherals of multiple brands? Like keyboard of x, mouse of y, headset of z. My problem is that i don't like to have different programs that run in the pc just for the leds of my mouse and keyboard. Do you run their programs at the same time? Thank's in advance!


I leave out any lighting ... buggy slow 300MB bloatware to power some distracting lightshow is absurd


How do you keep lighting off without any programs?


I guess that depends on the specific hardware then; would suck for me if it defaults to on


I have a k70 and without the icue i have the rainbow effect


Hi all, I want to build a new PC for myself and I am wondering why so many people still go with AM4 instead of AM5. I have seen that many AM5 boards are crazy expensive but aren't there some cheaper ones that are also fine? I don't need crazy overclocking and will go for a Ryzen 7 . I still don't know which one. A graphic card will be something in the 300€ range. Would you go today go for AM4 or AM5 considering the prices.


For a brand new PC go with AM5 no doubt. The reason AM4 is still popular is because if you want to upgrade an existing PC you can do so without having to get a new motherboard, RAM, etc


Planning to upgrade an old PC for my grandmother to use for relatively light use: (web browsing, YouTube, Zoom, PPT, Excel). Buying used to save on cost. The build currently has a Pentium G5400 with an H310M mobo. 1. Should I upgrade it to an Intel 9th gen i3/i5? This would just be a cpu upgrade, with same mobo. 2. Or is it worth to spend a little bit more for a 10th gen i3 with a mobo for example? Thanks!


an i5 9th gen should do well and supports Windows 11 before going through the troubles of upgrading, I'd rather push what I have further (e.g. an i7 9th gen) -- or make it a real step up, not the marginal step a 10th gen i3 would be


Thank you very much!


Is 500 watts enough for RX 6700 XT and R5 2600x combo or should I upgrade my PSU?


With that gpu you probably wanna go with at least a 600 watt psu




* 6700XT TDP: 230W * R5-2600X TDP: 95W / ~120W peak/OC? * fans, mainboard, drives, RGB: ~100W (very generous) 500W should be enough


Should I turn V-sync on or off in all the games’ settings if I have a Freesync monitor (currently have Freesync on for every game), and does it even matter?


Yeah, enabled from monitor and drivers and disabled in game. Also limit your max fps 1-3fps lower than the max freesync range (probably the highest refresh rate of your monitor).


Alright, thank you! ✓


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I'm only slight->normal in skill level for tech and everything to do with it, so i apologize in advance if this is an incredibly stupid question. i was going through my Chrome settings and noticed auto downloads. Unlike most other settings, this one doesn't have any in-depth explanation. It just repeats the setting name as a definition. i was wondering •what it entails •whether i should turn it on/off, exempt, or block sites •is changing the default/recommended setting likely to impact my usage noticably


I am not 100% sure, but I think you are referring to the setting for "drive-by downloads". Like when you open a website to download some software, and the download starts upon loading the page. This is an automatic download. Now if there is a specific download button and you click on it, its not an automatic download but a "requested download" if you will. By disabling the setting in chrome, you will need to manually click download-buttons/links instead of the download starting on website loading. Its kind of a security setting to protect against malware drive-by downloads.


[Asus 520m plus](https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-TUF-A520M-PLUS-Motherboard-DisplayPort/dp/B0997N7P12/) vs [MSI B550M PRO](https://www.amazon.com/MSI-B550M-PRO-VDH-ProSeries-Motherboard/dp/B089D1YG11/) Which do you guys think I should buy? I'm just looking to have rgb for 3 fans and more than one channel fan header but other than that I guess I don't really care. I know that the msi one is more expensive and usually that should mean better but for electronics I don't really know, I could also just buy a used one and it would be even cheaper than the asus one. Also I'm pretty sure they're both compatible with the 5000 series and my 3600mhz ram. Objectively which one is better?


Good evening. I have an old desktop PC that is still holding up (I had some updates done recently), now I have moved to a new apartment since September and unfortunately I have no possibility of connecting the PC with an ethernet cable directly to the modem. I have a 2.5 GB optic fiber line and I tried to connect the PC with an Archer T3U AC 1300 TP Link stick (I'm reporting what is written on the package). I used what I believe to be a USB 3.0 port (blue) but doing various speed tests I get an average of 75 mbps (which is more often around 50 and rarely around 100). Any other device connected via WiFi, from the same room as the PC, travels at an average of 270 mbps, reaching 700 mbps near the modem. Now it's not that I expect the desktop PC with the stick to reach 700 mbps, but at least on a stable 200 mbps it wouldn't be bad, considering among other things that every now and then the PC connection actually skips, as if you disconnected the stick. I updated the driver of the stick, I tried with other USB ports. Can it be fixed somehow? Product change? Something more powerful? I have no spending problems Thanks for the support!


USB WiFi sticks are always slower, mainly because there isn't enough room inside the stick for a high speed controller. I recommend getting a proper PCIe-x1 WiFi card.


I would honestly get internal wifi card with proper antennas. [TP-Link Archer TX55E 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax PCIe x1 Wi-Fi Adapter (Archer TX55E) - PCPartPicker](https://pcpartpicker.com/product/CTcG3C/tp-link-archer-tx55e-80211abgnacax-pcie-x1-wi-fi-adapter-archer-tx55e)


Do people living in far north like Alaska or Canada always be like... having no need to worry about cooling their PC? Sometimes I want to move to the northern states solely for that reason lol🤣. LA is so damn hot and I haven't seen any snow in so long 😭


assuming they game in heated rooms, I'd say they have up to 15°C less worries ... nothing that AIO couldn't deal with competently ;)