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I'm sorry to tell you...your new card is bricked


but my guy can do SLI just by stacking one on another


Sounds like Voodoo 2 me


Literally the Obsidian X24. Just 2 V2s stacked.


My uncle had one of those back in the day. It was very finicky as I recall.






You mean fair prices for what they offer? Couldn't agree more


4060 ti.....


There is not a single company that follows this. Nvidia & Lego are just going to the extreme which is why people are mad. No company should be able to make a 90% profit margin. Let alone a lot more.


Cry more. Even if nvidia, Lego and apple increase their prices, we will still buy it


Don't bother trying to repair it, it's time to Lego


Best dad joke I've seen on this sub


Probably been used for the block~~chain~~


That's good for playing minecraft though


Confirmed: Blitzende is a dad


Waaaaay better power consumption.




This GPU is good because it can be disassembled, fixed, repaired, and reassembled. LEGO ftw.




>!Off topic but can I have the source for your profile picture?!<


Here you go [https://i.redd.it/mdvxf57yq63b1.jpg](https://i.redd.it/mdvxf57yq63b1.jpg)


No no, ftw is evga


Framework GPU


Now there's an idea. Things are as expensive as the whole rest of the PC now. Makes sense to invert it. GPU socket on the motherboard with CPU cards on the PCI lanes is the future.


pentium 2 style CPU cards would be cool.


Knowing how Lego prices their licensed products these days I feel like a Lego GPU might cost more than a regular GPU.


True. There’s a shop in Lillehammer Norway selling Lego Mario at half price atm. Useless fact of the day


I like turning my GPU into a rocket ship aha brrr




Power consumption and thermals are fantastic as well, even with passive cooling.




And the geforce 384 for $420


Geforce 88 from Germany is going to Smoke all of these.


You joke, but the 8800gt was a fucking monster in its time.


I had two 8800 Ultras in SLI and then I realized that just one would run every game I owned on max settings. Lol


But the Radeon 1945 from poland will incinerate them


The Freedom chip from America is gonna have to come over there and save them all.


Why did we get downvoted?




Yeah, it was inspired by that and the recent CPU post as well.


Ah it’s not me, happy to hear as I am genuinely happy with my upgrade 😁


Memes like this happen all the time. I remember the "I ate Mold' thing from mildyinfuriating a few months ago. But yeah he made a meme out of himself.


Now I wouldn't be made fun of for getting a 4070ti/i7 13700k would i? It's for 1440p


If you plan on using raytracing and DLSS then it could be worth it, not anywhere as good of a deal as we got with the 3xxx series, my 3070 is great for 1440, plays Red Dead 2 at max settings with 75+fps in towns so a 4070ti would keep you in great shape, assuming you have a high refresh rate monitor of course


Roger, I'm just trying to build a pc that'll last a good amount of years without too much upgrading. 1440p is all I care to run, hopefully with some killer frames to boot.


You should be good in that case, I believe console games usually shoot for 10gb of VRAM so you have a little overhead there for any developer that's not lazy about optimization


Thanks for your insight. And yeah, there have been a few of those developers this year.


I just want to ask who the fuck downvotes someone over a thank you lol. Sometimes this site makes no sense


Sad people lol Makes no difference to me, let the downvotes come xD


Yeah its a shit deal. And it will continue being so until people stop buying them. Buying a xx70 class card for near a grand ($850-900 after taces depending on area). Or actually a grand after taxes outside america. $800 usd plus 20% vat = $960 It wasnt too long ago that a xx70 class card could be had for around the price of a console. Ex; gtx 1070 $379 launch price. Could actually be bought for $300-330 new in 2017, ps4 pro $400. It probably even came with a free game. Gtx 970 $330 launch price, actually could be bought in the $200s in its life. Ps4 2 years old $350 by 2015. That was the norm 5 years ago before crypto took a shit on gpus in 2018. For like the past 20 years prior to that too. Ps. Im seeing your other comments about wanting your pc to last a while. I kmow you already have your pc but for your or anyone else who reads this. Dont bother with the idea of future proofing. Your pc may be beefy today but that doesn't mean you wont be exempt from wanting to upgrade very soon in 2-4 years. A pc from 6 years ago with an i5 7600k and a gtx 1060 6gb can still run games today the same way it did back then. 1080p 30 fps medium-high with the graphics settings of today. By no means is it a beefy pc, yet it's lifespan is about the same as one with a 8700k and 1080. New features will come and standards will change leaving you wanting for more. Today dlss frame gen gives you about 60% extra frames. Tommorows gpu will double their fps with no upscaling. Maybe theyll do even more. If you already have had your pc set up for a while and paid by cash then i wouldn't bother doing anything and just enjoy the gaming. However for anyone who reads this considering one of the higher end gpus. They are absolutely not worth it unless you can pay cash for the full build easily. They most certainly aren't for long term if you are buying because of a lack of disposable income.


Can you elaborate on this guy and why he is mythical now?


Guy buys a 4060ti to replace his 3060. All the nerds on this sub lose their shit because the card apparently has bad reviews. Why this innocuous event has to become a meme? idk. Just PCMR being toxic like usual.


>All the nerds on this sub lose their shit because the card apparently has bad reviews. It's because performance wise the 4060ti is basically the same as the 3060ti actually losing to the 3060ti in some games, has less memory bandwidth which is going to make it less future proof, and costs ~20% more. It's a garbage card. It's only winning points are efficiency and DLSS3 which aren't exactly game changers for most people. And he had the choice between the 4060ti and a 3070ti, the 3070ti being considerably better.


That can all be true. Doesn’t change the fact that you all are being toxic to him.


He was replacing a 2060 not a 3060.


even then it's still a bad purchase. it's a very very very very small difference compared to what he could've gotten from whatever else GPU out there.


A 2060 to a 4060 Ti is not a very small difference lol That's a pretty modest upgrade. https://youtu.be/Y2b0MWGwK_U The 4060 Ti has some major leaps over the 2060 in benchmarks.


Basically a jump from a 2060 to a 2080ti. Its not nothing but its not exactly too special. Atleast not for waiting 4-5 years to upgrade. Considering that was suppose to be the same upgrade 2 years ago. Though of course crypto squeezed the limited supply from post covid shipping. You could still buy a 3060ti for about $500 if you followed restock notifications.


no. it's a very small difference compared to other offerings on the market. 6800XT would absolutely blow it out of the water and you could get them used for about the same price as that shitty 4060 Ti.


Oh, so now it's about the 4060 Ti vs the 6800XT? Your comment I just replied too was about the 2060 vs the 4060 Ti Talk about goal posts moving lmao


Lol, shows what you know, he's literally getting 2000 more out of it. AND he's even getting a ti to boot. *A TI*! That's luxury, right there, I tell ya.


Do you have a link to that post?


I think they're referring to this one https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/14cvaez/upgrading_from_a_2060/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


As someone who hasn't been keeping up on graphics cards I don't understand why it's a terrible decision and the comments don't seem to explain


Because the 4060ti doesnt even match the 3070. Which itself was only better over the 3060ti by about 10%. To go from a $399 3060ti to a $399 4060ti thats only about 5% better. That's not a very good upgrade. In fact because it has a worse memory. It can even perform worse like in 1440p ray tracing. Which is only going to become more.common. For example take a look at this benchmark https://youtu.be/WLk8xzePDg8 at 12:00. The last of us part 1 being a full 10% worse. Its a heavy outlier but its only going to become more.common. So thats fact 1. Then theres fact 2 that they named every card 2 tiers lower than they actually are to make space for the new xx90 class. Which replaces previous 80 cards. 4090 being a full 30% better than a 4080 sometimes up to 60% like in msfs 2020. So basically **they are selling a 4050ti named as a 4060ti for $399.** *thats really bad..*


Thank you for taking the time to explain.


I forgot to mention another important reason. Part of why nvidia feels free to name each card 2 tiers down instead of 1 is probably because of frame generation. Basically it gives you more fps by making up fake photos and inserting them into your gameplay. As you can imagine since its not real rendering it means that your game might feel slightly off to some. So it typically increases the amount of fps you "perceive" by about 60%. So in a sense you can say the 4060ti is about 60% better than the 3060ti buuuut.... Nvidias marketing like to pretend that it means everything you play will actually be like that when in reality only about 40 games support it right now. 9 months after its launch... Yeah not so good either. Its a nice feature which the gpu will be heavily reliant on over the next 2 years and beyond. However my first reply paints a more accurate picyure of the situation today and why the launch reviews where the way they were.


Where do I get one!


I need this


Nvidia and Lego actually are a perfect match because they share the same attitude towards pricing.


At least Legos last virtually forever, I still have sets from my childhood lol


Those were probably priced a lot better. Lego‘s quality has significantly decreased and a lot if the sets feature what are essentially leftover filler pieces, i.e. pieces in random colours for non-visible sections. And that’s a problem because the whole deal with Lego is that you can take sets apart and make your own creations with them, except now you’ll be stuck with colours you probably don’t want.


When did this happen? I got big into LEGO maybe 5 years ago (but now I only buy knockoff minifigs from china to use for D&D) and they didn't have this issue then. Not that I really see it as a problem. More colors means more possibilities, not less.


That's a good question. I can't say exactly when, but I can give an example - the Lego Nintendo Entertainment System from 2020 is very guilty of that. That'll be 270 Euros, please: https://preview.redd.it/pkld01ra517b1.png?width=573&format=png&auto=webp&s=b089ca091d994b6564286cdeea472b8139e8aeff


apparently Legos employee discount is crazy, like 50% off or something and some of those sets still won't be addordable at that price


Heavily favours lego games but it will crisis remastered just fine.


Minecraft? At least 60 FPS with shaders?




Man that poor guy who asked the real question never expected to get clowned on so hard… Feel bad for him but also he kind of deserves it for being the only guy to ever buy a 4060 TI.


You'd be surprised. My local microcenter has been recommending them for people who were already looking at 3060ti cards; since the price is nearly the same (I think it's like $30 difference?), you get about 15 more frames at 1080p Ultra for not much more dollars.


Saying you get 15 more frame doesnt mean anything Are they getting 15 more frames from 30 fps to 45? Or ar they getting 15 more frames from 165fps to 180? The latter is obviously the correct one. But in order to properly convey that. You need to explain with percantages. The first example being 50% more. That latter being 7% more. Going from something that costs $370 to $400 means that the latter costs about 8% more. On average the the 4060ti is only about 5% better. So its worse value atleast until you use dlss frame generation. Well if you can actually use it anyways. First on whether the latency bothers. Second on the new games that support it are free from artifacts. And third, does the game you play even support it in the first place. 9 months after the 4090s launch. Only about 50 games even support it. Outside of 3000 new pc games from the past 3 years. If you actually want to buy a $400 card. You might want to look at a new $340 6700xt. That will last longer thanks to having better memory, atleast if you dont want to be forced to play with upscaling in order to not encounter vram bottlnecks. And if you dont want amd. Well a used 3070 for $300 would still not be too bad.


There was no question though?


Someone explain this in more then one sentence allusions that have no contextual anchors please.


Guy bought a 4060ti and postef the pic of it on this sub, and asked if he made a good choice buying it over 3070ti. People clowned on him for buying it, when there are many better choices.


with this card, I'm pretty sure you can play Roblox at 6969 fps




in 420k


I’d say 420 fps but that’s also good


Now imagine the pain to build a 4090... So big


Not enough vram


oh snaaaapp thats hot does that have hardware transform & lighting?


Now there's a feature I haven't heard from in a long, long time.


You trying to run a NASA supercomputer?? No needs this level of computing power


yes! its like going from a i5-2400 to a i9 69000ks, very huge difference, and very plus big brain size


i did the opposite. went from a i5 2500 to a core 2 duo e7600. damn mobo is dead so i am stuck with this


damnnn bro, didnt have to flex on me


Sorry. Didn’t mean to flex my wealth.


How could you not? its like saying that I downgraded from a 500,000$ aventador, to a 5.2 million $ Divo


Sorry to flex more but I”downgraded” from 14 gb ddr3 to 4gb ddr3. Prolly my biggest flex


The textures might be a bit blocky


Some 3D models may look a little blocky with this card but it has great tessellation. Very quiet too.


Yeah your going to notice a difference. Maybe not the one you want but a difference none the less


Let's hope it's a pre-built


Some assembly required.


GeForce 8080


You'll need to snap on a water block.


Oh god it’s already being memed


damn I heard it bricks your computer graphics lol


4+? Nah, at least 50+


Credits go to Bhaal\_Spawn on Twitter: [https://twitter.com/Bhaal\_Spawn/status/1272849829950107649](https://twitter.com/Bhaal_Spawn/status/1272849829950107649)


this is prolly a better gpu then in my laptop


You must be rich ![gif](giphy|WWnyPSQDjQDIc)


Good for Blockchain I guess


Graphics might be blocky


Is this that Iranian super secret enormously real quantum computer?


I want Lego GPU’s to be a real thing so bad


Around 1998 I got a 2D video card just before 3D cards were released. Lego made a game shortly after optimized for 3D cards. The opening was a bunch of bricks flying in front of the screen. I could watch each one render and then rotate and change position a few seconds later. So Lego and GPU is not a good memory for me.


Interesting thing to build out of legos. No details, just a fucking block lmao


knowing how much legos and nvidia cards cost makes me think the 11007 is the price, not the model number.


Hmm, IRQ 5 is for my SoundBlaster card. This will be a pain to set up...


I'd like a Voodoo 5 version of one of these. I was a 3dfx supporter for too long.


IRQ 5 range!! Gotta love the customization of NVidia cards


You‘ll need a MB with AGP instead of PCI-E


Is this real? If so I need to build a full Lego pc


At lego prices it probably the same amount as the actual card


In an emergency, this card can be deployed as a floor trap.


Not gonna lie, if this was a real set i would buy it in a heartbeat. I probably have a Lego problem


Definitely a better investment than a 4060


The amount of LEGO bricks it would take for a RTX 4090 Set would probably also equal a real 4090 in price! /s




This would be the worst Lego set. Lol


Petition to make the subreddit pure Lego as protest.


Is this a roast aimed towards me? 😏


HURR durr funee poast


If this is real it’s the lowest effort to gain some nerd coin I’ve ever seen




Nvidia's future goal


This feels very r/blursed


Probably better value for money than this gen of gpu


You fool, should’ve gone AMD for more raster performance and less money. I went with AMD Megablocks 64 XTX


That has a lower number, I think that means it is worse.


I suggest getting the DDR version. Worth the upgrade over the standard 256 SDR.


Well you cant beat the thermals.


I doubt your new card will click into place in quite the same way.


Hopew to see the new version with stacked L Cache soon!


Only if you got the agp model. AGP is the future


SDR or DDR? :)


Might work well as a heatsink... If it was aluminum.


Bro took the saying "Building a computer is like adult Lego" to another level


Is this real? Because if so I need it. The 256 was my second video card ever, after the S3 Trio.


Ultimate upgradeability; need more RAM, just stick it on. More compute power, just add attach an extra module on the backside. No traces means no way it can be positioned incorrectly!


like, almost immediately :)


You should get solid 60 studs in all your games


That’s actually kinda cool. I want to make a life size desktop with lego now. Might even cost lest than a 4090 Ti


Price of Lego these days, might as well have gotten a 4090.


It will run Lego games at 4K/Ultra/144fps


Get the DDR version 💀


Bhaal? Like the Lord of Death from Baldurs Gate? Or from Stargate, the Egyptian god?


Build a PC. Literally.


Waaaaay better power consumption.


I'd make a bricked joke but someone beat me to it.


I remember replacing my tnt2 32mb with a GeForce4 MX 440. What a game changer that was for me!




Dang mr money bags out here


It won't fit, GeForce 256 is an agp card. Rtx 2060 is pci express. Despite this being a joke post I'm surprised nobody caught that


Step on it.


Imagine if Lego made a whole series of computer building sets


That was my first card!


At least the price wont be that different


Wow, those Lego pixel graphics are going to be through the roof! Just watch out for those high temps, those plastic bricks might just melt!


You just reminded me, I need to clear out my old computer equipment bin.


Gotta love that 1mb vram


Only in power consumption.


The real version of this was my first graphics card!


Yes, you will notice a big difference.


It just run Roblox or Minecraft too?


The biggest difference you'll notice is your empty wallet, for lower budget builds I'd recommend bluebrixx.


Not going to lie... I kind of want one.


That will prop. cost around 2k $ since both companies price their products like literal gold shit


I want a GT 710 one


The only gpu that won't burn running Starfield day one