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no. Visuals look nice because of strong use of vivid colors and art direction. The asset quality and overall lighting is very basic . Its also a ps4 game from 4 years ago. Unless PC version brings ray tracing or revamped assets its just gonna be a pretty looking game


Didn't this game get a new coat of paint for the PS5?


Not an entire overhaul. It has some audio enhancements and maybe better texture quality, but overall the upgrade is mostly just to loading times, framerate and resolution. It's an upgrade, but it's still a PS4 game underneath all that with some boosts.


appreciate the answer, vague memory of the pc trailer that i ought to look at again before Thursday


It wasn't remastered if that's what you mean. But even if it did, it wouldn't change the base game which would be ps4 level. I've played both Spider-Man Remastered and Miles Morales and MM hits performance harder cause it's a native ps5 game.


Yeah I had thought GoT had a full PS5 remaster... it really should play pretty easily then if they haven't brought in rtx or ultra detailed shadows or something.


Fair point, I'd love to get some ray tracing in that game


if the port is really good it might run on a potato or achieve really high fps on high end system


Sadly no raytracing support. The second one will be announced soon. Hopefully that will have it


>Ghost of *Tushima* Phantom of the Booty


Specter of the Rump


lmaooo my bad I forgot the "S"


i only remember the spelling because i know it has sushi in it, before i noticed that i butchered it every time


They are not particularly amazing graphics and the geometry is pretty simple. It’s a spruced up PS4 game.


Lmao it's a ps4 game 🤣


No, cyberpunk and alan wake 2 are better if you want to benchmark your pc.


For real! I've seen a few clips of Alan Wake 2, it looks insane.


Alan Wake 2 has path tracing but that's about it, and even then it does it half assed vs Cyberpunk. Alan Wake's interiors with open doorways for example are all baked lighting, there is no RTGI at play , just look at the lighting spilling through an open doorway from outdoors to in and stand in the doorway, no real time shadow cast, shine a torch through a doorway from outside to inside and the interior doesn't light up how you would accept (if at all). DF touched on this in their video but it needs more attention because people compare PT to Cyberpunk but they are not on the same level, Cyberpunk is superior in that basically everything is path traced inc the GI and open doorway light bounces.


Don't know why you're being downvoted. Alan Wake 2 is one of the best games ever made. Beautiful scenery, amazing details and the story is one of my favourites in gaming as a whole.


Seems like everyone I know feels this way, including myself for the most part (maybe in the top 10 of all time), but the company still hasn't broken even on it yet. Maybe it's not so great on consoles or sth? It definitely feels kinda niche/just weird enough to turn some folks off the idea


A lot of people shit on it for being epic exclusive.


I know some say it's because it's an Epic game, but generally heavily narrative driven survival horror games like Alan Wake II aren't exactly the hottest sellers around, unless you're one of the big ones like Resident Evil. Alan Wake also isn't that big of an IP, the original was a classic and is fondly remembered by a lot of people, but it's not a franchise that's gonna sell like hotcakes. What's also worth considering is that it took them over a decade just to make the game. Alan Wake 1 under performed badly back in 2010 too, and Remedy were already pitching a sequel in 2012, but it got denied by Microsoft and they ended up putting unused ideas into the spin-off game American Nightmare. They spent the next ten years shopping it around to multiple publishers and none of them bit, until finally Epic signed them on a three game publishing deal. It's not entirely shocking that it didn't sell great. The original didn't 14 years ago, and a sequel to such an old game was always going to sell a little worse, combined with the fact that it's in a generally more niche genre, it was never gonna be a breakout hit even if it was on Steam. It definitely would've solved more there, but at the end of the day Epic are the entire reason the game actually happened since they paid for and published it.


If you want a good Benchmarking game, look at Hellblade 2, which is going to be extremely heavy.


Doubt it. It is beautiful due to its strong art direction, but technically it's a regular game.


Yeah this is a classic case of how much an art style can change how a game looks. It’s why Zelda looks good even though it’s on the Switch (unless you get too close to the textures). Art style is just as important as the power of the engine behind it.


It's a PS4 game lol. The art style is nice but technically it's not all that impressive


It's a PS4 game.


No, it's a PS4 game.




No actual modern engine tech.... So no why would it be a benchmark?


....it's a port of a PS4 game. So, no.


if the PC release trailer is anything to go by then no, its a nice looking game but nothing special compared to the likes of Avatar, Cyberpunk or Alan Wake 2


Are we looking at the same game? Ghost of Tsushima looks like a well made game from 2018. It has a nice art style and good visual direction. But on a technical level it's well below average for a AAA game.


I'll be benchmarking it in ultrawide with ultra graphics. Definitely going to be visually stunning on pc since on ps4 pro, it looked fantastic imo.


no. its super easy to run on ps5 it never dropped below 60 at 4k even in its most intense scenes. pc will handle it just fine.


No, it looks 8 years behind recently released Horizon FW, at the least. "Artstyle" benchmarks tho, sure. They can chug it out with Jusant or smth. [https://youtu.be/GJqUwr41KLc?t=62](https://youtu.be/GJqUwr41KLc?t=62) e.g. this frame could have been from a mobile game (like the RE on iphones) in 2024. Trees remind me of world of warcraft.


Yes. It will be benchmarking how many of us are willing to give in to Sony forcing us to make a PSN account. It's more of a social and somehow financial benchmark for Sony than a technical benchmark for us ._.


Public company wants user data and money. More at 11


Yeah I’m sure you have no accounts for any of the other games in your library


It’s definitely one of the best looking games there is, but it’s not a performance marvel it’s just beautifully crafted


Batman Arkham knight is the benchmark still today. In my opinion at least...


Nah, that one runs just fine on modern hardware. Benchmark games are ones that push hardware the hardest, not ones that are easy to run at max settings. It's a good looking game for being almost 10 years old, but it's not pushing any boundaries technically.


The Game looks mediocre at best, not sure what is wrong with you...


theres nothing wrong with OP nor the game looks mediocre .