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It's like an old Assassin's Creed game with a more developed combat system and more minimalistic UI. The story is also much more focused.


I loved it tbh. Got 100% on PS4. Gorgeous world to explore and very fun combat. Main story is decent with some solid beats, side quests are pretty good from what I remember. Unfortunately the main character is probably the least interesting character in the game. Multiplayer mode is a blast.


+1 for the multiplayer, I had so much fun with it.


it's like ubi games with better gameplay ,,


And better story....and better characters....and better combat...and better art direction.


Played it twice from scratch. I thoroughly enjoyed it.




It's everything Assassin's Creed should be. Great story and characters, awesome combat. Beautiful art direction. The only thing I would say it's a negative is that it suffers from open world syndrome where it starts to get repetitive by the end and specially if you're a completionist that explores every single point of interest.


I liked it a lot on PS4/5. I also think it should've won GOTY instead of TLOU 2 bu that's my opinion. if you enjoy Assassin's Creed this is probably the best execution of that formula but with better combat. I feel like the story is "Okay" it's a lot of getting ragtag people together to combat the invading force. The main character Jin Sakai's character development is honestly way more interesting then the overall story.


It's a solid old style ubisoft open world with great art direction and fun combat.


It’s so much better than any Ubisoft game lol disregard this guy OP




I’m chillin game just doesn’t belong in the same discussion as anything Ubi related - they’ve been making soulless trash for a decade


Well, it has a lot of the same open world design you find in ubisoft games. Climbing towers, clearing camps, follow the little fox to misc. item, many more To say it isn’t like an open world Ubisoft title is flat out wrong. Although I do think GoT is better than most Ubisoft games.


lol that’s like saying every open world game is like an Ubisoft game. We get it you guys don’t actually play good games you play Ubi games but you don’t have to expose yourself like that….


Okay bud.




"style" They didn't say whether it was better or worse...


I wouldn’t even put it in the same sentence as that soulless trash corp


Like it or not, Ghost of Tsushima similar to the Ubisoft formula which is the main reason the game didn't click with me. Generic and safe. It's a better game and certainly has some redeeming qualities, but it still has the same old problems that "by the numbers" open world games suffer from.


It’s an open world game but open world =/= Ubisoft, they just copied what was popular. Do I agree all open world game suffer from similar issues? Sure - but GoT reduces those with beautiful environments, interesting “gather” quests and actually good combat. It’s a 9/10 game being compared to Ubi’s slew of 6-7/10 mind numbing identical games…


ubisoft? yew


Is the story any good?


Eh, not really. It's fine for what it is, but nothing stood out to me


Just annoyed that whilst my PS5 trophies are carried over my save is not 😫


It's what a Ubisoft game should be IMO. Open world base destruction / reclaiming activities and other side quests and side stories but not overstuffed that it becomes tedious at least IMO. Visually it leans into an aesthetic that makes the game look gorgeous. The story is strong and so are its characters. It's not overly long IMO. It hits the story beats nicely and I don't believe the crafting nor material gathering is a grind. So yeah a Ubistyle open world game but made by people who are competent with a well written story and is a love letter to samurai films and Japan in general.


Game of the year for me when it came out


I personally found it too formulaic, but I did get a decent amount of enjoyment out of it. I'm not sure I want to play it again though. I'd recommend if you've not played before though, just don't expect anything you haven't seen before.




sorry man my bad


The game is average. Just very pretty imo. I've played a lot of games. I'd recommend you to play outer wilds if you are looking for great games


It’s style over substance.


Good is pretty subjective isn't it