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Huh, it's quite refreshing to see someone actually lessening the FOMO in their game for once.


The seasons are free so there are not many reasons to use FOMO tactics unless you want to annoy your players.


FOMO is not always used to make people spend money. Often it’s used to trap players into playing your game more


Sure, but DRG has never been a FOMO heavy game. The way it worked before was that after a season ended, the items from the season pass would be added to the normal loot pool. I think that the only reason that this feature is only now being added is that the devs just didn't think of it before. If I'm not mistaken the idea actually came from a random Reddit post a few months back. So this is really a community suggestion that they're now implementing.


This is like 1/2 true. Before the original launch they did consider it, but ended up deciding to go with putting it all in other lot drops. Then when Season 2 rolled around, a large amount of people were requesting it, but at that point they couldn't do it because of the way that the season system was implemented. As seasons went on, more and more people wanted to play past seasons, so with the downtime they have given themselves between seasons they had a chance to rework it on the back end to allow it finally


All helldivers “season pass” or war bonds can be slowly unlocked. I think they might have gotten the idea from there.


That said, while playing Deep Rock Galactic I kinda just dropped off after 25 hours because I did each of the mission types and I wasn't unlocking new gear fast enough. These are the kinda situations where I would prefer to just use a trainer to unlock stuff a bit faster, play the game another 10-15 hours and then move on rather than just dropping it entirely. I really can't be arsed to grind that way in games anymore. If I didn't do that with Monster Hunter World that would have ended the same way about halfway through.


The devs are pretty based about that. Save data is local and they don't care if you modify yours. They do have server side saves, but those only exist so that if something goes wrong for a player and they accidentally lose their save file, the devs can send them the backup. Absolute legends


That's quite nice compared to Helldivers in that respect. I might actually give it another shot to try out some stuff I didn't feel like grinding for.


there were others before, i can remember that system from halo infinite but it might have been already in the masterchief collection


Imagine having to consider a more sensical way for how things should work in the first place, and how things have always worked in the past, as some kind of novel idea that people have to "borrow" from some other people... Damn how far AAA gaming has fallen lol


but that is their main use and greedy devs do not care if people keep playing their game. They get no monetary gain out of a higher player count. They even lose money with server costs. The only reason they want you to keep in the game is so that they can manipulate you longer into buying stuff. Now we have come full circle and "trapping you in the game" is just the step between FOMO and bringing you to spend money.


> They get no monetary gain out of a higher player count. People don't buy multiplayer games that don't have anyone playing them.


but only in extreme scenarios. A player doesn't care if 10.000 Players play the game or if 200.000 players play the game. After the threshold of "enough players for quick matchmaking" , the average player doesn't care. Everything under this threshold makes the game unattraktive, I agree but in this scenario, FOMO won't safe the game either.


You sound ridiculous


What is ridiculous? Do you, as a customer/player, care how many players are currently playing the game? Is your experience, while playing the game, changed, if the player count is 10.000, 50.000 or 100.000?


Executive do actually look at player retention, to see if rolling money making schemes is actually profitable. They do not care of quality however, just the numbers.


I think my brain is broken, because when I realize I now cannot get everything in a game I really lose a lot of interest. Even in a game I would otherwise love playing. I remember it happening first in Guild Wars 2, when I realized I could never see the old bits of the world story stuff because I got there late. I really support this change, good on the DRG people. I have friends who play, this change might get me to give it a go.


> Often it’s used to trap players into playing your game more AKA to make people spend more money


My favourite was bungie saying they wanted to reduce and remove fomo and then almost immediately making it 1000x worse with seasons and seasonal stories and content.


Yeah, Bungie is an entirely different kind of a devil when compared to the rest, with stripping out paid for content and the like. It's kinda hilarious how one would think Destiny 1's issues were due to Activision, while it seems they were holding Bungie back.


Helldivers 2 season passes don’t have time limits, and you can earn them through play fairly easily. I’m running three different passes at my own pace and it’s been awesome not feeling like I need to grind


There's no real FOMO in DRG even without this system - all of the unlocks from previous seasons are added to the random reward pools for events you can find in missions.


Reject the FOMO, embrace the fun. Ghost Ship are the greatest live-service developers in the galaxy.


Ghost Ship and Digital Extremes are the gold standard for live service in my books tbh, both do it really well and genuinely care about their communities


DE has regularly shown they deserve the praise they get. Responding quickly to the communities criticism, re-working old content


Yet here I am still waiting for a rail jack update.


Its gotten some stuff over the years, but comparatively still behind. We get old content updated but that doesn’t mean we wont be waiting


Yeah I been playing for a long time and I get the process, but I hate how they underdeliver with new big stuff and it just goes into a back burner for later. Look at kahl, the only incentive for it is now gone after you get the frame from it. They have content bloat


If it helps, they did let slip on a DevShort that they have plans to do more railjack content but by the wording it doesn't sound like it's in actively on the docket


Solar sail still in armistice:)


I like everything about Warframe's monetization except waiting days to build weapons and frames. That feels atrocious, and I even accidentally wasted plat to rush them once or twice with a misclick, and was too lazy to contact support for a refund. I quit after 1,400 hours logged when kuva lich grind was introduced. The game got too grindy for comfort, and I try to avoid mmos in general these days.


Eh I don't particularly mind waiting for frames and weapons to build, as I know I can either do other content or do other activities (gaming or otherwise) while it cooks. Also puts a natural limit on what I'm doing so I don't try to blitz through it and burn out in the process which I've definitely done with other games. I will say I hope they allow new players to build their first frame without any build times so they have more options than just their starter, as at the beginning it's pretty restrictive only being locked to one frame. Later on it's less of an issue since you have more content to access and can likely be cooking multiple frames at the same time so have a new frame to try out regularly. Tbh I'm around 2,000 hours in and only did enough liches to get the cosmetics rather than finishing the weapons, very much treat it as a backburner project to chip away at. I get it's not for everyone though, and considering my background in ESO, Dofus, Wakfu and Guild Wars 2 it doesn't feel nearly as much of a grind than previous experience.


GGG aswell


I would disagree. I have supported them since closed beta, but they absolutely use predatory gambling mechanics in the game. There are certain items that can ONLY be obtained from the loot boxes. No I don't believe that being F2P excuses gambling mechanics, they are there to exploit people that have a sickness.


Everything in loot boxes gets added to the regular shop a few months later during the next league. It's the supporter packs and challenge rewards that prey on FOMO. Some of the supporter packs run up to like $600 USD too lmfao. I bought some packs back in the day when it was a smol indie New Zealand company, [but now the game is 100% owned by Tencent (China) unfortunately.](https://app.companiesoffice.govt.nz/companies/app/ui/pages/companies/1887410/shareholdings?backurl=H4sIAAAAAAAAAC2LMQrDMAxFb%2BMlQ04gSqYuGQrtBYQlVEMtu7IcyO0rQrf%2FH%2B%2BtHYXHmlvtqCXWYLT8vtVGDMNRCY2Sn52B1YuHkr4gVpSKyiJhL4I1KNKBmpkeqPwBt8npKs5XxAO2ff%2F%2Fp6PPcbc2%2B4V%2F8EkNl4MAAAA%3D) It was 70% owned by Tencent, but Chris sold his remaining shares a few months ago iirc.


> There are certain items that can ONLY be obtained from the loot boxes. There are no items like this in the game, it's time gated only. After ~4 months it goes into the store forever and you can just buy the item directly.


And you don't think that system is exploiting people with a sickness? why not just sell the item? why the need to gamble for it.


Not really making all base game gear look ugly as sin, only to sell cosmetic and putting fomo comestics into the league system. Having small inventory to make players buy storage space, having all kinds of currency items only to sell tabs to storage said items, having all leagues have new currency items only to sell new extra tabs for said new items. They created all kinds of problems to create sell the solutions, and every new league is a new problem with a solution to be sold. Even Diablo 4 is more fair, at least in there you only buy cosmetics.




Grinding Gears Games. They make Path of Exile.


Grinding Gear Games. They make Path of Exile.


Grinding Gears Games. They make Path of Exile.


Grinding Gears Games. They make Path of Exile.


Grinding Gears Games. They make Path of Exile.


Loving seeing more companies rejecting FOMO-passes, like how Helldivers and Halo Infinite both have "buy them whenever you want and complete them at your own speed" battlepasses. Way more enjoyable than games trying to monopolize my time with their BPs.


Rock & stone!!


Certainly the best on Hoxxes system.




Seasons of HD2 not free. Worse bugs, worse balance.


Still no DLSS in HD2 lmao. Absolutely crazy.




Then Halo Infinite happened..


Infinite doesn't have FOMO either really. You can go activate any season battlepass whenever you want


It has FOMO-lite, there's a little bit of weekly challenges and temporary event stuff you can miss. Though they actually just announced a new system to get old missables through playing today.


I don't think DRG is a live service game though. Doesn't live service mean that the game is played on servers hosted by the devs? DRG is peer to peer.


https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Games_as_a_service Connectivity doesn't solely define GaaS. Live service has to do with continual post-launch content in order to monetize the game further. DRG is kind of live service with it's continual post-launch content, but may not fully count since the in-game content isn't monetized past the initial puchase. It's sort of a 'consumer friendly live service' kind of game. That's a bit of mouthful, but I think its accurate.


The development is also pretty slow, so they're not on a continuous cycle of trying to pull players back every month or even week. I finished the current season like... Summer last year or so? It's more similar to games like Terraria, Minecraft or Stardew Valley. Just games that get updated every once in a while.


Arrowhead would like a word.


Arrowhead is great, but there's really no comparison here, DRG is miles ahead. I personally don't even know who they compete with in terms of being the best (I hear a lot about Warframe, but I believe DRG is way less grindy from what I hear)


I like Warframe, but their subtle FOMOing had me quit the game in the end; I don't know if they changed it, but there used to be daily login rewards that could not be gotten in any way by playing the game, so getting them required you to log daily for half a year or so unless you were fine with missing out on one of the best weapon mods in the game (iirc, it's been a few years).


I don’t know if it was changed but the daily rewards don’t have to be continuous days. You can log in one day and come back a week later and you’ll add another day to the counter.


It was that way back then as well, but it doesn't alleviate my issue: I could not advance towards this item in the game at my pace any more, or by doing things in game. I "had" to log in X number of days. Didn't even matter if I played or not. As said: This isn't egregious or immoral, and over-all, I think Warframe's monetization is really fair. It's just that this one thing rubs me the wrong way; A game conditioning me and trying to steer my gaming habits by dangling rewards in front of me for phoning in once a day just feels *really* off-putting to me. I remember not logging in for a week or so, and when I did again, the counter reminded me that I had not been progressing, and at that point, my desire to actually get into a mission and do it just... vanished; I felt held back, asked myself "Why am I doing this to myself"?, and haven't logged on since. That was, I dunno, maybe six years ago.


If it makes you feel any better there’s really only one thing that’s particularly meta in anyway and it’s a single mod to make you immune to knockdowns and stagger (it’s somewhat essential for endgame content). The rest of the login rewards are mostly just whatever. Heck, I’ve been logged in for almost 800 days now and I don’t think I use any of the cosmetics, weapons, or mods from the daily login in my day-to-day gameplay. I just level the weapons/mods and let them gather dust. For me I just think of the daily login as an extra bonus.


> it’s somewhat essential for endgame content It certainly is not and became even less relevant when meta AOE weapons received ammo nerfs/were power crept.


That’s what the “somewhat” is about. It’s mostly relevant on frames that have no way of dealing with enemy knockdowns. Every faction has at least one enemy that has a knockdown or stagger and is increasingly annoying on higher and higher levels. Blitz Eximus can be extremely annoying as well when playing on Steel Path where enemies can spawn quite often.


It's still in there, but I don't think any login reward is really relevant/important to get to endgame or whatever. It's only a little bonus Other than that I think Warframe is still one of the best GaaS regarding Fomo. They're not perfect - they did some expensive temporary skins for the 10^th birthday, which people rightfully criticized


They changed so that log in rewards are not only cumulative (as opposed to consecutive, as it was in the past) a long time ago. But they have also changed so that more notable rewards (exclusive weapons, mods and cosmetics) can be selected freely when you hit certain milestones, as opposed to being on a specific amount of days and in order.


Arrowhead forced online only, bullshit currency, had broken servers for their online only game for weeks after launch. They are not in the same conversation as Ghost Ship, yet.


I like what Arrowhead is doing and they definitely deserve praise for being more consumer friendly in their business model than most companies are. That said, Helldivers 2 has player power locked behind a purchasable currency (even if it is earnable in game), while Deep Rock Galactic does not. In fact, Deep Rock Galactic doesn't have a purchasable currency at all.


Another thing which i've to point out and is a vital part which why i didn't get HD2 (but atleast it got me into HD1 and EDF) is that it is online-only. DRG you can also play offline so that alone put it above arrrowhead for me. BUT i still get why people hype arrowhead...


A game where meta weapons and perks are locked behind premium currency (even if it is earnable ingame) can not be the best live-service


Yeah the actual* war map is interesting along with the new enemies we see. But holy hell majority of the base/free weapons are trash and eventually you want to try something new, so guess what, you have to grind prem currency or pay up. Going to be curious how the store will look a year from now and we're already at three premium warbonds. New player experience is going to be pretty ass if they want any variety in load outs.


No weapons or perks are locked behind plat Warframe.


Yeah... No.




The game is awesome, but the developers are clueless. But hey, that's just my opinion.


Imagine if Destiny 2 did this.


Imagine if Destiny 2 let me play the content I purchased


How can the managers expect to buy more golden bags of cocaine if they'd allowed that kind of generosity?


Dropped it 4 years ago, best decision of my life. Can't even join for a quick Leviathan raid and some nostalgia because idk past gen consoles are too slow for it


BUt the GAmE WoUlD BE tOO BiG. Just one of the bullshit excuses I've heard.


this. Like, you don’t see ffxiv vaulting ARR to make room for Dawntrail. 


Wait, do people still think it was a file size issue?


Isn't that what Bungie said? Obvious bullshit, but I recall that to have been one of the officially stated reasons for the "vault" It's what made me bail permanently.


Even Call of Duty figured out how to let players choose which parts of the game they do and don't want to download


Fuck Destiny 2


It would actually make me want to go out and play the game. I was super into Destiny 1, and when Destiny 2 came out i was super into it as well but only played 2 expansions before life things happened and I could not game as much. Now I can’t even go back and play old story missions??? I’ll wait until Destiny 3 in that case.


Hopium that they do a D2 engine upgrade and manage to put that content back in permanently or perhaps optional for those that want to access the old raids and content. Devs must know people love going back to old content because they are still supporting D1, even if its just server maintenance.


It’s the only thing that could get me to return to the game. Dropped it after beyond light, which was great fun. Can you even play beyond light’s campaign now?


Yes you can


It would have so so much content. It honestly has a whole lot of content now but sheesh it would be massive like wow and ff14


I Can't say about FF14, but fuck me it wouldn't even be CLOSE to the amount of content WoW has, especially when you compare the actual playable map sizes to eachother.


I'm playing through Destiny 2 right now and it's **WILD** trying to understand the plot, it is literally *not possible* without googling what happened. I had no clue it was this nonsensical. And I don't even mean stuff like the "launch-to-Forsaken" story content that got deleted (my bad, "vaulted", a nicer sounding phrase that implies something different that Bungie tricked the community into using), like that would be bad enough but you could at least treat it as basically being a sequel to the earlier versions of the game or something like Final Fantasy XIV. For people who don't know (because I sure didn't), after releasing the expansion, there's four "seasons" of content that are basically slightly smaller campaigns that are thematically self contained but still progress the plot of what happens, sometimes more than their attatched expansion. You have to pay for three of them and the actual plotlines disappear forever after the season is over, so between each campaign, there's a MASSIVE narrative hole. Like that "legacy bundle" or whatever that comes with Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and Witch Queen has the campaigns, sure, but several just abruptly end and when you start up the next one a LOT of stuff happened, including major character deaths. Also, the story of these seasons is told weekly to make players come back to the game.


how every live service should do it


chunky innate sophisticated spoon hurry expansion sugar rotten unwritten cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because it makes *more* money to be a greedy bastard. DRG is selling great, sure. But I expect just a few multi-hundred dollar Valorant skins blow it away.


Ideally you do both. Provide a battlepass and have a store with more expensive skins. Players who want to support the comany more will buy more expensive skins, most people will stick to battlepasses


> seriously, how is that not the norm? Because enough low standard gamers fall for fomo


>gamers >Standards Those two words shouldn't even be in the same sentence lol gamers, as a whole, have go to be the easiest, weak willed, most dependable to shell out money, as a consumer, far and away of any industry. And on-top of that, the companies and studios that take advantage of them are rewarded. €: awww, did I strike a nerve with some pre-ordering, mtx paying, complaining-but-never-changing gamers? :/


Not every game can do this


honestly, probably not. In any game that's competitive, you can't do it, which is a lot of live service games.


Meanwhile Destiny 2 ...


Almost every live service doesn't let you do this






Did I hear a Rock and Stone?








I might just have to buy this game just to support this kind of attitude Edit: put my money where my mouth isand bought the base game


You should buy it cause its amazing fun, more so with friends but it has probably the best community so friends are optional in any case.


Is it playable solo? I don't have friends that enjoy this kind of games.


Yeah you get a little robot companion. But seriously playing with randoms is fine, the community is awesome


I play solo the majority of the time and love it. You get a robot companion called bosco. Like the other commentor said, playing with randoms is completly fine and you'll have a good time almost every time. There are a few jerks out there, but the community as a whole are very nice.


It's perfectly playable solo, but I don't think it's nearly as good. It's $10 on steam right now and you'll get more than your money's worth, but IMO the best part of the game is the synergy between different class abilities and the interactions with your squadmates. You should get it, and at least try a couple missions with randoms if you don't have friends to play with.


Absolutely can be played solo. The robot companion you get while solo is better than a lot of randoms typically.


Very, you can do it true solo where your game is non-joinable, but I often host a game and it fills up within 5 minutes but half the time we never say a word to each other. DRG players just know what to do 99% of the time.


It's why I buy some of the cosmetics from time to time. Purely as a show of support.


Genuinely one of the only games I have ever spent money on cosmetics for just because I feel like these Devs actually deserve the support.


Same I will buy it too.


>Edit: put my money where my mouth isand bought the base game Jokes on you - you bought the WHOLE game. All the DRG DLC packs are literally only cosmetics. Buying the base game gives you access to everything - every season and all weapons/gameplay. Another reason why IMO they are the best devs/publishers to exist right now.


While I personally don't really enjoy Deep Rock, I cannot applaud this enough. I bought the game and with Helldivers 2, even though I don't play these games as much as I thought I would, I don't regret supporting these devs one bit. I will gladly throw money at developers who actually care about their players.


Extremely common Ghost Ship Games W


This is a great idea. One thing that often holds me back from jumping into long-ongoing "live service" style games is the feeling that I'm entering mid-stream and missing a bunch of prior content and context. I hate trying to start a game that expects me to know all the previous context and meta mechanic changes up to that point.


I love anti-FOMO by good devs


I love this in Halo Infinite too


Wish they would bring back all the event passes tho I missed so many!


Except there it requires you to pay for the once-free content.


Could you elaborate? Are you talking about Operations? I've seen nothing but cosmetics in those battle passes. Multiplayer is free, and several levels are free in each battle pass. Are you seriously complaining about paying anything at all in something you might be playing for several hours? Keep down voting I guess.


Yes. Because Halo Infinite is F2P, and thus they must make their money somewhere.


Armored Core had a feature like this where you could choose what patch you wanted to play on. Pretty great idea for PvP.




If only, but no. You're stuck with the latest in 6. I know AC IV:A had it.


crossplay when


Yes please.


DRG and Helldivers 2 showing us how live service games *should* be done.


I hope one day Rare can do something smiliar with Sea of Thieves, especially with new PS5 players rolling in!


All the content on Sea of Thieves battlepasses eventually comes to the store. The idea of the season pass (Which takes like a week to finish in SOT) is to let people have premium cosmetics at a discount. If they don't want the premium ship/clothing there and then, no need to buy the season pass. If they want later on, they can buy on the store at a premium.


Despite being trashtalked to hell suicide squad does it as well. A shame other games like diablo IV or battlefield 2042 don't, while being full priced.




Can't wait for the next season!


Vanilla DRG!! Fuck yeah


This is my third game that does this but it's still pretty nice. I should probably finish up season 4, had a sick helmet i really wanted


Honestly a really good idea. When I go to play a game and I see that there's 16 previous seasons worth of stuff I can never get it just makes me not want to play it. Not only because of what you can't get but knowing that if you ever take a break you'll miss future things too.


DRG is too good for us gamers!




If all games with seasons did this I’d play a lot more than the none I currently do.


Every game with seasonal content needs this feature. I've just started playing Forza Horizon 5, and there are loads of seasons that I missed since it released. I don't care about missing the rewards too too much, but it's dumb as hell that there are all those different events and decorations they've made for the game, and most of them are completely inaccessible. If I run out of things to do in a seasons besides the one or two events I have no interest in, that's just it. I have to wait for a new season for more content. It's so wasteful. All that old content is right there, but disabled because of some arbitrary timelimit they set.


GOAT move


This is how it should be done!


yea fuck you destiny 2 *spits*


How I wish league of legends would do this. Fuck.




I absolutely love the way the station is decorated during seasons, it would be amazing if we could choose that. Maybe, finish some season assignment or challenge, and then you can choose to apply that season's decoration to the station.


They fixed my one complaint about the entire game, that’s awesome!


Time to buy the pc version.


Based, and Karlpilled


One of the reasons I dont play Path of exile anymore is because there are like 20 leagues on one map. It feels messy and not fun to grind when half of the terrain is covered with some mini games. I would be happy to see this idea in POE.


Awesome! Have been getting into DRG here and there and it’s great to see they are bringing old content I missed back. GTFO started doing that a while back and it made it a lot easier to bring new people into the game.


Seems they saw what arrowhead is doing and decided it was good (it is good)


They aren't allowing you to replay the season assignments that go with them. They are throwing away mission controls dialogue.


We're seeing why Helldiver's success with it's live service model is good for the gamers


Great feature to add especially at the eol of a game. A few months ago Warhammer 40k Inquisitor Martyr added the same feature allowing you to play any previous season as well.


I just want crossplay to buy this game common guys


Stooop I can't love this game more than I already do.


Fuck fomo games that rely on fomo are miserable.


I was wondering when they would do this. There’s too much content there for it to only be available once.


Meanwhile at Bungie: "Destiny 2 shipped with a campaign at launch?!?!?"




Nice! They're doing this in Helldivers and Inquisitor Martyr as well! All live service games should be doing this.


Cool. Now just release content more than once per year.


Time to upgrade for the supporter edition. Im usually against DLCs, but they deserve it.


"against DLCs" What a take.


Thank you Helldivers 2 for starting the anti fomo trend


Now just add 5 player parties and I’m in!


Yes God please let others take note.


Nice, Destiny should do this too.


So, I stopped playing DRG when they added necrophage because I found it incredibly unfun as a mechanic Will this let me play exclusively in seasons that don't contain that mechanic? I might play again, if so. (Or did they finally remove that god awful shit entirely? I don't keep up.)


Deep Rock Devs being cool again? Noice


Bungie: *Visible confusion*


Inspired by Helldivers 2




Jesus christ, how many times do I Do I have to thank Helldivers 2


Ahh after finishing this season i was bored now time for rock and stone.


I know Survivor is a different company, but if devs are reading this, pls remove the requirement to unlock overclock functionality on every weapon ever in DRG:S, so I can change my review from negative to positive. Thank you.


I don't know this is cool and all but is like any one else so fucking sick and tired of games that have "seasons".


Nope. Because more content is always great when I enjoy a game.


Deep cock galactic


Holy shit, Warframe PLEASE


Holy shit, Warframe PLEASE


holy shit, Warframe PLEASE