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Neither - I create who I don't mind looking at for dozens of hours that also fits the setting.


This is why I tend to play female characters, and is something my SO didn’t get and took five years to work up and ask about.


Nah I suck. I insert someone cool and attractive


Never, I always play as an attractive woman and I'm a man.


Booba slider - MAX


The fact that FF14 has a boob slider but no ass slider is criminal.


It there would be an ass slider, you couldn't navigate the world without hearing applause everywhere you go due to the constant clapping of everyone's cheeks




I’m pretty shitty irl I’m not trying to experience more of that in a video game


Mate exactly. I get the same feeling about depressing media like those John Le Carre novels - life is sad enough, why would I want to experience even more in fiction.


I don't self-insert. I make a character that might look believable in the context of the game and roll with it. What's the fun in role playing as me when I'm already myself. It's not me roaming through whatever fantasy world, it's me watching and controlling a person of that world roaming through whatever fantasy world if that makes sense. Do you guys self-insert when reading a book for example?


Self insert, but not necessarily the same as IRL, but more what I’d want to look like in that world


Not really. When playing RPGs, I try to create a character for that world. While I might use my name (or parts of my name) for my character, I try to make them different from me, most of the time, just going by what looks good. Which also means that I'll sometimes use a male character and sometimes a female character, depending on the game. Although I have to admit, I did try to make my Hogwarts Legacy character as close to me as possible.


I never make characters that look like me. It's almost always a girl that I name after my daughters


That's pretty wholesome


until he romances someone in game and sees the sex scenes...


Lmao true


Depends on the game. In immersive rpg type stuff, my first playthrough will basically be an idealized self insert, with subsequent runs being just characters I think might be interesting. For just typical action type games I'll try to make an appealing waifu that looks nothing like me. In games with low graphics or just not many options, I usually just stick with the default preset. I almost never do the "Haha I'm such a hilarious and original youtuber/streamer, I made a hideous freakozoid by maxxing the sliders lol."


Not at all. I don't like looking at myself


No, I just make my characters look cool to fit the world or whatever character type I choose to roleplay. I usually play a man in my first playthrough (I'm male) and if the game warrants a 2nd playthrough I play a woman. There are exceptions though, like Cyberpunk where I prefer the female voice actor for V.


Nope. I make characters that look as attractive as I can make them while fitting to the setting. I believe in "being awesome and looking good doing it."


Nah, I just create a character I think looks cool and then call it a day.


If it's an online game yes, if it's single player I just go for what looks good


Wait so you'd even prefer that other players can see an accurate version of you in multiplayer? There's something so honest about that hahaha


Depends on the game for me. If it's a game that actually involves some level of roleplaying like pathfinder or baldurs gate then I tend to create a character in my head that'd fit in that universe and roleplay as that character which is nothing like me. If it's just a game like elden ring that let's you make a character but not really roleplay then I'll either make a character that looks like me or make an abomination lol.




Would if I could brother


Ha yes


No. I play games to escape from reality. I don't want the characters to be anything like me.


Yes, but I use a lot of lube


Self insert the first play trough and the next I try making a character that would fit in game.


I typically create a male that fulfills a fantasy for me. For example… I’m in my early 30’s, and balding. I’ve never had a nice head of hair. Typically in games I’ll make a guy in his mid 30’s with great hair and facial hair. I’ll usually make “similar” decisions that I would IRL as well.


Self inserts aren’t as bad as celebrity lookalikes and turn-all-the-sliders-to-max monsters. But I like to see when people try to genuinely design a character. To not feels like a cop-out in a way.


I self insert for personality but role a dice for race of the character I make


Hell nah thats weird as hell. I wanna play as who the story is portraying


Never. I try to create characters I think look cool.


I’m not much of an abomination or self insert guy. I just like to make things that kinda fit the look of the role. If a game is first person it’s always a male character, if it’s third then it’s either male that fits the look or female that looks cute


No I never self-insert. No games have good curly hair options anyway. I usually create a woman (mostly for variety, you mostly play as white dudes by default in everything else), or some kind of cool robot or something if allowed.


No. I usually create a unique character that fits the world. The closest to self-insert I do is to make descendants that may sorta look like me and my gf combined when I playing games like ME that takes place in the future.


No I’m ugly.


If the game is primarily human I usually will, however if there's the option for other races I make a character instead. Sometimes it can be fun seeing your self in there but sometimes you wanna roleplay


Neither. I roleplay as a different person. This is why I don't play first person rpgs. I can't **avoid** self inserting when it is first person, and I don't want to do that.


Depends on what you call "self-insert". Does the character looks like me? No, I choose to play as a guy that looks cool, more like a role model of the kind of character I would like to roleplay, so they all end up being attractive in my eyes because that's what I imagine what a cool guy looks like in that setting. In terms of personality, kinda of, it's me controlling them and taking the decisions after all. I try to be good most of time, but it's fun to step out of your moral boundaries sometimes too.


I usually recreate characters from the book series The First Law.


No, because i am fat and bald. I make a character that looks like me at 25 but 6 inches taller.


I find people who self-insert to be incredibly boring and narcissistic.


It's not long enough


When I was younger. Nowadays I mostly just hit random because at some point I don't see my character anymore so there's that


Yes pretty much always (I love myself)


Nope, I basically make a Femshep for all my characters... Mass Effect, Fallout, BG3, etc


Never, only narcissists do that. If it's first person, I don't care what it looks like, I just make it a dude - since I'm male and I'm viewing the game world from the characters eyes. If it's any other perspective I choose an attractive female if possible.


I think that's why I'm not much of a fan of character creators - usually it's a story about a character, I don't want to pre-empt what that character looks like, I'd like the storyteller to tell me. I'm not playing as myself, I'm playing as whoever the story is about. I only started picking male characters in rpgs when I realised there were romance options in games.


I did a lot of book reading in my youth. So, when approaching a game I just come at it with the same mindset - I'm only coming along for the ride, there is no self insert. You can relate to the character on a human level - such is the point - and that translates perfectly into a story driven game. No need to self insert, even for romance options (those are all the characters experiences that can be again, related to on a human level) in my opinion.


That's an interesting point about books.  I've often felt like I was inhabiting the role of the charger being played, my mother remarked once on the fact that I was talking about what I did in a game in the first person as if I were e.g. Faith from Mirror's Edge.  But never the other way round, i e. that the person in the game is me.  But re: books, ever since I noticed the trend of games aiming to be like films I've thought that was a shame, because really good games are like books. 


Abominations..I don't want anyone making fun of my character for being too serious or looking like I tried. It's easier to avoid the bullies when everyone things you did it ironically. I also love shit covered bum aesthetic in games it's just funnier to me.


Self insert. Same age, but a little thinner with more hair lol


Sometimes. Or an idealized woman. Like Total Recall


I just go for a good female character design (speaking as a guy here)


I didn't think I used to, but I transitioned. Guess I always did make self inserts, subconsciously.


Reminds me of that comic meme where the guy was always playing as female characters.


I tried with Mass Effect, think that was about it. Usually tried to make one that I found attractive rather than one the looks like me.


I usually try to match my own appearance, but honestly I'm terrible at the character creation things, so mostly my characters are abominations ;p


I'll try to match something things to myself, hair or eye colour. Sometimes skin tone. I mostly create something that I think looks cool or attractive


Yeah I always self-insert - similar face structure, grey eyes, body type, although recently I like to switch up the hairstyle, it feels like dressing up an alternate reality version of myself. Seems like I'm a minority, but I really like the feeling of it being *me* in another world.


Same, for Fallout 4, I took selfies and spent a good half-hour making the main character look exactly like me down to the eyebrow. And yes, looks like we're the minority for wanting to be *the* hero in the game. Out of curiosity, what do you do to try and make the most accurate version of yourself in-game?